Nothing's worse than lying in bed after a long, hard day with your body and mind exhausted and just as your head touches the pillow, your spouse starts to snore like never before. You know what I'm talking about.. that snore that sounds as if he (or she!) is trying to replicate the sound of a chainsaw eating away at an old tree in a canyon. That loud, echoing, bed shaking snore- that usually makes you poke and push and swat at your spouse with a pillow until he (or she) shifts positions and they stop... then for that mere millisecond you breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that they've stopped long enough for you to snuggle into your pillow and drift off... but yet again, as soon as you start drifting, the snoring starts again!

Pictured here, Brẽz (pronounced "breeze") inventor David Dolezal holds his anti-snoring invention, two soft rings of medical grade material that slip comfortably into the nose and gently prop open nasal passages to reduce the vibrations that cause snoring.
Just in time for Father's Day, Brẽz hit the market running in full swing! Brẽz significantly reduces snoring, and in clinical studies, over 88% of the test subjects partners reported an improvement of sleep quality.
Brẽz is made from comfortable, soft medical grade material that inserts into the nose and props open the nasal passages which in turn reduces the tissue vibrations that cause primary snoring. Brẽz is available in three sizes, (small, medium, and large), which makes it a product that can truly fit anyone. Perfect for women and men, the sizing chart on the Brẽz website provides a simple way to pick your best fit.
Did you know that snoring is linked to serious health risks like hypertension, stroke and heart disease? Brẽz contains no harmful chemicals, drugs, adhesives, or latex so it's truly a natural and effective solution in reducing your snoring dilemma! Each box of Brẽz contains 14 individual, hygienically sealed, breathing aides.
Want it?
Brẽz is available at Rite Aid, CVS,, and many independent pharmacies. Head to the Brẽz website for a $2 off printable coupon now, or to order from online retailers!
Win it!
Our friends at Brẽz want to see more happy couples benefiting from their amazing products, so they have offered one lucky reader the opportunity to win 4 BOXES (a $67 value!) of Brẽz!!
Here's how:
Visit the Brẽz blog ( and click on the 'Mommy Blog Instructions' banner there & post a comment. Please include 4BabyAndMom in your comment. (Please copy and paste that comment here to officially enter!) You must complete this entry before you can submit additional entries.
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- Blog about this giveaway with a link to 4BabyAndMom and Brẽz. Please leave link in comment.
- Follow 4BabyAndMom on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway. R/T :"Stop snoring! Win a peaceful night's sleep and 4 BOXES of Brẽz! (a $67 value!) @4BabyAndMom #4BabyAndMom" Leave the link to the tweet in your comment.
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This giveaway is open to US Residents 18+ only and will end on June 27th, at 11:59pm EST. One winner will be chosen at random using Special thanks to Brẽz for sponsoring this review and giveaway! Find this giveaway and many others listed at The Mamasphere's Great Launch Blog Carnival!