Monday, October 25, 2010

Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! "Fly Us To The Moon" DVD Giveaway!

This giveaway is featured as an Editor's Pick at! 

From the press release:
Wubbzy shoots for the stars…!


NOVEMBER 16, 2010

Preschoolers and Families Will Blast Off on Exciting Adventures With A Brand-New DVD Set to Send Imaginations Soaring!

Beverly Hills, CA – One small step for Wubbzy…one giant leap for Wuzzleburg! The countdown to fun for preschoolers begins with Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!, and the launch of the brand-new DVD, “Fly Us To The Moon.” Alongside Wubbzy, Widget, Walden and Daizy, young viewers will skyrocket into outer space to help wake The Man in the Moon, prepare for a special encounter with “alien” visitors and embark on many kooky space-age adventures! “Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! Fly Us To The Moon” from Anchor Bay Entertainment lands on shelves across the nation, Tuesday, November 16, 2010.

“Fly Us To The Moon” (SRP $16.98) is an action-packed collection of episodes featuring out-of-this-world special guests, including the Tooth Fairy, and larger-than-life superheroes like Captain Wonderpants and The Super Fixers. In “Warp Speed Wubbzy!,” Walden thinks he sees an approaching spaceship through his telescope and enthusiastically spreads the word that space visitors are coming! But, when Wubbzy and Widget discover that the “spaceship” is just a firefly on the lens, they fear Walden will be disappointed and decide to create their own “spaceship landing.” In the title episode, “Fly Us To The Moon,” it’s up to Wubbzy and his pals to wake up The Man in the Moon, who has fallen asleep and left Wuzzleburg in the dark. Preschoolers will embark on an unforgettable ride on Widget’s Rocket Racer, as Wubbzy tangles with space monsters, takes a journey on a runaway comet and falls into a spiral galaxy!

In addition, the new release includes episodes “Tooth or Dare,” “Wonder Wubbzy” and “The Super Fixers.” A bonus episode, “All Bottled Up,” as well as special extras such as coloring and activity sheets, music videos and special “sneak peeks” also are featured.

In celebration of the upcoming release of the brand-new DVD “Fly Us To The Moon,” Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! invites fans to enter a super special sweepstakes on to win an original, one-of-a-kind piece of Wubbzy artwork from series’ creator Bob Boyle!

Fans should visit for more information, official rules and to enter. No purchase necessary. Also, please visit Bob’s very cool blog for upcoming events, fun drawings, and to learn more about this creative individual.

To further spread the “wuv,” our new friends at Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! would like to a giveaway of the brand new DVD!

Here's How:
Visit Wow! Wow! Wubbzy creator's Bob Boyle's blog. Tell me one interesting piece of info you learned while visiting there.

Please refer to our WINNERS PAGE for more information on how to claim your prize!

This giveaway is open to residents of the US. This giveaway will end on November 5, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on our WINNERS PAGE and on this post. Please include a valid email address and your user id in your comment. If we cannot find a way to contact you, we will not, we will choose another winner. We do try to email all winners, but due to the volume of giveaways offered on our site, delays can be expected. If you catch your name before we email you, please feel free to contact us first. :) Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom.No monetary compensation was provided for this review, product will be supplied by the PR firm representing Wow Wow Wubbzy. As always, what you have read is strictly the opinion of 4BabyAndMom. Your opinions may differ.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

P&G SAVINGS + Samples!! Venus Razors, Head and Shoulders, Clairol and more!

The new P&G campaign called; "Have You Tried This Yet?" has really been creating quite the buzz!

Get free samples, and major coupons now at the Have You Tried This Yet? page. You do need to be a P&G Everyday Solutions member (free to sign up, newsletter with special offers and coupons), but it's totally worth it for these savings!

Make sure you click on all of the boxes that you want coupons for, because if not, I was unable to go back in and request the other coupons I did not select.

Check it out now, and happy saving!

Treasure Your Chest~ Breast Cancer Awareness Month Helpful info

From Mom Select:

October is a month full of color, from the leaves on the trees to the orange pumpkins popping up everywhere. In addition to the warm autumn hues, there's another color that's synonymous with this month- pink! Yes, it's awesome to see this rosy shade take over everything from football fields to The White House as our country unites in the fight against breast cancer.

There are no shortage of breast cancer charities, campaigns and promotions to participate in this month, and all do their part to provide hope to countless women and support the research necessary to find a cure. Every little bit helps and we try to participate in all the pink that we can!

Moms, it's time to bond with your breasts! And the good news is, you can do so alongside other great women who are dedicated to spreading this proactive message. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, E! News host Giuliana Rancic and Lindsay Avner, founder of the national breast and ovarian cancer non-profit Bright Pink, "felt themselves up" during 'Treasure Your Chest' a live webcast to fight breast cancer hosted by Orbit White Bubblemint gum.

The 'Treasure Your Chest' video is available online through October at, where women can watch as Giuliana and Lindsay share (and show) tips for how young women can be proactive about their breast health, including bonding with their breasts regularly.

We think this video is a must-watch for every female! That's why we're spreading the word to increase views. If you're interested in sharing this video with your readers, we encourage you to embed it on your site. As we all know, early detection is the best prevention!

Just for fun, we're throwing one more color into the mix- White! As a proud sponsor of this campaign, Orbit White is donating 10 percent of every pack of Orbit White Bubblemint gum sold in September and October, up to $75,000, to Bright Pink. And they're also giving back to those that help them get the word out.

Watch live streaming video from treasureyourchest at

Watch the video, and take a moment out of your day to Treasure Your Chest. Make it a priority in your life. I got the approval  for my mammography, and have an appointment  next week, and I'm pretty nervous. If it wasn't for self- exams, I wouldn't have found my lump at all. While you're at it, grab a few packs of Orbit gum and help support the cause.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Having a Halloween Party for your Big Kids, or just for Adults?

Last year we were introduced to This store has everything, most of it very practical, and extremely affordable. We are privy to special sales and promotions because of our relationship with them and got this one in email yesterday, and totally had to laugh.. and share it with you! You never know who might want one of these- Practical Jokes and Halloween Pranks:

A rubber chicken that screams when you squeeze it. You know, for all of those pesky sheep. *shrugs* You could play mad farmer with this one... or something.. ($7.14)

Dressing up as a mad scientist or doctor? Axe murder? Crazy psycho that likes to cut people up?? Carry around a bloody hand... in a Holiday wrapped box.. *shudders* ($13.81)

Remember what that guy did to you last halloween?? Yeah, you know the one I'm talking about. Get him back, or pull one over on the guys.. because, after all, most adults can't tell that the name of this gum just doesn't sound right. I know, shocking, right?? *giggle* ($2.20)

And for the more tame birds out there, when trying to de-stress and not strangle your neighbor, boss, ex, or spouse, feel free to carry this bug-eyed duck to squeeze when the pressure is really getting to you. *ommm* ($3.58)

From now until November 2nd if you use the coupon code THX6OFF you will save 6% off of your order. This coupon code is good for any products, so feel free to check out for more practical items such as USB flash drives, a new optical mouse for your computer, and holiday gadgets. Have fun shopping!

Monday, October 18, 2010

100 Prayers God Loves to Hear, 100 Praise Songs *Review*

Unfortunately, our faith is not something I often blog about often, but with all of the changes going on in our world right now, we are finding it very easy to lean on our faith. 100 Prayers God Loves to Hear, 100 Praise Songs has definitely helped us encourage the kids during this difficult time.

My four and seven year old know about God. They know how to pray, and sometimes even pray without prodding. We say 'grace' before dinner, and ask for help when things are lost. We encourage our children to develop a relationship with God.

That said, I wasn't too sure what to expect with this book until I received it. The book is sturdy- perfect for little hands. The illustrations are fun, and the prayers are practical. The first time we read the book, we read the little story, the prayer together, then the song. The problem with this was that my daughter (who loves sing-song soundtracks and CD's) wanted to play the song over and over and over again. My son wanted to hear the whole CD in it's entirety.

The next few times we read from the book, the kids and I specifically sat to read it together regarding a certain situation. They even repeated the prayers with me. It's such an awesome feeling listening to your children confess the word of God on to their lives. But I digress... it's not a real "preachy" book, definitely appropriate for children. It's not a children's bible, but still full of God's word.Alex likes that he can look up the stories by his situations in life, and Abbie likes that they're stories she can understand. (A HUGE + for us!!)

The chapter/prayer entitled Day is Done reads:

David was a shepherd boy. He watched over the sheep at night. Sheep say, "Baa!" He kept them safe from wolves and bears. Bears say, "Grr!" When David felt afraid, he would pray. If you are afraid, you can pray too!

Day is done, gone the sun, from the lakes, from the hills, from the sky. All is well, Safe at rest, God is nigh.-Unknown

David trusted in God, who is stronger than wolves and bears! And you can too! 
After each story and prayer there is a small section called "My Little Prayer Reminder" which contains quotes about prayer, faith, or God. The prayer reminder after the quoted text above says, "Pray, and let God worry."-Martin Luther

The CD is... well, a kids CD. If you're looking for modern songs, you're not going to find it here. The songs on the discs are definitely more of the "traditional" kids songs style, (you know, the ones that get stuck in your head because they're so...upbeat?) Some people may find these songs annoying and grating, but I actually don't mind them, in moderation. The kids actually like to put it on in their room while they clean up, but very rarely have we had it on in correspondence with the book.

If you're looking for a good way to encourage children to pray on a daily basis, I highly recommend this book. The CD's should be looked at as a bonus, that you could take or leave, but should not take away from this well executed children's prayer book.

This book was provided to me at no cost in order to facilitate a candid review of the item through BookSneeze. No monetary compensation was received. Your opinion may differ.

Sunday, October 17, 2010 Has Prices So Low, It's SCARY!!

We love autumn. Unfortunately in Florida, we don't have a lot of trees that start changing color. In fact, the only thing that clues you in that Autumn is in the air, is when the grocery stores start carrying pumpkins and those cinnamon twig things.

I don't dress up for Halloween, but my kids do. With all of our life changes going on this year, I almost forgot to order their costumes.

Have you ordered your costume yet? What about your kids Halloween costumes?? If not, you still have time to score the hottest costumes at the lowest prices. Yes, I've made that claim because not only does have affordable prices- they guarantee it! If you find a cheaper price online, all you need to do is send them the link. They will then match the price, and take an additional 20% off!!

Alex decided that this year he wanted to wear a Buzz Lightyear Costume. Abbie wanted to be Miss Piggy, so we're making hers from scratch.We got a great deal on Alex's costume, and even was add on an inflatable jet pack with wings!

Right now you can take advantage of their FREE 3-day shipping offer on all purchases over $70! Use the coupon code FREE70 at the checkout. lets you use any major credit card, as well as PayPal, which for me is a HUGE plus. I love paypal checkout, as that money is often "found" money from something I've sold on Ebay. The entire ordering process was super quick, with excellent customer service, and super speedy delivery. The costume came packaged and pristine, and I thoroughly enjoyed my entire experience- (which is something that I haven't been able to say in quite some time.)

Be sure to visit for their large selection of adult, girl, and boys Halloween costumes. They've even begun slashing their prices, so hurry over and check them out because soon their selections will start to disappear!

What will your child (or you!) be dressing up as this Halloween?? provided a costume to us to review at no cost in order to facilitate a candid review of their site and service. Your opinion may differ.

Rosalind Wiseman- Girl World Tour 2010 *Giveaway*

Rosalind Wiseman’s Girl World Tour is coming to the East Coast of the States this fall. Rosalind Wiseman is an internationally-recognized expert on children, teens and parenting and a New York Times best-selling author for her book Queen Bees and Wannabes, which was the basis for the movie, Mean Girls.

Rosalind is currently touring the country hosting fun-filled evenings of mother-daughter bonding that include an interactive discussion about confidence, friendships, sweat-inducing moments and common mother-daughter challenges. These mother-daughter workshops are geared to moms and their tween (8-12 year-old) daughters and aim to help moms and daughters more effectively communicate with each other. Rosalind will offer practical advice and tools to help set the foundation for open communication, which is especially important as the daughters move from their tween to teen years and begin face even more challenges and issues that could put a child’s confidence at risk.

Inkwood Books will be selling tickets to these workshops for approx. $40 for a mother/daughter pair, which includes Rosalind’s books Queen Bees & Wannabes, and her new tween novel Boys, Girls and Other Hazardous Materials as well as a gift bag from Dove deodorant and Unilever’s Don’t Fret the Sweat campaign.

Keep on the lookout for a special guest review posted by the tweens that attended the Tampa workshop with their moms, on behalf of 4BabyAndMom!

There are only 5 events left, so if you think this is something that you think you and your tween would enjoy, be sure to reserve your tickets now.

Our new friends at Dove deodorant and the Don’t Fret The Sweat campaign are offering a set of tickets on behalf of Dove go fresh to be given away to two mothers and their tween daughters at the following locations:

Pittsburgh, PA – Friday, November 5, 2010
Host: Joseph-Beth Booksellers
Location: Chatham University’s Campbell Memorial Chapel, Shady Side Campus, Woodland Road, Pittsburgh
Time: 7-9pm
Tickets: Available from Joseph-Beth Booksellers in-store, or over the phone at 412-381-3600.

Hartford, CT- Monday, November 15, 2010
Host: RJ Julia Booksellers
Location: Smith Middle School, 216 Addison Road, Glastonbury
Time: 7-9pm
Tickets: Available from RJ Julia online, in-store, and over the phone at (203) 245-3959. Tickets for Glastonbury residents go on sale on Wednesday, September 15. Tickets to the general public will be available beginning Thursday, September 30.

Ridgewood, NJ – Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Host: Books, Bytes & Beyond
Location: George Washington Middle School, 155 Washington Place, Ridgewood
Time: 7-9pm
Tickets: Available from Books, Bytes & Beyond in-store, or over the phone at 201-670-6766.

Miami, FL – Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Host: Books & Books
Location: Temple Judea, 5500 Granada Boulevard, Coral Gables
Time: 7-9pm
Tickets: TBA

Here's how to win:
Visit the Girls World Tour website and watch the video. What do you look forward to most about this workshop? How old is your tween?


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WIN tickets to the Girls World Tour '10 with Rosalind Wiseman and Dove Ends 10/25 @4BabyAndMom
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This giveaway is open to residents of the US and are responsible for their own transportation to and from the event. This giveaway will end on October 25, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. The winner will be chosen using, and all winner information will be posted on our WINNERS PAGE and on this post. Please include a valid email address and your user id in your comment. If we cannot find a way to contact you, we will not, we will choose another winner. We do try to email all winners, but due to the volume of giveaways offered on our site, delays can be expected. If you catch your name before we email you, please feel free to contact us first. :) Any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn accordingly and at the discretion of 4BabyAndMom. As always, what you have read is strictly the opinion of 4BabyAndMom. Your opinions may differ.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Lunchables now has bread made with whole grains!

As a mom, life can totally be overwhelming sometimes. Not only are the kids in school, but so am I. I have found myself stressed with homework and studying for big tests, and have been supplementing many of the kids' home made lunches with more convenient pre-packaged kinds. The kids love Lunchables, and now with the new breads made with whole grain, I can love them even more.

Lunchables Lunch Combinations has recently expanded their better-for-you lunch selections to include even more varieties that offer the same great taste and wholesome products Moms can feel good about.

Over the last few years, Lunchables has worked hard to improve their products by reducing overall sodium content, fat and calories by at least 20% throughout their product lines, and adding spring water and fruit to various lunches. Newly available options such as the Chicken and American Sub Sandwich as well as Chicken Strips, along with old favorites like the Deep Dish Cheese Pizza, now come with DOLE Mandarin Oranges. Lunchables provides improved lunch options with 100% white meat chicken, reduced-fat cheese and whole grain bread. And the already easy to go container now has many recyclable parts, making them a more environmentally friendly option.

The kids are still getting the brand they love, but with wholesome foods that I can feel better about them eating, no matter how busy my life as a mom gets. Face it, we can't be there to watch everything that our kids put into their mouth, but with healthier choices like the new Lunchables line, I know they are enjoying more satisfying foods.

Keep on the lookout for Lunchables new "Made with Whole Grain" labels popping up in grocery stores all over the country. Special thanks to Mom Central and Lunchables for allowing our family to try these products at no cost.

"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Lunchables and received the products necessary to facilitate my review. In addition, I received a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate."

One of those days.. What would YOU do?

I've been having one of those days today.. You know the kind.

The day where you really start thinking about your life, and what you wanted 10 years ago, and what you've got now, and truly evaluate whether or not a change is needed. In my particular case, a change is imminent, but I need to figure out where that change is going to be. This may sound rambley, and if so I apologize, but I really need to get this out "there".

Last week, we visited NY for a wedding, and it was amazing. We had such a great time, and without romanticizing it completely, we missed it. Don't get me wrong- one of the reasons that we moved when Alex was little was the fact that I didn't want my children growing up as "Long Islanders". Kids have enough pressures on them in the world today, but as a Long Islander, there's a lot more. I noticed it during this trip back, and during many of the other recent trips.

I love being able to roll out of bed, make a cup of coffee, and go and sit on my porch in my snowman pajamas. In New York, I couldn't do that.. because of the whole, "What if the neighbors saw me?"attitude up there. I did (roll out of bed with my jammies and drink my coffee on the porch when I lived up there), but it's a whole different attitude that seems to have gotten worse since we've left.

Now that I'm in Florida, we're struggling with so many different things. Alex and his education, for one. Yes, he's gifted, and Florida recognizes it.. but honestly, what good is recognizing it if his needs still aren't being met?? Brian's job is another. My husband is an electrician for new residential construction. Florida is still building, but the hours just aren't there. We seem to finally get back on a good track, get a couple of inches forward, and then we have a week like this week, where he only worked two days, and his paycheck sends us two feet backward. A family of four in 2010 cannot survive on a weekly paycheck that is worth only two days. I'm starting to panic, because our "back up plan" is starting to fall through, and at the end of this month we need to make a choice.

Are we going to 'start over' down here, where we are, or do we 'start over' somewhere else.

I'm at a loss, because for once in my adult life I honestly have NO IDEA what I want. I want to be closer to our family up north. I want to find a job that will pay us both well.. and again, 4BabyAndMom has been wonderful to us, a blessing that I can't even begin to describe, but I just need something more concrete for our family. I'm not necessarily worried about finding a job for me.. I could apply to do just about anything- secretarial, substituting, retail- it's Brian that concerns me.

I love Pennsylvania, upstate New York, Connecticut, and Vermont, but can I find him a job, us a place to live, and a good school for the kids?? I feel the least resourceful I've felt in my entire life. I don't even know where to begin. I'm exasperated.

No matter what happens, or where our new beginning is going to be, I know that it's going to be difficult, but I just need a direction. Some sort of sign.. a word from God.. something.

What would you do? Pretend that at the end of this month, you are in my shoes, and need to make a drastic change.. what would you do??

Get on your feet with PlayStation®Move

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of PlayStation MOVE. All opinions are 100% mine.

The Developers over at Sony have done it again.  Most of us remember when the first PlayStation game console hit the market and revolutionized the gaming industry. Now, they have just upped their game, with the new PlayStation Move. Utilizing Camera technology, The new PlayStation Move's "Eye" adds a new level of Precision which is definitely lacking in current systems. The PlayStation  Move's Motion Controller is a rounded cylinder with a color sphere on the top.  The PlayStation Eye camera "sees" the position of the controller in the room including its distance, height, and its motion....-when paired with the sensors in the motion controller, a real time, precise gaming experience is  now a reality.

The marketers at Sony have put together bundle packages for current PS3 owners and for those ready to buy one. You can bring motion gaming exclusively to your existing PlayStation®3 for only $99 with the MOVE bundle package! The package includes the Eye, a Controller, and a game. Some regular PS3 games are compatible with the new PlayStation Move, however, these are some of the games specifically for PlayStation Move:
  • Start the Party™
  • The Shoot™
  • EyePet™
  • Kung Fu Riders™
  • Sports Champions™
  • The Fight: Lights Out™
  • TV Superstars™
  • Lord of the Rings: Aragorn’s Quest
  • Tiger Woods PGA Tour ‘11
  • Brunswick Bowling
So, if a genie appeared and delivered a PS3 and the PlayStation Move, my son would be so excited. We have another game system that recognizes your moves, but the kide get frustrated sometimes if it's not calibrated correctly. Out of the games listed above, I could totally see myself playing the Brunswick Bowling or TV Superstars, but as soon as I brought up EyePet and Start The Party in Google, the kids were all over me trying to see over my shoulder. We would use it a lot, and I (personally) would be eager to compare the two systems, and I would love to add it to our already existing family game night.

So...Who's ready for game night? The new PlayStation Move controller and bundle is available at many big name retailers such as Wal-Mart, Target, Toys R Us, Kmart, GameStop, Costco, or Best Buy.  It is available online as well, at the same locations, and also at

Visit my sponsor: PlayStation®Move

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ten, Ten, Ten... a Wedding, an Anniversary, and Many Memories!

So this Sunday was not only our 7th anniversary, but my husband's twin brother Brett tied the knot with one of the best women I've ever met. Yes, you read that correctly. Not only are they twin brothers, but now they share an anniversary, too. The wedding was put together in only about 2 weeks, and it was absolutely fabulous.

Despite the fact that 1500 miles separates them most of the time, it was astonishing to watch the both of them together.. the way they talk, the way they stress and organize, and the way they act cool as a cucumber when it's time to stress.

Brett gave us a "roast" as our toast. He kept it mostly clean, because we had a very large amount of people from our church present (including our pastors). There were a couple of low blows, but it was definitely a speech to remember. You can watch his speech to us here:

So.. with only a few weeks to plan, Brian put together a soundtrack to accompany his Best Man Speech, and compiled a collection of jabs that only a bride and groom could love. (Thankfully, both the family of the Bride and the family of the Groom had an amazing sense of humor, and were not easily offended.) You can watch my husband's speech to them here:

All in all, it was a great day for the whole family. It was awesome to see old friends, and family we haven't seen for many years. The day was full of many good times, and new memories were made. We are incredibly blessed to have shared their special day with them, and so eager to watch as their lives grow together.

Oh, and my warning- you may not want to listen to these speeches with children around, although there's nothing vulgar in either speech, there are some jabs and adult connotations in them. You may also laugh, very, very hard.

Monday, October 11, 2010

50% off Agoo Leggings for Children

Visit agoo now to shop for the cutest designs on leggings for babies and kids. Order before the 22nd to receive your Halloween leggings in time. While you're there, be sure to shop around for some of the cutest, and durable clothing on the market! (That *is* just our opinion, but don't take our word for it, try it yourself!)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Seven Years Ago

Baby, I'm Amazed By You. 

Happy Anniversary.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy Friday!

I will be "out of office" this until next week. Not only am I out of office, but I'm out of state. Right now, I am writing from the crisp, cool, state of New York. This weekend, 7 years ago, my husband and I got married, and on that same day, his twin brother will be tying the knot to my beautiful future sister-in-law.

We are excited to share that special day with them, but with a wedding comes all of the last minute running around. The good news is that I'm getting a pedicure this afternoon, and meeting with some old friends for dinner.

The better news for you is that there's a new giveaway coming up, for a super fun Wii game. I can't wait to post about it, but I don't know when the post will go live yet.. SO- keep your eyes open, and be sure to check back this weekend as I trip down memory lane, and share some pictures from our beautiful day with you all, and get that review and giveaway posted!

Many areas are experiencing cooler weather and taking advantage of outdoor activities. Do you have anything special planned this weekend?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Little Ones Will Love Angelina Ballerina: Love to Dance

My daughter LOVES Angelina Ballerina! She dances along with the little mouse, and thinks that she's just "too cute". This August, Lionsgate and Hit Entertainment released Angelina Ballerina's first CG animated DVD!

From Lionsgate and Hit Entertainment:

Angelina Ballerina™, the eight-year old mouseling who dreams of becoming a prima ballerina, enters a whole new stage of dancing delight with the all-new CG animated Angelina Ballerina: Love to Dance. Angelina is an established, best-selling publishing brand with over 25 years of success and over 50 book titles! The all-new look in brilliant CG animation launched on PBS KIDS® in Fall 2009 in 100 million homes, and has landed on DVD for the first-time ever in Love to Dance.

New music, new friends and new dancing styles await Angelina Ballerina -- a little star with big dreams -- on her first day at Camembert Academy. Dancing in the lunch yard, making new friends while remembering her old friends and rehearsing for the big show, Angelina is passionate about dance, particularly ballet, and always tries to make the best out of every situation. When little girls share in Angelina’s experiences, they’re inspired to pursue their big dreams too.


Put on your dancing shoes and get ready to take center stage with Angelina Ballerina! On Angelina’s first day at Camembert Academy she discovers new forms of music and dance, like jazz, tap and hip hop, and meets new friends who have their own unique rhythm. Together with her friends new and old, like best friend Alice and the new Hip-Hop Kid AZ, Angelina realizes that becoming a prima ballerina requires collaboration and compromise, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun! Get ready to step, leap and groove as you discover your own love of dance in these fun-filled episodes!

* “Angelina’s New School” – Angelina is excited, yet nervous, about her first day of school at Camembert Academy. When she finds her new classmates proficient in other styles of dance, she tries to copy their moves – without success. Angelina soon discovers that when she’s true to her own style of dance – ballet – she excels, and soon understands that everyone is different, and different is good.

* “Angelina’s Dance Partner” – Angelina is ecstatic to have the opportunity to dance with her best friend, Alice, at Camembert Academy’s “Dance With a Partner Day.” Angelina likes to choreograph the routine down to the very last detail and Alice is happy to oblige! Unfortunately, when Alice gets the sniffles Angelina must partner with Viki, whose style of improvisation contradicts with Angelina’s style. Angelina learns the importance of collaboration, cooperation and adaptability when working with a partner.

* “Angelina’s Oldest Friend” – Angelina loves her new Camembert Academy friends and also loves her old friend Alice. She expects that both sets of friends will love each other too. Unfortunately, their first encounter is not as smooth as Angelina would have liked so the new and old friends work together to find a new way to play so all can have fun.

* “Angelina’s Sleepover” – Angelina, Viki and Gracie decide to have a sleepover the night before a rehearsal for the big performance, but they do everything except sleep! The next day they are too tired for the morning rehearsal and have to choose between an afternoon rehearsal or attending the annual Silly Hat Carnival, a fun tradition in Mouseland. Angelina and her friends decide to rehearse and learn that being prepared is the best fun of all!

* “Angelina and the Hip Hop Kid” – Angelina is very excited to be directing her very first Hip Hop Show when suddenly her star, AZ, falls and hurts his foot! Who can step into his shoes at the last minute? Marco is the number one choice. However, though he can play Hip Hop music, dancing Hip Hop is another thing. The show is in danger of not going on… unless Angelina can come up with a solution in time!


· “Angelina Says” Game
· “Get Up and Dance” Music Video
· “I Will Be A Star” Music Video
Abbigaile started school this year for the very first time, but was so super excited to see that Angelina's first episode was, "Angelina's New School".  I love the fact that in every episode of Angelina Ballerina, youngsters learn valuable lessons like: it's good to be you-everyone is unique, everyone has their own special talent, cooperation, communication, problem solving & teamwork.

I loved the new CG animation. The difference went unnoticed by Abbie, except for her proclamation that Angelina looked "very pretty", but I took note to the changes. The quality of the picture is pristine and overall, I'm very impressed with the crisp, clean, details in the CG animation.

As a little lady that loves to dance, she absolutely fell in love with the music videos in the Bonus Features section. She has literally played them over and over for the last few weeks. I really did enjoy this new collection of episodes, and think that you and your little lady should definitely check out the new Angelina Ballerina: Love to Dance DVD!

This item was provided to us at no cost by the PR firm representing HIT Entertainment in order to facilitate a candid review of the product. Your opinion may differ.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

If you've been following me on Facebook, you may have noticed that I've been extremely apologetic lately for not being "up to par" regarding my blog. There hasn't been timely announcements of winners, and new winners are being redrawn in mass quantities instead of leisurely and random, but I admitted I had a ton of stuff going on by me.. and that when I was ready, I would open up.

There's a lot of stuff on my plate right now, but the largest by far concerns my health. A year ago on September 29, my mother found her lump. One year, one surgery, chemo and radiation, my mom is a survivor. This year, on September 29, I had my doctor confirm that what I've been feeling is not a gland, that it is indeed a lump.

My extended family does not even know about this yet, and might be finding out as they read this blog entry. Call it the coward's way of announcing that I'm broken, but I can't stand to hear the pity in anyone's voice anymore as I tell them. I cannot stand to hear anymore that "it might just be a cyst", "or fatty tissue", or whatever the heck they think it might be. I am trying to be optimistic, and know that it very well may not be anything.. but it might be something.

For me, it did not feel like a pea, or a bump. It feels like a flat piece of hardened rubber.. like from an old tire, that can't bend. It's small, thank God, but it's there. The next step for me is a mammography. I will have the official date of that this week.

Whatever this experience brings for me will be exactly that- an experience. If it's nothing, I will be ok. If it's "something", I will be ok. I have two beautiful children, and a husband who loves me for me. I am an over comer.

I urge you to go home and give yourself a self exam. If you don't know how, just try. Find a local clinic or doctor and ask them to help you know what bumps are supposed to be there, and tell if there's anything that's not supposed to be there.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Corn Sugar vs. Table Sugar- Facts or [Science] Fiction?

As a mom, finding healthy foods to feed my kids that are both nutritious and filling are at the top of my list. I have to admit, that we do find ourselves in the "pre-packaged snack" aisle.. You know, the one that has way too much sugar and artificial ingredients.

At the hype of all of the artificial ingredient controversy is High Fructose Corn Syrup (also referred to as HFCS or it's new name, Corn Sugar). Recently, I was asked to participate in an educational webinar from the Corn Refiners Association through Mom Central. With tons of pros and cons floating through the world wide web, and tons of mixed opinions all over the blogosphere and mommy-message boards, I figured a little insight on the topic wouldn't hurt.

While preparing for the webinar, I was asked to look through my cabinets for items which contained HFCS. I honestly don't buy a lot of products that have HFCS, except for jarred tomato sauce, and take pride that I check the labels for everything. I thought I knew that HFCS was "bad for you", and "made you want to eat more", and that "my body processed it slower, thus inhibiting my goals of weight loss". (Picture over-exaggerated bunny ears at all of the quotation marks prior to this.)

While at the webinar, I learned many things about Corn Sugar, and here are my top 3 myths about HFCS- and the truth behind it:

High Fructose Corn Syrup is unnatural.

HFCS fructose/glucose ratio is equal to many nutritious foods. 
According to the information provided by Dr. John White, President of White Technical Research, consumers don't realize that HFCS is almost half fructose and half glucose, and basically the same ratio that is found in grape juice concentrate and honey. In fact, Corn Sugar is even more balanced than agave nectar, and the ratios of fructose to glucose that is found in HFCS are found in many healthy food choices- none of which are linked to the heart disease or obesity epidemics.

He concluded that much of the scientific perspective has been lost in the debate, most sugars we consume are a mix fructose & glucose, and that there is no evidence that one specific sugar is uniquely responsible for obesity. Dr. White also encouraged attendees to take a look at the quantity that Americans consume in retrospect to 35 years ago, and that sugar- along with everything- can be a part of a healthy diet when used in moderation.

HFCS is worse for your body than regular sugar, and your body digests it differently. 

Dr. James M. Rippe, (Professor of Biomedical Sciences University of Central Florida and Founder and Director Rippe Lifestyle Institute), took the time to break down the molecular structure of Sucrose (regular sugar) and HFCS. During his presentation he explained that once sucrose and HFCS are absorbed into the bloodstream, they deliver the same sugars at the same ratios, to the same tissues, within the same timeframe, to the same metabolic pathways. He concluded that "Sucrose and High Fructose Corn Syrup are the same from a metabolic and nutritional point of view, [that] there are no differences or abnormalities in any parameter yet measured in humans, and [that as a consumer we] should not confuse High Fructose Corn Syrup with pure fructose (The proper comparison is between HFCS and Sucrose.) Even the ADA (American Dietetic Association) recognizes that "both sweeteners contain the same numbers of calories- 4 per gram- and consist of equal parts of fructose and glucose. Once absorbed into the bloodstream, the two sweeteners are indistinguishable.”  Unfortunately, because of the 'bad rap' that HFCS has received, many of the general public are confused, and scared.

When dieting, consuming foods with HFCS will be destructive, and add more time on the treadmill. 
I have one heck of a sweet tooth.. unfortunately, most women I know have the same "worst enemy". Speaking with Kristine Clark, Ph.D., R.D., F.A.C.S.M. Director of Sports Nutrition at Penn State University, put a lot of woes and misconceptions to rest. Dr. Clark spoke about the importance of balancing foods from all 5 food groups, and knowing the difference between added sugars and naturally forming sugars. She also touched on the fact that many dieters stress about exceeding their daily recommended allowance of added sugars when consuming foods that contain HFCS. Her graph showing the exorbitant amounts of food that would need to be consumed to exceed it, really helped shed some light on the topic. Dr. Clark also recommended being wise, and balancing portion control. She also concluded that the body receives sucrose and Corn Sugar the same way, processes them the same way, and that in moderation, they can be a part of a healthy diet.

So, I have the copy of the PDF from the presentation, and many of our questions that were answered, and would love some feedback from you. I know this is a sensitive topic, and many of you may share some strong opinions. I would love to hear your feedback, and share with you all any more information that I can. I may be writing another blog post about this in the near future, depending on the responses I get back from you, my readers.

Also, if you have any questions, want more information or would like to contact the Corn Refiners Association, please visit, visit them on Twitter @SweetFacts or check out their blog at

"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of the Corn Refiners Association. I received a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate."

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