Thursday, May 22, 2014

End of {School} Year Festivities!

It's been a hell of a journey to get to where we are today. My son is in fifth grade and on the verge of being a middle schooler. Tomorrow we go on the end of the year field trip... to Sea World, Orlando!!

I'm so excited about it, probably more so than my son. It's been an emotional year.. the first one without grandma.

He's handled that better than me. It's times like this, with all of the end of the year events, that I really miss her. She wouldn't have missed this for the world.

I have no idea what I'm doing with the kids this summer. The blog will be getting a little bit of a make over, and the whole tone of my posts will change a little, to become more "me". I'm excited for the posts that I have planned, and a few reviews for products and brands that I've been loyal to through the years.

If you have a baby, snuggle with that little bundle of awesomeness.. it really does fly as soon as you blink a few times. I didn't believe it, but it's truer than any thing I've ever read on the internet.

If you have a toddler or a smaller child, breathe. Whatever they're doing that you're irritated by.. it's not the end of the world. You'll survive, and so will they. Building them up, instead of tearing them down- now that's real parenting. Be careful with the words you speak.. Looking back, I can tell you, just because he colored on the bathroom walls with blue marker is no reason to tear him down.

It's a mess, yes, but he's your baby. A glorious gift that was given to you. Cherish him. Even when he's being disobedient or naughty. Laugh. Let it go. Move on. Love them.

It goes very, very quickly.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Blog Re-Launch! Look for the New US in June, We're Back, Baby!!

The last few years have been crazy. We've tried to hold onto our blog and post as often as we can. However, life kept us away from it, due to many factors beyond our control. Some people can work through it, but I, my friends, was just not strong enough.

An update of sorts is due to any of you who still read our blog.. thank you to our faithful subscribers.

Marissa has graduated with her teaching certificate, and we're super excited.

My big guy is moving up to Middle School, and all of his fifth grade fun things are this month.

My daughter is doing very well, now even cuter, with glasses.

My little guy is two today.. Happy Birthday, Zackie!

The road along our marriage has been bumpy, but we're still trudging along- and recently celebrated our 10th anniversary.

My mom passed away a year ago February. It's been the most difficult season of my life, dealing with that grief.

That's basically it, in a nut shell. Don't worry, there will be plenty of stories shared of some of the craziness that is my life. Some of these things I can't even make up if I tried; some are hysterical, and will hopefully have you laughing at me, and with me.

Here I am, prepping, negotiating, and scheduling some amazing reviews and giveaways for the month of June, so bookmark, pin, and share this post and get ready for the new, and improved, 4BabyAndMom.. we're not just for babies or moms, and I can't wait to show you what I mean! 



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