Friday, December 4, 2015

Florida Spring Cleaning.. In December

One of the hazards of living in Florida is the fact that it usually very hot, all year round. When you talk to most people that are from out of state, you find out that they miss the snow, the multi colored leaves in the fall, or just the overall sense of "change of seasons". Rarely, do you hear somebody complain about not having Spring, because in our spring, the weather is just gorgeous!

However, one of the things about our spring is the fact that it's too hot to open up the windows, air out the house, and clean the house from head to toe. Most of us northerners do it anyway, but complain that it's too hot or humid or just leave the house for the day so we don't have to endure the undying 80 + degree heat.

This week,  our weather is gorgeous.  A crisp, 79* at 8:45am...

Twenty days before Christmas,  I decided we are going to purge and organize our house. Our front shoe/coast closet took a day and a half,  and I'm starting to panic,  but there's too big of a mess for me to just stop now!! The good news is that this weekend it is community yard sale weekend. Bad news is that I have a lot of crap,  but I'm not quite sure any of it is worth selling.

I'm hoping tomorrow my husband can take our broken couches to the dump, so I can get the carpets cleaned, and the living room done before Christmas!

I moved a love seat outside and came in for an iced coffee because it was too hot. Pray for me, because at this rate I will be done by the time next Thanksgiving rolls around!



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