Wednesday, August 8, 2012

FREE Haircuts at JCPenney All August (Grades K-6)

I love back to school season. Over the summer, I let my kids hair grow wild and unruly. Abbie wanted to try to grow out her bangs, and Alex, well, he's starting to look a little like John Lennon. While I don't mind a little extra hair, it just doesn't suit him.

I just made my appointment for next Tuesday for both of my kids, in only a matter of minutes. Call the number below to set the appoinment, or find a salon near you. Then the salon calls you to confirm a real time, and your appointment is set.

My kids love getting their hair cut, too. They always leave the salon with a big smile on their face. Having a child with Autism, I'm very lucky. While Alex is sensitive to the buzzing of the clippers, he has learned how to sit through it and endure. It's been one of his biggest areas of growth, and I'm very proud of him.

I think it might be because he's older now, and knows what to expect. He know's it's only going to last a few minutes, and that they will be moving to scissors quickly. We do have to bring baby powder and a different shirt to change into, but of all the things we have to "deal with" or accomodate, I welcome that one with open arms.

So what are you waiting for? Book your appointment with a JCP Salon near you, now!




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