Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotics Review + Giveaway: Keep Your Soles Happy!
From Mom Central:
Busy moms know that life is always spent going, going, going. Standing on our feet all day can cause serious foot discomfort and really impact our day-to-day life. We constantly put pressure on our feet, whether it's from running around after our kids or standing for hours at work, which often leaves them tired and achy.
One way to reduce foot discomfort is through the affordable Dr. Scholl's® Custom Fit® Orthotic Inserts. Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotic Centers, located in retail stores near you, feature Footmapping® Technology to identify the areas where you apply the most pressure and your arch type. After more than 2,000 sensors calculate your unique measurements, the kiosk then recommends the Custom Fit Orthotic Insert that best fits your feet. It's really easy and only takes a few minutes to obtain your Custom Fit Orthotic Insert recommendation.
Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotic Inserts provide comfort and support for all day relief of tired achy feet. More than one million users have tried them and 95% of wearers are satisfied. The 3/4 length of Custom Fit Orthotics also fits well in most shoes and their $50 retail price makes them affordable, saving people up to a couple hundred dollars versus other custom orthotic inserts sold at retail stores.
Please visit www.footmapping.com to find a store near you and learn more.
I've been to a podiatrist and received expensive inserts that hurt my feet and felt as if they were made of bricks.. they were made out of some sort of plastic, but they never felt comfortable. I've wasted money on tons of different insoles and inserts- you know, the ones you cut to fit your shoes, the gel kinds, the cardboard-looking-ones, and the ugly grandma wedge types- yeah, I've tried them all. None have been successful, and most of them have ended up in the trash. I moan and complain about buying new shoes because nothing ever seems to fit me right, and within weeks those shoes sit at the bottom of my closet, rarely to be worn again.
My husband and I actually saw our first Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotics kiosk at a CVS on Long Island when we went up for his brother's wedding in October this past year. Bri thought that I should try it out and see what it said, but after seeing the price ($49.99) I decided against it. I figured once again, I would spend money to try to make my feet a little happier, but in the long run my wallet would be sad while another pair of inserts gather dust, or get tossed to the curb. He argued that I should just give them a shot, but I did not... I should have.
I've recently been given the opportunity to try a pair of Custom Fit Orthotics from our new friends at Dr. Scholl's through Mom Central. I have horrible, flat feet. I barely have an arch, most of the stress is felt on my heels, and I'm pretty convinced that I inherited heel spurs, (thanks, mom!) There are some mornings where it's so painful to get out of bed and walk on my feet that I hobble around like and old woman "ooching" and "owing" all the way to the kitchen, or bathroom, or one of the children's rooms. They giggle at me, but I don't find it funny. Needless to say, as soon as I was offered a chance to review the Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotics, I jumped at the chance. I knew another chance like this probably wouldn't come around a third time.. (but part of me did it because I wanted to appease my husband too, just by giving it a shot,) and I'm really happy I gave them a shot this time around.
This review is kind of hard for me to write, because under the "new blogging laws" I'm not supposed to make any medical claims or false claims about a product, but honestly, this part here is my disclaimer: this is my opinion, and yours may differ. I am not claiming that these inserts can make you fly. Take my words as just that- my words. For what it's worth, I am not a doctor, just a mom with bad feet.
These inserts ROCKED!!!!!!!! I used to be a runner, back in the day, but recently could barely walk. I've been wearing my Custom Fit Orthotics for several weeks in my sneakers, and I have noticed a drastic difference in the level of discomfort I've experienced. I've started walking with some friends again, and started jogging a bit too. Even while playing with the kids, I don't find myself taking as many breaks, or rubbing my feet, ankles or legs as much. At night my feet are still sore, but not nearly to the degree they used to be. In the morning, I still hobble, but I hobble right over to my sneakers and wear them most of the day.

To figure out which type of insert was right for me, I went to my local Walmart, and despite feeling a little awkward standing on the machine, loved seeing exactly where the stress points are on my feet. (You can tell by the red parts in the picture.)
After measuring my feet, thoroughly mapping my size, arch, and pressure areas, the Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotic machine told me that the pair of orthotics that were right for me were CF440. According to the machine, it read that I have low arches and a high level of foot pressure. It said that these orthotics provided cushioning in the heel and the ball of the foot- which is the area of my most discomfort.

I know it's hard to believe that I've experienced a true "night and day" difference, but I truly feel like I have experienced a small miracle. I cannot begin to verbalize, never mind articulate in writing how much better, almost healthier, I feel since using these. Not only my feet, but my entire body. They say that exercising creates endorphins, and endorphins make people happy.. as long as I have my Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotics in my sneakers, my feet are extremely happy.
Okay, back to the actual review -(instead of just gushing!); the actual orthotics are made of this really flexible, yet firm, yet squishy rubber. You can feel the extra cushion it offers right through the case! The rubber is not gel, so it doesn't squish to a different area of your foot or heel, it provides great comfort in just about any shoe. My only complaint is I haven't figured out a way to get these babies into flip-flops!! (I love flip-flops!) As far as the price-point goes, in my honest opinion- it's worth the fifty dollars, and then some. Those hard-as-rocks "custom" orthotics that I got from the podiatrist cost over $300 back in 2000. I feel like the CF440's were made for my feet. If you have any type of a foot/shoe discomfort you should definitely find one of those machines and see which insert would best fit you!
The facts speak for themselves- 95% of the million people who have tried them have been satisfied. What are you waiting for? Visit www.footmapping.com to find a store near you and learn more. Interested in picking up a pair? Click HERE for a $7.50 rebate!!
Our new friends at Dr. Scholl's want to promote keeping your feet comfortable and ready to go, so they have offered one of our lucky readers their chance to score a pair of Custom Fit Orthotics for themselves!
Here's How:
Visit www.footmapping.com and tell me where your local kiosk is.
Extra Entry Opportunities:
- Visit a Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotic Inserts Kiosk and tell me which insert is right for your tired and achy feet. (5 entries!!)
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Tired, achy feet? WIN a pair of Dr Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotics! http://bit.ly/ip2179 Ends 6/19 @4BabyAndMom
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