Monday, June 13, 2011

Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotics Review + Giveaway: Keep Your Soles Happy!

From Mom Central:
Dr-Scholls-kioskBusy moms know that life is always spent going, going, going. Standing on our feet all day can cause serious foot discomfort and really impact our day-to-day life. We constantly put pressure on our feet, whether it's from running around after our kids or standing for hours at work, which often leaves them tired and achy.

One way to reduce foot discomfort is through the affordable Dr. Scholl's® Custom Fit® Orthotic Inserts. Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotic Centers, located in retail stores near you, feature Footmapping® Technology to identify the areas where you apply the most pressure and your arch type. After more than 2,000 sensors calculate your unique measurements, the kiosk then recommends the Custom Fit Orthotic Insert that best fits your feet. It's really easy and only takes a few minutes to obtain your Custom Fit Orthotic Insert recommendation.

Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotic Inserts provide comfort and support for all day relief of tired achy feet. More than one million users have tried them and 95% of wearers are satisfied. The 3/4 length of Custom Fit Orthotics also fits well in most shoes and their $50 retail price makes them affordable, saving people up to a couple hundred dollars versus other custom orthotic inserts sold at retail stores.

Please visit to find a store near you and learn more.

 *                                    *                                    *

I've been to a podiatrist and received expensive inserts that hurt my feet and felt as if they were made of bricks.. they were made out of some sort of plastic, but they never felt comfortable. I've wasted money on tons of different insoles and inserts- you know, the ones you cut to fit your shoes, the gel kinds, the cardboard-looking-ones, and the ugly grandma wedge types- yeah, I've tried them all. None have been successful, and most of them have ended up in the trash. I moan and complain about buying new shoes because nothing ever seems to fit me right, and within weeks those shoes sit at the bottom of my closet, rarely to be worn again.

My husband and I actually saw our first Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotics kiosk at a CVS on Long Island when we went up for his brother's wedding in October this past year. Bri thought that I should try it out and see what it said, but after seeing the price ($49.99) I decided against it. I figured once again, I would spend money to try to make my feet a little happier, but in the long run my wallet would be sad while another pair of inserts gather dust, or get tossed to the curb. He argued that I should just give them a shot, but I did not... I should have.

I've recently been given the opportunity to try a pair of Custom Fit Orthotics from our new friends at Dr. Scholl's through Mom Central. I have horrible, flat feet. I barely have an arch, most of the stress is felt on my heels, and I'm pretty convinced that I inherited heel spurs, (thanks, mom!) There are some mornings where it's so painful to get out of bed and walk on my feet that I hobble around like and old woman "ooching" and "owing" all the way to the kitchen, or bathroom, or one of the children's rooms. They giggle at me, but I don't find it funny. Needless to say, as soon as I was offered a chance to review the Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotics, I jumped at the chance. I knew another chance like this probably wouldn't come around a third time.. (but part of me did it because I wanted to appease my husband too, just by giving it a shot,) and I'm really happy I gave them a shot this time around.

This review is kind of hard for me to write, because under the "new blogging laws" I'm not supposed to make any medical claims or false claims about a product, but honestly, this part here is my disclaimer: this is my opinion, and yours may differ. I am not claiming that these inserts can make you fly. Take my words as just that- my words. For what it's worth, I am not a doctor, just a mom with bad feet. 


These inserts ROCKED!!!!!!!! I used to be a runner, back in the day, but recently could barely walk. I've been wearing my Custom Fit Orthotics for several weeks in my sneakers, and I have noticed a drastic difference in the level of discomfort I've experienced. I've started walking with some friends again, and started jogging a bit too. Even while playing with the kids, I don't find myself taking as many breaks, or rubbing my feet, ankles or legs as much. At night my feet are still sore, but not nearly to the degree they used to be. In the morning, I still hobble, but I hobble right over to my sneakers and wear them most of the day.
To figure out which type of insert was right for me, I went to my local Walmart, and despite feeling a little awkward standing on the machine, loved seeing exactly where the stress points are on my feet. (You can tell by the red parts in the picture.)

After measuring my feet, thoroughly mapping my size, arch, and pressure areas, the Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotic machine told me that the pair of orthotics that were right for me were CF440. According to the machine, it read that I have low arches and a high level of foot pressure. It said that these orthotics provided cushioning in the heel and the ball of the foot- which is the area of my most discomfort.

I know it's hard to believe that I've experienced a true "night and day"  difference, but I truly feel like I have experienced a small miracle. I cannot begin to verbalize, never mind articulate in writing how much better, almost healthier, I feel since using these. Not only my feet, but my entire body. They say that exercising creates endorphins, and endorphins make people happy.. as long as I have my Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotics in my sneakers, my feet are extremely happy.

Okay, back to the actual review -(instead of just gushing!); the actual orthotics are made of this really flexible, yet firm, yet squishy rubber. You can feel the extra cushion it offers right through the case! The rubber is not gel, so it doesn't squish to a different area of your foot or heel, it provides great comfort in just about any shoe. My only complaint is I haven't figured out a way to get these babies into flip-flops!! (I love flip-flops!) As far as the price-point goes, in my honest opinion- it's worth the fifty dollars, and then some. Those hard-as-rocks "custom" orthotics that I got from the podiatrist cost over $300 back in 2000. I feel like the CF440's were made for my feet. If you have any type of a foot/shoe discomfort you should definitely find one of those machines and see which insert would best fit you!

The facts speak for themselves- 95% of the million people who have tried them have been satisfied. What are you waiting for? Visit to find a store near you and learn more. Interested in picking up a pair? Click HERE for a $7.50 rebate!! 

Our new friends at Dr. Scholl's want to promote keeping your feet comfortable and ready to go, so they have offered one of our lucky readers their chance to score a pair of Custom Fit Orthotics for themselves!

Here's How:
Visit and tell me where your local kiosk is.

Extra Entry Opportunities:
  • Visit a Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotic Inserts Kiosk and tell me which insert is right for your tired and achy feet. (5 entries!!)
  • Like what you're reading? LIKE us on Facebook!
  • Follow us on Twitter. Create your own tweet or R/T this:
Tired, achy feet? WIN a pair of Dr Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotics! Ends 6/19 @4BabyAndMom
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    Please leave appropriate links, comments, and/or email in your comment. If we cannot find it, your entry will be invalid. This giveaway is open to residents of the US and will end at 11:59pm EST on June 19, 2011. I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Dr. Scholl’s and received a Custom Fit Orthotics from Dr. Scholl’s to facilitate my review. Special thanks to all parties involved, and to my readers for understanding again that what you have read are strictly my opinions. 

    Friday, June 10, 2011

    Three Winners Announced...

    Was it you??

    Check your email and check our WINNERS PAGE to look for your name! Congrats to the winners, and don't be discouraged if you didn't win. There's plenty of opportunities to win something awesome with our latest giveaways! Good Luck!

    Little Tikes Turtle Sandbox Celebrates 33 years! *Giveaway*

    Nothing screams summer more than Little Tikes. Well, ok, maybe some other things scream summer pretty loudly, but as a mom, Little Tikes is pretty high up there!

    From toy chests, to gardening carts, to picnic tables in just-the-right-size, Little Tikes has everything a kid could wish for to make memories galore. Made in the USA, their products are built strong, and seem to last forever. As a mom, I have many memories bringing Alex to the track and having him buzz around in his red and yellow Cozy Coupe. Abbie loves her picnic table and chairs, (despite the fact they were hand-me-downs) and hosts tea parties just about every other day. The fact of the matter is our family really enjoys Little Tikes products, and in celebration of our Spring Into Summer party, our friends at Little Tikes were eager to help us ring in the season!

    Did you know that the Turtle Sandbox is celebrating its 33rd anniversary??

    In celebration of this momentous occasion, Little Tikes is a proud sponsor of the Tour De Turtles in partnership with the Sea Turtles Conservancy. The nonprofit Sea Turtle Conservancy works to ensure the survival of sea turtles through research, education, advocacy and protection of their natural habitats. (You can learn more at

    The Classic Turtle Sandbox - only better! A sand box with a lid! The lid is a darker green then the sandbox, and fits perfectly over the body to secure your little one's favorite toys.

    Here's the details from the Little Tikes website:
    •Classic turtle with friendly molded-in face and lots of turtle shell details
    •Large area for lots of sand play and pretend play (holds 150 lbs. of sand not included)
    •Rim of turtle features a "river" with a spinner that creates currents in the "lazy river"
    •Comes with three soft, floating, squirting turtles
    •Comes with one spinning, paddle wheel
    •Removable plug for ease in emptying the "river"
    •Turtle shell is a removable lid that covers sand and water area
    •Holds two gallons of water

    What's not to love?! Perfect for any tot, toddler, or preschooler, this sandbox is excellent for helping with fine motor skills, dexterity, and imaginative play. The ring of water around the sides allows for great contrast in textures and sensations, as little ones explore their fun new world!

    One lucky reader can win one now!

    Here's How:
    Visit and find one product that you love. It could be something you remember playing with, always wish you had, something that brings back memories of your child playing with, or something you think your child would love. Share it with us!

    Extra Entry Opportunities:
    • Visit the Tour de Turtles website and tell me one thing that you learned from browsing it.
    • Did you grab our buttons? Share with us where it's posted. Don't have a website or blog? Be creative and post a picture of it on your car, on your clothes, anywhere people can see it!
    • Sign up for our emailed newsletter on the right hand side bar.
    • Subscribe by RSS feed so you can catch our latest posts no matter where you are!
    • LIKE us on Facebook, if you haven't already. Are you a current fan? Good! Tell us!
    • Follow us on Twitter, then tweet about this giveaway. Please include @4BabyAndMom.

      This giveaway will end  on 6/16 at 11:59pm EST. One winner will be chosen at random using Special thanks to Little Tikes for allowing us to host this giveaway and share our love of summer with your brand, and our readers, and of course for providing us and our winner with a Turtle Sandbox.

      Walmart + P&G "Field of Vision" Family Movie Night

      Having children from 5 to 11, finding a family movie that suits all of our needs is always a daunting task. The girls like cartoon ones, while the boys think that's too babyish, (but secretly enjoy them); they prefer the action movies, and the girls usually don't like it. We usually settle on a "boys movie tonight, girls movie on Friday" type deal.

      Not too long ago we had the privilege to review "Truth Be Told," a movie collaborated with families in mind from two very family friendly companies- Walmart and P&G. Well, this month they've made magic again and allowed us to preview their new movie, "Field of Vision".

      Through mysterious footage captured on an old malfunctioning video camera, Sinclair High School's star quarterback, Tyler McFarland, learns that some of his teammates have been bullying Cory Walker, a troubled new transfer student.  Aware that sharing this information with the coach might get his friends kicked off the team and ultimately cost the school the state championship, Tyler must choose what's more important: winning or doing what's right. 

      The premier of "FIELD OF VISION" is on Saturday,June 11 on NBC at 8pm ET/7pm CT. To watch the trailer and see if this might be something you and your family could enjoy, click on the widget below.

      Looks good, huh? Thanks to our friends at Mom Central, Walmart, and P&G, we were able to preview this movie earlier this week. The reviews are back, and we loved it. Abbie liked the horses and the magic camera (video camera), but the story line was a little over her head. She was still attentive through it, but I would definitely recommend this film for elementary school aged kids and up. Everyone else really seemed to like it! Alex recognized the bad behavior the bully was presenting, which opened us up to a whole conversation about bullying. Unfortunately, this is something we have been very familiar with recently. My husband and I thought the movie was a little predictable, but overall, the kids had fun putting together the puzzle pieces as the story unraveled, and we truly enjoyed spending time with the kids while watching "Field of Vision".

      So set the DVR, or make sure you're home with some popcorn and drinks, and get ready for another family movie night. Learn more about this great film and the cooperative effort to put more wholesome family films on prime time by visiting the Family Film Night Facebook page.

      Are you planning on watching? Who are you going to watch it with? Share your opinions on Family Movie Nights hosted by Walmart and P&G.

      “I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of P&G and received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.” As always, these opinions are strictly ours. We hope you enjoy the film as much as we did.

      Wednesday, June 8, 2011

      Chili's BOGO Free Burger DEAL!

      Click now and sign up for Chili's mailing list and stay up to date on the latest news, offers and updates and will also get a coupon for a Buy One Burger Get One Free. This particular coupon is only good for Maryland and Virginia Chili's locations.

      Super simple, and it makes date night that much nicer! What are you waiting for? Let me know what you get!

      Monday, June 6, 2011

      Neutrogena Wet Skin Sunblock Sprays Review + Discount

      From Neutrogena and MomCentral:

      With summer fast approaching, family time by the pool, playing on the beach or running around in the backyard often becomes part of the daily routine. But this extra time outdoors increases skin's exposure to damaging UVA/UVB rays and while we know applying sunblock is an absolute must, more often than not, the significance of reapplying sunscreen is overlooked. In fact, The Skin Cancer Foundation states "reapplication of sunscreen is just as important as putting it on in the first place" and advises to "reapply the same amount every two hours."

      With the little ones running around, working up a sweat and jumping in and out of the pool, getting them to stand still, dry off and reapply sunscreen can often seem impossible. Neutrogena, the #1 dermatologist recommended suncare brand, has developed a solution. The new Neutrogena Wet Skin Sunblock Sprays for adults and kids are specifically designed to apply and adhere directly to wet skin. Now you can apply sunblock without having to towel off your kids (from sweat or water), making the reapplication process that much easier on mom and kid!

      Available in SPF options of 30, 50, 85 and an SPF 70 for kids, the Neutrogena Wet Skin Sunblock sprays will have your entire family covered. Using Neutrogena's patented Helioplex Technology, in combination with unique waterproof technologies, the Wet Skin product cuts through water, forming a protective barrier on skin and provides superior sun protection from damaging UVA/UVB rays.

      Living in Florida, our family is always in the sun. There are some days that we are just on our way into the grocery store, and the strength of the sun is literally breath-taking! Often in summer we crave the AC as soon as the door opens, and tend to hibernate indoors as much as we can... Until this year.

      This year, we've relocated to a home that has a pool. It's a fabulous pool- in-ground, and big enough for all of us (and our friends) comfortably. Once upon a few years ago, we had a small above ground pool and we lived in that pool. Now that we have this pool, we couldn't wait for summer to begin!

      School ended on the first of June, and over the last 6 days we've had our share of fun in the sun! So has Marissa and her family. I got our box of Neutrogena Wet Skin Sunblock Spray just in time to break it in.

      Honestly, when I opened the box, I sort-of chuckled at the SPF ratings on the bottle. Ranging from 30 SPF to 85+, who really used this much protection? Plus, it had to be thick and sticky, it was SPF a gazillion. And the whole "wet skin" technology.. theoretically, awesome.. realistically.. eh, not with my kids who sweat a river, and go in and out of the pool nine trillion times an hour. I was totally not expecting these products to be a hit, or even work at all.. in fact, I was expecting them to fail.

      This weekend, we shared our pool with some friends, had a cook-out, and really had a blast. Marissa and her family headed to a sweet beach that's not too far away, and used their regular lotion style sunblock. The sun was s-t-r-o-n-g! So strong that we took the kids out of the pool several times to reapply sunblock, rehydrate, and then allowed them to go back after a little while in the shade.

      The good news was that our family, and our guests left with no trace of a sunburn at all. The bad news is that Marissa and her family got broiled by the sun. So much so that when Marissa came over the next day and whimpered how they were all talking about the new Neutrogena Wet Skin Sunblock, and how nice it would have been to have them yesterday, (since in the water was probably the only time the sun had a moment to cook their bodies), she nearly cried when I tossed a can her way.

      What made her really want to cry was seeing the rest of us going about our business with no trace of sunburn, but a nice golden glow, and not sticking to random furniture because our bodies were cooked, when we spent the same amount of time in the sun the day before!

      Then the questions began, "SPF 85?! Was it thick and gooey?" Nope. "It really held up in the water?" Yep. "Nobody got burned?!" Nope. "Can I keep this can?!" Of course.

      The only complaint was that we usually apply sunscreen before we leave the house, giving it a little bit to set on the kids skin before they jump in, making sure every bit is covered-but because of the smell of the spray, we had to spray it on outside, which made the little kids not want to wait the several minutes to let it set. It does recommend that you wait 15-30 minutes before sun exposure. If you spray it inside, make sure it's a well ventilated area.

      Right now if you purchase your Neutrogena Wet Skin Sunblock online, you can save $2 when you add it to your basket.

      So the bottom line is, if you're serious about a great alternative to the sticky, gooey, thick lotions or sprays, give the new Neutrogena Wet Skin Sunblock Sprays a try!

      “I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Neutrogena and received sunscreen as a thank you for my participation.”

      Sunday, June 5, 2011

      Kung Fu Panda Prize Pack Giveaway from General Mills! Ends 6/9

      Throughout the spring, spin fighter toys featuring Kung Fu Panda 2 characters including Po, Tigress, Shifu, Monkey, Lord Shen, Mantis, Crane and Viper can be found inside specially marked boxes of participating General Mills cereals: Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Golden Grahams, Reese's Puffs, Cheerios, Apple Cinnamon Cheerios, Cookie Crisp, Lucky Charms, Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Honey Nut Cheerios.

      Let the games begin with one spin fighter toy in each box. Simply cut out the targets on the box and then use your spin fighter to try and knock them down. With eight character toys to collect, the Kung Fu fun can continue all summer long!

      Marked packages are still on the shelves, and with Kung Fu Panda 2 still in theaters, you may want to hurry, because they are going to fly off the shelf!!

      In order to allow you and your family to enjoy the Kung Fu Panda Fun all summer long, our friends at MyBlogSpark and General Mills have offered one lucky reader their chance to score a fabulous prize pack with one delicious Big G cereal, a Kung Fu Panda 2 Spin Fighter Toy, and the original Kung Fu Panda movie on DVD!

      Here's How to WIN!!
      Tell us, which character from Kung Fu Panda is your child's favorite? Which scene in the original movie do you think was the best? Who are you taking to go see Kung Fu Panda 2? Have you seen it yet?? What did you love?

      Extra Entry Opportunities:

      • What's not to Like?? LIKE us on Facebook
      • Share what you like.. Use the SHARE tool on the bottom of this post to share this giveaway with everyone! Bookmark it on a social bookmarking site, too!
      • Tweet about it! Create your own tweet, be sure to include @4BabyAndMom in it! Leave me the link to your tweet.
      • Did you grab either of our buttons? Both? One entry per button on your site, blog, profile, etc.


        This contest expires 6/9/11 at 11:59pm EST. One winner will be chosen at random, using Special thanks to General Mills and MyBlogSpark for letting us run this great giveaway, and letting us enjoy a Kung Fu Panda 2 prize pack! As always, what you have read is strictly the opinion of 4BabyAndMom and your opinion may differ.

        Wednesday, June 1, 2011

        Life... it has a habit of just happening, doesn't it?? Our Journey..

        So my job is one of the coolest. I get to stay at home with my kids, enjoy being a mom, witness all of their "firsts", and blog about products or companies I like, love, or recently tried and think is pretty cool.

        For my loyal readers that have been around with me for awhile, you may know that I have a son who... well, is quite a different boy. We've had problems with him at school, and switched him several times trying to find the right placement for him. I've never felt that he was being academically challenged, and he wasn't getting along well with his peers.

        As a mom, you always know when something's "off" about your child. It might be something like the way he says certain words, or the way he learned how to take apart the VCR by the time he was three, or the way that he doesn't look you in the eye when you're talking to him. We've always known that Alex was "different". In kindergarten he was tested, and they found him to be 'gifted'. I delved into the world of giftedness, trying to understand the positives and the negatives of having a gifted child.. how their minds work, the way they think out situations I'd never dream up in a million years. It's been quite the journey, and the learning experience.

        For the most part I've learned that society sees gifted children as "smart". They don't realize there's a whole list of underlining difficulties with writing, and learning styles, the speed of absorbtion during learning and thinking outside the box. Our state sees giftedness as a qualifying ESE program, but it has limited support, and the children often don't get truly needed services or programs. Most just get extra work and are encouraged to fit in the box.. survive with the monotany of the "normal" school setting, and parents are left trying to find more ways to enrich their child's growing mind. I still believe that this is a situation that needs to be changed at a state, and perhaps even a national level.

        I've personally been fighting with the school because I've always felt that there was some sort of a processing delay happening in Alex's head. His mind moves 150 miles per hour, but his mouth and his hand (when writing) doesn't. In fact, it's difficult sometimes, (unless he's 100% versed on the topic of interest), in having the patience to sit and listen to his opinion on the topic. Sometimes, it's REALLY difficult.

        The school kept telling me that it's "one of his gifted quirks", and that he may grow out of it. This year, he started having behavior issues- which he had never had, to this magnitude, EVER- and we were even seeing it carry on at home. It worried me.. I requested in writing, (from the advice of a friend who was sick of me verbally requesting it), a psychoeducational assessment. It was finally granted.

        Twelve very long weeks later, we've got a diagnosis.. or at least a highly probable diagnosis. My son has Asperger's Syndrome.

        As a mom, you never want to hear that your child has anything- even if it's a fever or a bad grade on their test, never mind a possible life changing "Syndrome". While I understand- please do not get me wrong- that if anything, this 'diagnosis' will help him in ways I've been craving the school to help him for three years, it's still very hard to digest.

        So I do what every computer-literate person does.. I googled it. What is AS? How does it affect my child? (It's wild to see the progression through the years, reflect on the early signs and symptoms that I missed, or misinterpreted.) How did I miss it? Then I begin to question my parenting.. Every choice I made. Suddenly, I feel like the worst mother ever, when I know I haven't been anywhere close to it- ever. Everything became clear to me, like a rebirth, seeing why there was a conflict here, or why he had an interest in this, or why he doesn't seem to "get" some things that instinctively my daughter, and his peers possess. He doesn't have the skill. He needs to be taught it, and carefully molded, so he has a better understanding of all of the "WHY'S" he's been asking since he could talk.

        I'm excited about what this diagnosis means for him. I'm excited and optimistic that next year, in third grade, he may actually be given the opportunity to be amazing for the first time in his life, in a school setting. I'm hopeful for school personnel that will understand him, and work with him through his defecits, his weaknesses, and his strengths.  I'm eager to see the way he interacts with peers that are "like" him, instead of completely surrounded by neurotypical peers that just don't get him. I truly hope that no other parent ever has to go through the very rocky, extremely bumpy journey we had to endure so far, but I know that this new section of our journey is going to be a new learning experience for all of us.

        We've turned a corner, and are excited about what the world has in store for us.

        Kids Foot Locker Nike Shox Review + $50 GC Giveaway and FREE SHIPPING Code!

        Looking for some cute new kicks for the kids this summer? Kids Foot Locker has a whole new line of kids sneakers that are sure to please the little ones, and you! We were recently sent a pair of the new girls Nike Air Shox--and they are unbelievable. They are white leather with pink shox and a holographic swoosh. My daughter wore them to school and her friend thought they were so awesome she told her mom she wanted them. Her mother stopped us at the school to see the new shoes (we are friends, she isn't a random classmate) and her only question was, "Do those come in adult sizes?" I laughed and said "I sure hope so because I want a pair too!"

        My daughter's review was, "They feel like they massage my feet when I wear them. It's like I'm running on pillows." She is also impressed that the "shox" add an inch to her height, she believes this will be her breakthrough to getting on the big roller coasters at the amusement parks this summer. For a leather running shoe, these are surprisingly lightweight and seem like the perfect shoe for active summer fun. My daughter loves them and wears them everywhere!

        Want a new pair of shoes for the kids this summer? Visit Kids Foot Locker now to see the great selection of sneakers for kids of all ages. Kids Nike Shox come in sizes ranging from "Toddler" through "Big Kids", for both boys and girls. And of course the parents out there that want a pair too can check out Foot Locker for their selection of Men's and Women's styles.

        Now for the awesome news.. Not only did my daughter get to try a pair out, (and be one of the first kids at school to have these amazing shoes), but our friends at Kids Foot Locker have offered a $50 gift card to one lucky winner to use towards a pair of new sneaks this summer!  Plus, save even more with FREE SHIPPING on your purchase of $50 or more using the promo code: IP22V65N at the checkout. Hurry, because this offer ends soon!

        Here's How to WIN!
        Visit Kids Foot Locker and tell me which pair of sneakers you would use the $50 gift card towards. Be specific, tell me why you like those kicks, too. Please leave your email in your comment, if it's not in your blogger profile.

        Extra Entry Opportunities:
        • What's not to like?! LIKE 4BabyAndMom on Facebook
        • Follow us on Google Friend Connect (located on right tool bar)
        • Subscribe to our feed via email (also on right tool bar)
        • Did you grab and share our button? What about our Spring into Summer Button? Double entries for this! (please leave two separate comments)
        • SHARE or BOOKMARK this post using the share tool at the bottom of this post.

          This giveaway is open to residents of the US, and will end on June 7th, at 11:59pm EST. One winner will be chosen via and announced on this post and on our winner's page. We will also email the winner. Winner has 24 hours from the EMAIL to claim his/her prize. Special thanks to Kids Foot Locker for allowing 4BabyAndMom to review these sneakers at no cost and for supplying our winner with one $50 gift card. Our love for Kids Foot Locker and their products is strictly our opinion(s) only, and your experience may differ. No monetary compensation has been received for this post.


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