Monday, September 26, 2011

Kidfresh Micro Meals Make Dinner Easy! *Win up to 6 FREE Meals!*

With back to school in full force, the kids and I are constantly on the go. Finding room in our schedule for dinner can be pretty hard to do- especially on karate, Odyssey, boy scout, girl scout, and my college nights. Roll that all into a Tuesday or a Thursday, and I'm willing to bet someone is complaining they are hungry at 9pm bedtime.

I really do take pride in the fact that I feed my kids healthier food options as often as I can. Now, I'm not one of those overly healthy-nut-moms that never buy a cheeseburger on the go, or a TV dinner for Tuesday or Thursday nights every now and then. In fact, I've recently been introduced to KidFresh Meals, and have completely fallen in love!

Kid-friendly choices range from mac and cheese to pasta and meatballs and even quesadillas, Kidfresh meals have been developed by parents for their picky eaters, with the help of an award-winning chef and a pediatric nutritionist. These dishes - ready in 4 minutes - provide key nutrients for growing children, including up to 33% of a child's daily vegetable requirements through the addition of hidden vegetables. The meals come high in protein and vitamins, contain low sodium, and all for under 400 calories with great taste that kids love. With its line of 100% natural frozen meals for kids, Kidfresh offers a convenient way to feel good about mealtime without sacrificing taste or nutrition.

The best part is that these meals are located in the freezer section of my local Publix, so to get them I don't have to travel too far, or make a special trip. To find a store near you that carries Kidfresh meals, visit

The kids loved it, it wasn't too strenuous on our wallet, and it was a heck of a lot healthier than our normal frozen entree, or canned concoctions. Even the hubster could handle dinner on those crazy, stressful nights. Score!

Kidfresh meals will definitely be a staple on our grocery list, at least for the rest of this semester. Be sure to follow Kidfresh on Twitter to stay up to date on new meals and special deals!

Thanks to our friends at Kidfresh, three winners will win two coupons for FREE KidFresh Meals!!

Here's How:
Leave a comment here telling me something you've learned after visiting the Kidfresh website.

Extra Entries:

  • Tweet using #Kidfresh and link back to us, or copy this:
Busy life? Enter to win #Kidfresh meals and save your sanity! Ends 10/1 @4BabyAndMom Please R/T
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  • Use the share tool on the bottom to share this post with your friends, or favorite social media outlet.

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Kidfresh and received Kidfresh coupons and products to facilitate my review, coupons to giveaway, and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”
This contest will end 10/1/2011. Three winners will be chosen at random, using Each winner will receive 2 coupons for free product.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New from Danimals: Rally For Recess!

RECESS: The moment children wait impatiently for all day, hoping little Tommy Trouble Maker won’t get into mischief . . . again, and ruin it for the rest of them. The only 15 minutes of the day that is theirs to go wild, scream like an indian chief, and run like Forrest Gump all around the playground just because they “ . . .felt like running!”

Any parent knows that children need this small outlet to burn off some of that energy. Twitchy kids can’t focus, especially when there is a bright shiny blue slide staring at them through their class window, beckoning them to come and play. I am currently going to school to be a teacher and have observed and volunteered in many classrooms. Throughout all of my observations, I have never failed to notice how much more attentive the class was after P.E. and recess. Once they got rid of that extra energy (in the hot Florida sun no less), they were more than happy to come back to the air conditioning, get a drink, and sit quietly and listen to their teachers. I also noticed that the teachers who did not allow recess typically had some crazy kids filling their afternoon hours.

So why is recess being picked on? Sadly, more and more schools are being forced to adopt “no recess” schedules because of strenuous curriculum standards *cough* FCAT and other similar standardized tests*cough*. I am not a fan of such policies, and am all about standing up for our children's needs at school. That is why I was so excited to receive an opportunity to share with you that involves recess, AND one of my kids favorite afternoon snacks—Danimals!

You know, the yogurt snacks that your kids (well, at least mine) beg you for every time you’re trying to pick out dairy products. Danimals are actually one of the few things I give in on; the kids are happy because they think they suckered me into a treat and I get them to eat something nutritious—it’s win/win. But now, there’s another reason to buy these great snacks. It’s called the “Rally for Recess”, and it is a new campaign to help keep recess in schools. We were given a gift card to try a Danimals product, and we (by we-- I mean my eight year old daughter) chose the smoothies. They were really good, and are apparently still “cool” for middle school-ers too, because my son slammed one and then began “monkeying” around with his sister. (I don’t think he has recess at middle school, hahaha)

Now, when you purchase a Danimals product, it comes with a code which you can enter at their contest site: . Five schools will win a $20,000 playground make-over and an “Ultimate Recess Day!” When you visit the site, there is a place to register, enter your code, and also some fun stuff for the kids to do as well! Me and my goofballs had a bit of fun creating our own “playground” game levels and playing them. You can also create posters too. The contest is running through February 8, 2012, so go get some Danimals and try and help your kids school! For more information visit:

“I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Danimals and received a gift card to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

Saturday, September 17, 2011

My Journey Towards a Better Me

If you've been following 4BabyAndMom for any amount of time, you've probably read about my struggles with weight, and know that I'm a plus sized mom. Despite of my size, I still see myself as a "Healthy Mom". Yes, I may not look as cute in spandex and sweat bands as my super-thin-model-esque sister, but I take pride in knowing that I eat well rounded meals, drink a ton of water and exercise- in some way, shape, or form- every day. No matter what I seem to do, losing weight is always a struggle for me.

I love myself, but I do struggle with knowing that I once wore a very small size, with no big ol' belly or cellulite. I think it's important for women everywhere to know that you can still live a healthy life style, and make healthy choices, without being a size 8. With all of the media hype on super-skinny Hollywood celebrities, I try to impart to my kids that you should be comfortable in your skin, no matter what your size or shape is. They know as long as they feed their bodies "the good stuff", it will continue to grow and develop the way it should. I'm proud to say my kids eat almost everything- from salmon, to nuts, to berries, to veggies.

I'm in another wedding this October, and my biggest fear came true. The dress my best friend chose didn't come in my size. The largest size that they carried was four inches too small on my natural waist line. I bought it, with the hope that I could drop the weight, and if not, (as the sales lady assured me), we could buy extra fabric and add it to the dress. (Did I mention the average size of the Bridal Party is a size 8?) I was devastated.

I took that bit of news- either rebuild a dress or lose at least 4 inches- and used it for motivation. I went to a local store and stocked up on some vitamin supplements. I knew I was eating healthy, but I was concerned I wasn't getting 100% of my full amount of daily vitamins. After being introduced to SAM-e supplements last year, I started taking them during my stressful times of the month, so I researched and started taking a daily multi-vitamin to help meet any of my daily requirements that I might be coming up short on. I also bought some CoQ10 to help with my energy, and some Vitamin D. I had from February until October to fit in this dress, and by God, I would!

I eat healthy choices, grilled seafood or fish, dinners that are mostly home-made; I'm a busy mom on the go, but I still take pride in eating a more balanced diet than most of the families I know. We eat veggies, we eat whole grains, and the kids drink mostly milk, and I drink a ton of water. I gave up junk food and fast food almost completely, stuck with the idea of "a little bit in moderation", and started following a daily food craving devotional. I know, that sounds odd, but I figured I could use any help I could get- even from the Big Guy himself. It was free on my Kindle, so I figured the only thing I had to lose were inches, right? I started walking every day, after the kids went to school. I even bought a pair of those toning sneakers.

Since I started this new regiment, I didn't really notice any changes in my physical appearance. I know that I've felt like I've had more energy, and been more active with the kids and around the house, but only one friend mentioned that I started looking a little different. I got the phone call in August that my dress had arrived. I went for my fitting in September, and low and behold- it fit!! I had done it. Little by little, I had accomplished the impossible- I lost at least four inches from my mid section!!

I don't know exactly how many pounds I've lost in total, but I know that it's been at least a few. I made a pact that I wouldn't step on the scale again until my jeans started sliding down on their own. I'm almost to the point now where I need to wear a belt, or they definitely start slipping. I'm proud of myself, for being a role model to local moms that are stuggling with their weight, who are starting to ask if I've been losing weight. It's still hard for me to look in the mirror and see the changes that my body is slowly making, but I know that with the extra vitamins I've been taking, my energy is up, my mood is up, and my body is making progress. Something it hasn't done through the plethora of diet fads I had tried to date. My focus has been on me... me & God, me and my health, and me and my future. For the first time in a long time, I've decided to make time for me again, and start taking care of myself. I have a feeling that I'm starting to balance myself out, little by little, with the supplements I'm taking, and I know that my journey has truly just begun.

Do you struggle with weight issues? Do you use any vitamin supplements? Do you consider yourself a healthy person?

Feel free to send some good thoughts and encouragement, as well.

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Nature Made and received promotional items to thank me for taking the time to participate. Vote for my entry at between 9/20/11 and noon (PT) 9/26/11.”

Monday, September 12, 2011

Tag A Towel Grand Opening Sale- Keep Your Cooties to Yourself!!

You all know how much I hate laundry. Yes, we reuse our towels, but I still hate it when I step out of the shower, go to grab my towel, and find that it's soaking wet already, or smells like my husband's soap.

What's better than having a way for your husband to stop stealing your towel because he "thought it was his"?? Having a GRAND OPENING SALE to buy the brand new Tag a Towel, that's what!

Check out these things:

How cute are they?!?! They're perfect for families and have another "bubble" set (not pictured above).

Creator and founder, Sarah Burns created these magnetic tags to help identify who's towel is who's in the bathroom without wondering if you're sharing cooties with your husband or the kids. Not only is it great for helping to conserve water, but it's a great way to help prevent the spread of sickness or diseases, such as MRSA.

If you click on the ABOUT section, you can read all about her experience with her baby girl, and how creating this product really became more than "a tool to help me with cutting down on laundry or saving my marriage from towel takings".

Right now, you can save big when you buy two tag packs by using the coupon code "cooties"
at the check out! Check it out, and keep your cooties to yourself!!

Do you coupon? Opinions wanted--

With shows featuring crazy couponers, we can't help but wonder if you coupon. Yes, you- our readers. Lauren cuts coupons, and stalks her favorite local coupon lady's blog to see what super sales she can snag, she even calls herself a "practical couponer". She is pretty good with it- only buying stuff the family uses, but occasionally she will buy something to "try" because it's free or practically free, only if it's something practical.

She hasn't been disappointed yet, (if you're friends with us on Facebook, you may recall the 7 bottles of body wash), but we are excited to see how couponing works for you.

How do you coupon? Do you use a book? An envelope system? Do you keep the inserts all together and cut as needed? What stores do you shop at? Would you be interested in 4BabyAndMom posting coupon deals at grocery or pharmacy retail locations? Do you want to learn more about it, but don't know where to start?

We want to be writing what you want to read. And although we offer some great giveaways (and yes, there will be more soon), we want to be able to really share with you all that we have learned about couponing, shopping, and major deal finding. Are you interested?

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Joy of Being a Mom

There are many joys of being a mom, but this weekend I got to delight in one of the most wonderous joys.

We spent one night of our three day weekend in the ER. Why, you ask?? Because for the first time in about 6 months my mom actually agreed to watch the kids overnight for the hubster and I. It was inevitable that the forces that be would not allow a full day for the kids to enjoy grandma's- (usually we're called at 9:30 in the morning and asked when we're going to come and get them, every.hour.on.the.hour until we pick them up). Friday night we actually had it planned that Bri and I were going to get some stuff- that we've been trying to get done for six months or so- and then we'd go back to my mom's for dinner. Awesome.

Because we were sans kids, the man-of-the-house asked if I wanted to host ladies night at our place, so the girls came over for some mozzarella bites, brownies, cocktails, and Rock Band. For the first Ladies Night in forever, I didn't have a sip of alcohol. The girls and I rocked on, Bri relaxed on the computer with nobody interrupting him, and then he headed to bed early. At 2:15am, the phone rang.

After listening to my daughter scream in the background, I kicked the girls out, and made record time to my mom's house. Apparently three times (11pm, 12am, and then 2) Miss Tish woke up holding her head, screaming that it hurt. Louder, and louder, and more inconsolable each time. She scared the crap out of my mom.

I called the after hours pediatrician, and they told me that unless she has a fever or throws up, we should just follow up with the pediatrician on Tuesday. BUT if either of those symptoms should rear their ugly heads, to fly to the ER.

Within ten minutes, she woke up and got sick everywhere! She felt a little warm, so I threw her in the car and took her to the ER.

She got to snuggle with me at the ER, then was able to eat a popsicle. And finally, she was able to keep some motrin down. They have no idea what she "had", and advised that I follow up with my doc, and ask him if he would recommend an MRI for her, since she's been complaining about her head hurting a lot lately.

I personally feel that it has to do with her allergies, but I have no idea. I'm just at my wits end. We left the ER about 5:30am, and I watched her sleep for about an hour before I crashed on the couch at my moms house.

The next day, Tish was bouncing around like a rubber ball- you'd never know she wasn't feeling well the night before.

Mom, on the other hand, could barely move. Sunday, Mom spent the day in bed doped up on allergy medicine and downing gatorade. It was not a pretty weekend.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Win up to $10k! UPromise celebrates its10th Anniversary!

This post brought to you by UPromise. All opinions are 100% mine.

Do you have a dream for you child or children? Share your dream with UPromise during their 10th Anniversary, and you will have the chance to win up to $10,000!!

Upromise members have received more than $600 million in college savings through their rewards program, and it wants to celebrate all of the ways it has helped to fuel those sparks that made children into the people they are today and the adults they will become tomorrow.

Visit to participate in the sweepstakes. Users simply submit a story, (I did!!) and then can vote on their favorite stories by “liking” them. Upromise will give away $1,000 to 10 winners and a grand prize winner for $10,000 will be selected from the participants as well. Just as simple as that- you could even upload a picture!

What would you do with the grand prize? I would put he money in a college fund. It only takes a few minutes to enter, so what do you have to lose? Upromise invites you to join the movement, share your experiences and give a spark to help fuel the flame of their future dreams. Don't forget to share this contest with your friends.

Be sure to visit the dream wall official rules for contest details.

I wrote about my dreams for Alex, my recently diagnosed Aspie. What are your dreams for your child(ren)?

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