Sunday, November 8, 2009

Christmas Cards for Noah

While on Facebook today, I happened to stumble on an article from Mojo in the Morning regarding 5 year old Noah Biorkman. Here's the article:

Send A Christmas Card To Noah Biorkman
Thursday, November 5, 2009 Email article

Noah Biorkman is a very brave 5-year-old boy. He is losing his fight with Neuroblastoma, a form of Cancer that attacks the nervous system. Noah absolutely loves Christmas, so his mom, Diana, is trying to get him as many cards as possible!

Please take a few minutes out of your busy day to do something special for this courageous kid, send Noah a Christmas card.


You can click here to listen to the interview with Noah's mom.

With Thanksgiving approaching quickly this year, I took a moment to give thanks to God that I have two beautiful, happy and healthy children. My heart goes out to Noah and his family, and tomorrow I am going to buy my first Christmas Card of the season. I urge all of my readers to send a card to Noah, and brighten his day in your own special way!


Anonymous,  November 09, 2009   1

Thanks for sharing this with us! What a great, kind gesture!


Kelly Braund November 09, 2009   2

Wow, so glad I saw this! This is what I do (cards & scrapbooks)! I'm on it, I'm gonna make a special new card just for him!

Tamara B. November 11, 2009   3

I sent that little Angel a cute card with little peguins on it :)

theprophecygirl,  November 13, 2009   4

Darling boy! What a great opportunity. Thanks for letting me know.

Terra Heck November 16, 2009   5

I heard about Noah through a co-worker of mine. After reading his story and watching video, I knew that Noah is one special boy. My co-workers and I got together and sent him some Christmas cards. It's the least we can do for this precious child.


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