Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Missing- One blogger.

Due to a family emergency, I will not be available to post any of the reviews and/or giveaways I intended to post this week. Me, Bri and the kids are fine, but it's been a rough week. If you could please keep our family in your thoughts, it would be genuinely appreciated. I should be back soon, I hope you all understand. If you've emailed me, please know there may be a delay in my response due to this unforeseen circumstance. Thank you again for your patience and understanding.

Warm Wishes,
Lauren & Family


Dee June 29, 2010   1

Your family will be in my prayers!

XmasDolly June 29, 2010   2

I truly hope everything is okay & it's just something you need to do. hugs, Xmasdolly

Colette S June 29, 2010   3

Sharing prayers and hugs with you and your family.


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