Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sea World's Manta~Play and WIN!

If you've been reading my blog since the beginning of this year, you know that Alex and I had the opportunity to head to Sea World Orlando with some amazing mom bloggers and some of the team at Izea. Before our amazing dolphin experience, and shortly after we entered and started walking through the park, we noticed this HUGE ride that was being built. Alex asked to go on it right away, and I had to explain that it wouldn't be open until May. Well, here it is almost May, and I found that Sea World is hosting a countdown to the opening of MANTA and a contest to win a "Front-of-the-line" pass!

Follow the RealShamu on Twitter to get clues and tips, and browse the Ride Manta website to help you answer the questions on the Manta Quiz.

Exploring the depths of the sea and roaming among Manta’s freshwater lagoon and saltwater habitats are just part of the new attraction’s thrill. With 10 stunning and uniquely configured aquariums, you’ll find yourself surrounded by the beauty and mystique of Manta’s underwater elements.
More than 3,000 animals live in Manta’s state-of-the-art aquatic habitats, creating mesmerizing face-to-fin encounters with hundreds of rays, thousands of exotic fish and even a giant Pacific octopus.
From the About Manta Page:

Manta. The only flying roller coaster of its kind in the world. A seamless blend of up close animal encounters with a head-first, face-down thrill ride. It’s an adventure only SeaWorld could create.

You’ll go from seeing …

From the start, Manta provides a glimpse into the incredible underwater worlds of tropical fish and rays -- many seldom seen. Floor-to-ceiling aquariums showcase rare leafy sea dragons and thousands of schooling fish. Your kids get a unique 360-degree underwater view by climbing into a pop-up aquarium. A massive Pacific octopus slinks back and forth between habitats through an underwater tube. Three hundred rays –- their group known as a “fever” -- swim/fly past you and even over their heads. You’ll be immersed and surrounded by thousands of mysterious creatures.

… To being

Turning a corner, you’ll peer through a waterfall then feel the punch of air as something huge zooms by, just inches away. It’s a giant manta ray. On steel rails. A manta ray thrill ride speeding, flying, soaring, gliding and spinning at highway speeds. And secured to the manta’s belly are 32 riders, each one lying prone and face down, going for a ride on the biggest and grandest ray of all.
And soon, it’ll be your turn.
Manta. Only at SeaWorld Orlando.
So what are you waiting for? Run to and enter to win NOW!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mix My Granola Review and Giveaway!

Getting healthier has been a goal of mine for this year, and I've been making subtle steps to achieve that goal since January. I started walking more, I started buying healthier snacks, and trying out new healthier recipes. I'm a snacker. I get hungry mid day, and almonds.. well, just aren't cutting it. My kids aren't exposed to a lot of sugary snacks, but they sure know what they are. Any time we go past a brightly colored box, they cry out that they want it, and now that my 6 year old knows how to read he even tells me what it is.

Granola needs to be "done" good, for granola to taste good, I don't care what anyone says. Granola that is too sweet and laced with sugar that doesn't need to be there, isn't any good and the funky, bland, stale granola that most supermarkets sell seem just as appetizing as the shipping container it arrived in. During my quest for healthier snacks, I happened to find MIX MY GRANOLA, a website that lets you create your own fresh and delicious granola and all of its components. If you have a sweet tooth, you can add anything from dried fruit to tiramisu caramel. If you're more of the crunchy, salty snacker, you'll find exactly what you like in their large selection of nuts and seeds.

As you click through the options at MIX MY GRANOLA, on the sidebar it keeps a running tally of how much your personalized selection is costing you, but more importantly, the nutrition calculator keeps track of the info on the label of your product. This tool is great for anyone who is a label reader, has fat, salt or sugar restrictions on their diets, or is just curious about what they are putting into their body.

Everything about this company is unique, including the container it arrives in. The recycleable white cylinder holds 16 ounces of your personalized mixture, the labels are printed with soy based ink, & your customized title and nutrition facts are on the side along with the mix ID number. After your friends try it, (or you start running low), all you need is the Mix ID number to reorder the product. Shipping on this item is extremely quick, and by the time you get it the flavors and freshness feels like it was hand delivered from their kitchen to yours!

We ordered a granola mix with fruits I knew my kids would eat, organic granola, and sunflower seeds. I wasn't sure how the kids would like it but, oh-my-goodness! They inhaled the granola mix like it was their last meal! It took Alex a little while for him to warm up to the loose granola, but in the end he was a very big fan of the entire mix! Abbie loved it too, but mostly picked out the granola and berries. (Apparently, she's not a fan of sunflower seeds.) Brian hesitated eating any of my "health food" but after his first hand full, I had to pry the can out of his hands!

I even tried it with milk in the morning, and it was such a different breakfast. After that morning, I had to send the kids to time out at least three times for trying to sneak the can out of the pantry, and even yelled at Bri to back away from *my* granola a couple of times. I seriously loved this unique, healthy, fresh granola mix, and I cannot rave enough about it!

Want It?
Run, don't walk over to MIX MY GRANOLA and pick out your custom granola mix. Save $3 during their easy check out process by entering the special promotion coupon code: 4BABY

Our friends at MIX MY GRANOLA have offered one very lucky winner the chance to win a $20 gift certificate to create their very own personalized granola mix!

Here's How!
Head over to MIX MY GRANOLA and get to know the company. Come back here and tell me what ingredients you would use to create your perfect granola mix!

Extra Entries:
  • Follow MixMyGranola and 4BabyAndMom on Twitter and tweet about this contest.
  • Please post @4BabyAndMom and @MixMyGranola on your tweet!
  • Help the fight against Cancer and support my friend on her walk: Donate Here! (5 entries!)
  • Follow 4BabyAndMom and add our button to your site!
  • Blog about this contest and include a link to 4BabyAndMom. Post your blog link in your comment, please.
  • Email at least three of your friends and CC: 4BabyAndMom {at} gmail {dot} com
  • Fave this post on Technorati, Stumble this post, or DIGG this post, include link if possible.
This contest ends on May 8th, 2009 at midnight, EST. Winner will be chosen at Random, using Winner will be announced on May 11th. Special thanks to Raoul at MixMyGranola for your incredible product, and for sponsoring this giveaway!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Not your typical guide to parenting..."Guide To Pirate Parenting" Review and Giveaway!

Raising children has been a difficult journey, so far. Most parenting books on the market have lists of do's and don'ts that never seem to fit in with my life, or the personalities of my children. At times, my kids are the sweetest things ever, and others- well, sometimes I really feel as if I'm trying to tame a wild animal or as if I am trying to teach a pirate manners.. it truly feels impossible!

When I received the book Guide to Pirate Parenting why you should raise your children as pirates and 101 tips on how to do it, I cracked it open while sipping a glass of wine after a particularly hard day. After the introduction, I knew that this book would be exactly what I needed. No, not a hard core lesson on truly raising my kids as pirates, but an I-can-barely-put-it-down-because-I'm-laughing-too-hard type of book.

I will warn you, for this book you have to have a certain respect for Cap'n Billy "The Butcher" MacDougall's coarse way of expressing his opinions. Not to mention a sense of humor to really understand Tim Bete's warped, yet loving, non-traditional guide to parenting your pirate.

This book makes an excellent gift for new dads, parents that have children that drive them bonkers sometimes, but is not for the prissy, weak stomached parental units. My husband laughed even louder throughout this book than I, as I think Pirate Parenting might be interpreted a little better by those who share the Y chromosome, (and believe it or not, I think I understand the way men think a little bit better after reading this book!).

As Bete writes, "Men don't have to think about the reasons for raising children as pirates because they intuitively know the great benefits of doing so. It is the same Y chromosome that allows men to intuitively know the answer to "Why don't I try to dust the inside of the house using a leaf blower?" In all likelyhood, most men have all ready skipped ahead to the section about converting the family minivan into a pirate schooner, and are in the garage beginning the project. Converting a minivan into a pirate schooner is such a compelling project for men that they would do it even if it meant that they had to raise their children as rodeo clowns. (Legal disclaimer: Raising your children as rodeo clowns is an extremely bad idea, unless you want your children to grow into adults who wear heavy makeup, taunt other people, and then hide in barrels.) Women have an X chromosome instead of a Y chromosome. Studies show that the primary purpose of the X chromosome is to cross out- and negate- ideas created by beings that possess the Y chromosome. Men's personal experience will bear this out."

Want it?
If this type of parenting book sounds like something that you'd appreciate, you don't need a map to find Head over there for more insight about pirate parenting, and to order the book for yer self.. ahem, yourself.

In the meantime, (after twittering some with Cap'n Billy, and walking away with all of my limbs still in tact!) Cap'n Billy and Tim Bete have offered one lucky reader at 4BabyAndMom the opportunity to win their very own copy of Guide to Pirate Parenting!

Here's how!
Head over to the Pirate Parenting website and take a look around. If it doesn't scare you off, come back here and tell me why you want to win the Guide to Pirate Parenting, and an interesting tidbit from the site.

Extra Entries:

  • Follow PIRATE PARENTING and 4BABYANDMOM on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway. Please post @4BabyAndMom and @PirateParenting on your tweet!
  • Help the fight against Cancer and support my friend on her walk: Donate Here! (5 entries!)
  • Follow 4BabyAndMom and add our button to your site!
  • Blog about this contest and include a link to 4BabyAndMom. Post your blog link in your comment, please.
  • Email at least three of your friends and CC: 4BabyAndMom {at} gmail {dot} com
  • Fave this post on Technorati, Stumble this post, or DIGG this post, include link if possible.
This contest ends on May 6th, 2009 at midnight, EST. Winner will be chosen at Random, using Winner will be announced on May 7th. Special thanks to Cap'n Billy and Tim Bete for sponsoring this giveaway!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mommy Confidence by 'TheGoToMom' Review and Giveaway!

Kimberley Clayton Blaine, "The Go-To Mom", is a national parenting expert and can be seen on BabyTV discussing many topics from parenting and discipline through emotional coaching and more. Research on early education and brain development, as well as various specialists are featured on "The Go-To Mom" and viewers can call in to ask questions live. If you don't get BabyTV, feel free to browse THE GO-TO MOM website for video clips and lessons on managing your children, home and life.

Kimberley's new book, Mommy Confidence 8 Easy Steps to Reclaiming Balance, Motivation, and Your Inner Diva walks you through practical ways to claim the parenting style that best fits your personality, make your dreams a reality, break the cycle of mommy competition, create your Life Wish List, and become a better mommy. Do this all while building your inner strength, confidence, and motivation.

It's really easy to lose track of yourself after having kids, but with Mommy Confidence, you'll have the tools to become more self-aware, bond with other women, become calm and centered, and reach the goals you dream about. What are you waiting for? Head to your nearest book store or CLICK HERE to purchase it on the web.

One lucky reader is going to win their copy of Mommy Confidence! Spend some time at THE GO-TO MOM website, then come back here and tell me something interesting you learned while there, and why you want to win! After that, check out the extra entry opportunities below.

Please include your email address in your comments.

Extra Entries:

  • Sign up for The Go-To Mom Email Newsletter! Include the email address you used when you signed up in your comment. (2 entries!)
  • Help the fight against Cancer and support my friend on her walk: Donate Here! (5 entries)
  • Follow 4BabyAndMom and add our button to your site!
  • Blog about this contest and include a link to 4BabyAndMom. Post your blog link in your comment, please.
  • Follow 4BabyAndMom on TWITTER and tweet about this contest!
  • Email at least three of your friends and CC: 4BabyAndMom {at} gmail {dot} com
  • Fave this post on Technorati, Stumble this post, or DIGG this post, include link if possible.
This contest ends on Monday, May 4th, 2009 at midnight, EST. Winner will be chosen at Random, using Special thanks to Kimberley Clayton Blaine for sponsoring this giveaway, and Dragonfly Partners for this opportunity.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Faithworks Boutique Review and Giveaway!

I just need to start off this review by saying that I am so blessed! Through the short period of time that I have been offering reviews on 4BabyAndMom, I have had the opportunity to network with some amazing companies. Companies founded by real people, with real families, and it truly gives me a better appreciation for the dedication it takes to be an entrepreneur in the world today.

One company that happened to find 4BabyAndMom that I need to rave about is Faithworks Boutique. The owner and creator Brandy, is one of the most professional, friendly, real, and genuinely empathetic people that I have ever met. Her kind words are always exactly what I needed to hear, and I thank her for the professional relationship we have formed.

Ok, now onto the fun stuff! :o)One of the joys of having a little girl is the ability to accessorize. From shoes to tights, to pocketbooks and hair bows, a little girl can never have enough!

From the moment Faithworks Boutique opens on your browser, their upscale line of bows and accessories for your little lady will overload you with their cuteness! Faithworks Boutique offers crocheted flower beanies from infant through 'big girl', bow pens (great party favor!!) and boutique hair bows in every color, shape and style you could ever wish for.

Our friends at Faithworks Boutique were generous enough to send us a sample of one of their new style bows for Abbigaile. Days after we received them in the mail, my children decided to chop Abbie's hair (more specifically, extend her bangs) and gave her a mullet. Now that her hair is almost back to normal, I was able to get a super cute shot of her wearing her special hair bows. Let me tell you- Abbie LOVES hair accessories, but these bows are on the top of her list. She asks me to wear them all the time, and I felt bad not allowing her to wear them until her hair grew in a little. In the picture below, you can not only see the remainder of her "haircut" growing out, but the details of these beautiful layered bows. In the middle is a black button with the same swirly design that is on the pink ribbon. It complements many different outfits, and is versatile enough to dress up or down. I personally, cannot wait to put her hair in pig-tails again and take some more pictures with these bows in her hair! The bows we received are very well made and even have a no-slip grip so even in the finest hair, the bows will stay put.

Faithworks Boutique offers such a large selection of bows, and even offers a "Made-to-Match" Gymboree area. I think the next bows that we'll order are the Korker Bows, just because they are too cute to pass up!

Want it? Head over to Faithworks Boutique and pick out your favorite boutique bows. Be sure to mention 4BabyAndMom!

Our friends at Faithworks Boutique have offered one lucky reader the chance to win a $15 gift certificate to use at their shop!

Mandatory Entry:

Go check out the Faithworks Boutique website and find your favorite product. Click on their link for their Facebook Fan page and become a fan. After you've done that, head back to 4BabyAndMom, and tell us about your favorite item, and that you've 'become a fan'. Please include your NAME and email address in your comment, so we can verify your entry. After that- you're more than welcome to get some extra entries below!

Extra Entries:

  • Follow 4BabyAndMom and add our button to your site!
  • Blog about this contest and include a link to 4BabyAndMom. Post your blog link in your comment, please.
  • Follow 4BabyAndMom on TWITTER and tweet about this contest!
  • Email at least three of your friends and CC: 4BabyAndMom {at} gmail {dot} com
  • Fave this post on Technorati, Stumble this post, or DIGG this post, include link if possible.
This contest will end on Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 at Midnight. The winner will be chosen by random using and announced on our winners list on Tuesday, May 5th. The winner has 48 hours to claim their prize, or a new winner will be randomly selected. Special thanks to Faithworks Boutique for sponsoring this giveaway!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Big List of Giveaways! {It's really a big list!}

While clicking through some entrecard adverts, I happened to stumble upon! HOLY MOLY! No matter what you want to win, you'll find it here.. from a Hannah Montana CD to a play yard to earrings and other cool accessories! Easy to navigate, and browse through the huge variety of giveaways, will have you clicking until the inner sweepstaker in you is content. Check it out, enter some giveaways, and tell me what you think!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Winner for the Pettiskirt Giveaway from Three Peas Co.!

Congratulations to the winner for the Three Peas Co. Pettiskirt Giveaway!Please make sure you post acknowledgment of your prize at our Winner's List. If you missed the review of this amazing company, click HERE for more details!

Thanks to all who participated, and special thanks to THREE PEAS CO for sponsoring such a fabulous giveaway! Stay tuned for two more reviews and giveaways this weekend!

The Best Vacations are Free!

When you think of a vacation it could be a week long getaway to a magical theme park or just a day or weekend trip to some where fun, interesting and local. With the economy in the shape it's been in, our family has put on hold most of our plans to vacation out of state for awhile. We've been looking for things to do within reasonable driving distance to keep our sanity, allow the kids to have a blast, as well as meet our individual interests.

My husband has a love for cars, like no other. The faster, (or more unique), the harder he drools! Typically, when we head into central Florida we make a habit of stopping off in Old Town to grab a quick bite to eat in one of the restaurants and check out the amazing vintage cars that roll through the streets during their car show every Saturday night. There are many little shops to browse and carnival fun for the kids.

While browsing the Kissimmee website I found out that this Saturday, April 17th (from 10am-4pm) the Town Center at Celebration will be home to some of the world's most exotic and rare automobiles. Admission is free, like many events sponsored through the year, and among the many fun and exciting things to do while on vacation in Kissimmee.

If fast cars aren't your weakness, you're sure to find something on the list of things to do from hiking, fishing and sight seeing in the great outdoors, to shopping and dinner theaters to enjoy with the entire family. Kissimmee truly is the heart of Florida, and from now until May 22nd, 2009 you can enter the Freedom to Enjoy Kissimmee Sweepstakes for your chance to win a fabulous 6-night vacation for 4 including air fare and rental car!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April is Autism Awareness Month

Last November, school officials at Alex's old school confronted me with the possibility that he might have a form of high functioning Autism. The possibility alone scared me, crushed me, and made me question the years I spent as a teacher's aide three years before I had Alexzander. During those years I helped teach children with disabilities, kids the schools couldn't handle- or didn't want to handle. I wondered how as a mom, and an educator I could have missed tell-tale signs that point in that direction. Every parenting decision I ever made came flooding back to me, and I questioned it all. I did research, and pulled up new articles, books and discoveries from my library and the internet. I did my best to re-educate me, in case this possibility was to become our reality.

Among the many resources I found, I met a wonderful woman named Maryann. Maryann writes her own blog at MATTHEW'S PUZZLE, talking of the growth and acheivements her son Matthew has accomplished, and his journey- their journey, together as a family. Maryann is not only an inspiration, but she's an amazing friend, and a great writer.

This month, to celebrate and raise Autism Awareness, MATTHEW'S PUZZLE is hosting an Autism Awareness celebration and giving away many items that she's found through her journey and experience with Matthew. Although the celebration ends on the 24th, the entry deadline is May 1st. Click on the banner below to read more about these exciting product reviews, (and more about Matthew's Puzzle), and help spread the word- AUTISM IS TREATABLE!

Matthew's Puzzle

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

25% off EVERYTHING in stock at Kazoo Toys!

Are you looking for the perfect gift for a special child in your life? How about a reward for potty training or great behavior at school? Whether you're searching for an infant or pre-teen, you'll find a huge selection of kids things at KAZOO TOYS!

Kazoo Toys carries a large variety of toys that are made in the U.S.A. as well as many educational, building, developmental, and pretend play items from birth-12 years old. Their prices are great- there's something that fits everyone's budget; plus, right now they are running the Mother of all sales from now through Mother's Day (May 10th)!

Head over to KAZOO TOYS right now to receive 25% off everything in stock, in the entire store- and best of all, you don't need any crazy coupon codes! Also, while supplies last, Kazoo Toys is offering a free watch with any Corolle Doll purchase! After your purchase, come back here and tell me what you got.. but don't forget to tell Kazoo Toys that you read about them on 4BabyAndMom!

What Storms! Our Electric keeps going out!

I just wanted to pop on, while the battery is still charged and the internet is running, before it goes out again. We had some crazy storms this morning, tornadoes were in the area, my street and backyard are flooded, and our electric has been sporadic. We've had no television, power, or internet (EEK!) most of the morning. The lightning has been amazing- a little scary, but amazing! The skies this am were so green, I felt like I was in Emerald City! I have a few posts that need to go up today, but depending on our power situation depends whether or not it will be posted on schedule. I will post as soon as everything is up and running in full force.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Save 20% at!

While looking for a baby gift for one of my friends up north, I happened to stumble upon The hand illustrated art featured on this site are unique and personal- perfect for any shower or welcome baby gift. The artist works with you if you have a specific theme or color scheme in your nursery or playroom, truly creating a one of a kind piece that will last a lifetime. The bright colors will entice baby, and as letter recognition develops, your child will love spelling out their name and naming all of the fun symbols representing each of the letters.

For a limited time, is offering 4BabyAndMom readers 20% off of their purchase just for telling them that you read about these beautiful keepsakes on our site!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Make Your Miles Matter!

In my quest to get healthy, walking has proved to be a very essential component of my daily routine. I definitely notice the difference in my mood and energy level on days that I do not walk, or walk very little outside of my normal motherhood activities. Walking is not only beneficial for your heart, but many studies show that walking can alleviate depression symptoms, boost cognitive function in your brain, and reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes, colon and breast cancer.

From now through October 31st, Bumble Bee Foods will donate $0.15/mile for every mile logged at BeeWell Miles (up to $200,000) to help Breast Cancer Network of Strength to provide emotional support to those who can't wait for tomorrow's cure. I recently signed up to participate and have already logged in 20 miles-which is the equivalent of $3.00- that will be donated for cancer research. If that isn't motivation to stay on my path to becoming healthy again, I don't know what is!

There's no more excuses to stay on your couch, because Bumble Bee Foods gives you the resources you need and the inspiration to stay motivated. Get a couple of neighbors or friends to join you and calculate how much of a difference you'll be making on your waistlines for a great cause! Bumble Bee Foods makes it easy to log in your miles every day, read inspiring articles and interact with healthy living experts & other guests to share ideas and tips on getting healthy and staying there. You can Map Your Route, (which provides true satellite images of your neighborhood!), and all you need to do is click to set the markers on the route you walked and it automatically calculates the miles then click to log those miles. Plus, each day you log miles or game codes from pink Bumble Bee cans you could instantly win one of 15,000 prizes!!

What are you waiting for?! Go check out BeeWell Miles and sign up now to lose those inches and make a difference for breast cancer!


Thursday, April 9, 2009

What a week!.. Month?

I'm sorry that I've been distant this week- and most of this month! Things over here at 4BabyAndMom have been stressful to say the least. For those of you that have been reading since at least January know that my husband and I are "Non-relative Caregivers" for NewBaby.

The past couple of weeks there has been much drama between visitations and court and to say the mild least, it's been VERY frustrating! I have been telling the Guardian ad Litem that I feel like the social worker isn't maintaining the objectivity that she needs to work in the best interest of this child, and today that theory was confirmed. Unfortunately, because of all of the legal tape there is *nothing* that we can do. If we were literal foster parents we might have more swing, but there is nothing that can be done. I was called from court today to testify to clarify a situation, and then requested that the judge allow them to set up their times for visitation for this upcoming week. I was then put on hold and brought into a mediation room to discuss times and availability, and was attacked by the social worker and one biological parent.

To say that I felt betrayed and violated is the understatement of the year! I ended the phone call in shock and disbelief, feeling as if I was ambushed and wrongly accused of not being "flexible" when I have bent over backwards to try to accommodate everyone's schedule accordingly. My work life and my personal life have taken back burner to the NewBaby and the drama that's wrapped up in it. My friends and my family have noticed the toll that this has been taking on me recently, and that's not acceptable.

I do not know what we're going to do now. I have to discuss many things with my husband when he comes home form work today. Part of me wants to throw in the towel and walk away from the whole situation. The other part of me wants to keep fighting, but I feel that there's nobody truly on "my" side. The Guardian ad Litem has been, for the most part, but I don't know if that's "enough". It's been emotionally draining, and starting to interfere with my real life. My husband and I agreed in the beginning that *that* would be when we would withdraw our responsibility in this all.

The faith and hope that I had for "the system" has broken- shattered- so completely that as of right now, I have no idea if we'd ever be willing to become foster parents like we had thought about in the future. It's so hard to want to invest that trust, effort and energy into a system that's so dysfunctional. I know that everyone's experience is different, and I hope that there are amazing stories out there of how a situation like this was handled differently- but I am just truly disheartened today. I wish there was a way that more light could be shed upon this situation, and the matter in which it's been dealt with.

As of Monday, there will be more reviews and giveaways, sponsored by some more amazing companies. The first one will be for some beautiful handmade hairbows (these are sooo cute!) and the rest, well, you'll have to wait and see! If you haven't entered the Three Peas Co. pettiskirt giveaway, make sure you do so now- it ends TOMORROW! Scroll down on 4BabyAndMom or click the link above to read more about the company and see the skirt in action!

Thank you all for your well wishes and understanding, during this difficult period. I look forward to blue skies again soon!

~Lauren @4BabyAndMom

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fall/Winter Clearance Sale Now at SEARS!

Just in time for the new school year, I found that Sears was much more than an appliance store. I had never really shopped there before (for anything other than the appliances), but I was so excited when a friend of mine took me to shop in their kids department. At Sears, you'll find brand names for babies and children from Carter's, Little Wonders, Dockers and Disney that are offered at the best prices and super adorable. I stocked up on clothes for my son for Back-to-School, and even shopped Sears again for the holidays. The kids looked great in beautiful, quality designer clothes, and my wallet and my husband thanked me.

I love shopping for new tops at Sears. I'm a jeans and tee-shirt kind of girl, but the tops that are available at Sears always add sensible style to my wardrobe. I love being able to wear a pretty top with my jeans, and then throw on heels to go out after a long day home with the kids.

Whether you're looking for something for baby or for yourself, right now Sears is offering 75% - 80% off original prices on Fall and Winter Apparel from now until April 18th. Click Here

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sugar & Spice, and EVERYTHING Nice, at Three Peas Co.!

Abbigaile loves to twirl, and spin and wear frilly stuff, but usually within minutes she's trying to dig, or pick up a frog, or play in some mud or trees.

When our Pettiskirt and tank (and matching bow!) came in the mail from THREE PEAS CO. Abbie literally shrieked with excitement, "Look Mommy!!! It's mine dress?!?!?!"

"On my dress Mommy? On my dress!"

I couldn't get it out of the box, and on her quick enough! As soon as I tied the back of her skirt, she started twirling.

"Look Mommy, I daaaan sin!"

"I so priddy Mommy.. Mommy, you love my dress? An my flow-Er? An my priddy bow?"

"I beautiful mommy! I hap-eeeeeee!" *melt*

Love at first sight is not even the phrase to describe how deeply she fell in love with this pettiskirt. It's so full and light and fluffy! It looks so cute, and EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE we go comments about this outfit.

Sure enough about an hour into her twirling and spinning and mini photo shoot, Abbie wanted to play. She hopped on her bike, and started pedaling to our neighbor's house.

"I go show CT's mommy my new dress. Ok Mommy? Come on Mommy!"

Every time she wears this outfit, you can tell she feels like a million bucks! She just needs to show everyone, and anyone, and tell them all about it!

The customer service at THREE PEAS CO. is unbeatable. I had several questions about their products and sizes, and their answers were quick, friendly and professional. The quality in their products are amazing, and all of the items themselves are just so sweet! I had an opportunity to speak with owner Antoinette Newhouse, about our children, their products, their company, family and so much more. It was so pleasurable to find a real company with a real family behind it. A company that believes in family first, and follows through with their word. Companies like that are unfortunatley very hard to find, and those of you that have followed me for awhile should know that I strive to find that quality in the companies we review. Oh, and just so Alex didn't feel left out, Antoinette at Three Peas Co. sent my son his very own special gift- a Skitter! (Talk about a cool toy!)Recently featured at the 2009 Oscar's red carpet style lounge, THREE PEAS CO. has been named as a favorite among celebrity parents. My family has officially fallen head over heels for THREE PEAS CO. and we are pretty certain you will too!

Want it?
Head over to THREE PEAS CO. and check out their beautiful selection of items for girls and boys, and be sure to mention that you heard about their company on 4BabyAndMom!

Antoinette from THREE PEAS CO. has offered one lucky reader the chance to win their very own pettiskirt for the little lady in their life! Winner gets to choose between hot pink, black or light pink.

Madatory entry: Go visit THREE PEAS CO. and browse their products. While you're there, join their "Family of Friends" mailing list. Come back here and tell me after you've signed up, and let me know what item you adore (other than the pettiskirt!)!

Extra Entries:
  • Email at least three of your friends and CC: 4BabyAndMom{at}Gmail{dot}com
  • Stumble, Digg or fave this post on Technorati.
This giveaway will end on Friday, April 10th at midnight. Winner will be chosen using Mandatory entry must be completed before extra entries, and will be verified. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments. Special thanks to Antoinette at Three Peas Co. for sponsoring this giveaway.

Gaaah! New domain launch update!

So due to some minor coding issues and some fine tuning, the launch of 4BabyAndMom's new domain will not be today. I am hoping we may finish it tonight, but I will keep you all posted.

In the meantime, run, twitter, message, call ALL of your friends who have little girls and tell them to follow 4BabyAndMom because the next review has a giveaway too cute for words!

March's Top Entrecard Droppers

Special thanks to my EntreCard Top Droppers for MARCH!

Look What Mom Found

For Your Protection
Sited and Blogged
Peanut Butter & Smelly's Dad
Work at Home Mom Revolution
I am Harriet
The Main Ingredient
The Trends of Las Vegas
Ask Gary ADA

Be sure to check out the Blog of the day, always located in the right-hand tool bar.


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