Alright, I am coming out of a very deep closet right now... I have an addiction. It's not to drugs or alcohol, but it's a real addiction. It's something that I've fought with for at least 20 years, and I have not been able to stop.
I am a nail biter. I have been biting my nails as far back as I can remember. In fact, I can remember my mom yelling at me when I was in Elementary school, saying that one day I was going to be a mom and that my nails would look terrible if I continued. My cousins and friends would poke fun at me if they caught me biting my nails, and if I got caught, it made me want to bite them even more. On top of that, my parents tried *everything* to get me to stop. They bought some stuff back in the late 80's, and made me soak my fingers in lemon juice and even rub Tabasco sauce onto my nails and fingers, but nothing they ever tried worked.

My nails have basically looked like this my entire life. I have never had nails that made it over the "hump" of my finger tip, never enough to see white under the edges, and on every special occasion I had to have fake tips put on because no matter how hard I tried, my nails wouldn't grow. I would bite as far down as I could, and often the corners or beds would bleed. It was really bad. I have wanted to stop, but stress- or habit- just seemed to take over, and any progress was completely lost.
When I was given the opportunity to try CONTROL-IT Nail Biting Treatment, I jumped at the chance, knowing that I would be able to give this product a run for its money. I was sent a box of the extra strength formula, a Manicure Pen, and a nail file. I giggled at both the manicure pen and nail file thinking never in a billion years would I ever use either of them, unless this product
was made with miracle juice.
The directions and the website say that the three pack is good for a 21 day treatment plan, applied multiple times per day. The non-toxic, biodegradable formula claims to stop nail biting and thumb sucking, and that the bitter taste is enough to deter until the learned behavior becomes habit. The pamphlet goes on to describe how nail biters subconsciously start feeling the edges of their nails for irregularities before they start biting.
As I'm reading this, I realize that the hand that's not holding the paper is doing exactly that.. so, I opened one of the three jars and sniffed it. It smells like most cosmetic creams on the market, pretty much like nothing, with a subtle hint of something, perhaps citrus. I dabbed a tiny bit onto my fingertip and decided to "taste" it.
Oh, holy mother of pearl! You know the smilie that's everywhere that looks like this:
... Yeah. That was me.
Seriously, that's all it took for me to know that this product was going to work, because as long as it was on my nails, my fingers were going to be nowhere near my face, never mind my mouth!
I used the first vial religiously for about 10 days. Then it disappeared, I don't know if it fell out of my purse, or if one of the kids hid it, but it disappeared. So I started on the second vial. I've been using that not all day, every day, but only when I feel the urge to bite my nails. There was only a few days where I left it at home, (and actually regressed a little), but 8 of my nails have officially grown over the bump on the tip of my finger where my recessed nail used to sit at its longest.
I never thought that it was possible, but the urge to bite my nails has decreased tremendously as well. It hasn't been entirely pain free for me, although that has nothing to do with the product itself. My nails were kind of rounded, and because it was never over that bump, (especially at the corners!) as the nail grew to the healthier width and length it is supposed to be, some spots were sore or sensitive.
My husband loves that for the first time ever I can give him "scratchies" on his back, and I actually surprised myself itching my shoulder the other day that I can actually FEEL my nails.
I am super excited and at the end of this giveaway, I will post my "After" picture!
So my official declaration is that I believe that CONTROL-IT Nail Biting Treatment is made with miracle juice, because I am officially a no-longer-anonymous-nail-biter-recovering-addict. If you know anyone that suffers from this habit, or from thumb sucking or anything along those lines, do not walk, but run to your nearest Akin's or Chamberlin Natural Food Store.
You can also head to the Control-It website at to put an end to your nail-biting habit today! If you would like to order online, be sure to use the coupon code: TRYIT, located at the bottom of the home page to save $5 off of your order!

This giveawayended on October 10th, at 11:59pm EST. One winner will be chosen at random using The winner is responsible for posting on the Winners Page, and for contacting 4BabyAndMom.
Special thanks to the makers of CONTROL IT for creating this amazing product, and for sponsoring this review and giveaway!