Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday- Blog the Weight Away

It's been a long week over here. I'm trying to get into the swing of "Organization". I have what I like to call "Organized Chaos". Lately, it's not been too organized..

My son's school put together a Fly Lady support group, so a lot of my energy has been spent on trying to get my home in order, and learn the entire Fly Lady system. Last week, I went to the gym twice, and once was simply pathetic. I have been using the free weights a lot more than normal, and I am thinking of buying an exercise ball to allow myself to do simple exercises (like sit-ups and squats) at home in between spurts of energy.

This week, the kids are off for spring break, and I have a feeling I will be going to the gym a lot to get out of the house and give them a break from me. I've been focusing more on taking care of myself- I got a haircut- a drastic one- literally, I cut off most of it!! I also found a doctor that sees patients on a sliding scale basis, and helps with medication, so I am trying to set up an appointment for them to do a bunch of testing on me to see what's going on inside of me. Things are coming together around the house, and now hopefully with the medical side of things, so I am hopeful that this is the push-through that I needed to get out of the mess that has become my life.

Back to the point of this post- I haven't been on the scale in two weeks, I know that I am up. I feel that I am up. I am hopeful for next week. I hope the Easter Bunny doesn't treat you all with chocolates and jelly beans, but lots of time playing with the kids outside!

MckLinky Blog Hop


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Blockbuster Express Rent-One-Get-One Free Coupon Code!

I love going to the movies. From the buttery popcorn, to the candy concessions, and most of all the closeness of the seats. It gives me and my husband an hour and a half to two and a half hours of closeness.. without kids up our noses screaming and yelling at us and "waaaaaaaaaanting" us. The only thing I don't love about the movies is the cost of the tickets.

We find ourselves taking advantage of the boxes in Publix or 7-11, where the rentals are only $1 a night. We've been trying to make it a habit of having a weekly movie night, so when I got the email from Mom Select and Blockbuster with a FREE MOVIE CODE, I had to share it with you all!

Start planning your next movie night tonight! BLOCKBUSTER Express offered a special Rent One Get One The coupon code from Mom Select and Blockbuster Express is 555G13B. When you rent a movie at the regular price using the code provided, you'll receive the first night's rental on the second movie FREE. This offer expires on 3/31 so make sure to take advantage of it soon and encourage your friends to do the same!

Head on over to to check out their great new releases! From family friendly features like The Princess and The Frog and The Blind Side to date night picks like Twilight: New Moon and Did You Hear About the Morgans?, there's sure to be a title for even the pickiest movie watcher!

For all of the latest news on BLOCKBUSTER Express you can follow them on Twitter and on Facebook.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday- Blog the Weight Away

ACK! Can I share with you how darn frustrated I am? I am up again- I talked to one of the trainers today, and she said she wanted me to bump up my cardio time humongously. Ok, I know that "humongously" is not a real word, but today it is. I've been running, jogging, and elliptical-ing two miles every day. Depending on the level of intensity, sometimes it takes me 20 minutes, sometimes 30. I usually go to the gym at night with my friend, for about an hour. According to what the trainer told me today, I should be doing a minimum of 45 minutes of cardio!

I taught one of my other gym buddies some body toning moves from way back when.. (when I used to TEACH a body toning class!!). This week I started working more in the free weight area, instead of on the heavy machinery. I find that my body tends to mindlessly do the exercises on hand, rather than truly pay attention to each muscle group as I'm working them like I do in the free weights area.

I started doing squats on the balance ball this week. Holy lord. That's all I have to say about that.

I hope your week went well, I can't wait to see how you all did this week. Don't forget to add your name to the MckLinky, so we can visit and show our support!

MckLinky Blog Hop

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Barney: Egg-cellent Adventures DVD Review + Giveaway

A Basket Full Of Fun For Everyone- Just In Time For Easter!

Barney™: Egg-Cellent Adventures
Available On DVD March 2, 2010
Lionsgate And HIT Entertainment
DVD SRP: $14.98
Recommended ages: 1-8

It’s magical make-believe time with everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, Barney™, and his friends when Barney: Egg-Cellent Adventures springs onto DVD March 2, 2010 from Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment. Available for the first-time ever on DVD, it’s the perfect addition to any Easter basket! Trusted by moms and adored by children, Barney displays sharing, caring, imagining, dancing and learning on television, online and through live events, home entertainment and publishing. The Emmy® award-winning series, Barney & Friends™ is one of the top-rated preschool shows today, airing on PBS KIDS® and PBS KIDS SproutSM.

Your search for tee-riffic fun with Barney & Friends™ is over! Baskets full of egg-citement abound when Mother Goose, a nest full of eggs, and a mysterious, carrot-eating visitor bring super-Dino adventures to the whole family. Hop along for the super-dee-duper adventures with Barney and his friends!

Episodes include: “Rabbits”, “Mother Goose”, and “Ducks and Fish”.
DVD Special Features include: “Barney’s Easter Egg Hunt” and “Gumdrops Matching Game”.

Another Barney DVD from Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment. I think I will be 102 and they'll still be producing Barney DVD's. For me and my family, that's a great thing. We love Barney and I love to review new Barney products or collections any chance I get. My husband calls me a "Barney Advocate". 

I have decided to keep this DVD and add it to my daughter's Easter basket this year, so unfortunately I cannot give you a full review for this DVD, per say. However, that said- the Mother Goose episode is one of my "most-favoritest" (as my children say) episodes EVER.

The episode is the one where Mother Goose looses her great big book of nursery rhymes. The kids start singing the nursery rhymes to help her remember them all. It's adorable and fun, and perfect for any preschooler.

When my niece Samantha was younger, I remember how much she loved to sing and dance to that episode. She would twirl and whirl, and loved being able to recite the nursery rhymes back to the television and to us. Abbie reminds me very much of miss Sammy, and I know that the Easter Bunny won't mind if mommy slips Barney's Egg-cellent Adventures into her basket this year.

Visit or a store near you that sells home entertainment products and media and purchase your copy now.

One lucky reader will be able to win a copy of this DVD to add to their collection!

Please refer to our WINNERS PAGE for information on how to claim your prize!

This giveaway is open to residents of US and Canada. This giveaway will end on March 27, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on our WINNERS PAGE. Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom. Disclaimer: I received this product to review at no cost from the PR firm representing Lionsgate and Hit Entertainment. I received no monetary compensation for this review, and any opinions expressed are 100% my own. Your experience with this product may differ.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Pampers NEW Dry Max Review + Liz Lange Clutch and Diaper GIVEAWAY!

First, I need to tell you about this great promotion Babies R Us and Toys R Us are running this SATURDAY, March 20th ONLY.

Purchase two boxes of Pampers with Dry Max, and receive a $20 Gift Card- how great is that?

When my kids were little, we bounced from brand to brand trying to find the best shape, best fit, and best-overall leak protection. Some brands we found better for boys vs. girls, and vice versa. What worked for one of my kids didn't work well for the other. I hated diaper shopping.

Both of the kids started out on Pampers Swaddlers. I loved how soft and teeny they were, and how they had the faint aroma of a Cabbage Patch Kid. They seemed to fit my babies best, and we loved them.

Recently, I wrote about the unique and fun Pampers Team USA promotion going on and the launch of the new Dry Max.  Dry Max diapers claim to keep your baby dry for up to 12 hours which is the longest of any diaper on the market now.

We had the opportunity to review the new Cruisers with Dry Max and I must tell you that I fell in love! Abbigaile wears diapers to bed at night. At four years old, she usually fills her diaper or training pants and often has a leak. Leaks mean changing the sheets and blanket constantly, midnight showers, and aggravation. Pampers has finally created a product that allows my child to sleep sound with no interruptions because of accidents, which has produced a much less grumpy mom and child!

Our friends at Pampers have offered one lucky reader their chance to WIN a Liz Lange Designer Diaper Clutch (valued at $50!) and a coupon for one week's worth of Pampers Cruisers with Dry Max!!


This giveaway is open to residents of US and Canada. This giveaway will end on April 1, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on our WINNERS PAGE. Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom. Disclaimer: I received this product to review at no cost from the PR firm representing Pampers. I received no monetary compensation for this review, and any opinions expressed are 100% my own. Your experience with this product may differ.

Sing and Learn Spanish DVD for Children Review + Giveaway

A Second Language is No Big Thing
When All You Have to Do to Learn is Sing!
DVD Release Date:  March 23, 2010
Running Time:  27 minutes
Recommended age: 3 and up

Music and songs have often played an important role in the educational development of young children.  And with the growing importance and relevance of knowing a second language, particularly Spanish, in today’s multicultural society, it’s never been a more crucial time to learn. It’s also never been easier thanks to Sing and Learn Spanish, Sing and Learn More Spanish and Sing and Learn English, available on DVD March 23, 2010 from Master Communications.

Sing and Learn is an engaging and effective tool, whether teaching a second language – in this case, Spanish – or preserving it as a native language at home.  Developed by Agnes Chavez, a language expert, teacher and producer of Spanish DVDs, the DVDs have been proven to teach Spanish to children the fun and easy way.  Children are constantly exposed to multicultural rhythms from around the world and Sing and Learn capitalizes on that, bringing Salsa, Cumbia and Ranchera music to life in these videos while showing youngsters engaged in fun, everyday activities.

In Sing and Learn Spanish, children learn about Los Animales (Animals); Del Jardín (From the Garden); Mi Casa (My House); ¿Qué Hacen? (What Do They Do?); ¿Qué Tiene tu Cuerpo? (What Does Your Body Have?); ¿Qué Buscas? (What Are You Looking For?); ¿Adónde Vas? (Where Are You Going?); and ¿Cuál Es? (Which is it?).

I'll be honest, when I first received the opportunity to review this product I was excited. However, when I got the DVD in the mail, I was a little worried. The cover kind of threw me off, with it's 70's and 80's style bland-ness, but I quickly learned that you shouldn't judge a DVD by it's cover. I watched this DVD with my 7 year old and 4 year old, and thought it was very good. The DVD is broken down into the themes mentioned above; each theme starts off with a song in Spanish. The children liked the fact that there was a picture of a dog, and the narrator would say "el perro" and the word in Spanish was on the screen. My children tend to like "See, hear, learn" types of programs, whether on the computer or on DVD format.

What a lot of people don't realize is that I am Hispanic. As a child I spent a lot of time with my mother's side of the family who would sit around and speak fluent Spanish the majority of the day, and eventually broke it down and learned bits and pieces as the years progressed. I took many years of Spanish class, and at one point in time wanted to work in some sort of bi-lingual setting or situation. I loved it, loved speaking it, loved understanding it. When my grandmother passed away, the family stopped speaking Spanish as often as they used to, and after we moved 1500 miles away, long days and family get-togethers started dwindling and the afternoons of eating arroz con pollo y frijoles negro (chicken & rice with black beans) were long gone.

Occasionally, I make some ethnic food for my family, and when Alex was little I used to speak randomly to him in Spanish, but unfortunately the lack of conversation (in Spanish) with others around me often made me uncertain. Rarely do I speak Spanish at home now, but occasionally I try to teach both the English and Spanish names for common items, foods or animals.

Alex was excited while watching this DVD that he remembered several of the Spanish translations. Abbigaile thought that most of them sounded funny, but she tried her hardest to repeat the Spanish words. Alex thought that "Spanish was weird because of all of the extra letters" but I explained to him the best I could the difference between an "r" and "rr" in Spanish.

Although the DVD is only 27 minutes long, I hope that the exposure to it might encourage me and the children to start using some Spanish around the house again. Your child is not going to watch this DVD and become a Spanish speaking super star, however to use this DVD as a tool to instill common items and vocabulary is a great step in the right direction. It's a great way to reinforce lessons learned in preschool through elementary school, and even comes with a teacher's guide- which is perfect for homeschooling parents or Early Childhood Educators. The child friendly methods of displaying real life items in real situations gives your child the association they need for the words to really stick. It's nice to have an alternative for exposure to the Spanish language than just Dora and Diego.


Sing and Learn titles are appropriate for children ages three and older and have running times of approximately 27 minutes each. SRP is $19.99 for each title in the series. For more information or to order DVDs, call 1-800-765-5885 or visit

One lucky winner will get a copy of Sing & Learn Spanish for their family!

Please refer to our WINNERS PAGE for information on how to claim your prize!

This giveaway is open to residents of US and Canada. This giveaway will end on March 27, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on our WINNERS PAGE. Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom. Disclaimer: I received this product to review at no cost from the PR firm representing Master Communication. I received no monetary compensation for this review, and any opinions expressed are 100% my own. Your experience with this product may differ.

Thomas and The Runaway Kite DVD Review + Giveaway!

From Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment:
Hang on tight for a high-flying ride with Thomas & Friends™ in the all-new Thomas and the Runaway Kite flying onto DVD March 2, 2010 from Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment. There are jobs to be done, visitors to meet and friends to greet in this never-before-seen DVD featuring full CG animation and individual voices for all the engines. All-new content available only on the DVD features live-action host Driver Perkins, who has to rely on a naughty parrot to save the day.

Teaching timeless life lessons such as discovery, friendship and cooperation, the Thomas & Friends animated series invites children to enter a world of imagination through the tracks of a train and the words of a story.

There’s a kite on the loose and Thomas must catch it before the wind blows it from Sodor. With Gordon, Charlie and Toby by his side, Thomas learns that a helping hand keeps him right on track when it comes to rescuing kites, saving a swarm of bees, and preventing railway disasters from taking flight! Hop on board for a high-flying ride with Thomas & Friends™ in these all-new, never-before-seen train adventures!

Episodes include: “Thomas & the Runaway Kite”, “Buzzy Bees”, “Toby’s New Whistle”, and “The Biggest Present of All”.
If you've read my blog before, you know that I always jump at a chance to review Thomas DVD's, because finding a program that makes two children who are three years apart agree and sit quietly to watch is usually quite the feat. For our family, the only television show to date that this rare occurrence continually happens is with Thomas and Friends.

As a parent, I find it difficult to consistently find a positive story line that is not too "babyish" for my seven year old, and captivating enough for my 4 year old. EXCEPT with Thomas.

Aside from the traditional, adorable story-lines and tales of teamwork and problem-solving, Thomas and Friends solves my television woes with both of the children. The special features on the DVD allows my gifted son the ability to take his experience further, and role play as Abbigaile's teacher using the "How Many Shapes Do You See” Game, and the “Find What Doesn’t Belong” Game.

I was going to save this DVD for our Easter baskets, but after an excellent week, I decided to use this DVD as a reward for the kids. They loved it. I love the fact that there are multiple episodes on THOMAS AND THE RUNAWAY KITE. I love that they both can agree on this DVD, and I love the way my children interact while watching Thomas and Friends DVD's.

Whether you are like our family and are long time Thomas fans, or just looking for something for your toddler or preschooler Thomas and Friends and the Runaway Kite is a great spring time choice. This DVD would make a great addition to any Easter basket or as a reward for potty training or excellent behavior.

Be sure to visit to find Thomas & Friends products, or a store in your area that sells home entertainment products to purchase this product and others like it.

Our friends at Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment have offered one copy of this DVD to a lucky reader!

Please visit our WINNERS PAGE for more information on how to claim your prize!

This giveaway is open to residents of US and Canada. This giveaway will end on March 26, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on our WINNERS PAGE. Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom. Disclaimer: I received this product to review at no cost from the PR firm representing Lionsgate and Hit Entertainment. I received no monetary compensation for this review, and any opinions expressed are 100% my own. Your experience with this product may differ.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday- Blog the Weight Away

Aside from throwing out my back on Saturday evening, I think I've made great strides this week. I have not been on the scale all week, but I've been to the gym three times, and rode my bike once with the kids. Abbie and I have been walking much more than "normal" and over the weekend Alex & I did a ton of walking at the March for Parks thing (see 4 posts below). I bought a shirt a size smaller than "normal", plus my husband finally connected the water to our fridge, so I've been drinking a lot more water than normal. I feel good about this week.

Hope you all had a great week, no matter what your "getting healthy" goal is.

Feel free to show your support and encouragement with the other participants in Blog the Weight Away at 4BabyAndMom!

MckLinky Blog Hop

Monday, March 15, 2010 Simplify Personal Health and Wellness

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of All opinions are 100% mine.

Designed to provide the guidance and community support needed to begin or maintain a healthy lifestyle, is a comprehensive, online destination to simplify personal health and wellness management., is a new, online community that collects the latest news, healthy living blogs, expert opinions, easy, nutritious recipes and videos on a variety of topics including weight loss, healthy eating, exercise and mental well-being.

From weight loss to stress relief to eating right, the site provides a central hub for anyone looking to get or stay healthy. also enables users to create a customized personal health and wellness news feed so that they receive the most relevant news possible. To support members in their journey to better health, Jennie-O Turkey Store, sponsor of is providing a rebate for the purchase price of any one product (up to $5.00) for the first 25,000 registered users.

You all know that I am trying to lose weight and have actively been participating in our BLOG THE WEIGHT AWAY competition. The scale has not been my friend lately, but with all of the press Jennie-O turkey has had lately, I decided to buy a couple of packages last week when they were on sale. This rebate is a great way to jump start your weight loss journey!

This weekend my awesome husband fixed my bike. Finally the four of us can pack the bikes up and head out for a ride at the local park or trails. I think the kids would love it, and I know I would too! A big part difficult lifestyle change for me has been the ability to increase my intake of pure water. I drink a lot of soda. I struggle with it constantly and have tried everything from buying water in bulk to individual water bottles. But it always seems that I want that caffeine, or just the sweetness of it all. Plus, I really hate the fact that I can't just turn on the tap water and drink a refreshing glass of water- the water in Florida STINKS (literally!). I recognize that I have a problem with drinking water, but I've started using an aluminum water bottle and this weekend, I made my husband finally hook up the water to the fridge. I have a feeling that this minor adjustment might mean major changes in my refreshment choices.

So go visit, sign up and take the pledge to a healthier life, come back here on Wednesday and participate in our Weight Loss Wednesday MckLinky as well. I know that this resource is going to be great during my weight loss journey, and will hopefully give me more tools and support to finally shed the abundance of unwanted pounds.

I would love to know ways that help YOU maintain a healthier lifestyle or any tips you have on making wellness a part of your life. Also, if you've visited what tools or articles YOU found interesting.

Visit my sponsor: Attention all you health enthusiasts!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Shop, Save and Win Sweepstakes- WIN $10,000 in Groceries!

General Mills has a special, limited time offer for residents of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee or South Carolina. Enter the Publix Italian Days Sweepstakes, sponsored by General Mills, for a chance to win one of four grand prizes of $10,000 worth of Publix Gift cards or one of the 200 $100 Publix gift cards being given as prizes. (For details, including the official rules, click here.)
Enter by midnight on March 17 for a chance to win these great prizes. First, just register at, then complete the online entry form and follow instructions to enter. No purchase is necessary. See official rules to learn how to enter by phone or mailing your entry.

At, you’ll also be able to download great coupon savings on some of your favorite General Mills brands and other great offers at Publix.

This information was made available to me by Psst... a club through General Mills that occasionally sends me information and free products. No monetary compensation was received by sharing this post with you all, but I did enter the sweepstakes. Sharing this info does not increase my chances of winning.

Trying to Transfer to Another Host

Over the next couple of days you may start noticing some changes with 4BabyAndMom. I purchased my direct domain name about a year ago with a company I've never used before. It was so difficult for me to get used to after working with a very user-friendly company, that I settled on a redirect for the entire year. Thankfully, I got the domain name at an uber cheap price, so all in all it really wasn't that bad.

So, now that you all know me as AND, hopefully everything will transfer over nicely during the next several days and we won't have any issues. *IF* per chance you are finding a glitch, or an error, or would like to provide feedback- I would love to hear all about it. This all should start sometime tomorrow afternoon.

Please contact me at 4BabyAndMom at gmail dot com with any questions, concerns or feedback.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Home Depot - Best Customer Service Experience EVER!

Today was a great day. Alex had his baseball game this morning, and then afterward we went to this event at our local park. During this time, Alex got to make a "Rain Gauge" from the Home Depot. It came out super cute, but little did I know this would be the first experience with the Home Depot today.

When I came home I found Brian was busy working on his car and buzzing around the yard cutting back shrubs, leveling the area that the pool sits in, and so much more. I got motivated, and packed Abbie up and decided to go flower shopping at the Home Depot.

Now, I'll be honest.. One of the last times I visited the other Home Depot in my area, I had a HORRIBLE experience. The people were rude and obnoxious, and checkout was a madhouse. There wasn't a person around to help me find the stuff my husband sent me to get, and when I asked three associates I got two "It's not my department", and one who offered to try to help.

Brian loves the Home Depot, I unfortunately, did not. Until today.

I have this section of flower bed directly in front of my house. I have a little bistro set on the small patio in the front, and I love to sit out there and drink my coffee in the morning, or watch the kids play on the lawn. I have tried to plant beautiful flowers in this portion of my yard a gazillion times. You may think that that is an exaggeration, but I cannot count how many times I've wasted money by trying to plant something in this bed.

I have cultivated it and dug all of the dirt out and replaced it with fertile soil; I have placed that black weed preventing fabric over it; I have tried roll-out seeds, planting from seedlings I grew inside, replanting plants from other areas of our yard, planting baby potted plants and planting fully grown, mature potted plants into this area and NOTHING has kept.

Without going further into this spiral that is my front flower bed, I went to Home Depot with the intention of getting a couple of plants to throw in there for however long they lasted because I was sick of looking at a giant bed of dirt.

So I get there, (dreading the thought in it's own), and am warmly greeted by the three associates in the front of the garden entrance. Abbigaile and I started on our quest, and very soon thereafter I started feeling overwhelmed. I approached the associates back up in the front and asked for a moment of their time. This gentleman came to help me, and that was when my experience with Home Depot just took off.

For the first time in my entire adult life I can say to you that this man took the time to get to know my "problem". He gave me tips and suggestions, asked what I had tried, what I was open to try, how the flower bed was laid out, and what kind of issues I was having. I started my story, and instead of him looking at me like I had three heads- he responded with more suggestions and more tips. I wish I had a notebook for all of the knowledge this man shared with me about gardening and planting.

Beyond that, he went through different types of flowers with me, suggested a handful that he thought might work the best, and truly went above and beyond my expectations. After I thought I had decided and started comparing colors, we parted ways, and a couple of minutes later he returned with this beautiful yellow and burgundy Viva Lilly that COMPLETELY tied together the entire flower bed. He explained that as he was returning, he caught these out of the corner of his eye and thought that this might be what I was looking for. I was never so excited by a flower in my life, but more importantly, I was excited at the fact that even after he walked away he continued his quest to make the customer happy.

As a customer I felt important and like my flower bed really mattered to this associate. I know that when the gentleman that helped me goes home tonight he's not going to be thinking of my flowerbed, but I am so super thrilled with my experience with this Home Depot experience I had to share it with everyone. Even the check out lady was courteous and helpful, I felt like I was in a TV Land Episode or a commercial! I've told my neighbors, I've told my friends, and now I'm telling you all- I love my Home Depot Gardening Department!

So, what do you think? Is it possible that retailers like Home Depot are taking a turn back to the old school morals and customer service- or was I truly zapped into a once in a lifetime experience??

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Oodles of Winners!!

You all rock! No, seriously, you do.

So I finally sat down today and added winner's information to every recent giveaway we've conducted at 4BabyAndMom.

I appreciate your patience, and can give you more of a "why I got so backed up" speech, but I won't. The bottom line is I'm a mom, and sometimes LIFE HAPPENS.

Thank you for bearing down, and getting through it all with me. Tonight is the Bake Sale, and then life should be back to normal- at least until the weekend of the 10th when competition is scheduled for. The good news about that- it's the week of spring break!

So.. What are you waiting for?? Visit our WINNERS PAGE to see if you've won!!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday- Blog the Weight Away

Battling with the weight seems to be more frustrating than almost anything. I notice my clothes are starting to fit differently, and my body is changing in slight ways, but the darn numbers on that scale that I was banned from is honestly going the wrong way. I only went to the gym once last week, but this week has more potential. I walked around the neighborhood last night. That was different.. but then I spent the entire evening baking cupcakes for the bake sale. And I ate one.

My weekly report is I am up a pound and a half. Still going to the gym, but wish I could find more motivation. If you go to the gym, do you bring headphones and an Mp3 player, or do you just groove to the tunes at the gym??

Hope you all had a great week!

MckLinky Blog Hop

Wordless Wednesday- Bye, Bye Baby Teeth!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Betty Crocker has nothing on me!

Nothing happens in my life until one week- then EVERYTHING happens, including guests from out of state, a county competition that we won and are now going to state with, another case of lice, and two of my kids birthdays. Insanity. These times are pure insanity.

Anyway, in the days after the Odyssey of the Mind competition, we decided to do a fund raiser- this week. This was officially decided and approved YESTERDAY. The bake sale is on Thursday. Only the teacher, another mom and I are going to be running it which means that tonight I need to try to make my famous cupcakes to see if I can get them to individually wrap without them getting all smushy. If not, I will only be making chocolate chip cookies (with double chocolate chips), and rice krispie treats. The teacher is going to make brownies, and maybe something else, and then be responsible for everything else- change, table, etc.

I was hoping to come up with something more creative, but I'm pretty tapped. Any suggestions or ideas for more baked goods would be great.

You all have been super patient waiting for our winners to be announced for our recent giveaways.. well, I have great news!! Keep on the lookout for winner information to be added to the giveaway posts as well as on the winner list all day today.

Have a happy Monday!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Count Everyone- Census 2010

Children Count Too! United States Census 2010
From the Global Influence Network:

Every child loves a good game of hide and seek. There are the fun butterflies they get in their tummies when they're waiting to be discovered and the pride they feel when they're able to count to ten and then yelling, "Ready or not, here I come!"

But children who are hidden from the U.S. Census counts (taken only once every 10 years) are not a laughing matter. So, ready or not, here comes 2010 Census ... and you have an important role to play!

Many parents may not realize the importance of accurately reporting the number of children in their family, including newborns. The truth is that the undercount of children means that we do not get a true picture of our nation and our communities do not get their rightful share of public funds.

Why Children Count Too

Children have been undercounted in every census since the first one in 1790. Local communities rely on census information in planning for schools, child care, health and other critical services. Babies need to be counted today, so they can benefit tomorrow from community services.

Census counts are used, in whole or in part, for more than 140 programs that distribute more than $400 billion of federal funds to states and localities, including such child-focused programs as:

* Special Education Grants to states ($10.8 billion)
* Head Start ($6.9 billion)
* State Children's Health Insurance Program ($5.9 billion)
* Foster Care Title IV-E ($4.7 billion)
* Improving Teacher Quality State Grants ($2.9 billion)

Unlike adults, who may bear some responsibility for making sure they are counted in the Census, children are dependent on others to make sure they are included. Yet in 1980, 1990, and 2000, Census Bureau data show children, particularly young children, are one of the groups most likely to be missed in the Census. In fact, in the 2000 Census, there was a net undercount of more than 1 million children under age 10.

Global Influence is working with 2010 Census to help spread this important message for the next week to all of the parents who read our blogs. We need your help to make sure that every child is reported so they can receive the services they will need in the future.

When playing hide and seek your children have the opportunity to be found after ten seconds.

The Census only comes around every ten years. So when you receive your Census form in mid-March, make sure your child (no matter how old) is counted!

Los Niños También Cuentan! United States Censo 2010

Where does the time go??

My Facebook status update said it all:

*I* cannot believe that 7 years ago, I was in labor for the first (& only!) time. Cyndy made some yummy dinner, LI had a blizzard,& Brian slept through most of the contractions. The hospital sent me home once,& I refused to let them send me the 2nd time. 2 days overdue + 23.5 hours of labor+ 1 state of emergency+ 3 hours of pushing + one shift change mid delivery= The doctor that delivered me delivering my son.. all 10lbs 5oz, 22.5 inches of him.
For some reason this year, it seems totally unreal. Abbigaile just turned 4 and that didn't feel as crazy as this birthday does. I know that experienced parents say, "Enjoy it, the time seems to fly", but it almost feels like I lost 7 years.. I have memories of that time, but it genuinely feels like a month or two ago that I had Alex. Really.  It's insane, the weird space/time thing that moms step into the moment they hold their first born the very first time.

The moral of this post.. hug your children today. If you don't have kids, call your mom or dad and tell them that you still love them. Happy Friday!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday- Blog the Weight Away

Well, honestly, I hope you all had a better week than I had. I've been in a funk all week. I'm just burnt.. and frazzled. Stressed out the wazoo, and well, the kids and hubby just aren't helping the situation right now. They all seem to be pushing my buttons over and over, despite the fact that I've asked them to stop.

In fact, right now my kids (or at least my son) is still wide awake, while brushing their teeth they decided spewing water out of their mouths at each other was a GREAT idea, and somehow in the meantime they pulled both of the mirrored sliders off of the medicine cabinet. I went to use the bathroom, and stepped on one of them. Needless to say, it broke under my weight. Their food from dinner happens to be all over my couch, the two bags of miscellaneous stuff I threw away don't seem to have made a dent in the house, and Friday is my son's birthday- which he'll be punished for because of his horrible behavior at school earlier this week. I gave him incentive to earn two non-punishment days by putting the silverware away and filling the laundry baskets in their room- but just the dishwasher got finished. I need a vacation. You would think that that thought alone would make me run to the gym faster than anything else.. (after all they do have child care).. but unfortunately, I only went to the gym once this week. Once. That's it. I ate horrible foods, and barely thought about it while doing it. After a couple of greasy fast food meals I felt kind of sick, so I guess my body is telling me that the best thing is to stay away from it. 

The good news is that I went grocery shopping the other day. I bought more fruit than I normally get, and I bought some V8 Splash, or Fusion, or something. I hate veggies, but know that I need more of them in my system. I figure that this might be a better way to get some of those healthy vitamins and minerals into my diet.

I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things, and maybe releasing some endorphins to help pull me out of this slump. I'm sure I've gained weight this week, as I feel Dear Aunt Flo creeping slowly into town, plus all of the other stress I've gone through this week. I'm not asking for you all to feel bad for me, but any encouragement or advice that you might have for times where YOU get into a funk would be greatly appreciated.

MckLinky Blog Hop


Monday, March 1, 2010

On THE VIEW this week:

This week The View will host some exciting guests that are sure to generate conversation and controversy. Here's the lineup:

• Tuesday, Mar 2: Robert Pattinson makes his first-ever appearance on the show with his “Remember Me” co-star, Emilie de Ravin. Mitt Romney, the 70th Governor of Massachusetts also makes his first-ever appearance.

• Wednesday, Mar 3: This show will feature the best of “View Tube,” including backstage antics and celebrity exit interviews. Lisa Kudrow of “Who Do You Think You Are” will be joining the hosts as well.

• Thursday, Mar 4: Celebrity guest co-host Valerie Bertinelli, former Oscar nominee Abigail Breslin from Broadway’s “The Miracle Worker,” Mia Wasikowska from Disney’s “Alice in Wonderland,” and a musical performance from Broadway’s “Fela” will be featured on this jam-packed episode.

• Friday, Mar 5: The View’s “Road to the Oscars” episode welcomes former Oscar nominee Don Cheadle and Wesley Snipes and “Fashion Friday” celebrates “The History of Oscar Fashions” with a two-part look back at some of the most memorable – and perhaps forgettable – Oscar hits and misses, with host and celebrity stylist Robert Verdi. Hosts of “At the Movies” Michael Phillips and Tony Scott will also be on set to unveil their 2010 Oscar predictions.

Tomorrow, I'm DVRing Robert Pattinson's appearance, because I've got an appointment in the morning, and well, he's just adorable. Besides, I can't wait to see what the ladies on THE VIEW pry out of him!

I love Oscar time, especially on The View. I love the memorable moments, and the predictions, and of course the clash of style and tastes from the panel. Will you be watching this week? What are you looking forward to??

“I am a participant in a Mom Central campaign for ABC Daytime and will receive a tote bag or other The View branded items to facilitate my review.”

Rainbow Brite is Back and Better than Ever!

She's got a new look, but she's back! The loveable character I grew up with, Rainbow Brite is back for young girls of this generation.

At you'll find an assortment of games, coloring pages and activities to keep your child entertained for hours!

Not only that, before you know it the new, revamped Rainbow Brite dolls will be on shelves at Target and Toys R Us locations everywhere!

Whether your favorite character was Rainbow, Moonglow, or Tickled Pink, you can choose which girl, and which delightful pony to purchase.

Thanks to Mom Select, our family had the opportunity to get a sneak peek before the general public. My daughter has quickly fallen in love with Rainbow Brite, and the sprites, and her fabulous friends.

At only four years old, Abbie loves to play the "star game", where Twinkle (the white sprite) runs back and forth catching falling stars. She has a blast watching the short cartoons, and also loves to create her own coloring pages by adding stars, and hearts, and flowers all over the place! Then she colors each section ever so carefully- every time she prints a new coloring page, it's different from the time before. I love the fact that she can be so creative, and that it's with a classic character that I grew up with.

Want it?
Visit your local Target now to find Rainbow Brite dolls for a special girl in your life. Keep on the lookout for Rainbow Brite and Friends at Toys R Us locations soon!


MELISSA B., DINA, and  KERRI69! All three of you have won a copy of this program!

Please visit our WINNERS PAGE for more information on how to claim your prize!

This giveaway is open to residents of the US. The giveaway will end at 11:59pm EST on March 10, 2010. The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on this post and our WINNERS PAGE. Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom. The product above was sent to me at no cost, for the intentions of a product review only from Mom Select. No monetary compensation has been received for this review or post. All opinions expressed above are 100% mine, and your opinions may differ.


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