Monday, February 15, 2016

Intex HORRIBLE Customer Service Experience!

It's moments like this that I am grateful I have a blog. If you are shopping for an inflatable mattress, or need anything that INTEX makes, I highly recommend you read this before you do.

12/10/15, I purchased a queen sized airbed from Aldi. It was a special they were running, perfect before the holidays, especially with guests coming in from out of town. It served it's purpose well, until today.. well, last night.

I've been sick with a middle ear infection, so I didn't want to sleep with my husband and get him sick, too. So, this week I've been sleeping on the airbed, and nobody else is sick. # score !

Last night, while I was sleeping, I heard a muffled thump..and all of a sudden, the one seam rose, and this humongous bump formed on the top of the bed! It was apparent that one of the plastic chambers had detached internally from the top "plush" layer of plastic. It scared the hell out of me while it was happening, and I made a mental note to call Intex in the morning. This morning, another one lifted! Nobody was even on the bed at the time, and again, it scared the crap out of us all!  So, I grabbed the box, because we did the responsible thing by keeping the bag in the box, in the bottom of the closet, because on the box it says a 1 year warranty.. it's not even been 90 days.

I call Intex, with a photocopy of my receipt, the box, the bag, and a picture of the knob (for model number purposes, on the box it looked like I might need that), and call INTEX.

After holding for a little while, I got hung up on, while being connected to the next available representative. Fun. So I call back. I am placed on the automatic hold, endure the normal waiting music, and get a representative on the phone.

I explain what happened, and told her that I have the Airbed, the receipt, the bag, and the box.. and she asks if I have the included warranty card. Warranty card? Nope. I don't know if anything was even in the box.. but it's been less than 90 days, it's obviously a manufacturer defect, I don't want a refund, I'm willing to do an even exchange, or send this one back, and they can send me a new one, just let me know.

The lady basically tells me that I'm up a creek without a paddle, and I can take it up with Aldi... which I will do, but I know Aldi, I love Aldi, I know that they'll gladly refund this piece of crap, because Aldi has amazing customer service. However, I won't be able to exchange the item, because, well, it's Aldi, and they only carry things for a few weeks before they sell out, or send whatever is left back to the distributor. If you're lucky, next year, you can buy it again. I tell this to the lady, to which she gets super snarky and says well, there's nothing I can do about it, if you dont have the warranty card, I can't help you. I ask if there's any way I can download the form, because I honestly don't recall there even being a form in the box- if so, I would have shoved it in the bag or the box and kept it together. She again, tells me no, and says that Aldi puts in the warranty card with the item.

So, then I bring it back to INTEX- it's not even been 90 days since I purchased this thing, don't you have a standard of quality that you uphold at Intex? I can't believe that with a dated receipt, there's truly nothing you can do! "I don't know what to tell you, ma'am." So I ask if she can at least tell me if another storecarries this particular item close by, because I will go through the hassle of returning it at Aldi, and then going to repurchase it at another retailer, because I do like the product, and it was priced well. Then she tells me, huffing and puffing, that she can google it if I'd like her to, but that I'd get the same results if I Google it.

Um, what?
Up until this point, I've been pretty poised and handled myself nicely, but now, now I'm ticked off. I give her some lecture on how customer service obviously means squat in their company, and that I'm sorry for disturbing her day with my complaint, but that I can handle googling myself, and that I won't be re-purchasing an INTEX because their customer service sucks! I added "have a great day" before I hung up, but pushing the button on a cell phone doesn't give the same satisfaction of slamming down a house phone in situations like this.

Anyway. Now I'm deflating the airbed, packing it back up, and getting ready to bring it back to Aldi, because I know their customer service will take it back with a smile on their face, because they actually give a crap about their consumers.

The bottom line? Unless you're analysis retentive, and check the box at the store and make sure you have a warranty card, are able to keep this card, the receipt, and sometimes the upcoming from the box, you have no warranty. No standard of quality. No customer support or even a freaking apology. You get a "go google" response, and a snarky representative.

Wanna know something funny?

I could make a trillion excuses on why my traffic to my blog fell. Loooooong before I had to rebrand it. A lot was consistency. It's something I've struggled with my entire life.

My husband and I decided that today, Monday, February 15th, 2016 was the day we were going to turn our life around. We were not only going to eat better, and start working out, but we were going to concentrate on each other, our family, and God again.

Consistency is the key to success in so many areas of life.. business, love, life, weight, parenting, education, romance, relationships, finances.

Just giving my whole three readers a morsel of insight to think about.

If you feel like sharing- (yeah, the whole three of you), what do YOU struggle with, as far as consistency goes? If not, no worries, I'll just keep sharing my journey with myself. You can call it accountability. Failure is not an option this time. . you might not be watching, but my kids are.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day

Aside from watching Charlie Brown, our Valentine's Day is just another day. We don't really do anything "special". I mean, I get the dollar fifty hearts with chocolates from Walgreens, and sometimes give the kids cards, but this year, I wasn't feeling it.

I've been sick with an ear infection. 102* fever, and all. Who gets ear infections at over 30 years old?! Me.

Yesterday my hubby took the girl child to a Father/Daughter sweetheart dance at a community Rec Center. They had a blast, until "Whip and Nae Nae" came on.. and my husband said, "Whip? A-No-No."  They decided then would be a great time to go get a snack. They took pictures with Belle, and spun and danced the afternoon away. When they came home, I asked the big boy child, (who's almost the size of man, by the way) if he'd be my valentine and go out on a date with me, despite the fact that I was hopped up on Dayquil & Sudafed. We went to go see 'The Good Dinosaur'. Such a cute coming of age type movie- definitely scarier for little ones, great for the 7 and up group. I digress. We had a lovely evening, and he asked me to be HIS valentine with the other chocolate heart I bought. It was perfectly perfect. Maybe I'm doing something right with him, after all.

My daughter is my artsy one.. she made breakfast in bed for the hubster and I. Scrambled eggs, with a smiley face of ketchup on and around the eggs. So cute. She also made us a card in her crochet club, it was perfect!

I feel like maybe we're doing something right with this one, too. My little guy went Pee-Pee on the potty, so at this rate he WON'T be getting married in diapers, so I guess I'm doing okay with him, too!!

Well, I wish you and yours a happy Sunday-which-also-happens-to-be-Valentine's-Day. Go be with the ones you love, and tell them you love and appreciate them not only today, but every day of the year. Tomorrow isn't promised to anyone.. so enjoy TODAY while you can!


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