Monday, June 30, 2014

Little Tikes Make Summer Fun! Review and Giveaway!!

Happy summer 4BabyAndMom'ers! We're still in the process of rebranding, and launching the new, improved site but the fun part is- all of our content will travel to our new site! The only teaser we can give you right now is that it will be "I.L.C." and will have a whole new feel to things.

We were hoping that we could get it all up and running by the first of July, but it looks like there will be some delays. To not hold up this product review and giveaway, I figured I would post it now. I need all of your help though, sharing it on social media, as our current link is . Don't worry, as always, you'll get extra entries for it.

Now, onto the good stuff.

My 2 year old is obsessed with Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and calls them, "Oh-ho's". It's hysterical and adorable all at the same time. Our new house doesn't have a pool, and I live in Florida. It's hot. All. Year. Long. Finding fun, safe, and creative ways to keep cool- aside from stalking Pinterest- are getting harder to do. The big kids want a slip and slide, if I do a wading pool the frogs will mate in it, and well, that's just gross. I found this Anchors Away Pirate Ship, and *KNEW* the baby just had to have it! Sure enough, as soon as he saw the box, he started screaming for me to put it together. ..Ok, well, he started screaming, "Oh-ho's!!", and jumping up and down.

Set up was easy. After I called customer support. They're so nice and easy to talk to. They don't make you feel like a moron, (even though you might feel like one for calling to ask them where to find the screws that are in the box), which is always nice. In my defense, they do kind of tuck it away with a piece of the ship that's wrapped separately. Anywho.

After I found the said pieces, I put it together with the help of an excited 11 year old, 8 year old, 2 year old, and a power screw driver. Once it was together, we filled it in seconds, and the fun began. My little guy began exploring, and experiencing the water table, twisting and turning all of the gadgets on the flag pole, making it "rain" with one of the cups with holes in the bottom, and freaking out about the "oh-ho's" and boats. His new favorite was the "sharkie" or "fish". Ignore my annoying voice, but enjoy the cuteness that is my baby.

All in all, this is by far his favorite toy, and I love watching him problem solve. My only negative experience was the cannon that is on the corner has a button to squirt water with. The cannon is not designed for toddlers, or easily frustrated kids. The big kids have no problem with it, but every time Zackie tries to push it, it pops off, or doesn't work quite right, so he gets frustrated with it. I know as he grows, he'll learn how to use it better, but for now I try to redirect him when he wants to play with it.

We also had an opportunity to review the Little Tikes Easy Store Picnic Table with Umbrella which is perfect for our afternoon lunches, or even when we grill outside. My little man loves to sit at it, and pretend he's a big kid! I love that it was super easy to pop together, and if we ever chose to take it apart for a BBQ at a friends house or the beach, all it takes is 5 minutes and it's all packed up.

Now YOU have the opportunity to WIN either an Anchors Away Pirate Ship, or an Easy Store Picnic Table from Little Tikes.

Here's How to Enter:
Leave a comment telling us which toy YOUR child would love to win and why! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway



Sunday, June 15, 2014

Redesign, Renaming, and More!

So, in the process of renewing and updating our blog, a vulture came in and scooped up our domain name. Without spending a fortune to get our name and our brand back, we decided to put on our big girl britches, and grow up. Literally.

After much thought and consideration, I have realized that I've started to grow out of the image that "4BabyAndMom" stirs inside of me. I'm so much more than 'just a mom blogger', a 'review blogger', or a 'parenting blogger', or well, a mom. Aside from the many hats that the job title "mom" holds, I just realized that when I'm 50, and still wanting to write, the title of "4BabyAndMom" just isn't going to be *ME* anymore. Does that make sense?

I wanted something that will grow with me, my family, and my life. And I've found it.

With the advice from blogging friends and internet guru's, as well as the help of a very talented web designer, I'm trying to re-brand as fast as I can. I have some giveaways coming up from Little Tikes, Downy, and the Spartan Race, as well as some reviews and life articles coming up that have a whole new look on things.

Hopefully, you'll still enjoy what I have to write, and I won't lose too many of my readers, but I can't wait to start this new journey with you all! SO. . . bookmark my site, as it will be the site that will redirect you to my new link, and as soon as the design is ready to launch I will let you all know the new domain.

Please, please don't be fooled by the awful ads and content on 4babyandmom dot com... it's NOT me!

Kid President: Declaration of Awesome TV Series on the Hub! 6/21

Set your alarms or DVR's, and get ready for this pint-sized, powerful premiere.

Based on the wildly popular YouTube series “Kid President,” which has over 75 million views, 10-year-old Robby Novak, aka Kid President, brings his playful spirit, positive approach to life, and inspirational message to change this world for the better to the new TV series “Kid President: Declaration of Awesome.” This half-hour docu-variety program reflects the universal values of kids and families across the country as seen through the lens of Kid President.

In each episode, Kid President introduces a theme that is explored through interviews and interactions with a variety of diverse families. Each episode also features interactions between Kid President and a variety of guest stars, including Kevin Costner (“Draft Day”), Gene Simmons (KISS), Jamie Foxx (“The Amazing Spiderman 2”), Craig Robinson (“Get On Up”), Mario Lopez (Host, “Extra”), ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic (Musician), and plenty of other surprises. So, mark your calendars, and get ready for these amazing life lessons starting June 21st at 7pm EST/4pm PT.

The first episode is about "Heroes", forcing you to stop and truly think if a hero is someone in a cape and tights or if it's an every day person in your world. Great food for thought, and an awesome way to open conversations with your kids about real-world, heavy duty stuff. Go.. be a parent, talk to your kids about this. If you haven't heard of Kid President, run- don't walk- to YouTube and check out some of the programs there. His laugh is crazy contagious. Enjoy!


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