Saturday, March 3, 2012

Happy Platypus Day! Phineas + Ferb Giveaway!

Doobie-do-wah-do-wah, doobie-do-wah-do-wah.....

We love Perry the Platypus at both of our homes at 4BabyAndMom.

Not only is he a fabulous master of disguise, an amazing multi-tasker, and a beloved pet- he's cute as pie, has the patience of a saint, and is the coolest cartoon a semi-aquatic egg-laying mammal of action we know! Come on..! He's living in a home with Candace, two genius boys who put themselves and the town in danger, and knows martial arts. Not to mention he's saved the "Entire Tri-State Area" a gazillion and two times! Yes, we love Perry the Platypus.

This is the second year of the National Platypus Day, but this year, you can learn how to do the Platypus Walk! The dance choreographed by Rosero McCoy looks a bit like "Walk Like an Egyptian" meets the "Batman Dance" meets "Shake it All around." But the kids love it and had a blast trying to dance/walk like Agent P along with their other favorite Disney show characters.

For more information on Platypus Day, check out Disney and Disney XD. Enjoy the Phineas + Ferb marathon on Disney, now!

In celebration of this most special day (in our homes, at least!) we're giving away a Phineas and Ferb Laughapalooza Joke Book to one very lucky reader. With jokes that are super funny, and some that are super corny, your child will be giggling endlessly with Phineas, Ferb, and Perry!

Want other ideas to help feed your child's Perry addiction?? Check out this super cute Perry inspired packed lunch at Frosted Fingers!

To enter this giveaway, fill out the RaffleCopter widget below. a Rafflecopter giveaway


tree March 03, 2012   1

Both of my children absolutely love Phineas and Ferb. They both find the show hysterical. thanks for the chance! enchantedtree(at)

Paula March 03, 2012   2

Thanks for the shout out! My kids love Phineas and Ferb!

Jen F. March 03, 2012   3

Our entire family LOVES Phineas and Ferb! Perry is our favorite of all the characters!

rubynreba March 03, 2012   4

We like the fact that they are always so funny and you never know what they will do next.

Katrina March 03, 2012   5

My whole family just loves Doof and Perry and their adventures.

ykatrina at hotmail dot com

Darcie K. March 04, 2012   6

Our whole family loves Phineas and Ferb because it is so funny!

justicecw March 05, 2012   7

Our entire family loves Phineas and Ferb because it is so funny! We especially love the theme song and always sing along! Thanks for the chance,

Maryann March 07, 2012   8

My boys are huge P&F fans, so am I and my hubby. We even went to see them Live! We sing the perry song and watch them daily.

kellyr78 March 09, 2012   9

Phinneas and Ferb makes my son laugh with all of the things they build.

Bebemiqui March 09, 2012   10

We all enjoy the witty/funny dialogue of the show.

Anonymous,  March 10, 2012   11

it's just a cute show

Unknown March 10, 2012   12

My son loves them because they have huge imaginations just like he does and they're always creating new things.

Melissa March 11, 2012   13

we love them because theyre fun!

Unknown March 12, 2012   14

My kids love the characters because they are always going on adventures and they make them laugh.

katecontestgirl March 12, 2012   15

one of the few shows I love watching with my four kids.
kate contest girl @ gmail . com

SeMann89 March 12, 2012   16

My boyfriend is obsessed with this tv show. I like it aswell. This would just be a funny gift for him.


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