Friday, August 15, 2014

Back to School 2014

I cannot believe that summer is over/

Tomorrow, I strip their beds, sort their clothes (again), hang and refold everything, and get them ready for school on Monday.

We had dreams for this summer. We were going to go on day trips, and perhaps a few overnights while we explored Florida. Instead, we spent it repairing our car. First, a radiator. Which literally opened up the flood gates unto a dozen more minor- yet crazy expensive because it was all at the same time- repairs. Then, we had almost a week where things were ok.. and then the sensor went out. We replaced the sensor and realized it went out because the main-frame computer died.  You know, the thing that tells the car to START. Yeah, that. It died. And I cried.

We made our own fun, but the kids will tell you it was boring. We had a kiddy pool set up for my little guy, I hosed them all down as often as I could, and you would think that since we live so close to the beach we would have lived there-- but we don't live close enough to walk.

One day, we took an accidental 6 mile walk. That was fun.

We taught Zackie some of his colors, and how to count to five. Sometimes he throws a six in the mix, but what the heck.. it's better than nothing.

I decided to change our future, and launched ANOTHER home based business. While it's difficult keeping up with two businesses, a blog and a family, I think I'm doing ok. Now that the kids are going back to school, I see more regular posts happening here.

Our name change is happening soon.. Our designer moved cross country, so we're waiting on him to get settled, and then going from there. The name, logo, and domain are chosen, designed and ready to go- it just needs to be installed.

So.. this is our life. Crazy, chaotic, fun, and awesome- even when it's not so great. Get ready to ride this ride with us as we enter the newest chapter and say good-bye to 4BabyAndMom as we know it.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Spartan Obstacle Race -Enter to RACE for Free!

This year we made the commitment to start getting healthier.

We've been watching what we're eating, we've been walking more as a family, and alone, and we have been consciously making an effort to BE healthier in all areas of our life.

Once upon a time, I was a runner. This was a time before running was "cool" or "fun" or the trendy thing to do. I ran when I was happy, when I was sad, when I was mad, and everything in between. There was nothing better than the sound of my music in my ears, and my feet on the pavement, trails, or beach.

With the sport of running hitting a peak in mainstream media, as well as nationally, more and more running competitions, races, and events are popping up. Once race in particular, the Spartan Race has really grabbed my attention.

Now, I'm saying this, with the full spirit of  'disclosure' upon me, my behind is way too big, and my body is way too out of shape to participate in the 2014 Spartan Races this year.. but it's giving me something to strive for. Motivation, if you will.

That being said, I will be participating in my first 5k this December, and while I may not be running it all (yet), it's a step in the right direction.

Anyway- back to Spartan. From hill climbing, to mud, to fire, to monkey bars, to kids races, Spartan
offers something for every one to cringe at, to be inspired by, or to overcome.

A friend of mine, and his son, did the one down here in the Tampa area and he said it was "invigorating".  His little guy had a BLAST.

I personally think my kids would crawl up in a ball and cry.. but maybe once mommy starts doing it, they'll want to try. One can hope.. right?

So, I'm calling all of you fitness buffs, runners, thrill seekers. I'm giving you an opportunity to win your race registration- FREE! All you have to do is find an open heat race near you, and enter to win! Don't want to wait, and want to register now? Use the code: SPARTANBLOGGER to save 10% off of any race!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, August 1, 2014

Back to School: Free Resources for Teachers + Parents

As teachers, parents and students prepare for the start of the new academic year, the nonprofit Stuttering Foundation, the leading charitable organization dedicated to supporting the stuttering community, offers an array of free tools for teachers with students who stutter in their classroom.

 “One in every one hundred people stutters,” said Jane Fraser, president of the Foundation. “But as many as two or three younger children in each classroom may struggle with this complex disorder.

 "We know that teachers have a wonderfully positive influence on our children and their classmates, and we are thankful for the opportunity to provide the tools that prepare them with best practices and tips for working with and advocating for the child who stutters."

Tools for teachers available from the Stuttering Foundation include:

8 Tips for Teachers - answers to urgent questions teachers may have
Famous People Who Stutter - PDF mini-poster to print out
Dear Teacher - a personal letter

All of these resources can be found at The Stuttering Foundation — known internationally for the quality of its resource materials available to the public — offers DVDs, books, brochures, newsletters and referrals through its website as well as its toll-free helpline: 800-992-9392.


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