MAM Baby Products- More Than Just Pacifiers!
Both Alex and Abbie had MAM pacifiers, so Lauren is super excited about the great assortment of paci's we received. The itty bitty newborn ones, from 0-6 mos, and from 6 mos+. MAM makes other interesting products too, aside from binkies and pacifier holders. The MAM Bite and Brush Teether is designed to massage baby's gums and help clean new teeth. It's got soft, gentle bristles, and a design which makes it easy for little hands to grasp- I could see Lauren's new baby loving this product!
The new MAM Bite & Relax is great to help relieve the discomforts of teething, and helps to reach all the way to the back. The texture helps to soothe sore gums and works like acupressure to relieve pain.
The New MAM Anti-Colic Bottle also looks amazing! Lauren said she used other vented bottles with both of her other kids, because both of them had tummy issues and spit up a lot. I love that it can be sterilized in the microwave- which makes it perfect for busy moms on the go-like Lauren.
I'm excited to actually be able to welcome the new baby into our world this spring. I will make sure Lauren writes a follow-up post after her new little one gives them a try!
Special thanks to our friends at Team Mom and MAM for sending us a box of goodies to review.
looks like a great product. I will have to try with my next one!
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