Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday- Blog the Weight Away

ACK! Can I share with you how darn frustrated I am? I am up again- I talked to one of the trainers today, and she said she wanted me to bump up my cardio time humongously. Ok, I know that "humongously" is not a real word, but today it is. I've been running, jogging, and elliptical-ing two miles every day. Depending on the level of intensity, sometimes it takes me 20 minutes, sometimes 30. I usually go to the gym at night with my friend, for about an hour. According to what the trainer told me today, I should be doing a minimum of 45 minutes of cardio!

I taught one of my other gym buddies some body toning moves from way back when.. (when I used to TEACH a body toning class!!). This week I started working more in the free weight area, instead of on the heavy machinery. I find that my body tends to mindlessly do the exercises on hand, rather than truly pay attention to each muscle group as I'm working them like I do in the free weights area.

I started doing squats on the balance ball this week. Holy lord. That's all I have to say about that.

I hope your week went well, I can't wait to see how you all did this week. Don't forget to add your name to the MckLinky, so we can visit and show our support!

MckLinky Blog Hop


Paula March 25, 2010  

It'll come off Lauren. Keep it up! I had my workout this morning with my BL class.


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