I have a horrible back, and when we purchased our bed, it took us forever to find one that worked for both me and my husband. Our mattress is supposed to be good for 10-15 years or something like that, without ever having to flip it. It has a plush top, and when we first bought it it was great. That was only 3 years ago, and I can tell you that it is no longer as great as it once was. Last time our taxes came back, we actually considered buying a new bed, but decided against it.

Needless to say, when I was contacted by SleepJoy.com to review a ViscoFresh
Memory Foam Mattress Topper, I jumped at the opportunity. I love products that are "Made In the USA", especially if it's something that claims to help me sleep better, reduce the pressure points in my back while I sleep, and absorbing some of the shock of my husband who likes to toss and turn often.
After the first couple of nights, I wasn't quite sure what to think about the topper. It felt good when you climbed into bed, but in the morning both Brian and I felt stiff and uncomfortable. We felt like we had to stretch and pop our backs back into place just to function. We felt more exhausted when we woke up than when we went to bed. I asked around on Twitter and Facebook, and the general consensus was that when you have a new bed (or topper) that it usually takes at least a week for your body to start getting used to it.
What I learned in the ten nights that I've slept on our ViscoFresh Memory Foam mattress topper is that our bodies weren't sore because of the topper, it was because our bodies were trying to realign. They were not used to being properly supported while we slept. Essentially, our bodies were confused. Since the second or third night I realized that I was sleeping much deeper than I ever had on our bed. Every night since about night 5, we've noticed our bodies have been adjusting much better.
We're definitely waking up much more comfortably, and I've noticed less aches and pains during the day. I find that I don't want to get out of bed as quickly, because of how comfortable it is in the morning. We chose a medium firmness, and I still feel like I'm laying on a giant marshmallow. The one major difference that I've noticed is that Brian isn't snoring as loud as he usually does, and I barely feel him moving next to me at night until he's right next to me. I have stopped using my pillow, as the pillow I have doesn't keep me well aligned. Since I stopped using my pillow, I've noticed vast improvements.
SleepJoy does carry pillows, which I may look into further. If you are in the market for a Memory Foam Mattress, mattress topper or pillow, I recommend taking a look at SleepJoy.com.
Before we ordered our mattress topper, I learned a lot about memory foam mattress toppers and the difference between SleepJoy toppers and "other" brands. The FAQ's page at
SleepJoy.com was incredibly helpful.
Here is some of the information that I thought might help while shopping for a new mattress topper and to learn more about ViscoFresh:
From the SleepJoy FAQ page
Q: What makes memory foam so good for sleeping?
A: Memory foam is great because of its unique ability to mold itself around your body. It allows your body to “float” in the foam itself, relieving the pressure points typically experienced during sleep. The floating effect allows your blood to flow unrestricted and keeps your muscles relaxed, allowing you to sleep uninterrupted by discomfort.
Q: What is ViscoFresh?
A: ViscoFresh is an enhanced memory foam with many important technological advances that solve the most common complaints consumers have about memory foam. ViscoFresh’s breathable, open-celled formula provides 5 times more airflow than traditional memory foam. This enhanced airflow helps you sleep at a more comfortable temperature throughout the night and ensures that the products recovery quickly from their compressed packaging. So, you get to use your product immediately with no waiting. ViscoFresh uses plant-based ingredients that decrease its effect on the environment and uses a more eco-friendly anti-microbial. ViscoFresh includes a green tea additive that removes the typical “fresh foam odor” of ordinary memory foams. And, ViscoFresh is made in the USA for quality.
Q: What is ViscoFresh/latex hybrid?
A: Our hybrid foam, ViscoFresh Latex, provides the pressure relief of memory foam, along with added support of latex because of its the resilient, firmer texture. ViscoFresh Latex Hybrid Foam feels more bouncy and firmer than ViscoFresh Memory Foam. With ViscoFresh Latex Hybrid Foam, you’ll lay more on top of your topper, versus sinking into your bed like you do with ViscoFresh Memory Foam. ViscoFresh Latex has all the great attributes of ViscoFresh Memory Foam like an open-celled formula, plant-based ingredients, eco-friendly anti-microbial and green tea additive.
Q: How does the ViscoFresh/latex hybrid feel vs. ViscoFresh memory foam?
A: ViscoFresh Latex Hybrid Foam feels more bouncy and firmer than ViscoFresh Memory Foam. With ViscoFresh Latex Hybrid Foam, you’ll lay more on top of your topper, versus sinking into your bed like you do with ViscoFresh Memory Foam. It offers both pressure relief (by molding to your body shape) and added support (by virtue of its bouncy, resilient feeling).
Q: Is density the same as softness/firmness?
A: Density and softness are two completely different qualities. You can have a dense foam that is soft or firm, as well as a less dense foam that is soft or firm.
Firmness in foam is measured by what’s called an IFD or ILD. This measures the amount of cushioning the foam provides. Density is the measurement of the weight of foam contained in a square foot of material. All SleepJoy products offer the most advantageous density and IFD options.
Q: Is ViscoFresh eco-friendly?
A: SleepJoy has replaced up to 10% of the petroleum-based ingredients typically found in traditional memory foams with natural, plant-based oils. Unlike soy-based memory foams, though, our formula still provides a high-performance memory foam that feels great and provides the maximum amount of pressure relief. And, our plant-based ingredients have a lower carbon footprint during the manufacturing process than soy.
Q: Does ViscoFresh have “fresh foam” odor?
A: No! Thanks to our green tea formulation, ViscoFresh has a light scent that quickly fades away, leaving behind no trace of fragrance. That “fresh foam” odor is a thing of the past!

Q: Is all foam hot to sleep on?
A: Not anymore. SleepJoy’s breakthrough breathable foam formulation allows much more air to circulate around you, so you sleep more comfortably.
Q: How do I know what height of ViscoFresh memory foam or ViscoFresh Latex topper to choose?
A: Since memory foam is meant to be used for comfort and pressure relief, and not as much for support, a topper of 2” or 3” is typically more than sufficient. ViscoFresh Latex will provide you with the support you need and is also recommended in a 2” or 3” height.
Keep your eyes out for another post soon, sharing more about our experience with our SleepJoy Memory Foam mattress topper, and a giveaway!