From the SinuCleanse press release:
SinuCleanse® (, the nation’s leading brand of nasal washing products, is introducing a clear, lightly tinted blue version of its best selling neti pot.
The innovation is designed to enhance ease of use by enabling visual inspection of the saline solution in the neti pot to ensure it is completely mixed and pure. This will help prevent experiencing a stinging feeling in the nose and sinuses during use. The clear design also allows better monitoring of the flow and volume of saline solution during nasal washing, while the contemporary and attractive look makes it acceptable to keep the product on display in the bathroom, providing a reminder for usage. (...)
A study in the Annals of Family Medicine (Ann Fam Med. 2006 Jul-Aug; 4(4):295-301, “Qualitative aspects of nasal irrigation use by patients with chronic sinus disease in a multimethod study” concluded that nasal irrigation with a saline solution is a safe, well-tolerated, inexpensive, effective, long-term therapy that patients with chronic sinonasal symptoms can and will use at home with minimal training and follow-up.
Nasal irrigation with a saline solution has also been clinically proven to relieve cold and flu symptoms, allergy symptoms, nasal congestion, sinusitis and rhinitis, sinus headaches and reduce the frequency and duration of colds and flu.
The new clear SinuCleanse neti pot comes with 30 all-natural, quick dissolving, pre-measured saline solution packets.
I've heard friends and online parenting communities rave about Neti Pots, and even watched the demo on YouTube, but never had the guts to try it until I was offered to review the new SinuCleanse Neti Pot. I jumped at the chance, because our family was hit HARD this year by the cold and flu bugs. The weather down here helped flare up three cases of bronchitis, two bouts of "the flu", and three cases EACH of the common cold.
(It never seems to help when one day it's 70 degrees outside, and the next it's 40!) Anyway, I was really excited to try this product, but will admit as soon as it came- not a symptom appeared for a very long time. As I stared at the box, I started chickening out- big time.
The directions basically say to put the spout part in your one nostril, tilt your head, and let the saline come out of the other nostril.. The more I thought about it the more squeamish I got. I don't handle yucky noses well. Not on kids, not on adults, and the Lord seemed to bless me with two kids who's noses
constantly run during allergy season! We've tried the SinuCleanse Kids Mist during back to school time, and that definitely seemed to help them, and if their noses seem stuffy, I grab it right away.
The more I thought about that last sentence, the more the idea of the neti pot for me sounded better. It worked for the kiddos in the fall.. I decided to give the Neti pot a try as soon as I started feeling under the weather again.
This last week was crazy. I was running around like a crazy lady, constantly on the go, and stressed through the wazoo. Any busy person knows that during times like these, it seems as though your immune system takes a nose dive, and crashes. Sure enough, today I felt like I got hit by a bus. Sluggish, nasal, and just "not in the mood".. for anything. So, tonight I decided would be the night.

It only took a few moments for the saline granules to dissolve in the warm water. My biggest piece of advice is keep your mouth open and BREATHE. (It says that in the directions, but it's so easy to stop a second while you're doing it, especially for the first time). The process was quick, and definitely not the sensation that I built myself up to think it would be. In fact, it was over before I could really think about what it felt like. The second nostril was a little difficult for me, as I can barely do anything with my left hand.. never mind hold a neti pot correctly. I think this is something that with practice can be mastered easily. I had to blow my nose, and wash my face after I completed the process, but after I came out and told my husband that I tried it, he informed me that I definitely sounded "less nasal" than I did before the treatment.
I could see myself using this product again, especially if it helps to break up my cold, flu and allergy symptoms the way it says that the research proves. Anything that I can do to help to shorten our length of "sick" time is greatly appreciated and welcomed in our home.
I would recommend this product to a friend to try out, as it's ease of use was great. Keep on the lookout at my Facebook fan page and Twitter account to see how I feel in the next few days!!
SinuCleanse products are sold at leading food, drug and mass outlets nationwide, including Walgreens and Krogers.
Our friends at SinuCleanse have offered a lucky reader their chance to try the new SinuCleanse Neti Pot for themselves!
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