Saturday, February 27, 2010

Odyssey of the Mind- We're going to the State Competition!!

Ten years ago, if you ever told me I would be an overly zealous mom in the bleachers, cheering my brainiac of a son (and his team) on during an Odyssey of the Mind competition, I'd have told you that you had one too many screws loose!

This year was the first year that any of us had ever heard of Odyssey, never mind actually participate in it. The club meetings were after school, and Alex seemed to love it. It gave him something to get all of his creative energy out, creating solutions to mind boggling situations, creating devices to complete a task at hand, and working alongside his peers as a team. The last factor was a huge factor for me, especially with the rough year he had last year. His Odyssey teammates seem to understand him better, and accept him for who he is- quirks and all. Alex fits in well with the group of kids he works with, and absolutely adores his coach.

So today was the day the children were preparing for.. County Competition. They did their "spontaneous" competition (kind of like word association), and then we split up for lunch between the two designated time slots. When we returned, (with Alexzander decked out in his suit, blue tee, and blue plaid boat shoes portraying his character, "Mr. Party", the principal at the 'school' in their skit), we realized just how much our son truly fit in, and how much they accepted him, no matter what.

Their class was absolutely adorable, and the judges LOVED it- and at 2:00, they said it was the best (in that category) they've seen all day! Alex was awarded a pin and a ribbon, and will get a certificate at school. The entire team was thrilled when they announced that our team was chosen to go to the State Competition in April. I'm not sure what the "official" rules are for posting videos, but because we're going to be using the same skit, I'm going to hold off on posting it here .In April, I'll be sure to post the video for you all to enjoy!

Rubbermaid Junk Drawer Organizer Review + Giveaway

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to try to get more organized in 2010. I have what I like to call "organized chaos". From what my older female friends say, as the kids grow older I should grow out of it, and I can only hope that it's true.

In the meantime, I find myself partaking in Parent Workshops at the local elementary school that teach all about the methods of The Fly Lady,and re-reading a book I read a few years ago, and drifting into a day dream where our cupboards have space for all of our "stuff".

I had the opportunity to condense my reusable container area during back to school with the Rubbermaid Easy Find Lids and that alone has helped tremendously, so when Rubbermaid contacted me to ask if I would be willing to review their new Junk Drawer Organizers. These new organizers are starting to pop up in stores this month, and are the perfect tool for any one looking to have a functional junk drawer.

From Rubbermaid:

The three keys to having a functional junk drawer are:
  1. Giving junk drawer inhabitants a specific place to live in the drawer
  2. Not throwing things that belong elsewhere in the drawer
  3. Cleaning the drawer out every once in awhile
On top of this, Rubbermaid gives the advice that you should set aside an hour of time and clear off a working space that is large enough to hold all the items in your drawer. Then they suggest you "Take a deep breath". This for me, was the most important and useful advice. Very often times, I find myself overwhelmed at the thought of this gigantic pile (even if it's just some junk in the junk drawer), and get discouraged very easily. 

Anyway, after taking the advice off of the Junk Drawer Organization 101 sheet included with my organizer, I got to work.My junk drawer has never looked better.

Visit to get great organizational tips on all areas of your home, and to find a retailer near you that sells Rubbermaid products.

Our friends at Rubbermaid want you to get YOUR junk drawer in tip-top shape, so, one lucky reader is going to win a Rubbermaid Junk Drawer Organizer!


Please visit our WINNERS PAGE for more information on how to claim your prize!

This giveaway is open to residents of the US. The giveaway will end at 11:59pm EST on March 5, 2010. The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on this post and our WINNERS PAGE. Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom. The product above was sent to me at no cost, for the intentions of a product review only. No monetary compensation has been received for this review or post. All opinions expressed above are 100% mine, and your opinions may differ.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday- Blog the Weight Away

I apologize for not posting this yesterday, but life got away from me. I had intentions of posting first thing this morning, and was informed at drop off that one of the young, talented teachers at the elementary school my son attends passed away unexpectedly yesterday.

The entire school was saddened by this tragic accident, and although I did not know her very well, the times that we did speak were always pleasant. The teachers were asked to tell the students, and I remained on campus most of the day trying to distract a friend who I've grown very close with that was deeply affected. I pray for peace for the entire family of this young teacher, and for the entire staff at my son's school.

Now that that is all out, yesterday was Weigh in Wednesday. Again, my scale showed no change. I've been feeling very discouraged because of the number thing, but set myself up on a menu plan to better help me pay attention to what I'm eating. One of my friends that joined the gym the same time as I did is doing great.. and her numbers are reflecting it. I'm trying not to let it affect me, but it definitely is.

I hope your week was a great week, and that you were motivated more than I was. This week, in your comment, please share what YOU do when you start feeling discouraged. As always, please visit all of the members in the Blog the Weight Away event to show your support and encouragement.

MckLinky Blog Hop

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Sing Along with Barbie DVD Review!

Thanks to Mom Central, our family had the opportunity to review the brand new DVD from Mattel called, Sing Along With Barbie.

Packed with 14 of your favorite Barbie songs from hit Barbie movies, your little lady will love singing and dancing along. For the little girls who love to sing, this karaoke style dvd might be a little advanced, as the bigger kids can read the lyrics right off of the screen.

That didn't stop Abbigaile from twirling and swirling and singing along with the tunes, even if she didn't wasn't that familiar with the song itself. Her absolute favorite Barbie movie is "Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses", so of course her favorite sing-along-song is "Shine".  I grabbed my camera to take a quick clip of it for you, just because it was too cute not to share. (The clip provided on Amazon is without the lyrics.)

Since we received our DVD, Marissa was also able to review it with her daughter. Her daughter is 6 and a total Barbie freak.  From the moment it began, Barbie lyrics were being belted across the living room, accompanied by more swirling and twirling, from both of our dancing princesses.

This DVD would make a great present for an upcoming birthday, or even a non-edible Easter Basket item. Check it out Sing Along with Barbie now on Amazon, or where ever great movies are sold. To learn more about Barbie and Barbie products, please visit

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Mattel. In addition, I received a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate.” 

Monday, February 22, 2010

SinuCleanse Neti Pot Cold and Flu Solution Review + Giveaway

From the SinuCleanse press release:

SinuCleanse® (, the nation’s leading brand of nasal washing products, is introducing a clear, lightly tinted blue version of its best selling neti pot.

The innovation is designed to enhance ease of use by enabling visual inspection of the saline solution in the neti pot to ensure it is completely mixed and pure. This will help prevent experiencing a stinging feeling in the nose and sinuses during use.  The clear design also allows better monitoring of the flow and volume of saline solution during nasal washing, while the contemporary and attractive look makes it acceptable to keep the product on display in the bathroom, providing a reminder for usage. (...)

A study in the Annals of Family Medicine (Ann Fam Med. 2006 Jul-Aug; 4(4):295-301, “Qualitative aspects of nasal irrigation use by patients with chronic sinus disease in a multimethod study” concluded that nasal irrigation with a saline solution is a safe, well-tolerated, inexpensive, effective, long-term therapy that patients with chronic sinonasal symptoms can and will use at home with minimal training and follow-up.

Nasal irrigation with a saline solution has also been clinically proven to relieve cold and flu symptoms, allergy symptoms, nasal congestion, sinusitis and rhinitis, sinus headaches and reduce the frequency and duration of colds and flu.
The new clear SinuCleanse neti pot comes with 30 all-natural, quick dissolving, pre-measured saline solution packets.  
I've heard friends and online parenting communities rave about Neti Pots, and even watched the demo on YouTube, but never had the guts to try it until I was offered to review the new SinuCleanse Neti Pot. I jumped at the chance, because our family was hit HARD this year by the cold and flu bugs. The weather down here helped flare up three cases of bronchitis, two bouts of "the flu", and three cases EACH of the common cold. (It never seems to help when one day it's 70 degrees outside, and the next it's 40!) Anyway, I was really excited to try this product, but will admit as soon as it came- not a symptom appeared for a very long time. As I stared at the box, I started chickening out- big time.

The directions basically say to put the spout part in your one nostril, tilt your head, and let the saline come out of the other nostril.. The more I thought about it the more squeamish I got. I don't handle yucky noses well. Not on kids, not on adults, and the Lord seemed to bless me with two kids who's noses constantly run during allergy season! We've tried the SinuCleanse Kids Mist during back to school time, and that definitely seemed to help them, and if their noses seem stuffy, I grab it right away.

The more I thought about that last sentence, the more the idea of the neti pot for me sounded better. It worked for the kiddos in the fall.. I decided to give the Neti pot a try as soon as I started feeling under the weather again.

This last week was crazy. I was running around like a crazy lady, constantly on the go, and stressed through the wazoo. Any busy person knows that during times like these, it seems as though your immune system takes a nose dive, and crashes. Sure enough, today I felt like I got hit by a bus. Sluggish, nasal, and just "not in the mood".. for anything. So, tonight I decided would be the night.

It only took a few moments for the saline granules to dissolve in the warm water. My biggest piece of advice is keep your mouth open and BREATHE. (It says that in the directions, but it's so easy to stop a second while you're doing it, especially for the first time). The process was quick, and definitely not the sensation that I built myself up to think it would be. In fact, it was over before I could really think about what it felt like. The second nostril was a little difficult for me, as I can barely do anything with my left hand.. never mind hold a neti pot correctly. I think this is something that with practice can be mastered easily. I had to blow my nose, and wash my face after I completed the process, but after I came out and told my husband that I tried it, he informed me that I definitely sounded "less nasal" than I did before the treatment.

I could see myself using this product again, especially if it helps to break up my cold, flu and allergy symptoms the way it says that the research proves. Anything that I can do to help to shorten our length of "sick" time is greatly appreciated and welcomed in our home.

I would recommend this product to a friend to try out, as it's ease of use was great. Keep on the lookout at my Facebook fan page and Twitter account to see how I feel in the next few days!!

SinuCleanse products are sold at leading food, drug and mass outlets nationwide, including Walgreens and Krogers.

Our friends at SinuCleanse have offered a lucky reader their chance to try the new SinuCleanse Neti Pot for themselves!


Please visit our Winners Page for more information on how to claim your prize


Purex 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets Detergent-Softener-Anti static All in One!

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Purex. All opinions are 100% mine.

I cannot tell you how many times I've taken "clean" laundry out of the machine, and something lighter colored comes out with detergent stains all over it. This tends to happen when my husband or my son try to "help" and do laundry.

Purex has created a solution to this dilemma and others with their new Purex 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets that go right in the washer and drier to alleviate the stress of laundry duties.  These sheets contain detergent, softener, and anti-static to get your clothes looking squeaky clean. Think about it- no more toting heavy bottles and squashed boxes of fabric softener sheets into the laundry mat, no more running out of one product halfway through your laundry day. No matter who's doing the wash, (and you're washing on COLD), your laundry will come out right- every time!

Visit the 'Try Purex' blog to get your free sample now, and try them for yourself.

Want the low down? Both of our team members had a chance to review this product thoroughly. Both households have husbands that work in messy jobs, and two very energetic children that get into everything!

Here's what the 4BabyAndMom team had to say!

Lauren's opinion: "I hate having to buy multiple products to clean an area of my house. Whether it's the bathroom, kitchen, or laundry, an 'all-in-one' type cleaner is right up my alley. I thought this product was really easy to use, and convenient for a family that's constantly on the go, like mine. I was able to just take the sheet, throw it in with my wash, and when it buzzed- flipped it into the drier. Easy peasy. The directions don't specify whether you should use hot, warm, or cold water with this product, so the first three loads I did (hot) the softener/antistatic strip was gone before the clothes hit the drier. On the fourth load, I decided to try washing my clothes on the cold cycle, and the strip remained, lighter than I thought it would be- but it was still there. All in all, the clothes were clean, smelled delightful, and my children didn't get zapped on the car door on the way to school. Would I buy this product? Probably, but definitely with a coupon or sale, even if it was just to use on those helter-skelter weeks where the laundry seems to spawn all by itself. "

Marissa's opinion: "I really liked them, they cleaned the clothes really well, and the fragrance didn't fade like other detergents or softeners. The clothes smelled great as I was putting them away, but wasn't over-powering either. I washed my laundry on cold, and a fairly large load; the yellow stripe (the softener) was still present, and after the drier it disappeared like the directions said. The only thing that I wasn't too fond of was that I think they might be a little pricey for a family on a budget. I would definitely watch for special deals, coupons or sales on this item."

4BabyAndMom would like to thank Purex and SocialSpark for allowing us to review this product at no cost. 

Visit my sponsor: Purex 3-in-1 Laundry Sheet

Friday, February 19, 2010

Baby Shower Baskets made easy with Johnson's Baby Products

Two of my very dear friends recently had babies. The best part, (aside from the fact that they live within 5 minutes of me!) is that I had to put together one of my infamous baby shower baskets before the little bundles arrived.

One of my girlfriends wanted a diaper cake instead, so I obliged and made a beautiful cake loaded with all of my favorite and useful Johnson's Baby products.

From the brand new baby Bedtime bubble bath to the Head to Toe tear free baby wash, to Maximum Strength Desitin diaper cream, Johnson's baby products are a perfect gift for any new arrival, or expectant mom.

Johnson's Baby lotions keep baby's dry areas nice and moisturized, and the No More Tears baby shampoo is great for kids of all ages. In fact, my almost-7-year-old is using this as his shampoo because of how gentle it is for his eyes and skin. I don't have to worry about him in the shower with his new-found independence, and know that his hair will be clean without the chaos other shampoos cause.

Bath time is complete with a sprinkle of Johnson's baby powder, whether in the diaper area for babies, or all over toddlers and children.

Celebrate with Johnson's Baby Products and the Twitter party on Tuesday, February 23rd to get more ideas on great baby shower or baby gift-giving ideas. Follow 4BabyAndMom on Twitter and keep on the lookout for the hashtag to participate in this great event!

"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Johnson’s and received samples of Johnson’s Baby products to facilitate my review."

Create Your Dream Kitchen with Schumacher Homes Contest!

Schumacher Homes wants to know, what does your dream kitchen look like?

Right now, if you fill out a short survey telling what your dream kitchen would look like, you'll be entered to win an 8GB Apple iPod Touch on March 20, 2010!

I wish my home was large enough to sport my "dream kitchen" but being that the majority of my appliances are 1968 specials, my dream kitchen will have to wait.

Tonight at 9pm EST, Schumacher Homes will be kicking off this contest with a Twitter party. Just search for the hash tag #SchumacherHomes, and join in the celebration.

Be sure to enter the Schumacher Homes Contest now for your chance to WIN!

Special Thanks to the Global Influence Network for sharing this contest information with 4BabyAndMom.

No monetary compensation was received for this post. To thank me for spreading the word about this contest and promotion, my name has been entered to win a Garmin GPS unit. This does not affect my opinion on this product or promotion.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday- Blog the Weight Away

Hello Ladies- This week was rough.. aside from Valentine's Day and a bunch of yummy-not-so-good-for-you stuff, we had Alex's first baseball practice and today our new (used) minivan that we bought MONDAY evening caught fire around the block from our house.

Yesterday I got measured for my first bridesmaid dress- and I dropped a dress size!! WOOT WOOT. As far as my numbers go, I have no idea as the trainer banned me from the scale. Hopefully sometime soon I will be allowed back on it, and will let you know how it goes from there. 

I'm hoping to go to the gym extra long tomorrow, and I just ordered a copy of JUST DANCE for myself.

Without further a-do- here's the MckLinky. Be sure to visit everyone on the list and show your support. Also, if you notice some team members missing, please shoot them a message and let them know that we are still here to support them!! Hope you all had good weeks, despite of the huge chocolate temptations this weekend.

MckLinky Blog Hop


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

This just in!! Update to a giveaway-

We just got word from author Patti McKenna in regards to the CAUTION: Children Should Come With Warning Labels giveaway. This is what she said:

Hi all! I'm Patti McKenna, the author of Caution: Children Should Come With
Warning Labels. First, I want to thank Laren and 4BabyandMom for reviewing my
book - thanks!

Now, I'm going to sweeten the pot. Lauren told me she's shared my book with 3 friends, so I want you to share your winning with a friend. The winner of this giveaway will receive not one, but two autographed books - one for you, and one for a friend. Know an expecting mom who would like a personalized gift or how about an overworked mom who deserves a good laugh? You'll both get a book with a personal inscription and bookmarks, to boot! Thanks all, look forward to reading your comments - and of course, I always love feedback.

So with this great update, we've added an EXTRA entry to our giveaway, and can't wait to see who wins. Have you entered yet?? Be sure to enter NOW!

Special thanks to Patti McKenna for this extraordinary offer!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Caution: Children Should Come With Warning Labels by Patti McKenna Review + Giveaway

From the moment I opened the book,  Caution: Children Should Come With Warning Labels I knew I was going to be in store for a great read. After I finished it that same afternoon, I passed it along to a friend of mine with the disclaimer, "It's not a typical parenting advice book, trust me- you'll love it!"

And that it is- a real life, parenting ups and downs book that assures you that your kids are not the only ones that like to disobey you in public, get into sticky situations, or argue like there's no tomorrow. It gives you hope (and humor) through the span of many different ages and stages- and the best part is that you can relate to almost all of the situations, and for the ones that you can't yet, you can envision it happening sometime in the near future.

From Amazon:
Children have a natural tendency to explore, and their quest for discovery often takes them to unexpected places. While they may start out tugging on your leg, eventually making one leg of your jeans a few inches longer than the other, they ll wander from the task at hand and wind up in unfamiliar territory. I had never visited the space between the refrigerator and the wall until the day Sam got stuck in there. How she wedged herself in there, I'll never know, but I had to physically move the refrigerator to free her from her newfound confines. Then, Heather got her little head stuck between the rails of the banister. I also cannot explain how that occurred, but it is a phenomenon I believe should be added to the seven wonders of the world. The fact that we managed to pull her head out has to be the ninth wonder. Meridith got stuck, too. It's frightening to know that your child is stuck and needs you, but you can't pinpoint her location. The kids were outside playing, and their dad was with them, doing odd jobs and going back and forth from the garage to the yard. Walking out of the garage, he heard, Daaadddyyy! I'm cruck! Right away, he knew it was Meridith, because she was the only one who mispronounced the word stuck. Meri was cruck, but just where was she cruck at?

Very rarely can I admit that I had a blast reading a book, but I can honestly say that I couldn't put this book down. I cannot count how many times I laughed out loud and my children looked at me like I had three heads. Whether you are an expectant mom, a new mom, a seasoned mom, or a grand-mom, you'll find these stories and insights valuable and better than any other "how to" book on the market.

If you are looking for insight on how to raise your child, hope that your child won't turn out completely messed up because all he says is "NO!", or just for a good read, I highly recommend this book to you. This book makes a great baby shower gift, or a special present for the stressed out mom in your play group. Be sure to visit to purchase CAUTION: CHILDREN SHOULD COME WITH WARNING LABELS by Patti McKenna, now!

Thanks to our new friend & author, Patti McKenna, one lucky 4BabyAndMom reader will win their own copy! THIS JUST IN: Author Patti McKenna left us a comment on this post- here's what she had to say-

Hi all! I'm Patti McKenna, the author of Caution: Children Should Come With Warning Labels. First, I want to thank Laren and 4BabyandMom for reviewing my book - thanks!

Now, I'm going to sweeten the pot. Lauren told me she's shared my book with 3 friends, so I want you to share your winning with a friend. The winner of this giveaway will receive not one, but two autographed books - one for you, and one for a friend. Know an expecting mom who would like a personalized gift or how about an overworked mom who deserves a good laugh? You'll both get a book with a personal inscription and bookmarks, to boot! Thanks all, look forward to reading your comments - and of course, I always love feedback.
So, not only will you get TWO copies of this awesome book, but they'll be autographed and include bookmarks. Perfect for your best gal pal!


Please visit our Winners Page for more details on how to claim your prize!

This giveaway is open to residents of the US. The giveaway will end at 11:59pm EST on February 25, 2010. The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on this post and our WINNERS PAGE. Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom. The book mentioned above was provided to me by the author and publisher for the intentions of a product review only. No monetary compensation has been received for this review or post. Special Thanks to Patti McKenna for allowing us to review this book and offering copies to our readers. All opinions expressed above are 100% mine, and your opinions may differ.

Progresso "Souper You Debut" Spark Review + Giveaway!

Managing your weight can be difficult, but finding foods that are satisfying doesn’t have to be. With Progresso Light and 100 Calorie Soups, you can enjoy a delicious cup of soup that provides great taste and variety all at 100 calories or less.

Thanks to My Blog Spark and Progresso Soups, I had the opportunity to be able to kick off my diet right with a Progresso "Souper You Debut" gift pack containing 15 cans of several differnt varieties of Progresso Light and 100 Calorie Soups, a Progresso Digital Jump Rope that keeps track o jumpes and calories burned, and a Progresso Soup Mug.

What I loved about the soup I received is that even though they were low-cal, they were REAL. Wholesome ingredients that were high in fiber, provided a full serving of veggies, and left me feeling full and satisfied. Often enough, we don't get the chance to truly enjoy soup a lot down here in Florida, but this winter we've had our share of cold weather. There is such a large variety of Progresso Soups that even the kids were satisfied with the Hearty Chicken Noodle Soup, and Italian Meatball **.

Right now Progresso is running a "Souper You Debut" Contest until the 15th of March. Three grand prize winners will be awarded a trip for two to New York City from May 21st-23rd. The prize includes roundtrip airfare, a two-night stay in a NYC hotel, a full makeover, a $1,000 wardrobe shopping spree and personal consultation at a New York department store.

For more information on how to enter this contest visit and while you're there download a coupon for $1 off any three varieties of Progresso Soup!

In the meantime, one lucky reader can WIN their own Souper You Debut prize pack with two cans of Progresso Soup, extra large soup mug, and digital jump rope!!


Please visit our WINNERS PAGE for more details on how to claim your prize!

This giveaway is open to residents of the US. The giveaway will end at 11:59pm EST on February 24, 2010. The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on this post and our WINNERS PAGE. Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom. The prize pack mentioned above was givenn to me by My Blog Spark and Progresso for the intentions of a product review only. No monetary compensation has been received for this review or post. All opinions expressed above are 100% mine, and your opinions may differ.

Dude, I got a Dell!

Yes, I just aged myself in reffering to that commercial- but alas, it is true- I got a Dell!

It's green, it's got everything I need to make my life easier- from a webcam so I can vlog, to a memory card reader so I don't have to hunt for the wire or portable card reader thing anymore. I'm so super excited!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

General Mills and Target Go Retro

Starting February 14, Target stores nationwide will have five limited-edition General Mills cereals featuring fun “retro” package designs and premium offers from the 60s and 80s. The promotion will run for a limited time through March 7. Be sure to visit your local Target store to check them out and share your favorite cereal childhood memories with family and friends.

I'd love to know, what toys, games and prizes you remember in or on cereal packages from when YOU were a kid!

Friday, February 12, 2010

K-Y Encourages Couples to Ignite Valentine's Night and Every Night

As a mom of two kids, it's hard to find time for just me and my husband. We haven't had a date night in who-knows-how-long,but try our hardest to squeak in any time we can to just enjoy each others company. Usually it's on the couch watching something off of our DVR, but recently we've been trying to wake up earlier than the children on weekends, and tell the kids to have quiet time so we can have our own "at home" date. Any time we spend together, we value and try our hardest to have fun and remember why it is that we love each other- even when we drive each other crazy.

Valentine's Day is often our time for relationship resolutions.. we sit down and decide that we should try to allocate special days or times to just talk, or give and get a massage, or spend special time together. That lasts throughout the day, but the ideas seem to vanish quickly. One decision that we always reinforce is to make time for each other- no matter what. I think that's a very important quality in our relationship.

K-Y has released a new line of products to help encourage couples to spend more intimate time together, and has a Facebook Fan page called, "Couples Place". At the COUPLES PLACE you'll find helpful tips on maintaining a healthy relationship, a link to a helpful e-book by a NY Times best selling author, more information about K-Y products and current contests & promotion information.

Right now K-Y is running a contest to select "America's Top Couple".  Couples can enter to win a romantic trip to New York City, a professional photo shoot, a feature in a national magazine, and $1000 spending cash. All of the contest details are on the K-Y Couples Place Fan Page.

Two new products you may have seen advertised on television recently are the K-Y Brand YOURS+MINE Couples Lubricants and INTENSE Arousal Gel for Her. Both product descriptions insist that it heightens your sensations to make your time behind the bedroom door more exciting for the both of you.

So what are you waiting for? Take this Valentine's Day as your day to re-ignite that flame that sparked your relationship all over again.

“I wrote this post while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of K-Y Brand and received samples of the Yours + Mine and Intense products. In addition, Mom Central sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

3 Peas Co. Children's Tutus for Your Twirly Girl - Giveaway!

Love is in the air, and in full swing this weekend. What a better way to show your super-twirly-girl that you love her than with a beautiful TuTu from Three Peas Co?!

Perfect for your frilly girl, these full TuTus are perfect for dress up, Ballet Class, Stage Shows, Weddings, Birthdays, and more! Parade your Little Miss around like a rock star, or just take sweetie-pie one-of-a-kind pictures with her. Every little girl should own a TuTu at one time or another, and with an opportunity to WIN one, who can go wrong?

Available in sizes 0-6mos through 16 Teen, you can find something for every budding Diva in your family. Only boys in your family? Visit Three Peas Co to see their large selection of couture boys designs now!

Our friend, and the owner of Three Peas Co. has offered one 4BabyAndMom reader a TuTu of their choice!


Please visit our WINNERS PAGE for more information on how to claim your prize!

This giveaway is open to residents of the US. The giveaway will end at 11:59pm EST on February 22, 2010.  The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on this post and our WINNERS PAGE. Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom. No monetary compensation has been received for this review or post. All opinions expressed above are 100% mine, and your opinions may differ.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cover Bee Laptop Sleeves Review + Giveaway

This winter, I was given the opportunity to review a Cover Bee Laptop Sleeve. Available in an array of colors, patterns and sizes (yes, even for your netbook!) Cover Bee Laptop Sleeves are the perfect accessory to your laptop.

I don't know about you, but my laptop is my baby. I seriously cannot live without it, and with two kids, I feel like I have to extra to protect her. Yes, I just called it a "her". I have a bag that I tote her around in, but for me, I felt like I needed something else. I went to a conference and noticed that even in the bag, things were scratching or rubbing against her. I needed to make sure she was protected, from the stuff in my tote, and from my kids.You know that little space between your keys and your screen (when your laptop is closed? My kids went through a phase where they were "sending me mail" and sliding random notes and tiny drawings through the "mail slot". I was hoping that this laptop sleeve would protect her from them.

Cover Bee Laptop Sleeves happened to be my answer to my prayers. Okay, that may have sounded a little dramatic, but I'm telling you since having my beautiful black boa laptop sleeve the amount of times that I've opened my laptop to discover little pieces of "mail" left to be discovered by me has incredibly decreased. Also, every time I go anywhere with it, I get several compliments on it. Within the next few weeks I'll be getting a new laptop, and I can't wait to put my new baby in it. Perhaps then the new one won't get as many tiny surface scratches that my current laptop sports. My only regret is that I didn't get this laptop sleeve sooner, because I know that if my laptop is in it, the kids are not asking to take it out. They know that if it's covered, it means that the laptop is "away" or waiting for Mommy to work on it later. It's eliminated so many tiffs in our house over who's turn is it now, not to mention how banged up it would probably look if I didn't have it.. I absolutely love it.

Cover Bee Laptop Sleeves come with a soft quilted lining perfect for protecting your "baby". Whether cows, polka dots, or snakes bring out your wild side, Cover Bee has a design that will fit anyone's taste. Each sleeve is custom made in Holland; the quality of the sleeve itself is very high, and to know it comes from a great company that gives opportunity to those in need of a chance to succeed makes this laptop sleeve that much more valuable in my eyes. When you visit Cover Bee the prices you'll see are in Euros, but they run from about $24-34 USD.

This would make a perfect gift for your someone special this Valentine's Day, Secretaries/Administrative Professionals Week, or Mother's Day! Visit Cover Bee to check out the fun designs available now.

Our new friends at Cover Bee have offered one lucky 4BabyAndMom reader the opportunity to WIN a Cover Bee Laptop Sleeve of their own!

This giveaway is open to residents of the US &Canada. The giveaway will end at 11:59pm EST on February 20, 2010.  The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on this post and our WINNERS PAGE. Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom. This product was provided to us at no cost by CoverBee for review purposes only. All opinions expressed above are 100% mine, and your opinions may differ.


Please refer to the Winners Page for more information on how to claim your prize.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Weigh In Wednesday ~ Blog the Weight Away

Sorry ladies, I'm a little late tonight- but better late than never, right? I had some minor computer issues this week, but now that it's all taken care of- here goes my weekly check in.

I went the the gym three days in a row so far for this week. Today I did sit-ups on a pilates ball, and holy Lord, my core is FEELING it tonight! I've been doing at least two miles on the elliptical for cardio every time I go. I can see from that alone how much my endurance has increased. I was banned from the scale until further notice- lol- as my numbers are not going down, but my measurements still are.. so I had two trainers and my "lady" yell at me to stay away from the scale. So as far as my weight goes, it was the same this week AGAIN- but the only dramatic difference was the inch and a half on my calves. I guess staying the same weight wise, but noticing how my clothing has been fitting, and the inches dropping is better than nothing, right?

I hope you all had a great week and saw huge changes, either on the scale or from your measurements. Just a reminder, although we have teams please visit the other team members weigh ins to help encourage and support them on this journey.

Without further a-do, the MckLinky:

MckLinky Blog Hop


Clorox "I Don't Want to Miss" Video Contest

With the cold and flu season in full swing, Clorox is running a fun promotion and contest for the second year in a row, called "I Don't Want To Miss...". This video contest is accepting entries from late January through March 4th.

The Clorox Company is calling on school musical groups nationwide to develop a video performance of a song written by Berklee College of Music student Will Wells on what teens would not want to miss out on if they were home sick and why prevention is important. School groups are encouraged to be creative and put their own spin on the song.

For each entry submitted, The Clorox Company will donate $100 (up to $10,000) to the Sophia's Heart Foundation, a charity founded by Danny Gokey in honor of his late wife, Sophia and dedicated to helping children achieve academic success via musical training, and restoring musical dreams in children.

What your school wins:
- Grand Prize: Former American Idol finalist, Danny Gokey, will lead a music class at the winner's school
- First-Fourth Place Prizes: Framed, autographed photo of Danny Gokey

My son hates missing school, aside from seeing all of his friends, he loves his teacher and thankfully, I am fortunate enough to have a son who LOVES school. He hates having to do work at home, which is what he got bombarded with the week he was out with the flu this year.What would your children hate to miss while being stuck at home with the flu?

Learn more about the contest, rules and about flu prevention at the Clorox Facebook Fan Page.

"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Clorox and received a $20 thank-you gift certificate."

Sunday, February 7, 2010

1-800-Flowers & 1-800-Baskets Valentines Favorites! Review + Winner's Choice 4 Day Giveaway!

Whether it's baked goods or classic flowers, 1-800-Flowers & 1-800-Baskets has something to spoil every Valentine on your list.

From 1-800-BASKETS:

Decadent Dark Chocolate Dipped Strawberries ($32.99)Product Code:93300

These gigantic strawberries come covered in premium dark chocolate, and truly make for a romantic and delightful evening with your Love.

In the product description it claims, "It’s simply the best chocolate covered strawberry experience they’ll ever have."

I am a huge fan of chocolate covered strawberries, but I must say, I agree completely. The strawberries themselves were huge and perfectly ripened, and the chocolate was so creamy and indulgent.

It mentions on the insert that this product is meant to be consumed immediately, so be sure that the recipient will be where they are delivered, and plan the night accordingly. If your Valentine is a romantic who loves champagne and strawberries, this is a must have for your Sweetheart.

Cheryl&Co® Dancing Hearts Cookie Gift Tower ($49.99) Product Code:93349

Packed with the sweetest of baked goods, this tower of cookies, pretzels, brownies and candies makes for a lovely gift for a teacher, for a party hostess gift, or for a mother, grandmother, or special someone this Valentine's Day.

Cheryl & Co. products are baked fresh daily, hand frosted and individually wrapped for freshness and flavor.

The contents are intended to be consumed within 5-7 days after delivery, but can be frozen up to 6 months.

Sweetheart Belgian Chocolate Covered Oreo® Tin ($39.99) Product Code:93243

These look so beautiful when you open them, that you almost don't want to eat them! Made for the true Chocolate Lover- a lucious blanket of Belgian Milk, Dark and White chocolate with the adorable heart confections cover traditional Oreo cream filled cookies. If your Valentine has a Sweet Tooth, this tin is for them!

There are 16 in total, made perfect to share with someone you love.

From 1-800-FLOWERS:

Everlasting Love™ ($99.99) Product Code:90386

A dozen beautiful red roses and a bunch gorgeous lilies, accented with heather, bear grass and halal makes this arrangement perfect for a traditional Valentine's gift. This arrangement comes with a simple red glass vase and jewel heart accents which alone says, "I love you".

Whether you're half way around the world, or sharing the other half of the bed, this arrangement makes a great impression from the moment it's delivered. The combination of the smell of the lilies and roses make for a sweet and sensual experience.

Your Valentine is sure to remember this beautiful arrangement, or any of the other items mentioned above, or available at 1-800-FLOWERS or 1-800-BASKETS this year.

Visit 1-800-FLOWERS or 1-800-BASKETS to view their large assortment of Valentine's baskets, arrangements and confections starting at $29.99! Take advantage of the free shipping and no service charge for Valentine's Day now. Also, if you become a fan of 1-800-BASKETS on Facebook, you'll receive a 15% off coupon for your entire order! (see the website for details)


This giveaway is open to residents of the US only. The giveaway will end at 11:59pm EST on February 11, 2010. If the winner claims this giveaway by noon on the 12th, their Valentine should receive their gift on time. The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on this post and our WINNERS PAGE. Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom. These products were provided to us at no cost by the 1-800-Flowers corporation for review purposes. All opinions expressed above are 100% mine, and your opinions may differ.

Silikids Glass Safe for kids! Review + Coupon code!

Ingenious. That was the first word I used when I received my Silikids glass for my daughter. The cup is made of glass, "Like a big girl has, mommy", and the exterior sleeve is silicone with nubbies and holes which makes gripping the glass so much easier for tiny fingers.

My daughter has been using this glass and has become one of her favorites since we received it. Very rarely do I ever say that I am so thrilled with a product that everyone should own one- but this item is one of them! At only $7.95, this cup is definitely worth it.

Silikids offers bottles, cups, knee pads, bibs, and "skins" for your own items. If you use the promo code SILIBABY you'll save 10% off of your order now!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mom Central's 2nd Annual Valentine's Giveaways & Gift Guide

The flurry of red, white, and pink cupid and heart cut-out decorations abound in stores and classrooms signals the rapid approach of Valentine's Day. If choosing a thoughtful gift to display your affection to your Valentine sends you into a panic, turn to Mom Central's second annual Valentine's Day Gift Guide for an array of gift suggestions for men, women, and kids. In addition to using it as a resource for gift ideas, you can enter to win giveaways each week for all of the featured products!

Three of the exciting giveaways include:

Frederick's of Hollywood: Frederick's of Hollywood creates beautiful and sophisticated lingerie to help women feel sexy and confident in their own skin. Re-ignite the romance in your life and treat yourself- and your significant other- with special lingerie this Valentine's Day and beyond.

Perry Ellis Platinum Cologne: High-end fashion company Perry Ellis has launched their own line of men's fragrances, and Perry Ellis Platinum Label stands as the crown jewel of this catalog. This intricate blend of bamboo, mandarin, rosemary, violet, lavender, and cedar wood can be only be described as completely addictive and endlessly seductive.

Chocri Customizable Chocolate bars: Take the quintessential Valentine's Day gift of chocolate one step further with Chocri Chocolates, and move beyond your typical candy experience with customizable chocolate bars. Start with a base of milk, dark, or white chocolate and choose up to 5 toppings from more than 90 different mix-ins to create a truly unique confection to your Valentine.

One of my favorites so far is the TWELVE WAYS TO SAY I LOVE YOU book. Visit Mom Central now to check out this great Valentine's Day gift guide for wonderful and memorable gift ideas for your special someone

"I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central. Mom Central entered my name in a random drawing to win a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate."

Friday, February 5, 2010

Walmart’s Game Time Snacks for 8, as low as $44! + $50 GC Giveaway!

Right now, Walmart’s Game Time Snacks for Eight for as low as $44 makes entertaining easy and affordable. Not sure where to begin? Visit Walmart's Game Time Website to get great recipe ideas, read articles on how to juggle entertaining your guests, and organize your grocery list with the Game Time Shopping List creator. Just slide the football over to how many guests you're expecting, and your shopping list is done & ready to be printed.

While you're there be sure to check out the deals on home entertainment installation packages. They have HDTV's starting at only $299!! There's also some great specials on BBQ's, TV Stands, and at the NFL shop to show which team you support. Whether you love rooting for your favorite team, the commercials, the half-time show, or just hanging out with friends and family, the SuperBowl has something for everyone.

My family is a little backwards- I LOVE football and can't wait for the game this weekend, whereas my husband can't wait for the commercials. The kids are just excited for our friends to join us, as well as all of the snack food! Although we're not having as many people over as we have in the past, we are super excited to spend this time with our friends.

I usually make a spinach dip bread bowl, chicken wings, and the traditional chips & dips.

These are some of the things on my shopping list from my local ad for the Super Bowl:

Ro*Tel $0.88
Kraft Cheese $1.88
Cheez-it Party Mix $2.50
12" Chocolate Chunk Cookie Cake $8
Johnsonville Brats (x2) $5
Great Value Hot Dog Buns (x2) $2
Hormel Supreme Party Tray $15
Tortilla Chips $2

Total: $37.26

(Which leaves me for room for my spinach bread bowl, YUM!!)

Thanks to Walmart & Mom Central, one lucky reader is going to win a $50 Walmart Game Time Gift Card!

The winner of the $50 Walmart Game Time Gift card is:

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Walmart. In addition, I received a Walmart gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate and one to offer as a giveaway.” 

This giveaway is open to residents of US and Canada. This giveaway will end on February 16, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on our WINNERS PAGE. Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom. All opinions expressed above are 100% mine, and your opinions may differ.

Walgreens 40%OFF Photo Gifts Makes for Sweeter Gifts this Valentine's Day!

Enter the coupon code SMILE40 at the checkout through Saturday February 6th and save 40% on every card, poster, calendar, gift, photo book, mug AND PRINTS!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

10 New Winners+ Holiday re-draws + 2 New Giveaways= a must read post!

Hope you're all enjoying our Fiesta- make sure you've grabbed our BUTTON by Saturday for extra entries!!

There are 10 new winners to announce, so without further a-do...

The winners of SEDUCED BY A ROGUE are:
Deb (#16)
Darcie (#7)
Terra H. (#20)

The winners of SLEEP NO MORE are:
Darcie K.
Terra H.

Two re-drawn Winter Winners:
Intensity Academy Sauces- ferriz
Popcorn Factory Popcorn Tub- Whitney

There are still several Holiday winners that have not claimed their prizes. Please look over the list and see if your name is on it. Thanks.

Be sure to enter the two new giveaways, A BLACK TIE AFFAIR & Soft Scrub Total Cleaners.

Plus, keep on the lookout for the $50 Wal-Mart Gift Card Giveaway!

JCPenney's Dazzling Deals for Valentine's Day

Today's "Dazzling Deal" is this beautiful sterling silver bracelet; become a fan on Facebook to never miss another great buy!

Pampers Cruisers with Dry Max Go For the Gold in 2010!

Pampers has completely redesigned its Cruisers diapers making them 20 percent thinner with no sacrifice in performance. They are the brand’s 1st diaper for the best players in the world™ – babies! The new Pampers Cruisers with Dry Max helps lock wetness away up to 12 hours, making this their driest diaper ever. The new Pampers Cruisers with Dry Max officially hits shelves in March!

For the first time ever, babies will have their gold-medal moment this Olympic season by sporting their own high performance gear – Pampers Cruisers with Dry Max. To celebrate the launch of the brand’s first-ever high performance diaper, Pampers will be outfitting Team USA athletes and their families, with branded Team USA Pampers Cruisers with Dry Max as they head to Vancouver for the Olympic Winter Games.

Although these Team USA diapers are not for sale, starting February 12th parents everywhere will be able to request a free sample three-pack of Pampers Cruisers with Dry Max on If the sample sent includes a diaper stamped Team USA (randomly inserted in select sample packs), their baby will win a year’s supply of Pampers diapers!

For many Olympic athletes, bringing home a medal is not just their dream – it’s their family dream. And as such, Pampers is working with two medal contender athletes – 2006 Olympic gold medal speed skater, Chad Hedrick and 2007 World Skeleton, Noelle Pikus-Pace - as they and their families prepare to “go for gold” at the 2010 Olympic games.

Keep on the lookout for our review and giveaway this March.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Great for Class- Nestle Cookie Cakes On Sale NOW! ((Special Offer))

Last year, for Abbigaile's birthday, we got her a cookie cake from the Nestle Toll House Cafe in our local mall. The kids had an absolute blast with the cookie cake, instead of a traditional cake. Right now, print out the coupon above to receive 14% off of a cookie cake of your choice, 13" or larger. This is perfect for teachers, your child's class this year for Valentine's Day, for an upcoming birthday party, or to send to your love- no matter how far they are. Visit to find a location near you, or to order online.

Weigh in Wednesday ~Blog the Weight Away!

This week was insane.. check that, last month- ALL of January, was insane. But, since the last time I checked in Mom went for her 3rd Chemo treatment, we got over being sick FINALLY, Abbigaile had lice, and I got my 'Dear Aunt Flo' for the second time in two and a half weeks. (Sorry for the TMI.) I think it's just because of all of the stress, sickness, and changes in my activity level-plus last time it was super light and almost non-existance, so it was bound to creep up again soon.

The Second Annual Fabulous February Fiesta began on 4BabyAndMom- celebrating our site, our family, and some of our favorite things. Be sure to follow us during this month for your chance to win some great prizes and save some extra moolah.

I went to the Gym on Monday, day 1 with my Dear Aunt visiting and weighed in at 314.7, which is a 2.1 pound weight loss, but only a tenth down from where I began. Obviously I'm bloated, so I'm with that number because I've noticed my arms and legs developing muscle and slimming down. While shaving my legs, I happened to realize I'm getting a dent in my calves and quads from where my muscle is. SO exciting!

I only went to the gym three times this week, but I played JUST DANCE on Tuesday, jogged after my kids on their bikes on Friday, and ran after them all day on Sunday at a birthday party at Great Explorations.  I took the stairs instead of the elevator, many, many times, and turned down the cake. I've been drinking a TON of water, and honestly feel like I will start to float away sometime soon, but find myself thirsty again not too soon after I'm done thinking that.

I just did my measurements, and *drum roll, please*--

I'm down 7 inches in my waist, 0.5 in my hips, 0.5 on my arms, 1 inch on my thighs, but up about two inches on my calves (I think because of my Dear Aunt, or the fleece pants I'm wearing).

The kids love going to the gym with me, and today I'm supposed to go to Zumba with the girls, as long as they don't forget to pick me up because I'm without a car today. So, that's the dilly, and here's my chart.

Thanks again to for keeping it all in check for me!

Your start date: 1/19/2010 
Starting weight/height: 314.8   5' 10"
Goal weight: 220 
Last weigh-in weight: 314.7 
Last weigh-in date: 2/1/2010 
Weeks (days) on Program: 1.9 (13) 
Total to lose: 94.8 
Lost so far: 0.1  
Pounds to go: 94.7 
Average loss/week: 0.1 
Est. weeks (days) to go:
947 (6629) 
Percent of body weight lost: 0 %
Number of weigh-ins:
Adult BMI (what's this?):

Please visit all of our contestants and show your support. Don't forget, if we've inspired you to get healthier this year post your link to show us YOUR progress too.

MckLinky Blog Hop



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