I'm a total skeptic when it comes to products that are on the market that are supposed to help you detox, lose weight, tone up, "get healthy", etc, without having some sort of adverse side effects or multiple trips to the bathroom.
I am a big girl. I love my curves, but I want to lose what I call, "My Mom Flap."
If you cannot relate to this term, skip this article and move to the next, but for those of you that know what I'm talking about, it's horrific. After my first c-section I inherited this flap of skin that just sags.. all of the elasticity is gone from it. Like a piece of my youth, withered, and dead.
When the movie "Click" came out, I poked fun at the fat flap scene, but deep down inside felt that embarrassment and shame that comes along with relating to that disgusting feature. As you can hear, this is the area where I'm most self conscious, and awfully disgusted by. I have no problem being positive over my curves- just not my flap.
Anyway. I tried the gym. I lost a few pounds, but over all gained about 20 pounds when I was going religiously for 4 months. I now pay for a membership and don't go. I can't afford another 20 pounds. I know the old saying muscle weighs more than fat, but I have a lot of fat to burn. My body works backwards. I've come to terms with that. Now I needed a solution.
I started researching different detox products on the market. I figured that I've been exposed to both environmental and product toxins for over 30 years of life.. maybe that would be a good place to start.
While I was narrowing down the field, searching many blogs, review sites, and online shops, I came across an article about cancer and alkaline foods. This article resonated within me, on many levels, mainly because my mom had recently passed away, but more so because I *know* that I'm very acidic. I touch plants and they die.. seriously, within 24 hours.
While I can't find the actual article to quote, the information was eye opening. While your body metabolizes all night, you wake up with a naturally acidic body. An acidic pH can also occur from emotional stress, toxic overload, and/or immune reactions. This causes the body to not absorb vitamin and minerals properly from the foods you eat, as well as a decrease in energy, a decrease in the body's ability to repair damaged cells efficiently, and its ability to naturally detoxify itself, or heavy metals. Cancer cannot grow in an alkaline environment. An alkaline forming environment also boosts the oxygen levels in the blood making it impossible for bacteria, viruses, and yeasts (as well as other pathogens) to survive and thrive.
alkaline-forming diet also boosts the oxygen levels in the blood,
making it impossible for bacteria, viruses, yeasts and other pathogens
to survive and thrive. - See more at:
The processed foods we eat, as well as the abundance of animal products like meat, eggs, and dairy are acidic, and the amount of alkaline foods we eat are just not enough. To maintain a healthy diet, it should be made up 70% alkaline forming foods, and 30% acid forming foods. To restore health, the diet should be an 80/20 split.
Click on this picture to enlarge it |
Therein laid my problem. I hate vegetables. The only veggies I do eat are the acidic ones- potatoes, string beans, corn. I do eat a lot of the fruits on the Alkaline side, but not enough, and definitely not regularly.
With this new information, I started to research ways to help alkalize and detox my body. I found may super green supplements, shakes and powders. I couldn't get past some of the names, textures, or tastes.
{I mean, algae grows in a pond!!!!}
I tried quite a few products, but I just couldn't do it. I tried a handful of natural detox methods found off of Pinterest and Google. I started changing my eating habits, a little at a time. I started drinking mostly water. Thanks to Pinterest, I started drinking lemon or watermelon infused waters, too. Some things worked, and they worked well- like the infused waters. I lost a few pounds of water weight right off of the top. It stalled out, though, and I needed more.
I was afraid that a detox available from my local vitamin store would have me running to the bathroom. I have a really sensitive tummy, after all, and really,
really couldn't do that to myself. When I spoke with the salesman in the store, multiple times, about multiple products, I still couldn't bring myself to do it, and in turn, was stressing out completely. I started researching seaweed wraps at a local spa, and thinking maybe I'd do something relaxing, instead.
And then I went to a home party for one of my friends who was advertising a detox wrap, and a greens supplement. I went with the intention of learning more about the greens supplement, and ONLY for the greens. As mentioned earlier, I'm a total skeptic when it comes to crap that sounds too good to be true. I was a little discouraged seeing all of the promotional material with
people who were skinnier than me, but I figured it was worth a try. I figured I've wasted a lot more than $30 on a product to help with these things the lady was claiming it did, so what the heck?! So I did it.. and was ecstatic with the results! 45 minutes later, the wrap came off, and the distributor explained that it continued to work over the course of 72 hours.
I've wrapped a total of three times, and I've gone down a full pant size, am sleeping through the night, and am waking up well rested. My stomach issues have virtually vanished, and I only *just* started the greens last Monday when my shipment arrived.
According to the lady, my results are "not typical", and she can't quite explain how it works, all I know is so far,
It Works works! Will this be my only stop? Right now, I'm letting it work. I am excited to try some more of the items they offer since I've been happy with my results. I've never tried a product where I had instant results, visual results, and results other people noticed, too.
I got to try their chocolate shake at the party, and it wasn't grainy at all. That's a big positive for me, texture. I will continue to drink my infused water, but I'm also drinking the greens supplement, knowing that it helps to alkalize my body, and contains 8+ servings of green veggies and fruits makes me happy, too. I chose the berry flavor, because in my opinion it tasted better. They say you can mix it with juice or tea, too, but I tried that with the orange flavor and it turned my OJ green!!
There are real results with this company, and if you google it, a plethora of amazing before and after pictures. Some people call it a gimmick, but I can tell you, so far, all of my results are real. I'm not confident enough in my body image to share my results, but maybe one day, I will.
Thanks to my It Works! distributor, I am giving away a wrap for you to
try. It can be worn anywhere (except for your face) including your
belly, thighs, arms, love handles, back, and butt!
Here's How to Enter:
Comment on this post and tell us where YOU would like to wrap. Include your email address in your comment.
Click here more information on the Crazy Wrap Thing, or for a list of product ingredients. This giveaway is open to residents of the US, Canada, UK, Australia, Ireland, Belgium, Sweden, Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Finland, Norway, & Switzerland.