Friday, October 30, 2009

Bring Classical Music Back With the Smart Music CD Collection from Little Music Lovers!

You all know how much I love music, and so do my kids. I recently had the chance to try out the Little Music Lovers Sampler CD (part of the Smart Music Series). The Little Music Lovers sampler CD included tracks from Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, and several beloved classic lullabies. The Little Music Lovers Smart Music Series for kids includes four CD’s; Smart Music for Story Time (Beethoven), Smart Music for Activity Time (Bach), Smart Music for Play Time (Mozart), and Smart Music for Bedtime (traditional lullabies).

My husband loves classical music, and both of the children were exposed to it often as babies and small children. Now that they are older, we haven't had it on nearly as much as we used to. I popped in the CD, and the kids came out of their rooms right away to ask what I imagewas listening to. They danced for awhile, and now I find that I put it on as a quiet background noise while I'm working, or doing house chores. Abbigaile asks for the "pretty music" every time we do laundry together. This collection makes a great gift for expectant parents, or any parent that wants to expose their children to more Classical Music alternatives.

Buy it! You can purchase The Little Music Lovers Series at!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Snow White on Disney Blu-Ray & DVD Available Now!

Whether you've found your Prince Charming, or if you're still in-search-of, I would bet that you could still remember watching SNOW WHITE for the first time.

I remember watching, mesmorized as Sneezy, Sleepy, Dopey, Doc, Happy, Bashful and Grumpy dig-dig-digged their mine the whole day through, with all of the gem stones glistening around them.
When I was asked to do this review on the brand new SNOW WHITE Diamond Edition Blu-ray and DVD combo pack from the One2One Network, I was so excited!

Snow White is one of my favorite Disney movies, and although I do not have Blu-ray player as of yet, I was looking forward to seeing the new vibrant colors and extra features.

Here's the specs about this combo pack:

  • Up to 6x better picture quality than DVD
  • High Definition 7.1 Surround Sound
  • Immersive activity with games and special features like 'Disneyview' – expanded viewing experience
  • Kid proof-more scratch resistant (*did you read that?!*)
  • Plays both Blu-ray and DVD discs, so there's no need to chuck or replace your entire collection
  • Blu-ray discs also play on Sony Playstation 3 players
I was very impressed by the video and image quality, and as always the story is just warming. This was the first time that either of my kids watched Snow White, and they loved it. The kids also thoroughly enjoyed all of the special features and games. They sang along with the "Heigh Ho" Karaoke Sing Along, and loved playing all of the games. What Do You See? is a game where you have to decipher a scambled image; Mirror, Mirror on the Wall is perfect for your inner princess, and Jewel Jumble tests your matching skills.

To learn more about Disney Blu-ray or the new Snow White Diamond Edition visit the official website. Click here to view the Snow White Trailer, and be sure to add it to your holiday wishlist before Disney closes the vault and this classic is no longer available.

By participating in this review, I received the new Snow White Blue-ray and DVD combo pack for free. I am also eligible to win a Limited Edition Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Collector Set or win one of six gift cards (1x$75, 2x$50 & 3x$25). Winners will be chosen at random through the One2One Network.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween Fun with HIT Favorites: Barney, Bob the Builder & more!

From the Press Release:

An All-New DVD Featuring Your Favorite Preschool Characters Having Halloween Fun!

HIT FAVORITES: TRICK OR TREAT TALES From Lionsgate And HIT Entertainment, all of your favorite characters come together to bring your little ones Halloween fun!

Boys and ghouls - gather ‘round for not-so-spooky tales of adventure, learning and friendship with your favorite preschool pals Thomas & Friends™, Barney™, Bob the Builder™, Angelina Ballerina™, Fifi and the Flowertots™ and Fireman Sam™ in HIT Favorites: Trick or Treat Tales on DVD September 1, 2009 from Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment.

The thrills start with Thomas & Friends™ in a ghostly adventure. Bob The Builder™ and Spud put on scary faces to protect a giant pumpkin pie from hungry crows. Barney™ and Fifi learn that there’s more to a costume than just dressing up. Angelina Ballerina™ sneaks into a costume ball and Fireman Sam™ saves a furry friend from a chilling experience.

Enjoy the season’s sweetest collection of Trick or Treat Tales!

· Thomas & Friends – “Flour Power!”

· Barney & Friends™ – “Guess Who?”

· Bob the Builder – “Trix’s Pumpkin Pie”

· Fifi and the Flowertots – “Pirate Primrose”

· Angelina Ballerina – “The Costume Ball”


· “Cat Magic” – a bonus episode of Fireman Sam

Our friends at HIT have allowed our family to review this DVD at no cost. This Halloween DVD is perfect for toddlers and children ages 1-5. We enjoyed watching the stories, and learning life skills and practical reasoning with our kids. This DVD is a great item to add to your family collection.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lost Mentor, Lost Friends, Lost Love- Reconnect with!

Teenage years are tough, but when you have a teacher or a coach or someone special look at you and tell you that they believe in you & that anything you put your mind to you can achieve, it sticks with you. It stays with you through all of the ups and downs of the college years, and pops back into your mind when you get that promotion or get your dream job. They may have written you a letter of recommendation for college, and you may have even traveled back to the school after you graduated to visit, but all of these years later you wonder how they are and if they know just how much they touched your life.

For me, Ms. Linda Murray-Wilke was that teacher. She was an English teacher in Newfield High School. I heard she retired shortly after I moved to Florida, and I was heart broken. She was talented, and had a rapport with many children at the school, and the best teacher I ever had. She coached me through some very difficult teenage moments, and encouraged me. She told me that I could accomplish my dreams, and I believed her.

The idea to look for Ms. Murray-Wilke came to me when I first learned of back in September. I typed in her name, hypen and all, and came up empty handed. I searched for 'Linda Wilke' and also got nothing. I just searched for 'Linda Murray' and got over 400 people to search through! I would love to find her and let her know how I am, the person I've become and the things I've acheived because she believed in me.HOW IT WORKS: takes all of the hard work and simplify it to a click of the mouse- all you need is the person's first name, last name and approximate age. They search thousands of sources, and even completes a reverse search to see who's been looking for YOU!

This service would be great helping to reconnect with long lost loves, old classmates, teachers, mentors, coaches and friends!

Check out now, and let me know if they helped you find the person (or people!) that you wanted to reconnect with the most. Good luck, and have fun searching!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Eco-Touch Car Wash System Winner!

Congratulations to the winner of the Eco-Touch Car Wash System! Please read the WINNERS POST for more information on how to claim your prize.

Please note:
I will be changing the way that winners are announced come November 1st. The original post will be updated to include the image of the random number and comment. It will no longer have a separate announcement. Thank you for understanding.

Daisy Giggles Gift Card Winner!

Congratulations to the winner of the $25 Daisy Giggles Gift Card! Please read the WINNERS POST for more information on how to claim your prize. Best wishes with your new bundle of joy!

Please note:
I will be changing the way that winners are announced come November 1st. The original post will be updated to include the image of the random number and comment, but it will not have a separate post any longer. Thank you for understanding.

Tropical Traditions Lip Moisturizer Winner!

Congratulations to the winner of the three Tropical Traditions Lip Moisturizers! Please read the WINNERS POST for more information on how to claim your prize. I hope you love them as much as I do!

Zola Acai Drinks - Refreshing Review and Giveaway!

All over TV and the internet, Açaí (ah-sigh-EE) berries are being advertised as the "world's best super fruit"- jam packed of antioxidants, and promising to make you feel better, look great, and even lose weight.

I had never seen an Açaí berry, never mind tasted it.. I have a dear friend that lives in Brazil, and when she visited told us stories of the fruits that she ate in Brazil- but that was my only experience with Açaí berries before being introduced to Zola. Then I learned that Açaí berries are a deep purple color, similar shape to a blueberry, with a hard inner seed that occupies 90% of the berry. The taste of Açaí has been described as a rich berry flavor with a subtle chocolate aftertaste. Research shows Açaí to be loaded with antioxidants, 500% more than blueberries, that bind to free radicals and help fight disease and aging. Açaí berries have 60% more antioxidants than pomegranates, and other good-for-you nutrients like healthy omega fats, amino acids, calcium, iron, and replenishing electrolytes.

The more I learned about this berry, the more the claims of "super fruit" sounded like the perfect description!Over the summer, our family had the opportunity to try Zola, a Brazilian combination fruit drink available in several different formulas to serve your needs the best. Zola adds organic Guaraná seed to their juices for sustained energy and offers an original Açaí juice, Açaí with Blueberry or Açaí with Pineapple.

Each juice product is Gluten Free, Naturally Energizing, 100% organic Açaí, Organic Certified, Kosher certified, and completely natural. It's a little thicker than typical juices, but it's delicious and refreshing.

With cold and flu season in full force, the Immunity Smoothie is packed with vitamin C, bioflavonoids, & extra antioxidants to keep your defenses up and your body happy. The combination of organic banana, strawberry, and pineapple notes blend with the Açaí to make a smooth, sweet and refreshing smoothie that's 70% organic.

For an extra boost of energy, put down the artificial, heart-racing kinds of drinks and pick up a Zola Energy Smoothie. This tropical pick-me-up of exotic Caja Fruit & Acai plus a mega boost of naturally caffeinated yerba maté, green tea and guaraná seed gives you a much needed energy zing. Each bottle kicks in 150% daily value of Niacin, an essential human nutrient, and 80 power-packed milligrams of natural energy. If you are feeling sluggish and slow, refuel with the most delicious combination of tropical treasures to give you the energy without the crash from unnatural ingredients.

Zola loves to give back and is on its way to raise one million dollars, and needs your help! Project Zola Bracelets helps to Support Local Brazilian Communities. Handcrafted in the communities where Açaí berries are harvested, this bracelet is made using dried Açaí seeds and the signature Project Zola charm.

For every Project Zola bracelet sold, $1 goes back to a non-profit foundation. With your help, they can reach their goal of raising one million dollars by 2012. With the money raised Zola is building a financially sustainable community in the Amazon. In 2007, Project Zola was able to completely fund Escola Acaimu (Acaimu School) for the 142 children and will proudly continue support such as this in the future.

Want it?
You can purchase Zola online, or at wholesale. Zola prices range from $1.99-$2.99 (12oz. individual bottle), or you can buy it by the case to stock up. Remember, for every Project Zola bracelet you purchase, $1 goes to help build a financially sustainable community in the Amazon.


This giveaway ended on October 30th, at 11:59pm EST. One winner was chosen at random using Winner is responsible for posting on the Winners Page and for contacting 4BabyAndMom.

Special thanks to our friends at ZOLA for sponsoring this giveaway, and allowing our family to try this line of super-fruit drinks at no cost.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Build, Decorate & Race Your Own LEGO Car on Saturday, 10/24 at Toys R Us!

Click on the picture above to find a Toys R Us near you to create and race your own Lego Race car this Saturday! For more information or details, contact your local TRU!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Walmart’s Parent’s Choice Infant Formula ON SALE! 2 Cans for $10

Both of my babies were both formula and breast fed. Did you know that you could save over 50% on your formula costs *just* by purchasing store brand formula instead of name brands?

All infant formulas marketed in the United States are subject to the same exacting standards of the FDA, pursuant to the Infant Formula Act of 1980 and the subsequent LSRO report commissioned by FDA in 1998. This legislation vested FDA with the authority to ensure that all infant formulas sold in the United States meet minimum and maximum nutrient specifications.

In English, this means that store brand formulas have to pass the same high-quality, rigorous testing that expensive name brands have to go through from the FDA, and are in fact, nutritionally equivalent!

This information is now more important than ever for many mothers because of changes in the Women, Infants and Children program. As of October 1, 2009, a new WIC initiative aimed at increasing breastfeeding rates among families reallocates funding for all currently provided foods, including infant formula, baby foods, juices, and fresh fruits and vegetables. This program could mean a reduction of up to 20 percent in infant-formula subsidies; parents who previously had most of their formula paid for by WIC may now have to purchase formula on their own.

Right now for a limited time, Parent's Choice Infant Formula is currently on sale at your local Walmart! You can choose from either the Parent’s Choice Milk Infant Formula (15.5 oz can), or the Parent’s Choice Gentle Infant Formula for babies with fussiness or gas (12.9 oz can), for only $5 each or two for $10!

Two cans-for only TEN dollars. A normal can costs over $10 from the other name brand formulas- a sale like this is unheard of! So run, don't walk, to your nearest Walmart and stock up now!

For more information on Parent’s Choice Infant Formula, visit


Monday, October 12, 2009

Fit Factor Children's Fitness DVD Review

After I had my children, I would workout to exercise videos all the time. I noticed when I was pregnant, doing pregnancy workouts, that my son enjoyed imitating the exercises I was doing, and decided to make it fun.. we copied The Wiggles, and exercised together. It was a blast!

I happened to find Fit Factor Kids while blog surfing at Look What Mom Found ...and Dad too!. They had this "Get Fit, Stay Healthy" video embedded in their sidebar of this energetic teen doing a workout geared specifically for kids. A workout video for kids by kids.. the mere thought excited me.

With childhood obesity plaguing our society, I am eager to help spread the word about a program geared to help children get healthy, and stay healthy without crushing their self esteem. The kids in this video are absolutely adorable, and full of tons of energy.

Watching my son attempt this video made me realize that he definitely has the same "uncoordinated" gene that my husband and I possess, but it didn't stop him. In fact, I joined in and we giggled as we mimicked animals, and playing sports. We even got into a very deep conversation about shooting basketball hoops, and how you're supposed to snap your wrist after aiming the ball.

This DVD is loaded with easy moves, and techniques to give kids a great cardio-workout, stretch, strengthen your muscles, increase flexibility and balancing skills. The best part is that each workout is just 10 minutes, so it doesn't feel like a job, or a burden on your little one- it's fun. And they look forward to doing the next workout, again, and again.

My sister recently told me that peer pressure has hit my nieces a little hard this year, and that both of the girls are starting to watch their weight. My nieces are only 8 and 11. This breaks my heart completely, as I was raised to believe that no matter what shape or size you are, you are loved and you're supposed to love yourself. My sister believes very much along the same lines as I do, but after telling her about Fit Factor Kids, she's interested in letting the girls borrow it.

I am eager to see how an older age range will take to this workout DVD, and will definitely keep you posted. If you are in the market for a kids workout that will keep your child's attention, and give your child a fun way to get healthy and stay that way, definitely give this program a try.

You can purchase Fit Factor Kids online at

Special thanks to Fit Factor Kids, for sending us a copy of this brilliant DVD to review.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I am so sick..

Last night lying in bed, I was thinking of the worst possible post ever. Top 5 symptoms you might have Swine Flu: You feel like a pregnant pig, and want to lay on your side for a week. As your fever rises, you feel the sizzle from your skin on your sheets.. Yeah, I told you it was bad. Yesterday I thought I was dying, and convinced I had the Swine Flu. I had two days of a 102 fever, and fought it off.

But, as always, I over did it today, and now at 9:30pm, am completely and utterly exhausted, nauseated, and feeling feverish once more. I did not go to the doctor, because when we brought Alex in before I went to the conference, they said if it was the swine flu (which it wasn't) they would treat it no different than the regular flu.

I had the regular flu a couple of times in my life. What I had on Friday and Saturday was pure evil. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, if I ever had a worst enemy. I am fighting off the second wave of this as I type, trying to prepare my week of posts, so I ask you, my readers, to bare with me... I have a ton of fabulous giveaways in store for as soon as I can look at my computer for more than 20 minutes without getting sick.

Reviews and giveaways from Curious Chef, Zhu Zhu Pets, Zola, and so many more, so please bare with me. Any good thought and get well soon wishes would be greatly appreciated.

Fighting for your Gifted Child. Mom vs. The School District, a true story.

Part One

Last year started my sons first year of kindergarten. I don't know about you, but I still remember my first year of school, and my teacher. I remember learning my ABC's and the color wheel, I remember my best friends, and the big yellow bus... when it actually was yellow.

I brought my son to school by car on his first day, because the district had not established his bus route. I knew where he'd go, but I wanted to make sure that we had everything in order. I took the pictures every mom does, outside of the school, in front of the classroom door, at his table with his name on it. Everything went smoothly, and my daughter and I went home.

There I sat, entrusting the care of my very smart, tedious, detail orientated, happy little man into the school system for his first year of school. For almost three months everything seemed all right. The only concerns brought up at our Parent/Teacher meeting was that it was very difficult to get my son to write. Other than that the teacher thought that he was "very bright".

About the third week of October, we started noticing some changes in Alex. He started getting very nasty and defiant, rude, more withdrawn, and definitely not himself. I struggled trying to find the root cause to the sudden shift in his behavior. He wasn't sleeping well, and having nightmares and wetting the bed, something he had never had issues with before. His behavior at school was very spotty, and "green" days were starting to become a rarity. Whenever I asked what was the matter I got a typical, "nothing" and watched helplessly as he stomped into his room.

I called a friend from New York and cried that I didn't think I would have to go through this until his teen years, or when puberty hit. I went to school for education, and my friend is a teacher as well, so we spent the next hour bouncing theories off of each other. Unfortunately, the only theory that kept resurfacing was the sickest idea we had had. I hung up the phone, and snuggled into his room and held him while he slept praying and hoping that nobody was physically, sexually, or mentally hurting him, and that when he woke up he would talk to me.

At breakfast, I began questioning him. Reminding him that only our family doctor, with mommy there, and mommy & daddy should be the only ones to ever see his privates. He assured me no one was looking or touching him there, and I held back tears of relief. We talked for a few moments more, and I reminded him that he should talk to me about anything that makes him uncomfortable. I pleaded with him to let me in, and share with me why he was acting out, what was going on at school to make him so upset, and to tell me what was happening. I told him I could not help him unless he told me what was going on.

"They don't like me, mommy." My heart broke as the words fell out of his mouth. "The other kids, the teacher, all of them." What?! How could they not like my son? My precious boy. The love of my life. The most popular kid in preschool. Why not?! "Because I'm different, Mommy."

The next few weeks I met with his teacher, who assured me that the kids liked him, and that there was no reason for concern. They've noticed the tension between a kid and my son has gotten more difficult, but they are handling it. They've disciplined him for being "fidgety" on the carpet during circle time, and not keeping his hands to himself, (ie touching shoe laces, ribbons in a girls hair, etc). Other than that, they assure me he's doing well.

The phone rang one afternoon to tell me that my son was up at the office because he pushed a kid down to the ground and then kicked him. This was not my son. I was lost, and needed help. I set up an appointment at the office with the assistant principal. Something needed to be done. He needed to talk to someone, if that someone wasn't going to be me, we needed to come up with a root to this problem together, as a team.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

It's our anniversary!

Six years married- 10 together.. and counting!

Six years ago today, I married my best friend. This is something I created the year Abbigaile was born.. although it was 3 years ago, it's a very intimate glimpse into our life together.

Happy Anniversary, Bear. I love you more today than yesterday, and I promise to love you even more tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil & Organic Lip Moisturizer Review + Giveaway!

I love to cook and bake.. My waistline happens to show it, but seriously, I love to cook. I cook with butter, and oil, and shortening- I love to try healthier recipes, but never seem to find a way for what I cook to taste better without the oil or butter.

I was approached to do this review for Tropical Traditions and try their Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil, and I was a little eager to receive the oil for review. I had heard some things about the [in my best announcer voice] "amazing health benefits of Coconut Oil", but had never actually tried cooking with it or eating it.

I had done some research on it awhile ago, when 4BabyAndMom was my own small, home-based business that created handmade clothing, toys, accessories, and bath & beauty products. I had actually bought cosmetic grade coconut oil to add to some of my concoctions based on the fact that coconut is loaded in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids needed to heal and enrich your skin. Although it excited me to work with it, the cosmetic grade coconut oil was thick, and gritty, but I was not as impressed as I had hoped I would be.

So, Tropical Traditions asked if I would be willing to try their Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil, and read their book about Coconut Oil. I was psyched. I wanted to try cooking with it, as I had heard that it's great to use when trying to lose weight and that people who use Coconut Oil when cooking have reported that they don't get sick as frequently or as severe as they used to. Bring it on! I couldn't wait to receive ours.

After our package came, I will admit, I was a little intimidated by the large glass jar and it's contents, and decided that reading the book would be a great place to start. I read real testimonies on how people ate the oil straight, added it to their coffee, used it as a conditioning treatment for their scalps, used it to fight psoriasis and eczema, and how they lost weight, looked better, felt better, and accredited the Coconut Oil as the only thing they changed in their routines. I learned the difference of Virgin Coconut Oil, expressed coconut oil, regular non-specific coconut oil, and the benefits of Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil versus others that might be on the market.

I love the fact that Tropical Traditions makes their oil the "Old Fashioned" way, and doesn't bleach it, or take the subtle hint of coconut scent/flavor out of their oil the way some manufactured brands do. It didn't look at all like the cosmetic grade coconut oil that I bought during my home made lab experiments- at first it looked solid, almost the consistency of shortening.. as it warmed up, it went clear like a pure oil you'd buy for cooking with. While it was in its shortening-type phase, I decided to grab a spoon and take a taste. It was creamy and buttery. Definitely different.

I knew after cooking with it the first time that I was going to be hooked to this stuff, and this company. I started using the oil to fry chicken cutlets, as the "butter" in Rice-a-roni, as the butter on top of biscuits and crescent rolls.. everything I normally used butter or oil with I transitioned to coconut oil, and realized it's amazing. My skin has been super soft, my hair shiny, and my sleep has actually gotten better.

I have an eczema type problem on parts of my scalp and it's affected me my entire adult life. My father and grandmother have it, and my sister does too. I decided to try using this product as a conditioning treatment for my scalp and hair. I combed some Virgin Coconut Oil through my hair, and massaged it into my scalp, then I wrapped a towel around my head and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up, washed it out, and had the most manageable hair I've ever had in almost 28 years. It was soft and my curls were bouncy; there were no knots, and the difference in my scalp was like night and day. I now deep condition my hair and scalp once every week and a half.

In another part of the book, I read how Organic Virgin Coconut Oil has natural anti-fungal properties and that it works really well on Athlete's foot type infections. Brian had something on his one foot that was bothering him for awhile. He had tried some creams and powders, but nothing worked. I convinced him to try the Coconut Oil, and he applied the oil to his foot and threw a sock on over it two nights in a row, and on the third day realized it had disappeared almost completely.

Right now, Tropical Traditions is running a PHENOMENAL sale on their Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil- Buy one, get two free! Hurry, this sale expires on the 11th!

Someone in the book referred to Organic Virgin Coconut Oil as a miracle food, as well as a miracle product, and I can honestly say that I agree. I've recommended this product to everyone I've known that fights with cholesterol, diabetes, skin problems, getting healthy and their weight. I haven't seen much in the weight loss department yet, but I plan on using it more consistently and keeping a journal, now that all of my conferences and out-of-town events are done.

While I was away at Izea Fest, Tropical Traditions sent me 150 lip moisturizers made from Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Organic Palm Oil, and Organic beeswax.

These lip moisturizers are the most rejuvinating products I've ever used on my lips. The great thing about them is that they have no "active ingredients" that you'd find in popular lip balms that sting or burn, or make your lips tingle. It's not as waxy, and does not contain any petroleum, as other major marketed brands do.

The first time you use it, you may notice it seems a little harder than your regular brands. For the initial application, I find putting it on a little heavy before bed allows the heat from your lips to melt it, and contour it to the best shape for your lips. Plus, while you sleep, your lips benefit from the amazing healing properties and nourishing components of Virgin Coconut Oil, so you wake up with soft, smooth lips.

One lucky reader is going to have the opportunity to win 3 Lip Moisturizers from Tropical Traditions that I saved just for you, from my conference!

Here's How:
Visit Tropical Traditions and get to know their site. Check out their huge variety of Organic foods, oil, skincare products, household products and more. After you've browsed around, come back here and tell me 2-3 products that you'd be excited to try, and why.

Extra Entries:

  • Visit the Free Coconut Recipes Blog and find a recipe that you'd love to try!
  • Leave me a comment on any other post that's not a giveaway.
  • Follow me publicly on blogger/google friends.
  • Follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway. 3x's /day max
  • Become a FAN of 4BabyAndMom on Facebook. Leave a message on my wall, & a comment here.
  • Subscribe via email, so you never miss a giveaway! Email must be validated.
  • Grab our button and post it on your sidebar or blog-roll. Include the link to your site in your comment.
  • Email at least 3 of your friends and CC 4BabyAndMom [at] Gmail [dot] com
  • Fave this post on Technorati & leave a comment with your ID/link.
This giveaway is open to residents of US only and will end on October 18th, at 11:59pm EST. One winner will be chosen at random using Special thanks to our new friends at Tropical Traditions for partnering with 4BabyAndMom for the Izea Fest and for sponsoring this giveaway.

Stop biting your nails- Post your pics- Contest ends Saturday night!

I just wanted to remind you all that the CONTROL-IT contest and giveaway ends on Saturday night, at 11:59pm EST. If you are having issues posting or emailing me your pictures, you can also add them to our 4BabyAndMom Facebook Fan Page!

In your comment, just tell me where you submitted your pic, so it can be verified. Come on, what are you waiting for, take the chance to change your life! It's hard, and difficult, but it will be so worth it!

Good Luck!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Win a $25 Gift Certificate to Daisy Giggles for Baby Shower Favors, Invitations, and more!

When my son was born, the best gift I got was a personalized blanket and matching toy. It happened to be a character that I loved and adored, so it was more than perfect. When Abbigaile was born, I received plenty of blankets, but not one like that, and searched all over the internet for one that was similar. Originally, I wanted it to be the same character, or character family, but couldn't find anything that even resembled it. I gave up, and started looking for something more generic. Everything that I found on the market was super teeny, (think lovey sized) or not as snuggly looking as the one Alex had.

When I was introduced to Daisy Giggles online boutique, (which sells all things for baby!), one of the first things I found was this beautiful "Jo Jo Giraffe" gift set. The blanket measures 3 feet by 30 inches, and the stuffed giraffe stands about 12 inches high. Of all of the items I've found over the past 3 years, this set is the closest to Alex's orignial set.

Our friends at Daisy Giggles have offered a $25 gift certificate for one lucky reader to use towards the purchase of their favorite item or gift. Daisy Giggles carries everything from eco-friendly baby shower favors to keepsakes, dainty invitations, beautiful announcements, diaper cakes and layette sets.

All you have to do is visit Daisy Giggles and find the item you would most likely purchase, and then come back here and tell me all about it.

Extra Entries:

  • Leave me a comment on any other post that's not a giveaway.

  • Follow me publicly on blogger/google friends.

  • Follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway. 3x's /day max

  • Become a FAN of 4BabyAndMom on Facebook. Leave a message on my wall, & a comment here.

  • Subscribe via email, so you never miss a giveaway! Email must be validated.

  • Grab our button and post it on your sidebar or blog-roll. Include the link to your site in your comment.

  • Email at least 3 of your friends and CC 4BabyAndMom [at] Gmail [dot] com

  • Fave this post on Technorati & leave a comment with your ID/link.

This giveaway is open to residents of US & Canada and will end on October 15th, at 11:59pm EST. One winner will be chosen at random using Special thanks to our new friends at Daisy Giggles for partnering with 4BabyAndMom for the Izea Fest and for sponsoring this giveaway.

I'm home now- Who wants to win some great stuff??

So I got home yesterday, and the kids and hubby missed me lots. I had a ton of cleaning and prep to do for the week.. the idea of mommy being away for four days really sounded like it wasn't that long. The way the house looked, it looked like I was away for 4 weeks!

I would like to truly thank both of the companies that partnered with 4BabyAndMom, and contributed to the costs of the IzeaFest- Tropical Traditions and Daisy-Giggles. These are two amazing companies that put customer service and the absolute best, quality products at the top of their priority list.

While I was networking with everyone at Izea, I was so excited to run into a few people that knew who Tropical Traditions was, and loved their products as much as I do. I was able to tell a few people that were expecting all about Daisy Giggles, how friendly the staff is, and how they have the most unique and fun favors I've ever seen.

I can't wait for the relationship I have with both of these companies grow and blossom, bigger and better than ever.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Just got back Izea Hunt...

Heading to eat something with my roomie.. It was crazy hot.. chocolatey, (<---I'm making up words!) and SO much fun! Will post more later!

Izea Hunt photos

More about it later...

Are You a Trust Agent

This is a sponsored guest post written by Chris Brogan on behalf of Trust Agents. Post powered by Sponzai


Are You A Trust Agent

Want to know about our book, Trust Agents? My co-author, Julien Smith, and I want to know if you are a trust agent. What defines a trust agent? Here are the six main secrets of being a trust agent. Do any of these sound like you?


Make Your Own Game

You can do what’s come before or you can take a unique swing at the world. If you’re Hugh McGuire, you’re working on Book Oven, a whole new way to look at books and reading. You’re someone like Perez Hilton, who took on People magazine and won, as far as we’re concerned.

Are you making your own game?


One of Us

Maybe you’re the person in your industry who’s come to the larger online conversation, like Leslie Carothers is to the home industry. Perhaps you’re the next Matt Cutts, who represents Google to lots of us. He’s more Google than Sergey or Larry, because he’s here. He’s one of us.

Are you one of us?


The Archimedes Effect

Understanding leverage is what separates the hobbyists from the professionals. Do you understand how to take what you’re doing in one instance and extend it out into something bigger or better elsewhere? This is what brought Madonna from just another singer into being a worldwide brand. Leverage is behind all the most powerful people in the world, but it all starts somewhere. Gary Vaynerchuk leveraged his wine store into his video project and took that into his media project and his book deal. Gary bleeds leverage.

Do you understand the Archimedes Effect?


Agent Zero

Connecting and networking and building relationships is what moves you from an individual contributor to an interdependent kingmaker. Learning how to be a core element of several networks is where we think a trust agent works best. Take Robert Scoble. He went from being a guy talking about Microsoft to a guy on a mission to be moved by what he saw around him. Robert connects with people all over, and finds himself at the core of many important networks.

Are you Agent Zero to several networks?


Human Artist

There’s a world of difference between knowing how to build relationships with people and coming off as “that guy.” You know who we mean: that person who shows up with a bullhorn to promote her projects, to blurt about her interests, and then to leave before you get a chance to say anything about you. A human artist is what we call the people who interact well in this new world, and who know how to build nurturing relationships. People like Liz Strauss and Terry Starbucker are human artists.

How do you relate to others?


Build Armies

Working solo is easy. Do you share what you know to promote larger interactions? Can you create resources to help you and then thread your efforts into theirs? Building an army, especially a loosely-joined and flexible group of people from many disciplines, is the key to being an advanced trust agent. People like Danny Brown, who started a social good movement know the value of armies. Ze Frank turned entertainment into a massively multiplayer online experience, one that has yet to be replicated successfully. The implications to business are obvious.

Are you ready to build armies?


If You Answered Yes to Any of the Above

You are definitely in the mindset of trust agents. Your examples might be different. You might not do as much of one of the six secrets as others (I’m still not very good with leverage, for instance). But at your core, you’ve caught on that these new online tools require a different type of person, and that not just anyone can get the most from the experience. You, however, are in the perfect position to be a trust agent.

If you are a trust agent, Julien and I want to meet you over the coming months. We’re traveling the US (and sometimes abroad), and we look forward to connecting with as many of you as we can. Why? Because that’s what we do.

I’m excited you’re part of the experience. We’ll appreciate your help, your input, your support, and your own experiences as part of the project. It’s how we do things. Thanks in advance. You’ve already made this all very much worth it.

If you haven’t joined the Trust Agents Community, swing by. And if you want to buy a copy of Trust Agents, you can get it here.

Who wants free stuff?

If you're reading this post from home, I wish you were here. In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled to win a set of 3 Tropical Traditions lip moisturizers, and receive updates from my experience in Orlando. I truly hope that you are enjoying these blog posts from IzeaFest!

If you are reading this post from my tweet at Izeafest and you didn't receive a swag bag today from Look What Mom (...and Dad!) Found or Life in a House of Blue, with a Tropical Traditions lip moisturizer, pamphlet and 4BabyAndMom business card, please let me know.

Please tweet me: @4BabyAndMom or find me to ask for one in person... I'm wearing a purple, sleeveless, button-down shirt, & likely getting lunch right now. Guys, I know there's some of you that like chapstick- (this stuff is so much better)- feel free to ask for one, too!

One of the key phrases from yesterday was to "keep it simple, yet efficient". Tropical Traditions truly keeps their products simple and efficient by using the purest, most natural and organic ingredients in all of their products. I am so excited to be buzzing about Tropical Traditions at Izea Fest, 2009!

Day Three at Izea Fest!

The day is underway..

If you are interested in the conference, and learning new things about doing business on the internet, developing your brand- personal or business, and forming real online relationships with clients and companies FOLLOW ME on Twitter. I've been live tweeting from the conference, and have been sharing several bullet points, valuable insight and more from Izea Fest.

Special thanks to Daisy-Giggles & Tropical Traditions for being partners with 4BabyAndMom this weekend!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Live from IZEAFEST!

Apparently, Clyde the seal did not want to come out and say hello at this year's Izea Fest, but we were able to at least have a quick look at him, a lot closer than his hysterical show at Sea World!

There is so much to learn about being successful online, as a blogger, as a marketer, as a business, and as a person. There have been many activities to get to know each other a little better, and even prizes for some of the attendees.

We just had lunch.. I had a turkey sub, a bag of pretzels, and a bottled water. The main key point from the three speakers we've heard already are creating a BUZZ! I'd love to know what *you* feel is the best way to generate buzz for your company, blog, or website.

I'd like to give a special thanks to my partners for this event.

is an online boutique for anything baby! Whether you are looking for baby shower favors, or just a unique gift to welcome a new baby, know that you can find it all at Daisy Giggles!

sells the finest quality Virgin Coconut Oil and coconut oil products. All Purpose cleaners, cooking oil, health and beauty products and so much more. If you are looking for eco-friendly products in any of these categories, definitely check out Tropical Traditions to see their huge selection of the finest organic products, even poultry!

I am expecting a box of 150 lip moisturizers from Tropical Traditions to review and giveaway as swag at this year's Izea Fest, and I can't wait to try it out for myself. I am in love with my coconut oil, and have already told so many people that I've met at the conference how much I love it!

If you wish you where here you can watch Izeafest LIVE HERE !! Look close and you might see me!

Visit again soon for live updates, photos & sponsor highlights from IZEAFEST !!!

Live blogging @ IzeaFest!

Sitting here waiting for the infamous Ted Murphy to start the first seminar. I'm super excited, as I've met a bunch of lovely new faces, and can't wait to network even more!

So, @BenSpark looks just like his pic- no mistaking him anywhere; Susan, from Life in a House of Blue is a total sweetheart; Melinda & Rob from Look What Mom (& Dad!)Found are such a blast, Erin from The Mom Buzz is absolutely delightful, and Cyndy the Artsy Crafty Queen is my roomie and an absolute blessing!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

If you're reading this, it means that...

...I am on my way to the beautiful Marriott Renaissance Hotel at Sea World, Orlando for Izea Fest, 2009!

My dad is watching the kids today, bringing my son back and forth to school- and my mom will be watching them tomorrow, then Bri gets the kiddos over the weekend.

I get to learn from internet experts on how to make 4BabyAndMom a better business, blog, and how to expand my network. How to increase my SEO, better my brand, build my traffic, and meet my goals more efficiently.

I can't wait to see some old friends, meet new friends, and see some online friends "IRL", (in real life.)

There will be several live blog posts, tweets and facebook updates, so be sure to follow me to keep up with what's going on at Izea Fest, and with 4BabyAndMom.

If you haven't had a moment to visit Tropical Traditions to see their huge selection of organic cooking, health & beauty, household goods and pet products, check them out- as they are one of our fabulous parnters for this conference.

I will tweet when we're in.. until then, don't forget to enter the CONTROL IT giveaway. I've extended it just a little bit so you can add your links to your nails. If you have nail issues, you really need to enter it; leave an anonymous comment if you are too embarrassed, just include a valid email address. If you prefer to Email me the picture instead, please send it to 4BabyAndMom at Gmail dot com with the subject title of "CONTROL IT GIVEAWAY PICTURE ENTRY".

Good Luck!


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