Friday, September 21, 2012

Best iPad Apps You Can Play With Your Kids

Since iPads have been released, developers have also released millions of applications for these iPads. Because of all the different types of apps that are available to users now, it has become common to let children play on iPads and even learn from them. They have become a helpful tool in letting kids experience child-friendly games, develop their creativity, and help them to learn basic skills, like reading, writing and more- both inside the classroom, and at home.

The following apps are recommended most highly for children:

Children's Game Apps One game that seems to be a hit with children as well as adults is Angry Birds. It involves critical thinking in a puzzle format so it's a great game for children. Another game fit for children that also has hidden critical thinking motives is Lego Creationary. In this game, there are four pictures given to the child. One of these four creations is built for the child and he or she has to pick which creation will appear before the clock runs out. It helps them project images in their mind and follow a pattern with a time restriction. Yet another game for children with puzzle-related strategy involved is Cut The Rope. In this game, the player tries to get candy into the Om Nom's (the game character's) mouth. Players do this by cutting rope in certain orders at certain times so that the candy swings into Om Nom's mouth and moves the player to the next level of the game.

Creativity Boosting Apps Creating new images as a way to enhance your child's creativity is made easy, mess free, and cheap with Kid Art for iPad. It gives children the opportunity to draw while integrating pre-made images and backgrounds. Another particularly interesting art app for children is Doodlecast for Kids. This allows children to draw pictures and also record their voice. They can then attach these recordings to multiple pictures and string images and voice recordings together to make a three-minute long video.

Learning Apps One of the most highly rated apps for children learning to write is Ace Writer- Alphabet Series. This app lets children see an image of a letter or something that starts with that letter, a simulation of how to draw that letter, and a traceable area for the child to try drawing it. For the older child, try Times Tables: Squeebles Multiplication, which makes multiplication fun with the help of delightful animations and sounds. Or, if your child is learning geography, give them a leg up with Barefoot World Atlas. It makes geography fun with animation, images, and sounds.

Bobby Spieran is an elementary tutor and a contributing author for



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