Monday, September 14, 2009

I didn't disappear... Some updates and upcoming events

As most of you know, we've been having crazy internet issues. Our family is in the process of switching providers, and I'm trying to convince my husband that we really need to do the "double" or triple pack from this new provider. He doesn't think that a TV is necessary, and that we're saving money by not having it-- (I've been surviving without it for about 4 months now to save money, I feel like I'm going through withdrawal. Thank God it was the summer and no good great shows were on.. LOL!)

Speaking of which- when does Grey's come back on?? Ack. I cannot bare to think what I'd do without my Grey's. In the meantime, last week I read the entire Twilight saga.. all four books, from cover to cover, and saw the movie. I am officially heart broken for Jacob, and now that I've finished Breaking Dawn, I understand completely. I cannot wait to see the next movie, and read whatever else Stephenie Meyers has up her sleeves.

I'm sorry that the last several posts have been more press-release style posts... with Back to School in full swing, trying to get on a good schedule again has been more than difficult. Alex is doing phenomenally well in school so far- both in academics and in behavior. He's excited to see what this new year is going to do for him.

I have been elected into the School Advisory Committee. I am excited about my new "position" but unsure of what is exactly expected of me. Last year (and this year) I was a part of the PTO, but never really felt a "part" of it.. I'm happy to be joining another committee as a proactive parent, and am eager to meet on the 17th with the rest of the committee.

I used to joke that nothing happens for me unless it all happens in the same week- now I know that that is the case! I am preparing for Izea Fest, trying to get everything in order, including my Flip repaired, (but that's a WHOLE other post!), and in the process was invited to a wedding in Brazil. One of my dear friends is getting married the same weekend. Shortly after that, I was cordially invited to a premier baby event in New York City, also on that weekend.

There's good news and bad news to that last paragraph... The good news is that I'll be attending Izea Fest- thanks to my great friends at Look What Mom.. and Dad.. Found- a representative, and very dear friend, Cyndy will be attending The Baby Show in NYC, and hopefully, I can figure out how to mail a gift to my darling friend in Brazil. The bad news is that the Flip people say it could take up to 4-6 weeks for me to receive the device back again, so I may not have it in time for the conference. I'm going to try not to think about that for now, and maybe I'll find another video recording device to review for the event. *sigh* So that's what's been going on in 4BabyAndMom-land.

I hope all is well with you, my readers, and look forward to the next several weeks! I can't wait to share what I've learned from the conference with you all, get back to blogging about more than press releases.. There will be several giveaways posted this week, as long as the internet is cooperative- but after the message I received today, I have a feeling that things will be changing around here, and that the whirl wind I belonged to this morning has just dropped me in a new place, with amazing possibilities. Like a baby eagle who's just about to spread her wings, I have a whole world to explore now, and I'm super excited to share it with you all!!



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