Tuesday, December 2, 2008

2nd First Day of School

A really long story short, yesterday was my son's second 1st day of school. We had some issues with his last school, thinking they knew my child better than me. Assuming that he was not bored and smart, but labeling him as having either a behavioral problem or being on the Autistic spectrum. I am a very proactive mom, so I decided to take the appropriate action needed. I set up appointments for him to be evaluated, and appropriately diagnosed if he does indeed have any medical reasoning behind his behavior. In the process, he told me he was not being included in the class, and didn't want to go to school anymore. He is in kindergarten. So, after discussing it with my husband, we decided to switch his school.

I walked into his new classroom, and it was like I died and went to Kindergarten heaven. Seriously, there were colors and shapes, and words, and projects EVERYWHERE. Definitely a difference from his old class. I knew after speaking to the new teacher that he would do marvelous in her class. He started yesterday, and so far, so good. He thinks his new class is more fun, and that he learns more. As of last night he missed his old class (I think the familiarity of it, and some of the classmates), but he thinks this one will be fine. LOL. My 5 year old cracks me up, he's like a little old man. He came home with a bunch of work he did during the day, TOTAL opposite of his other class, and he was so proud to show it off to me. I am very excited to see how he does in this new class.

Now I have to get out to the garage and start organizing and looking for the Christmas decorations.. the neighborhood looks bleak this year, and I need to put something festive out before I freak out.



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