Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mad Science KNOW "Science Magazine for Curious Kids" Review

As a mom of a gifted child I struggle on a daily basis to find things that work for my son. From mathematics, to science, to sports and recreation, every thing that happens in our life I evaluate to see if I think it will pass my son's high standards.

If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you may have noticed that we've had some problems with the public school system. Last year, academically speaking, he spent bored, reading the same material he had in previous years, completing monotonous work that really taught him nothing. Education wasn't fun, or engaging, and I felt that he needed a change. This year, he's attending a new school with higher standards of curriculum, and he's excited about experiencing new things. He hates being the "new kid", but we're working on that.

When he was younger, we purchased a magazine subscription for him to encourage creative thinking, and thinking outside the box. He enjoyed it for the most part, but craved something more. I had no idea that anything like that existed, until I was presented an opportunity to review the Canadian magazine, KNOW, from Mad Science Publications. Although at first skeptical about a science magazine for kids, I became more excited about reviewing this magazine the more I learned about it.

KNOW is a science magazine for children ages 6-9, which is perfect for my 7 year old. KNOW News brings kids up to date on the latest discoveries and newest inventions; Alex loves creating and inventing, and even has his own invention book.

The 'Science in Action' section covers real scientists working in a field related to the topic or theme of the issue. I love the fact that my son can see a real-life application of science in the world today. The articles are age-appropriate, colorful and fun, and packed with oodles of information for your budding scientist.

One of the best parts, one that sets this magazine apart from others, (aside from delighting in the way my son seems to absorb all of the information from the pages), is the fact that KNOW magazine is free from outside advertising. Yes, you read that right. No ads for noisy, cheap toys, designer shoes, or cartoons with the social skills of a rock. This magazine is full of intelligent, coherent, well-formed stories, articles, comics and illustrations, hands-on experiments, and fun for you and your child.

As your child matures and their love of science grows, Mad Science also offers YES MAG. YES MAG is geared for kids 10-15 and delivers information on technology, biology, archaeology/palaeontology, Earth science, and scientists.

I am excited and eager to see future publications, and as of right now, my only negative critique is that this magazine is only published 6 times per year, simply because my son craves more! While browsing their site, I learned that you can purchase previous issues, and they even have a clearance section loaded with educational books and past issues.. so who knows- maybe Santa will drop a few under the tree this year, as well!

I know that science is not every child's forte, but I truly believe that as the world grows and changes our children need to become more excited about science. Utilizing tools such as KNOW and YES MAG may just be the fire we need to ignite that passion for learning.

"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by  Mom Central on behalf of Mad Science and received the products necessary to  facilitate my review. In addition, I received a gift certificate to thank me  for taking the time to participate."

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Holiday Must Haves 2010- What's on YOUR child's Wish List?

Did you know that there are only 16 Friday's until Christmas?

With the holidays quickly approaching, I asked my kids today what was on their holiday wish lists. They rambled off a list of items, but the two things they want most are:

Abbigaile (age 4)-

She didn't get them for Back to School, and she's been asking for them for awhile. 
The nine million commercials definitely help, as well.

Of course, she'd prefer the pink one. Thankfully, the love of reading has carried down to our littlest. 
She saw someone using their V.Reader at my son's school, and was hooked.

Alex (age 7)
He'd really like a drum set, but we don't have the room for a real one. He said that an electronic one would do the job, so this is one of his must have's this season.

He's been asking for this since his birthday, last March. Now that he's older and takes better care of things, 
I think that this might be a great choice for this holiday.

Abbie told me she loves Olivia, anything art, and that she would enjoy "more books and Barbies", as well. Both kids asked for board games, and Alex told me about 15 Wii and DS games. One of the other things that he wants is an Erector Set, or the K'nex Speed Coaster or Motorized Madness Ball Machine.

On my list this year is a new set of pots and pans, an electric sweeper, a crock pot, and a camera. The hubster needs some new tools, but wants an HD radio, an mp3 player, a new laptop/desktop "for just him", a new pair of sneakers and work boots. He would really like a new TV and a home weather station, but knows that's not in our budget.. the same way I'm going to have to wait for my dining room set.

So there's a sneak-peek into our holiday wish lists. What's on yours, your spouse, or your child's list?

Monday, September 27, 2010

OLIVIA hits Our List for the Holidays!

Because 4BabyAndMom consists of two families, we have a unique perspective on gifts- especially holiday gifts- because of the range of ages in our family. Both of the girls this year, (age 7 and age 4), have had a sudden obsession with Olivia. Yes, the adorable pink piglet on television and in books.

My big girl wants the super-cool figure sets where she can change the clothes and play with everything miniature. The little one wants the stuffed animal, in every outfit they have. Both girls want the 2-in-1 playset, "baaaaadly".

Thanks to Team Mom and Olivia, our kids were elated to receive a 12-inch plush Olivia doll and the 2-in-1 Olivia Playset in the mail for review. This has since re-ignited their urgency to receive Olivia items in their stockings and under the tree this holiday.

Both of our families enjoy watching the cartoon, and the lessons taught in them. It brings us back to the days where cartoons were almost wholesome. Each of our bookshelves hold the book, OLIVIA and now Lauren delights in watching her little lady prance around with her stuffed Olivia. I love watching my little lady pretend and act out scenes (especially ones with a pesky brother!). I love watching the creativity flow in our house.

Be sure to check out your local toy stores (like Toys R Us) or online at Amazon to find the latest and greatest Olivia toys.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Turn-by-Turn GPS Navigation with Waze app- Review + Giveaway!

It's officially fall, and along with cooler weather most families start trying to plan some sort of staycation or vacation before it really gets cold. Our family is the type of family that goes for a drive during the weekend, just to get lost and find something that we haven't seen in our area. We've stumbled across some really unique places (like Monkey Island), and some well known areas (like Old Town). I was recently introduced to Waze (, a free app that relies on user-provided info to get the latest on accidents, detours, traffic jams and police activity.

With Waze, you’ll know when traffic gets better or worse, what roads to avoid, and where the police are hanging out. Plus, you can keep the kids entertained with the Pac Man like game that allows you to hunt for cupcakes while on the road.

Waze is a great tool to use to help improve your commute (and your sanity). It is a new program, but with the help of YOU and your friends, Waze can become the next "must have" social mobile network. Take the Waze Guided Tour to learn more about this free app for your phone.

Waze definitely has a lot of potential, and although my phone won't support the app at the moment, I've used it with my sister's smart phone and I absolutely love it. I can't wait until I get my new phone in February so I can use it during all of our explorations. It has a ton of potential, and with more users participating daily,

Our friends at have offered us TWO $25 Shell gas gift cards to give away on 4BabyAndMom so you can get out and explore your area using their new app!

Here's How:
Download the app to your iPhone, Android, smart phone,Windows Mobile, Symbian and other devices (listed at There is a beta version for the BlackBerry, as well. After you've downloaded it, go for a drive, and come back and tell me what you think. Leave your user name along with your comment to verify that you've downloaded the app.


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Go explore or cut down commuter aggravation with @WAZE  Win a $25 Shell Gas Gift Card! Ends 10/2 @4BabyAndMom
I just downloaded a free turn-by-turn navigation app @WAZE  +entered to win a $25 Shell Gas Card! Ends10/2 @4BabyAndMom
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  • Apparently, I'm not as popular on Technorati, or Digg as I am here- Feel free to use the Share tool at the bottom of the post to book mark/fave/etc 4BabyAndMom on your favorite social media sites. Leave the appropriate link(s) in your comment. You may use multiple sites for extra entries!


Please refer to our WINNERS PAGE for more information on how to claim your prize!

    This giveaway is open to residents of the US. This giveaway will end on October 2, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on our WINNERS PAGE and on this post. Please include a valid email address and your user id in your comment. If we cannot find a way to contact you, we will not, we will choose another winner. We do try to email all winners, but due to the volume of giveaways offered on our site, delays can be expected. If you catch your name before we email you, please feel free to contact us first. :) Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom. I received waze sunshades and a $25 Shell gift card as compensation for this review. As always, what you have read is strictly the opinion of 4BabyAndMom. Your opinions may differ.

    Wednesday, September 22, 2010

    Barbie Fashion Fairytale DVD Review

    I grew up playing with my mom's Barbie dolls, and quite the collection as well. This holiday, I'm planning on gifting some of my Barbies to my little lady. In the meantime, the brand new Barbie A Fashion Fairytale DVD and matching dolls are starting to appear on shelves all over toy-land.

    A very dramatic (and traumatic) beginning opens up with Barbie's dreams and world crashing down on her- first she's fired, then Ken breaks up with her- what is she to do? She decides to book a flight to Paris and visit her fashion designer aunt to get away from it all.

    Barbie lands in Paris and soon finds out that her aunt's business has been sold because of a sneaky, snarky fashion "designer" that steals successful designs and pretends they are her own. Barbie and her new friend Alecia decide that it is a shame to waste the magic in the studio, and come to find out that there really is magic hiding in the studio.

    Three "Flairies" (not fairies, because they have no wings), have more than just flair. Glimmer, Shimmer, and Shine have helped designers for over a 100 years make their designs bold and beautiful, and now may be in danger of losing their powers if the studio is demolished.

    Can they help Barbie save her aunt's shop? Does Barbie's aunt still have what it takes? Can Barbie's new friend Alecia save the day? Will the horrid competitor across the street ruin their dreams?

    Pick up your copy of Barbie A Fashion Fairytale now to see how the story weaves together in a magic tale. You can find both the DVD and dolls at toy stores near you, or online at Amazon, Toys R Us, and other retailers. The DVD runs about $12.99-$19.99 and the doll is about $29.

    Thanks to MomSelect and Barbie, we were given a copy of this DVD to review. My little lady is only 4 years old, and loves Barbie movies. Some of the points in this movie (ie: breaking up, getting fired) were a little over her head, but otherwise it was a very enjoyable movie. As a mom, I hope that if she's ever faced with those trials in life that she won't want to run off to a far-away-land to escape from it all.

    The story carried a great life lesson in always remembering to stay true to yourself, and a very cute plot. I loved the play on words, as the little Jack Russell terrier in the movie's name was with a french accent as "Jacq Rue-sal". They even used "redonkulous", making this film modern and trendy for the younger tweens that may still be interested in Barbie or fashion.

    Alex (my seven year old son) pretended not to watch, but busted out hysterically when Ken (who was sporting a Justin Beiber style shag cut) bent over and the tush of his pants ripped, exposing some heart shaped undies.

    Abbigaile thoroughly enjoyed the "Flairies" and their sass, and literally shrieked with excitement when the Glimmer used her power on Barbie's last dress in the fashion show. I think that this holiday season the Fashion Fairytale Barbie and Ken may be on her list, just for the sheer "Glimmer, Shimmer, and Shine" in both of their outfits.

    Special thanks again to both MomSelect and Barbie for allowing us to review this product.

    Monday, September 20, 2010

    Fall Primetime Premiere Week- What Do You Watch??

    I am so excited about the season premieres of House, Chuck and Castle tonight, that it almost over shadows all of the other great programs this week. Almost.

    What are you watching this week? DVRing? Not interested in? Excited about?

    I've added some to the list I found at, but here's what's coming up:

    Monday, September 20
    Castle - ABC
    Hawaii Five-O - CBS
    House - Fox
    Lone Star - Fox
    Chuck - NBC
    The Event - NBC
    Chase - NBC
    Molly and Mike-CBS

    Tuesday, September 21
    Detroit 1-8-7 - ABC
    NCIS - CBS
    NCIS: Los Angeles (two-hour premiere) - CBS
    Glee - Fox

    Wednesday, September 22
    The Whole Truth - ABC
    Criminal Minds - CBS
    The Defenders - CBS
    Undercovers - NBC
    Law & Order: SVU (two-hour premiere) - NBC

    Thursday, September 23
    My Generation - ABC
    Grey's Anatomy - ABC
    Private Practice - ABC
    CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - CBS
    The Mentalist - CBS
    Bones - Fox
    Fringe - Fox

    Friday, September 24
    Medium - CBS
    CSI: NY - CBS
    Blue Bloods - CBS
    Human Target - Fox
    The Good Guys - Fox
    Smallville - The CW
    Supernatural - The CW

    Sunday, September 26
    Desperate Housewives - ABC
    Brothers & Sisters - ABC
    Undercover Boss-CBS

    Tuesday, September 28
    No Ordinary Family - ABC
    The Good Wife - CBS

    Wednesday, September 29
    Law & Order: Los Angeles - NBC

    Sunday, October 3
    CSI: Miami - CBS

    Wednesday, November 10
    Lie to Me - Fox

    Saturday, September 18, 2010

    Belly Buds - Music In-Utero

    Remember when the only way to play music to your developing in-utero baby was to either play music really loudly, or try and maneuver headphones around your round belly? Well, you no longer have to put headphones (designed for your head!) around your belly with BellyBuds.

    BellyBuds – are belly phones! You can place them anywhere on your belly safely, and easily. They adhere to your belly with a hydrogel adhesive ring, which is safe, non-toxic, doesn’t hurt to apply or take off, and leaves no mark whatsoever! You can get a good 20-30 uses out of the belly phones before you may need to replace the hydrogel rings. And the makers of Belly Buds have even included your first set of replacements right in the box!

    I was so excited to try this product out. Another great idea that the makers of Belly Buds decided to add to their product, is an audio splitter. So you can listen to music on earphones, and baby can listen to the same music from the belly phones. This is perfect if you have an IPOD or similar device.

    As I write this review, my husband in the other room has no idea that I am even listening to music. Meanwhile, my baby and I are relaxing and listening to the sounds of Bach and Mozart. The rest of the room is silent. My only complaint is that the wire for the belly phones/audio splitter is not very long. I have an extensive MP3 collection on my computer, but could not plug directly into the computer since the cord was not long enough. But this is only a minor setback.

    The BellyBuds prenatal music set includes one pair of bellybuds™ bellyphones, one pair of bellybuds buddons, two sets of hydrogel adhesive rings, two bellybuds "dock" for safe, convenient storage, one audio splitter for simultaneous listening and one neoprene pouch with belt clip. It retails for $49.99.

    I am very happy with Belly Buds, and have used them numerous times throughout my pregnancy. The nifty neoprene carry pouch is great for those times I am on the go. Super convenient! I think these are certainly worth purchasing for any new mom-to-be and would be a great gift at any baby shower!

    This post was written by Laura, a long time friend and guest blogger at 4BabyAndMom. Laura is the proud mom of two handsome boy, and is expecting her first little lady.
    This item was provided to 4BabyAndMom by BellyBuds and Team Mom at no cost in exchange for a review.

    Tuesday, September 14, 2010

    What's in Your Locker? Kids Foot Locker Asks, Do You Have What You Need?

    School is in session ("officially"), all over the country. From Elementary through college, students are scrambling to get back into routine, show off their new fancy kicks, and remember where their classes are.

    This is the time of the year that is usually the most hectic for us, simply for the fact that it's now that we realize we don't have enough socks in our drawers- because the sock monster struck again- and that the sneakers he had to have just aren't "cool" enough. Don't forget about the backpack.. it's already got a hole starting in it, because she had to have the pretty pop-star one! Ugh.

    Right now it's the "End of Season" for most retailers and finding 'cool-enough' stuff is not as hard as I thought it would be at Kids Foot Locker. We told you about all of their great sales and promotions right before school on Twitter and Facebook, and now, we want to make sure that your child's locker has all of the right gear that will last the whole year long.

    From Kids Foot Locker:

    Backpacks are not only one of the most essential accessories for its obvious function, but they are a great way for children to express their individual styles. For those looking to make a bold statement, the YakPak Splash Backpack with its burst of color will certainly grab attention. You also want to look for one that is durable enough to lug all those books back and forth while maintaining that desired cool factor. The Jordan collection and Jansport Superbreak have double-shoulder straps to ensure weight is distributed evenly, and is lightweight so your child is comfortable.

    Socks- Pulled up to the knees or pushed down to the ankles, it’s all about sock appeal this back-to-school. Fun prints and bold color accents make this one of the hottest classroom trends. Mix and match to create your own style with Littlemissmatched socks (available in packages of three designs) or Kids Foot Locker’s new ultra-lite, low-cut socks for boys and girls.
    So now that we're scrambling trying to make sure to get super-cool replacements and restock on fun socks to compliment all of our outfits, we want to make sure that you have everything you need and more!

    Our friends at Kids Foot Locker have offered one of our readers their chance to win a $50 gift card.


     Please visit our WINNERS PAGE for more information on how to claim your prize.

    This giveaway is open to residents of the US. This giveaway will end on September 22, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on our WINNERS PAGE and on this post. Please include a valid email address in your comment. If we cannot find a way to contact you we will not, we will choose another winner. We do try to email all winners, but due to the volume of giveaways offered on our site, delays can be expected. If you catch your name before we email you, please feel free to contact us first. :) Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom. As always, what you have read is strictly the opinion of 4BabyAndMom. Your opinions may differ.

    Join Weight Watcher's Lose-A-Palooza and Lose For Good

    All day today, YOU can help raise money to battle hunger simply by using your favorite social media network. Do you have a Twitter account? How about a Facebook page?

    For every every accepted mention or acknowledgment of “Lose For Good” made on September 14th through blogs, Twitter, Facebook and check-in via foursquare, Weight Watchers will donate $1 – up to $60,000 – to Share Our Strength and Action Against Hunger.

    If you are on Twitter, follow @WeightWatchers, @sharestrength and/or @acfusa. Then help by tweeting or retweeting using the hashtag: #LoseForGood. You can even add a Twibbon to your profile to show your support for the day. Encourage your followers to join you as you Tweet to fight hunger.

    On Facebook supporters can raise awareness by "Liking" the Weight Watchers, Share Our Strength and Action Against Hunger  pages. Like or comment on any of the "Lose-A-Palooza" status updates throughout the day. Add a Twibbon to your Facebook profile pic for the day, and encourage your friends and colleagues to participate as well!

    If you have a blog, write a quick post sharing Lose-A-Palooza with all of your readers, and encourage them to visit and get active in this movement. Or, if you check-in at a Weight Watcher's meeting using FourSquare, that will count too! To find a meeting near you, click here.

    Don't worry if you don't have a blog, twitter, facebook, or FourSquare account, because you can just leave a comment on any Lose For Good blog post... just include "Lose For Good" in your comment!  If you still feel like doing more be sure to visit the Weight Watchers community and write a post on their message boards with "Lose For Good" in it.

    So... what are you waiting for? Leave a comment here (and include "Lose For Good") and then run to your favorite social media network(s) and help with the fight against hunger!

    Special thanks to the One2One network for sharing this great promotion with 4BabyAndMom. By posting about this topic, I have been entered in a contest to win Weight Watcher's prizes or a gift card. No monetary compensation was received for this post.

    Monday, September 13, 2010

    Nature Made 'Give-A-Smile' Campaign Results

    I love to follow up on excellent good deeds brought to you by companies that we write about on 4BabyAndMom. A few weeks ago I wrote about our experience with Nature Made SAM-e. In that post, I shared the Give-A-Smile campaign with you, and posted the widget on our sidebar.

    While visiting the SAM-e website I came across this article called, "Give A Smile: Thanks for Your Help!" explaining the awesome results of the campaign. I urge you to read the whole article, but the bottom line is that they donated $25,000 to the Dream Foundation, and are also helping two other youngsters. 

    It was an honor to work with such a down to earth company, who's willing to give back to their community.

    Lafayette Puzzle Factory + Crayola= Super Fun for Kids! (And Educational, too!)

    As a mom of a gifted child, I am always struggling to find toys that engage my son. It's hard to find the perfect balance of fun and educational, and many of the toys on the market are either 'fun' OR 'educational' no matter how hard the manufacturers try to hit both marks, I've found very few that have succeeded skillfully. Until now.

    Over the summer I was introduced to the brand new Crayola Chalkboard USA Floor Puzzle. Manufactured by the Lafayette Puzzle Factory, this colorful floor puzzle is perfect for kids of any age to help assemble, although it's marked ages 6+. The 48 large pieces are perfect for little hands and young puzzle enthusiasts, but make for a very large puzzle. At 2'x3', it's perfect on the play room floor.

    The kids loved that they could doodle all over it, and we loved the fact that it provides an excellent opportunity to have fun (while learning the names of the states, locations of the states, and distance between various locations), and get excited about learning about the USA!

    The entire surface of this puzzle can be written on with chalk, although some of the colors are better than others. My only "con" with this item is that it only comes with one piece of chalk, so as soon as the kids opened it, they started arguing about who's chalk it was. Thankfully, we use a lot of sidewalk chalk, so I grabbed another colored piece, and we were good to go.

    My husband and son enjoyed playing "Guess the State" and then we, (READ: My Husband and I) got into a very competitive round of who could name the most states from across the room. Then it continued to how many state capitals we could name. (I won that, hands down!) Abbie loved learning that Idaho makes potatoes, that Vermont is where we get our syrup from, and that Indiana is where the Lafayette Puzzle Factory is! Alex loved pointing out all of the different states that we have family in, and measuring the distance between them. Since then, he's started memorizing the capitals, and has even engaged in some pretend play with his sister (pretending he's a teacher, but still, pretending!), which is totally not his norm.

    We had so much fun playing with this during the overly-rainy-summer, and still do! Very rarely do we have a puzzle last for longer than a week or two in our house, but this one has survived our super-hard-testers, (and our disorganized lives), which is why it has earned our "MUST HAVES" badge.

    The Crayola Chalkboard Floor Puzzle is available with three different backgrounds, Playground Fun, Space Zone, and USA Map. The Playground Fun and Space Zone puzzles look as though they have less room to doodle on, but still look fun to play with overall. The Crayola Chalkboard Floor Puzzle has also received the 2010 Puzzle of The Year award from Creative Child Magazine.

    I could see all three of these puzzles, (but more-so the map of the USA), being used in classrooms all over the world. Home schoolers or moms on the go could still get great pleasure over watching kids get excited about learning about their country, and have a blast expressing themselves artistically as well. You should start to see these products on the shelves of your local Toys R Us this fall.

    Our new friends at Lafayette Puzzle Factory have offered one Chalkboard Floor Puzzle as a prize to one lucky 4BabyAndMom reader!

    This giveaway is open to residents of the US. This giveaway will end on September 19, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on our WINNERS PAGE and on this post. Please include a valid email address in your comment. If we cannot find a way to contact you we will not, we will choose another winner. We do try to email all winners, but due to the volume of giveaways offered on our site, delays can be expected. If you catch your name before we email you, please feel free to contact us first. :) Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom. This product was provided to me at no cost by the Lafayette Puzzle Factory. As always, what you have read is strictly the opinion of 4BabyAndMom. Your opinions may differ.


    Please refer to the WINNERS POST for more information on how to claim your prize.

    Saturday, September 11, 2010

    I Will Never Forget...


    Nine Septembers later and my heart still hurts for those we lost that day- neighbors, friends, relatives, strangers, heroes. I'll never forget how I thanked God that my brother in law's meeting was rescheduled to 'the Nassau County office', and that my friend was visiting family down south. I remember the way my heart just wept as I watched from my living room, 45 miles to the east, and how vulnerable I felt for our country. I remember praying like I've never prayed before, and weeping like I've never wept before.

    Today I remember two friends of my husbands- sisters who spent every minute of their lives together, Sam and Lisa Egan, who worked together at Cantor-Fitzgerald. I also remember a friends uncle, Lt. Michael Warchola of the FDNY, and all of the lives we lost that somber September day.

    Wednesday, September 8, 2010

    Angelina Ballerina "Loves to Dance" *Review*

    Angelina Ballerina, the eight-year old mouseling who dreams of becoming a prima ballerina, got a new look and even more exciting with the all-new CG animated Angelina Ballerina: Love to Dance. New music, new friends and new dancing styles await Angelina Ballerina -- a little star with big dreams -- on her first day at Camembert Academy. Dancing in the lunch yard, making new friends while remembering her old friends and rehearsing for the big show, Angelina is passionate about dance, particularly ballet, and always tries to make the best out of every situation. When little girls share in Angelina’s experiences, they’re inspired to pursue their big dreams too.

    From Lionsgate and HIT Entertaiment:


    Put on your dancing shoes and get ready to take center stage with Angelina Ballerina! On Angelina’s first day at Camembert Academy she discovers new forms of music and dance, like jazz, tap and hip hop, and meets new friends who have their own unique rhythm. Together with her friends new and old, like best friend Alice and the new Hip-Hop Kid AZ, Angelina realizes that becoming a prima ballerina requires collaboration and compromise, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun! Get ready to step, leap and groove as you discover your own love of dance in these fun-filled episodes!

    * “Angelina’s New School” – Angelina is excited, yet nervous, about her first day of school at Camembert Academy. When she finds her new classmates proficient in other styles of dance, she tries to copy their moves – without success. Angelina soon discovers that when she’s true to her own style of dance – ballet – she excels, and soon understands that everyone is different, and different is good.

    * “Angelina’s Dance Partner” – Angelina is ecstatic to have the opportunity to dance with her best friend, Alice, at Camembert Academy’s “Dance With a Partner Day.” Angelina likes to choreograph the routine down to the very last detail and Alice is happy to oblige! Unfortunately, when Alice gets the sniffles Angelina must partner with Viki, whose style of improvisation contradicts with Angelina’s style. Angelina learns the importance of collaboration, cooperation and adaptability when working with a partner.

    * “Angelina’s Oldest Friend” – Angelina loves her new Camembert Academy friends and also loves her old friend Alice. She expects that both sets of friends will love each other too. Unfortunately, their first encounter is not as smooth as Angelina would have liked so the new and old friends work together to find a new way to play so all can have fun.

    * “Angelina’s Sleepover” – Angelina, Viki and Gracie decide to have a sleepover the night before a rehearsal for the big performance, but they do everything except sleep! The next day they are too tired for the morning rehearsal and have to choose between an afternoon rehearsal or attending the annual Silly Hat Carnival, a fun tradition in Mouseland. Angelina and her friends decide to rehearse and learn that being prepared is the best fun of all!

    * “Angelina and the Hip Hop Kid” – Angelina is very excited to be directing her very first Hip Hop Show when suddenly her star, AZ, falls and hurts his foot! Who can step into his shoes at the last minute? Marco is the number one choice. However, though he can play Hip Hop music, dancing Hip Hop is another thing. The show is in danger of not going on… unless Angelina can come up with a solution in time!

    · “Angelina Says” Game
    · “Get Up and Dance” Music Video
    · “I Will Be A Star” Music Video
    The suggested retail value of this new CG animated movie Angelina Ballerina: Loves to Dance is approximately $14.99 and is available online at Amazon and everywhere childrens DVD's are sold.

    Abbigaile adores Angelina Ballerina, and enjoys dancing around while she watches her on the television. She should be starting dance class soon, and is super excited about it. I loved the new CG animation, and thought it made her more "modern". For those of you who have a little lady that loves Angelina, feel free to print out this free coloring sheet!


    Special thanks to Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment for allowing us to review this product at no cost.

    Tuesday, September 7, 2010

    Johnson's Natural Baby Products- Same Great Name Even Safer Products

    As many of you know, I have been trying to take a greener approach to many of the everyday beauty supplies and cleaners that I use around the house. Since my mom got diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year, I have re-ignited that urge for awareness. I didn't stop paying attention to the ingredients or details whole-heartedly, but yes, I did find myself resorting back to the cheaper products that was more of a "habit" to buy instead of the newer products I've been getting. I remember when we had 'New Baby' last year, I researched baby soaps and products, and was amazed that the brands I loved so much scored so high on the

    When I was approached to review the brand new line of Johnson's & Johnson's baby products (Johnson's Natural) I was very eager and excited. I've been caring for a 6 month old recently, and of course my two 'babies'. Because they hate getting soap in their eyes, I usually end up buying the 'No More Tears' line of products.

    I spend a lot on Johnson's products, and always have. Needless to say, I couldn't wait until I received our Johnson's Natural products. The facts: Johnson's Natural are 98%-99% Natural, made from plant & fruit derived ingredients, are paraben free, dye free, and essential oil free. They contain no Animal Byproducts, No Silicones, No Lanolin, No Paraffin, No Petrolatum, and No Phthalates. In English, none of the artificial, scientifically proven cancer causing agents that are commonly found in many bath and beauty products.

    The bottles themselves are made with up to 60% post-consumer recycled material, and all of the claims from the press release are true. I thought because of the Johnson's name, that the products would have the traditional "powdery" scent, but it did not. The smell was still light and sweet, but still baby-smelling, but hard to pin point. I smelled some undertones of coconut, (even Alex noticed it a little bit), but don't expect it to smell like a traditional Johnson's & Johnson's product and you'll be ok.

    My absolute favorite product so far is the Johnson's Natural Head to Toe Foaming Baby Wash. It pumps out into little bursts of suds that really glide all over baby, giving the feel of super soft skin right away. It's soft, gentle and natural, all of which are perfect for my children.

    The price point for these products are very affordable, compared to other natural products on the market, and only range from $3.99 to $6.99 online. 

    The Baby Lotion is delightful, light and not greasy at all; it's absorbed into your skin quickly and has an even sweeter scent than the other products. I prefer the products that have a pump, (on sheer convenience alone), but so far I have been very impressed with the entire new line of Natural products from Johnson's.

    I take comfort in seeing the 'No More Tears' seal, because it assures me that not only are the products gentle on my child's skin, but also on her eyes. As her new independence blossoms, I can feel comfortable trusting that the 2-in-1 Foaming Hand and Face Wash will get her clean, without stinging her eyes or exposing her to harmful chemicals that traditional foaming cleansers contain.

     This is definitely a product that I would purchase again in the future, and would recommend to other parents looking for safer, and more affordable natural products for their families.

    "I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Johnson’s and received the products necessary to facilitate my review. In addition, I received a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate."

    New Winners Announced!

    I know it's a pretty busy time of the year right now in most houses. Whether Back to School affects you or not, getting back into the swing of things after summer is always hectic- at least in my house!

    I just wanted to make sure that you all knew that we announced oodles of new winners on our winners page.

    Congratulations to the following winners:

    Ladies Foot Locker- wcc and Courtney
    Marcal Small Steps- EmmaPeel
    Funky Monkey Snacks- tree
    Zola Superfruit Drinks- tristatecruisers
    Tie Buddies- Debbie Stanton
    Seventh Generation- mframe

    Rubbermaid Reveal Mop: Jill @JillandLil

    If your name (or screen name) is mentioned above, please email 4BabyAndMom at gmail dot com as soon as possible with your full contact information, so I can send it to the corresponding sponsors. Thank you all for participating, and keep on the look out for some more amazing Back to School reviews and giveaways.

    Precious Moments Baby Boutique Plush Giraffe Review + Giveaway

    Precious Moments are one of the few timeless collections that almost everyone has heard of. When I was little, I remember looking at my aunt's array of porcelain figurines thinking how cute they all were.

    I remember when Alex was born, Precious Moments became very popular again, and then we moved to Florida and I noticed they were not as easy to come by as they were in NY.

    When I was given an opportunity to review a plush toy from the Precious Moments Baby Boutique, I was very eager and excited. One of the items on Abbie's back to school list was a "rest-pet" to take with her on her nap mat while she rested. As soon as her new pal arrived, they have been basically joined at the hip. Seriously, I have never seen her like this with any other stuffed animal.. it's adorable! This week I finally convinced her to leave her "rest-pet" at school, and only take her home on weekends.. (we'll see how long that lasts!). The body of the giraffe is so super soft and snuggly, and it's face is adorable, with classic Precious Moments style eyes. It's light pastel colors, perfect for any baby's room or nursery.

    The Precious Moments Baby Boutique offers a great selection of Precious Moments items designed for your baby, or your baby's room. From picture frames to crib bedding, to blankets, plush items and even classic figurines.

    Our new friends at the Precious Moments Baby Boutique have offered one lucky reader their chance to win the same plush giraffe that Abbie has fallen in love with.

    Here's How:
    Visit the Precious Moments Baby Boutique and tell me one of the gifts they offer that you would be interested in purchasing for yourself or someone who's expecting. Please be specific.


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    This giveaway is open to residents of the US. This giveaway will end on September 12, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on our WINNERS PAGE and on this post. Please include a valid email address in your comment. If I cannot find a way to contact you I will not. I do try to email all winners, but due to the volume of giveaways offered on our site, delays can be expected. If you catch your name before I email you, please feel free to contact us first. :) Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom. This product was provided to me at no cost by Precious Moments Baby Boutique and Mom Select to facilitate a candid review. As always, what you have read is strictly the opinion of 4BabyAndMom. Your opinions may differ.


    Please refer to our WINNERS PAGE for more information on how to claim your prize.

    Monday, September 6, 2010

    New Fisher Price EZ Bundle Saves Moms A Bundle!

    Of stress and energy, that is!

    The brand new Fisher Price EZ Bundle is a 4-in-1 baby system, perfect for babies newborn through 50lbs. As soon as I received this product, I knew that if it was as good as it looked that it would receive our "Must Have!" award, and sure enough- it has!

    When my babies were little, how I longed for a product like this. It goes from infant seat to swing, to high chair and toddler chair in just a few simple moves.. I really cannot believe how simple and space saving this product is.

    I remember using my swing as a high chair until I didn't need the swing anymore and I utilized the high chair as often as possible for the mere fact that it kept my kids contained as I cooked or cleaned.

    Thanks to our friends at Fisher Price and MomSelect, the beautiful little 6 month old that I've been caring for was able to help me review this product.

    Putting it together was fairly easy.. the screws were a little difficult to get into the holes, (it felt almost as if they were the wrong size), but with a little muscle they were successfully placed.

    Miss Tish is a little too big (now that she's sitting up all by herself), but we were able to get quite a few shots of her in the swing, toddler seat & the high chair settings.

    How cute is she?? And of course, how cool is this product??

    All in all, Miss Tish really did enjoy the product in all of it's settings. I have to tell you, as a mom who has had a child in a tiny apartment, a medium-sized apartment and a house that we're outgrowing as we speak, my favorite part of this product is that it's a 4-in-1 system that is truly functional.

    At only $150, parents can afford to have "one of everything" without going broke. And in an economy like this, Fisher Price has hit a home run when it comes to meeting the needs of their customers. If you are expecting, know someone that is, or have a little one at home, I highly recommend that you give this product a try.

    Special thanks to MomSelect and Fisher Price for allowing us to review this product. We received this product to review at no cost, in exchange for a candid review of this product.

    NutraSea Kids Omega Supplement Review

    If you spend anytime reading magazines or watching TV, you may have noticed a 'supplement movement'. No, it's nothing that has been officially recognized, I've recognized it, and jumped on that band wagon a long while ago.

    From Fish Oil, to  SAM-e, and even vitamin B, we've been using supplements for about a year now. I can tell you that I have noticed a definite overall improvement, and can tell beyond a shadow of a doubt when I miss some supplements.

    I am very lucky, as my kids aren't picky eaters, so they eat many green veggies, and enjoy a good fillet of fish, but the fact of the matter is, I would love to increase their exposure to omega 3's. Unfortunately, many fish oil products on the market have that "fishy" smell to it, and even if I tried to hide it in some balsamic vinaigrette, the kids smell it coming a mile away.

    Recently, our family was introduced to NutraSea Kids and asked to review the product through Mom Central. I jumped at the opportunity to review this product, as it's packed with 560mg of Omega 3 (EPA+DHA).

    DHA is one of the ingredients scientifically proven to be beneficial to early childhood development. In fact, if you used formula with your little one, you may even recognize this brain building nutrient. 

    The product website mentions that it's used "for a healthy heart, improved mental function and healthy bones and teeth." It also says that it may improve brain and eye development in children and adolescents. It is recommended for kids ages 2-13, and obviously, if your child has any type of allergic reaction to seafood, be sure to check with your doctor before trying this product yourself.

    The great berry flavor fooled my kids, and so far, so good. I haven't really noticed any type of dramatic difference in their "mental function", but I know that I feel good giving it to them. They don't complain about any 'fishy' taste or smell, and take it with their normal vitamins with ease.

    If you are looking for a supplement for your child, I would definitely suggest giving NutraSea Kids a try. I found NutraSea Kids at my local Vitamin Shoppe, and at It retails for about $15-18 a bottle online. Each bottle contains about 40 servings (1 tsp. daily).

    “I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central on behalf of NutraSea Kids campaign and received NutraSea samples to facilitate my candid review. Mom Central sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.”


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