Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ice Cream Cake

I may be a little bias, but this Ice Cream Cake is one of the best I've ever eaten! This recipe is from one of my very dear friends, Cyndy, also known as the Arsty Craftsy Queen.

2 1/2 gallons ice cream, different flavors, softened
1 or 2 boxes Swiss Cake Rolls or Yodels (depending on size of pan)
1- 8oz. tub cool whip
1 package Oreos
2 tbsp butter
springform pan with removable sides

The amounts of the Oreos and Swiss Cake Rolls may need to be adjusted depending on the size of your spring form pan, you also may not use all of your ice cream.

1. Take scoop of cool whip, with rubber spatula, and smear thin layer on inside walls of cake pan.
2. Take swiss cake rolls and carefully slice in half, with serrated knife.
3. Line cut rolls up along side of pan with chocolate touching coolwhip, like little soldiers, until you've completed the outside ring.
4. Crush 10-12 oreos, mix with melted butter and press firmly into bottom of pan
5. Add1st flavor of ice cream about 1/2 way up, smoothing and pressing down as best as you can.
6. Add a layer of crushed oreo crumbs, press lightly (do not mix with butter)
7. Press in second flavor of ice cream.
8. Cover the top with remaining coolwhip.
9. Decorate top with sprinkles if desired.
10. Freeze

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Jumping on the blogging bandwagon!

So, hi! My name is Lauren, I am a SAHM of two awesome little people.

My oldest will be six in March.. he's going to be a future engineer. He loves to build things, create things, play on the computer, cars trucks, all things boys. He loves to fix and take apart things, he even took apart his tool box with his battery operated tool set about 2 years old! He keeps me on my toes! My youngest is going to be 3 in February, and the "Terrocious" threes are about here. She's got such a sense of humor, without even trying, as the things she says keep me giggling all day long. She's going to be my tattoo artist, I have no doubt about it.. as soon as she could take the caps off of markers, the only thing she likes to draw on is herself. She loves Barney, the color purple, and butterflies and flowers. She doesn't like potty training this week, but soon, I have confidence, she will get it. Our family is allergic to Princesses, and the "P" word is never muttered, she's our little beautiful instead. My children are my world, and my family means the most to me.

I know, you all are thinking, "Oh no, not another review blog," but I promise, this one will be different. I'm an everyday mom, looking to stretch my dollars, and still make things work. I love to cook, create things, improvise. I love kitchen stuff, adapting recipes to make them my own, using every day things to help entertain my kids.

I am on the quest to find the most affordable, stylish and efficient products for both babies and moms, from every day items to odd gadgets that are the perfect solution to help simplify life, to make up, and 'no doubt about it' must haves around the house, on the move or for the family. Along with the ups and downs of motherhood, expect product raves and reviews, great money saving & organizational ideas, and hopefully some give-aways and contests! I look forward to meeting moms that think along the same lines as me, as well as feed back, and can't wait to get started!

If you know of or have an amazing product, recipe, or idea that you'd like me to review, feel free to contact me at ~Thanks!


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