Monday, September 12, 2011

Tag A Towel Grand Opening Sale- Keep Your Cooties to Yourself!!

You all know how much I hate laundry. Yes, we reuse our towels, but I still hate it when I step out of the shower, go to grab my towel, and find that it's soaking wet already, or smells like my husband's soap.

What's better than having a way for your husband to stop stealing your towel because he "thought it was his"?? Having a GRAND OPENING SALE to buy the brand new Tag a Towel, that's what!

Check out these things:

How cute are they?!?! They're perfect for families and have another "bubble" set (not pictured above).

Creator and founder, Sarah Burns created these magnetic tags to help identify who's towel is who's in the bathroom without wondering if you're sharing cooties with your husband or the kids. Not only is it great for helping to conserve water, but it's a great way to help prevent the spread of sickness or diseases, such as MRSA.

If you click on the ABOUT section, you can read all about her experience with her baby girl, and how creating this product really became more than "a tool to help me with cutting down on laundry or saving my marriage from towel takings".

Right now, you can save big when you buy two tag packs by using the coupon code "cooties"
at the check out! Check it out, and keep your cooties to yourself!!


Sarah September 20, 2011  

Thank you so much for sharing! I'm really excited to be open for business! xoxo, Sarah


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