Monday, May 31, 2010

Super Mom- by Audrey from KaBoogie

I’ve had a revelation. I’ve found myself a part of a massively growing demographic. I am a part of a group that has even sprouted several names. WAHM, mommaprenuer, mommyprenuer. Not sure I entirely like these labels, I’ve determined to become comfortable with them.
You see, I’m not unlike most of you. I went to college, got married, and embarked on the path I thought I was destined for. I was a professional woman. An art director. I had a stellar career ahead of me. Until the weird baby dreams came, and I found myself pregnant with my first born, and the decision to stay home seemed a no-brainer. Then my second came. Oh, and then my third, fourth and fifth. It was when #6 came along that I started my Etsy shop and found I could make money AND stay home!
I found my balance shifting as my shop made some strides. I let the kids “try school” for a year so I could adjust my “balance” to something workable. See, it’s hard. I couldn’t give everything all of the attention it deserved, my kids being number one on the list. After 10 years of homeschooling, I was a little burnt out. Admitting that was my first step toward sanity. I can’t do it all. If you can, great! Tell us! I am blessed with a tremendous husband, and kids old enough to pull their weight, and still I can’t do it all.

Now I am making plans and taking baby steps toward bringing my brand to the next level. While bringing my oldest 4 home to school again. As I plan ahead, I notice some things that will have to change. I will have to become more focused, and waste less time. The endless social networking will have to be limited to a very basic regimen of targeted tasks relegated to certain times a day. I’ll have to say goodbye to internet daydreaming and article free association. You know, when you start on one article, click a link, and end up reading 4 more?

The kids will have to choose those activities most dear to them, as will I. I will have to choose those things I need to say NO to. This is my worst habit. Someone says “I need”, “I can’t”, or “can you”, and I say “Oh, I can”. I think it’s an ego thing. I must get over this. I will practice on my kids. Not to propose that we shouldn’t volunteer, just don’t go thinking you’re the only person who can rescue everyone.

The next bad habit I have, is not knowing when to go to bed. I know it sounds silly, but seriously, lack of sleep can cause a host of ills. I want to get up in the morning and hit the ground running, be ready for my kids to get moving, and have little things like emails and social networking done in the morning and later in the evening. I am not missing anything at 11:30 on Twitter.

With a large family, it’s crucial to condition your kids to PITCH IN and take care of themselves as early as they can. I’ve written on this before; it’s a learning curve, and sometimes painful, but if you do everything for your children, you will have useless, overly needy children. Harsh, but not as harsh as having to keep dressing a 3 year old and get the toothpaste on the brush for a 6 yr old all of the time. If little Suzie wants a banana, and can’t open it, show her how (butter knife to cut the end, silly). If she says she can’t put her shoes on, make her do it. My 3 year old can, and he’s not Einstein, so yours can too.
More kid “do-able” chores as young as 5; Trash, recycling, dishwashing, clearing and setting tables, putting laundry away, putting up groceries, picking up rooms, cleaning floors, vacuuming, making simple lunches, dinner prep, dressing little children, sweeping stairs, wiping counters, feeding animals, “fetching”, weeding, watering seedlings, washing windows, dusting, getting mail, and buckling little siblings into their car seats. Some of these annoying little tasks are huge time suckers, best delegated to teach responsibility. The most important of which is teaching them to pick up after themselves, even if it means coming all the way downstairs just to throw a wrapper away. It’s worth the effort, trust me.

School will have to begin pretty early, and my kids, who are pretty well self disciplined, will know exactly what to do each day. School will be done by noon, or the rest will be THEIR homework, not mine. It’s crucial to have a routine for many kids, especially mine. They use schedules written in sharpie and wet erase on clear plastic sheets and taped to the side of a cabinet. On the fridge I tape another one with an activity schedule. We have a constant battle here to reduce clutter, as well. Learn to TOSS.
I don’t make unnecessary trips, planning them when I have at least a few to do at a time, and only if I’m already going out. Sometimes this means my kids have to wait to go see a friend or get picked up. Or I just. Say. No. I keep a running tab of errands as they pop up. It’s not sophisticated, just a steno pad, crossing them off as I do them. I don’t carry a planner, as I only carry a wristlet. That’s just me. Hubby and I touch base during the day to see which of my errands he can run, and vice versa.

As the summer unfolds, I will force myself to take one step, do one thing, every day, to advance my goal. I want KaBoogie shoes in boutiques around the world. I know it’s possible, because they already are. I just want more of them! I’ve laid the groundwork for a really great brand, and set my home life up so that we run more efficiently. The groundwork started 15 years ago when I had my first child, and my methods have served me well so far. Even if you don’t follow the Bible, as so many wise lessons in life can be found in Proverbs (I call it a child raising manual, personally), and this has stayed with me all these years; “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” - Proverbs 22:6.

On those days when I’m pulling my hair out (or someone else’s), have at least 2 children in the corner, and a raw throat from yelling, I will need to remind myself that indeed, I cannot do it all. I will need to stop, regroup, purge my mental clutter, and focus on the basics. Perhaps one day, I will see the fruits of these efforts, not only in my business, should I see my goals to fruition, but in my children, who I send out there into the world as capable and strong, not helpless and dependent.

Be sure to visit Audrey's store on Etsy for a great selection of items 4 Baby AND Mom!
Beautiful handbags, clutches, baby booties and boots, headbands and more-
visit now,
Special thanks to Audrey for taking the time
to share a piece of her life with us all by submitting this article.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wedding Dress Blog Hop- My dress..

I was blog hopping, and I happened to come across Shasher's Life and wanted to participate in this blog hop for multiple reasons. First, the wedding industry was such a big part of my life- (My sister owned a bridal shop, and I started modeling with her. I worked in the bridal industry for almost 10 years!)

Anyway, I decided I would participate in this blog hop because I loved my dress. I never ever thought that my daughter would be interested in wearing it, but I did have the goals, hopes and dreams that I would make a gown for her dedication. I never did it, I couldn't. I tried using some liquid courage, but again- no luck.

So it sits in a preservation box in my garage and I glimpse at it every now and then while I do the laundry.

I wore my dress on October 10, 2003. My favorite part about my dress was the train. It was a heavy beast, but it was so pretty. The back was a lovely "V" nothing too revealing, but it made me feel sexy, and so was the neckline that was beaded and it sat on the edge of my shoulders. The hemline was scalloped, and the organza overlay was beaded and sparkly. My veil had crystals and beads throughout it, and really complimented the dress. Actually, my veil has been the "something borrowed" for my husband's cousin, and will be for my friend who's getting married in August.

So, now I want to know- Did you keep your dress? Did you sell your dress? What did you do with it? If you still have it, are you planning to do something with it, or just keep it tucked away?

Thanks for letting me reminisce.. I can't wait to read your answers, and if you post about it, please feel free to add the link in your comment.  Be sure to let me know on Facebook, too!

Out of Office by FedEx Delivers Fun Projects for Families, Home, and Office!

Spring is under way and in most homes Spring Cleaning and organizing are also in full swing. Whether you've started out with hot-spots or whole house cleaning- "spring" is definitely in the air.

I've started reorganizing the kids room and the play room, making adjustments to our budget, and even started planning for summer. Since school gets out in just a few more days, I've been trying to put together another fun summer, packed with lesson plans for the kids to enjoy at home. The only thing I'm finding trouble with is arts and crafts.. ok, I should reword that- arts and crafts we haven't already done.

Thanks to Mom Central, I was introduced to the FedEx Office blog, Out of Office a few weeks ago. The different tips and projects they post is really motivating and guarentees to get your creative juices flowing. I've found ideas for baby showers, Father's Day gifts and DIY projects that the kids and I can do together, like making your own personalized bookmarks. We've made bookmarks in the past, but the kids sweaty little hands usually ruin their projects after the first book they read. The FedEx Out of Office blog suggests getting the bookmarks laminated at their store; I had no idea they HAD lamination at their store, so now I'm even more excited about our upcoming summer projects. 
Every summer, I have the kids make a personalized photo frame. They pick a dollar wooden picture frame from an art store, then we go home and paint it whatever color they want. Then we add foam stickers, letters, feathers, glitter- anything fun or interesting- and I snap a picture of them to specifically put into their frames. The whole project usually takes about three days, (because we wait for paint to dry; take the pic, upload it, then pick it up; and then decorate it). The kids love making this frame, and look forward to it every year.

Whether you're looking for project ideas or tips for around the house, in the office, or on the go, definitely stop at the Out of Office blog to see what kinds of ideas they have for you.

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of FedEx Office and received the items necessary to facilitate my review. In addition, Mom Central sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

1 Cent Leg Huggers Sale!! (Just pay shipping!)

For boys or girls, Agoo leggings are beyond adorable! Leg Huggers are great for kids on the move. Whether you are looking for for something to protect your little beans knees as they learn to crawl, or under a cute skirt for your princess, no matter what her age, Leg Huggers designs are super fun!!

The leggings are available for all ages, as you can wear them on your arms or your legs. They look adorable crunched up on babies, too! They are eco-friendly, made from 100% sustainable Bamboo fibers.

Right now, you can save BIG time with a special coupon code only from 4BabyAndMom!! Buy one, buy 10, no matter how many you buy- the first one costs only 1 cent!!! That's almost $10 in savings! For the continental US, shipping is only $8!!

For more information on shipping, visit

You need to act quickly, because the coupon code will be good for only the first 25 people that use it.

Use the code "1centleg9” at checkout to save now!!
This is a onetime use coupon, and can't be used with any other coupon.

Be sure to become a fan of Agoo on facebook here, and tell them what you love about their products, or which pair(s) you've ordered, and of course that you heard about them here!

More to Cleveland than Meets the Eye

When most people think of a relaxing family vacation, the streets of Cleveland usually aren’t the first thing that pops into their head. Most people think of beautiful sandy beaches, perhaps a concert or show, a romantic dinner out in a fabulous restaurant, a cultural day spent museum hopping, or a fun-filled day at a theme or water park with the family.

When POSITIVELY CLEVELAND asked if I would be interested in coming to town for a Family Familiarization Tour of the Greater Cleveland area, I had no idea what to expect, but accepted the offer. I have some family who live outside of the city and have always heard wonderful things about the area, but never had the chance to go and visit, or truly discover all that Greater Cleveland has to offer. I spent four days, (aka: almost 12 hours each day), being whisked around to all of the spots that families should visit on vacation. I hope you can experience how much fun I had by my posts and pictures.

The sense of community from the very first day truly overwhelmed me. From the stong art influence in the city and community, to hearing stories of camaraderie and brotherhood from the local businesses, to the warmth of a strangers smile on the streets of Coventry Heights--it really struck a chord that reminded me of the small town I grew up in. Shopping at Big Fun and grabbing something to eat at Tommy's really completes a busy day; whether you're vegetarian or not, you'll find something for every picky eater.
Typically, I wouldn’t be a museum hopper with my kids, on the mere fact that they like to touch everything. After experiencing the Museum of Art, the Museum of Natural History, the Children’s Museum, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, and the Great Lakes Science Center, I would have to say that the museums in Cleveland should be on the top of everybody’s “to-do” list. Spacious and clean, the artifacts, memoribilia and legends tucked into every nook and cranny seem to tell a story from the entrance all the way back to the exit. Inside and outside, children of any age can appreciate and learn about history.

The gorgeous Sandusky area is home to more than just the fabulous Cedar Point Amusement park. All year round get the ba-geezus scared out of you at the Ghostly Manor Thrill Center while the little ones cruise on the skating rink, enjoy a relaxing walk in the town of Sandusky, grab a little bit of heaven from The City Bake Shop, take the ferry and relax at Lake Erie Shores and Islands, or pop into the Merry-Go-Round Museum or Maritime Museum for a different experience, something you never thought you'd get from looking at the outside of either building.

Whether you're staying at the Doubletree, Kalahari Resort, Castaway Bay, The Great Wolf Lodge, or the Crowne Plaza you'll find the accomodations relaxing, clean rooms, friendly staff, and local events and attractions are just steps away. From apes to zebras, and everything between- including dinosaurs- the Cleveland Zoo is fun for kids of every age. No matter where you are staying, what you are seeing, fabulous restaurants are all over the Greater Cleveland area.
You'll find famous chefs, dive bars, the House of Blues, Grumpy's, or take a turn away from the city and visit Mapleside Farms for an amazing Waldorf salad and apples the size of softballs.

If you enjoy going to plays and need a relaxing and enjoyable time indoors, be sure to head to Playhouse Square to find a matinee or family friendly show. Cleveland really surprised me--I never expected to find the many family friendly attractions. I can't wait to start planning a family trip so that my little munchkins can enjoy all that the city has to offer! Be sure to keep an eye out over the next few days for more photos and information about all of the wonderful places I visited on my trip to Cleveland.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Save 30% at Kids Foot Locker with VIP Access!

Join Kids Foot Locker's VIP club today to enjoy 30% savings! This sale is EXCLUSIVE to Kids Foot Locker VIP members. Signing up is free, but if you do you'll be entitled to receive updates about in-store promos, hot products, early access to select product- special product and promotional information via e-mail and/or text message and other great VIP benefits!

Readers can join now by texting "JOIN" to "LOCKER" (562537).

VIPs only - save 30%!  Whether you're looking for a cute pair of high tops or low tops, Kids Foot Locker has what you're looking for.

I personally love the all of the old school designs (and colors!) popping up on shelves near me!

What's your child's favorite? Head to stores now and SAVE!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Payless BOGO just in time for Summer!

What's better than buy one get one half off? Shopping from home and then picking it right up at your local store.. or super affordable shipping ($5.95) straight to your door. I purchased my shoes for the two upcoming weddings off of Payless online. It was a very simple process, the shoes fit great, and the products arrived in adequate time- (awesome timing, for free!)

Be sure to stock up now and save- only at Payless!

$5 Shipping at eBeanstalk Ends Tonight!

Save now on shipping at one of the greatest online toy stores out there! Aside from the user- friendliness, the products offered are some of the best of the best. Shop from newborn through age 12. Visit now for the deal of the day, or to stock up on some fun summer toys because school's almost over- and take advantage of $5 shipping!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sonicare for Kids Review

Did you know that dentists recommend that kids brush their teeth for two minutes? As the kids have grown, we have gone through many stages of wanting, and not wanting to brush their teeth. When they want to brush their teeth they scrub for much longer than 2 minutes, then I go in and "check" and go over them all again. Entirely way too much time is spent in my home brushing the kids teeth.. from arguing to get it done, and then when it's time to put the brush down.
I always find it so hard to believe that children can get so many cavities. I know that when I was little my teeth were great- horrible teeth didn't start affecting me until I was an adult. Now, if I could afford to have them ripped out and get new ones (of one way or another) I would. Pregnancy took the worst toll on me.. I digress..

That being said, I wish I could say that I take them religiously to the dentist, but until recently we had no dental insurance for our entire family. You want to know my bad mommy confession? I just made my daughter her very first check-up appointment.

When Mom Central asked if I would be interested in participating in the Sonicare blog tour, I jumped at the opportunity.

From Mom Central:

More than half of parents struggle to get their kids to brush for the dentist recommended two minutes. Sonicare For Kids comes to the rescue with a new way to make daily tooth brushing more effective…and fun! This innovative power toothbrush, designed for kids ages 4-10, incorporates patented sonic technology and has features such as the KidTimer to extend brushing time each day until kids reach the recommended two minutes. The unique KidPacer plays musical tones to indicate when to begin brushing another quadrant of the mouth, and interchangeable design panels allow your kids to choose a style that's all their own.

These features can help parents educate their kids about the importance of oral health during daily routines in a fun and memorable way. If you're one of the 60 percent of parents who struggle with getting their children to stick to morning and nighttime routines, simple steps like guiding them on proper brushing techniques can make everyone's schedule a bit more manageable.

Follow the simple ABC's of Sonicare For Kids and in no time your kids will be reminding you when it's time to brush:
• A: Advise your kids on the importance of oral health—just as milk makes for strong bones, brushing makes for healthy teeth and gums
• B: Brush your teeth with your kids and make it fun
• C: Create special moments with your child after brushing, extending this time into your daily routine
When we got our Sonicare for Kids toothbrush, the kids were eager and excited to use it. (It does need to charge for 24 hours before your first use, so make sure you allot that time.) They picked the faceplate that they thought was the coolest- without arguing- and helped me pop it on.

I love that the Sonicare for Kids comes with two different sized brushes- one for ages 7 and up, and the other for kids 4 and up. Both of the heads that came with this brush work for my kids (Alex is 7 and Abbie is 4), so one got the red smaller size, and the other got the big blue one. The body has two settings, also age appropriate, so you get a gentle cleaning mode for mouths of all different sizes.

The Sonicare for Kids vibrations felt ticklish at first, but after the first five or six times, they both got used to it completely. Over the first 90 days, the time gradually increases to the full 2 minutes that dentists recommend. The kids haven't noticed the time starting to get longer at all; they love the little tune it plays when its time to move to the next section of your mouth. 

Every morning and every night both of the kids ask me if they can use it to brush their teeth. I change the heads, but it's simple enough that they could do it by themselves. They put it back on the charger when it needs it, but honestly, it's got one heck of a shelf life- not like other cheaper brands I've purchased in the past. So far, they treat this toothbrush much better than our past tooth brushes, and I always find it in its spot. I feel that their oral hygeniene habits have definitely improved since we've received our Sonicare for Kids toothbrush.

You can find the Sonicare for Kids on shelves at Walmart, at Target, and online at The price of this unit is approximately $70.

"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Sonicare and received a free Sonicare For Kids toothbrush to facilitate my review.”

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day..

Well, I hope you all had a very special Mother's Day with your family. Yesterday, I arrived back in Tampa from a 5 day trip to Cleveland to learn more about the area. I can't wait to publish my article (s?).

I visited with my mom, relaxed around the house, was surprised that while I was away my hubbie survived my son coming down with bronchitis and still managed to paint the doors I've been meaning to finish up. I caught up on some shows off the DVR, and went to bed early.

So, in honor of Mother's Day, I posted a picture of an Orangutan BabyAndMom from the Cleveland Zoo on our Facebook page. As time goes on, I hope you enjoy all of the BabyAndMom pictures that I've taken and found.  If you have any pictures that you'd like featured, feel free to use the Contact Us page, or email us directly at 4BabyAndMom at gmail dot com. Have a great week!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Make Mom Smile with 1-800-Flowers

What do you get for a mom that has everything? Instead of running from store to store this weekend, I encourage you to visit and take a peek at their Mother's Day collection. This year, brighten mom's day with a beautiful Springtime Bouquet or Mother's Embrace floral arrangement.

Packed with fresh, vibrant flowers that smell absolutely heavenly, any arrangement from 1-800-Flowers is guaranteed to delight. Flowers are available with or with out a container, but what I love about the ones with vases, containers, or boxes is that you can reuse them around the house, which means you can truly personalize Mom's gift this year.

Does your mom enjoy gardening? What about cheeses, snacks or something edible? Every Grandmother loves pictures of the grandchildren. 1-800- Flowers has a large variety of arrangements to fit any style or budget.

1-800-Flowers CEO and Founder, Jim McCann has put together a great collection of quotes, photos, poems and stories shared by real people to honor their mothers in a book called, CELEBRATING MOM: SHARE, REMEMBER, CHERISH. This is a perfect companion to any arrangement, floral or edible, in the Mother's Day Collection at

In honor of Mother's Day, our friends at 1-800-Flowers have offered one lucky reader their chance to win a $50 gift certificate to to use on or toward the arrangement of their choice!


Visit our WINNERS PAGE for more information on how to claim your prize.

This giveaway is open to residents of the US. This giveaway will end on May 19, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on our WINNERS PAGE and on this post. Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom. Disclosure: I received a book and arrangement from the 1800-Flowers corporation in exchange for a review on 4BabyAndMom. Any opinions expressed are 100% that of 4BabyAndMom. Your experience with these products, website and company may differ.

Canvas Press Makes Mother's Day Memories Last

I'm very particular about my home decor. In fact, I rarely take on a review for decor because of how picky I am.When it comes to wall art, I am more of a photo kind of gal. I love my family photos and am currently in the process of redesigning my coffee table to incorporate black and white photos onto it, decoupage style.

I have this space on my wall that I've been trying to fill for a very long time now, and just haven't found been able to find the right piece for it. When we were contacted by this great US based company called Canvas Press and asked to do a review of their products, I was a little hesitant, but as soon as I got to their site, I jumped at the opportunity. offers high quality photo canvasses created from your favorite picture, in any size you need to decorate your home with your own personal memories. You simply capture your special moment, upload it to Canvas Press, and then create your masterpiece. It arrives professionally packed, with a wooden frame, high quality canvas, and a print that is just stunning. 

Both Marissa and I were able to review our own personal product. I chose a landscape, with the shadows of my children on Clearwater Beach, and she chose a close up portrait of her gorgeous children. When the products arrived I was truly taken aback by the beauty of the prints. The canvas is a very high quality, and the photo image looks so rich, that several people have asked me if mine was a painting. Marissa's canvas was so amazing that no one believed that it wasn't a professional portrait.

Pictures do not do this product justice, as the true beauty is so much more stunning in person. We were worried that the pictures might pixelate on the canvas, but to our delight, they were crisp, sharp, and vibrant. Marissa was most impressed with the quality of the canvas work. The backing and edges were clean and seamless--which can't be said for other canvas products she has bought in department stores and other similar retail outlets. The best part-there is the fabulous "Made In The U.S.A." label on the back. This is a fantastic product, it is a quality product, and it is made right here in the U.S.--does it get any better than that?

We had some trouble when attempting to order the canvases at first. We both placed our orders on the "old" Canvas Press website. We had a couple of minor issues, but once we contacted customer service, they walked us right through it. It was at this time that we were informed that the site has been undergoing some construction to help eliminate some of these issues. Since our order, the new website seems to be much more user friendly. In fact, from the poking around I've done, it's improvements are very noticeable. I do recommend using the "Need more control cropping your image" link, as that platform is the easiest to use and edit your picture prior to purchasing it, and much less frustrating than the main project page.

According to the representative I worked with, Canvas Press is trying to integrate the best of both sites as they develop it further to eliminate any of the problems we may have experienced. Either way, the minor quirks really amounted to distant memories as soon as we unwrapped our personalized photo canvas. I can't express in words how amazing these canvases look, they are truly beautiful.

Whether you are looking for a conversation piece in your living room, or the special ability to freeze a moment in time, no matter what your photo is Canvas Press allows for you to express your style they way you want.

Aside from purchasing a canvas for your own personal enjoyment, you can also make a lasting memory a great gift for Mother's Day, or any birthday, or holiday.  Every Mother's Day, we take a multi-generation picture. Think of how much Mom will love getting a portrait canvas so that she can remember it forever, and how it can continue to be loved by future generations. Maybe you could use a few brownie points with your mother in law; a gorgeous canvas of her and her child would definitely warm her heart and make you her favorite daughter in law! Don't forget Grandma's either, with the choice of using whichever photo you like--the possibilities are endless! You could even make a canvas of a picture of your child's artwork.


Please refer to our WINNERS PAGE for more info on how to officially claim your prize.

This giveaway is open to residents of the US. This giveaway will end on May 17, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on our WINNERS PAGE and on this post. Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom.

Disclosure: This product was provided to both families at no cost by Canvas Press with the intentions to provide our personal opinions on this product and the company. Any opinions expressed are 100% that of 4BabyAndMom. Your experience with these products, website and company may differ.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Family Fun from SONIC and Sea World this Spring! Review + Giveaway

SONIC has recently partnered with Sea World to bring to life their Deep-Sea Tots toys, which will be available in Wacky Packs kids' meals this April and May. Wacky Packs are kids meals specifically designed with your child in mind. What I love about Sonic is that on top of their traditional kids meals items, is that they offer a great selection of healthier options, as well as options the kids love. Not a fan of fries- get a banana instead. Does your child LOVE grilled cheese or corn dogs more than anything else? Yep, they even have them! Alex loves that Sonic offers tater tots instead of french fries, and Abbie loves that the fries are thin and small.. a perfect size for her. The kids usually ask for slushes instead of milk, but what I love is that you can order juice slushes. Wholesome and refreshing, which in our weather in Florida is always welcomed!

At our location, several of the girls even race from the kitchen to the cars in true drive-in style, sporting their own rollerskates. Sonic is one of the few fast food restaurants, if not the ONLY one, that still values their customers. They are respectful and nice every single time we go. It's part of the company's core values, and it shows. They give back to their community, and they host "Happy Hour" between 2 & 4pm so even when times are tight, you can manage to squeeze in your favorite slush.

The toys in the Sonic Wacky Packs are always cute, but I must admit, I adore the  Deep-Seat Tots. They are cute little squishy sea creatures, many that are found at Sea World, and best of all they double for a bath or pool toy. Even my big kid loves pretending with Scuba Tot and the sea creatures.

As an additional perk, each Deep-Sea Tot comes with a secret code that you can type into the Wacky Pack website for your chance to win a family 4 pack to Sea World!

If you've been reading my blog for any amount of time, you probably know how much I adore Sea World. In fact, it's my favorite theme park in Florida. (Shhh, don't tell the kids.. or the mouse!)

Our new friends at Sonic have offered our readers a chance to WIN their very own Deep-Sea Tots Package including all 15 toys,  four (4) free passes to Sea World (expire 12/31/10), and a $25 My Sonic Card!

What's even better, is that if you "like" 4BabyAndMom and Sonic on Facebook, you have the option to win another prize pack.Keep your eyes peeled for the entry opportunity on Facebook, but tell us that you like us now!!

You read that right- we're giving away a total of TWO (2) Deep-Sea Tots Prize Packs!! Each prize pack is valued at over $300!!!! 

Don't worry if you don't live in Florida, these tickets are good until December 31st! What a great way to save some money on your next vacation!


Please refer to our WINNERS PAGE for more information on how to officially claim your prize. Keep your eyes peeled to Facebook, as our second prize pack winner will be chosen soon!!

This giveaway is open to residents of the US. This giveaway will end on May 15, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on our WINNERS PAGE and on this post. Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom. Disclosure: The Deep-Sea Tots Prize Pack and additional prize packs were all provided by the PR company representing Sonic. Any opinions expressed are 100% mine. Your experience with these products and company may differ.

U by Kotex - a new generation of feminine products!

With four nieces, three in the "almost a woman" age range and a daughter who'll be there eventually, I try my hardest to let them know if there's anything they have questions about that they can always come to me.

I didn't learn about my period or kissing, or sex for that matter, from my parents. In fact, the mere thought made me want to crawl into a hole. My relationship with my parents was definitely NOT that type of a relationship. Between my friends, (the few girls that I was friends with), and my oldest female cousin, I learned about the male body from a magazine from her brother's playboy collection, kissing from movies, my period from the pamphlet inside her tampon box, and sex- well, I think that can be accredited to health class.. or that same nudy magazine.

I remember when my period came.. I wasn't expecting it at all, but totally should have had it already. I was 13. I remembered the pads that they had when I was younger. They were ginormous! Every month I was mortified that I had to shove these mile-high pads in my front pocket of my bookbag, and pray that no mischeivious boy would unzip it.

Kotex has come up with a new line of feminine products specifically for the tweens and teens. The same name and brand you trust, made fun and funky for your kids- U by Kotex. Thanks to Mom Central, I recieved a box of U by Kotex tampons. I love the fact that the wrappers are bright colors, and despite the loud colors seem to blend well with today's hottest accessories. Who knew I'd see the 80's return- neon yellow, day-glo-blue, and hot pink is on EVERYTHING, including this new line of products.

Kotex not only wants to spread the word about this new product line and but hopes to ensure girls feel confident and at ease asking questions about women’s health issues. The topic of menstruation can make girls feel embarrassed and uncomfortable but eliminating the use of euphemisms and fostering open conversations can turn your daughter having her period into no big deal.

The commercials that have started popping up on TV are great ways for moms and daughters to start their conversations. I personally think they're hysterical. I really want to smack the actresses- because if having my period was really like flittering away on the beach in white spandex, the world would just be a happier place. Shoot- and if my mom's time of the month growing up was like that..
Check out one of my favorite commercials here:

Visit to learn more about the U by Kotex line, get some free samples and download a fun Daily Journal iPhone or iTouch application that lets you take pictures, add play lists and geo-target your location for each entry.
I would love your thoughts on this new line of products, plus any stories that you might want to share about "having the talk" when you were young. If you have a child in your life that is about "that" age, feel free to tell me any tips that you have about making it easy on the both of you.. or what you're dreading the most.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Kotex and received products necessary to facilitate my candid review. In addition, Mom Central sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.


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