If you've read my blog for more than a few weeks, you probably know that I'm a self-professed dork. Sometimes the things I get excited about are not your typical products, and sometimes the products I don't really care for are products that have five-star reviews. I am so excited to share this review with you all, I could shout it off the Empire State Building. Without further a-do...
I hate chores.. more specifically, I hate doing dishes, I really think they are evil, and that the person that invented the dishwasher is someone that I would donate a kidney to if they needed one. Seriously- I hate doing dishes.
I love to cook, and I love to bake. Cookies, cobbler, crisps, cakes- you name it, I bake it. My bakeware is much newer than my pots and pans. The oldest bakeware I have was my moms apple pie plate, but other than that, most came from my bridal shower 8 years ago.
When we went for our pre-marital counselling, one of the questionnaires in the book happened to ask what is the one chore that you hate doing, and would prefer your spouse to do. We all know what I chose.. Brian chose dusting. (*teehee*) I promised I would dust until my fingers fell off, if he would load the dishwasher. I will even put them away, but I HATE baked on, crusty cookware. Old food that's stuck on non-stick pots and pans because they used to be my grandmothers. Yeah, perhaps I need new pots and pans, but for the meanwhile I have to make do with what I have.
I will be honest, I brand hop when it comes to dishwashing tabs. I do find that I prefer FINISH tabs (either the gel pacs or the ones with the little red ball), but there is nothing that I hate more than taking out a dish from the dishwasher that is supposed to be clean, that still has egg caked onto it. Some of my white pyrex type pans had some sticky residue on the handles or around the edges that were super hard to get off. No matter if we soaked it or scrubbed it, it never came off. I honestly thought that it was because they were getting old. Some of my grandmothers pans had had that goo on it too, but hers were older than dirt.
I received an opportunity to try the new
FINISH Quantum tabs and Jet Dry Turbo Dry from Mom Central, and I jumped at it. We go through dishwashing tabs like water.. and if anyone could prove to be a great tester for this product, I knew it would be our family.
Before we received the products in the mail, I ran out of tabs, and got a great deal at our local Publix. In the container of FINISH tabs, they had a sample pack of the new Quantum tabs. Oh my gosh! It was love at first use. Now, I know what you're thinking- how do you fall for dishwashing tabs? Do you remember the first time you used those little white eraser sponges?? Oh yeah. The same kind of love that that little miracle sponge created, was the same kind of love these dishwashing tabs ignited!
Brian was so excited, he was like a kid on Christmas morning. Then he showed me how awesome it worked, and *I* started rummaging through the cabinets to find pans and dishes and stuff that looked "dingy" and washed them with the new tabs. They came out so sparkly clean- no residue, no gunk, my ancient pots and pans looked newer than when I got them 10 years ago from my grandmother's kitchen. It was amazing.
Then the package came with the Quantum tabs and the
Jet Dry Turbo Dry.. as soon as I opened it, I heard the heavens sing! (Well, not exactly, but if I lived in a TV sitcom, I'm pretty certain it would have!)

Now, I need you to read this correctly. I'm not saying that it made the old-as-dirt pots all shiny and polished, but it did remove a lot of that baked on/burned on gunk- Bri calls it burner goo- that coagulates on the bottom of old pots, the residue off of the white and clear pyrex type dishes, and the handle areas of all of my pots. My ginormous pasta pot it made look shinier, but I have no idea if it was the combination of
FINISH Quantum and
Jet Dry Turbo Dry, or if it was the tabs themselves, or the fact that that pot is the newest pot I own (it's about 6 years old). We didn't need to pre-rinse the dishes anymore, even eggs and ketchup. It all came off. This in itself is a miracle.. well, for our family, it is.
The new Jet-Dry Turbo Dry is amazing, too. Combined with the Quantum tabs, it's like a lethal weapon against your messiest dishes. No water spots, even with our very hard Florida water, and it left a pretty shine on my newer pots.
Holiday cooking and baking has finally met it's match. Cookie dough or batter on your mixing bowl is no match to the FINISH Quantum tabs. I really wish I would have taken pictures of my pyrex pans before they were transformed, because I know this review does it no justice. You can check out the clip from a recent appearance on
Designing Spaces. They really give a great before and after, and explain the eco-friendly bonuses you get when using these products.
My recommendation? Print out a
coupon, and cook your messiest meal. Try out these tabs, and let me know what you think. I know I love these products, and I'm pretty certain you will too.
Our friends at FINISH and Mom Central have offered our readers their chance to wage war on their dishes post- holiday dinner! FIVE lucky winners will receive a sample of FINISH Quantum and Jet Dry Turbo Dry!
Here's How:
Tell me what you think the WORST food is that gets caked on your dishes.. You know, the one you hate pre-rinsing, scrubbing, or attacking on the plate before you load your dishwasher. Is it eggs? Pam? Ketchup? Be creative, and truthful, most of all, have fun!
Please refer to our WINNERS PAGE for more information on how to claim your prize!!