Thursday, November 19, 2009

Great Kaboom, OxyClean, Arm&Hammer Review + Giveaway!

This review and giveaway is going to be different than most of the giveaways I usually do. You'll have your choice of these prize packages- you can choose either: The Dorm Room Cleaning Kit, The OxiClean Baby Care Kit, or The Arm & Hammer Stain Fighting Kit- all of which are tough on stains, dirt, and grime.

I have experience with many of the cleaners included on all three of these packages, but with all of the household chores that I do, LAUNDRY is the thing I always have way too much to do. With the two very active and messy kids, and a husband who works in construction, laundry time also takes the longest. Pre-treating, soaking, washing, folding, drying... making sure the stains are really gone- rewashing if they're not; when to use bleach, when to use color safe bleach, when to use boosters or additives to fight the really tough grimy stuff. I hate laundry.

Everyone always says they've found the new best thing in fighting tough stains- and I've even reviewed a few other products that definitely helped make my life easier- but let's face it. There are definitely more obstacles in laundry then in say... the dishes.

I was given the opportunity to try OxiClean Laundry Stain Remover from I've heard a lot of great things about OxiClean products, but have actually never tried them before this review. I figured my family would truly put the cleaner to great use, and provide a real testament of the products effectiveness.

In my family my children haven't quite mastered the art of telling me when their clothes are filthy. They have a laundry basket in their room that we empty and throw in the machine, but there has been many times where I've been loading the washer and find an adorable shirt that I used to love of my daughters covered in dried spaghetti sauce.. Is it ruined, or is it salvagable? Now that it's sat for god-only-knows-how-long, I have *no* idea. All I know is that I didn't take it off of her to put her 'jama's on, so as frustrated as I am now, I hope that the hot water and colorsafe bleach alternative will work.. then I remember I have the new OxiClean spray, so I run back into the house and grab it. I spray the stain, and right away the cleaner starts to foam on the shirt. I rub it in a little, add another mist, and then finish loading the washer. I add the shirt last, and hope for the best.

When the laundry finished, I found my daughters shirt and checked for any evidence of the spaghetti sauce that once coated the neckline and chest area. Nowhere could I find any remainder of a stain, not one orange outline-nothing. After that experience, I've used my new OxiClean Laundry Spray on everything.. from the dirty knees from Brian's pants, to my kids saucy clothing, to the sheets from my potty-training 3 year old, to my own shirts where the magic hole in my mouth reappeared just in time for my food to fall through.

So my final verdict- so far, so good. I love the fact that all Church & Dwight cleaners come with a 100% money back guarentee. That's how much the company believes in their own product. I will definitely keep you all posted, and let you know if I've found a stain that OxiClean just hasn't beat. On the site and the label it says that OxiClean also works on set in stains, so far the only thing that I have not been successful removing was a pee-pee stain on our bed, from an accident Abbie had awhile ago. It was washed, steamed, but alas- a water ring remained. Bri tried to get rid of it with the spray, but so far the only thing I found that works on those stains, I reviewed months ago. (Which means it's time for me to re-order.) Would I use the OxiClean Laundry Stain Remover I was given to review again, yes. Would I recommend it to friends, absolutely, because it works and is an affordable choice for our family.

Now, onto the GreatCleaners you'll have the opportunity to win-

The Dorm Room Cleaning Kit is perfect for busy families or students. This kit contains: OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover great for using as a pretreater, or for especially tough stains like grease or chocolate; Brillo scratchless cleaning pads with AEGIS Microbe Shield technology (which prevents the growth of bacterial odors in the Brillo pad) for use on all kitchen and bathroom surfaces; Kaboom Scrub Free! Continuous Toilet Cleaning System cleans your toilet for 3 months without any extra elbow grease; Kaboom Scrub Free! Refill 2 Pack, so you don't have to worry about your toilet for awhile; and Kaboom Foamtastic color-changing bathroom foaming cleanser, for all of your other bathroom cleaning needs. (A $50 Value- Currently On Sale for $35.99)

The OxiClean Baby Care Kit is perfect for new or expectant parents. This kit contains: OxiClean Baby Stain Remover, perfect for baby clothes and other washable baby items, and OxiClean Baby Stain Soaker to help with the explosive diapers, burp mishaps, and more.
(A $20.99 Value- Currently On Sale for $19.99)

The Arm & Hammer Stain Fighting Kit is perfect for the family who just needs a back up plan. This kit contains: Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda to use as a detergent booster or throughout your home as a household cleaner; the OxiClean Laundry Stain Remover Spray that I got to review- for all of the stains that might occur on your clothing, upholstery and more; and OxiClean Spray-A-Way Instant Stain Remover 2 pack- for unexpected stains that occur at the worst possible time. Unlike sticks you might find on the market, the Spray-A-Way Remover doesn't dry out, lose effectiveness, or allow the transfer of the stain from one piece of clothing to another, perfect for the mom or dad on the go! (A $15.99 Value- Currently On Sale for $14.99)

Visit and customize the perfect cleaning combination, or order one of the kits mentioned above.


Please read the WINNERS POST for more information on how to claim your prize!

This giveaway is open to residents of the US and will end on November 27th, at 11:59pm EST. Two winners will be chosen at random using Special thanks to our new friends at for sponsoring this review and giveaway, and allowing our family the opportunity to save our clothing. This review is soley the opinion of, and your personal experience may differ.


bettycd November 20, 2009   1

Signed up for the updates
The Dorm room kit sounds fantastic and would be my choice. We've gone from dorm room to off campus apartment and more floor space means more to clean.

bettycd November 20, 2009   2

following both, tweeted - bettycd

bettycd November 20, 2009   3

Tweet #2

bettycd November 20, 2009   4

Facebook fan of both and I wrote on everyone's wall the appropriate comment which took extraordinary concentration this early into my first cup of coffee.

bettycd November 20, 2009   5

posted Holiday button

bettycd November 20, 2009   6

Hyped button #2

bettycd November 20, 2009   7

Hyped button #3

bettycd November 20, 2009   8

Email subscriber

bettycd November 20, 2009   9

Faved you on technorati

bettycd November 20, 2009   10

Placed your Hyped for Holidays button on Facebook page also.
Not sure if you meant 3 entries for placing it in any of the locations ... or 1 entry/location up to max of 3.
At this point, I'm going go finish my coffee and quietly watch some news as I'm not sure which you may need to delete to get me straight.

Anonymous,  November 20, 2009   11

I subscribed to their newsletter via email.


Anonymous,  November 20, 2009   12

Sorry didn't include this in my first comment: I subscribed via email and the three kits I would love to try are:

Kaboom Foam-Tastic because it would make cleaning my shower easier & I love the commercials.

Kaboom® Scrub Free!™ Continuous Toilet Cleaning System - because I don't like cleaning my toilet all the time!

Cameo Copper, Brass & Porcelain Cleaner - because I have yet to find a good cleaner to get some areas in my home CLEAN.


Anonymous,  November 20, 2009   13

I tweeted and followed @greatcleaners (already a follower of you)


Anonymous,  November 20, 2009   14

I am a fan of both 4BabyAndMom and Great Cleaners on FB and wrote on both of your walls. (Brandy Tanner)


Julie November 20, 2009   15

I signed up for the newsletter.

I would choose the Arm and Hammer Fighting Stain kit-I have a husband who loves to tinker with cars-gets grease on his clothes

XmasDolly November 20, 2009   16

Signed up for updates letter with GreatCleaners.

XmasDolly November 20, 2009   17

Sorry, forgot to include in first comment: I subscribed GreatCleaners & the 3 kits I would love to try are:

Kaboom Foam-Tastic: Making cleaning easier is for me due to a bad back.

Kaboom® Scrub Free!™ Continuous Toilet Cleaning System: the water around here puts these rings in our toilets & I'm hoping this will make em' disappear.

Cameo Copper, Brass & Porcelain Cleaner: I've got pans with copper bottoms & I want to make em' shine.

XmasDolly November 20, 2009   18

Following GreatCleaners on tweeter and already following 4babyandmom - tweeted

XmasDolly November 20, 2009   19

Tweet #2

XmasDolly November 20, 2009   20

I was a fan of 4BabyAndMom and I'm now a fan of Great Cleaners on FB and wrote on both your wall and Great Cleaners that I've entered the contest.

VickieC November 20, 2009   21

I signed up for their newsletter an
The Dorm Room Cleaning Kit would be my choice because I have teenagers still in the house,an grandchildren running all over the place

XmasDolly November 20, 2009   22

Holiday button already posted on my blog - right handside

XmasDolly November 20, 2009   23

Hyped holiday button #2

VickieC November 20, 2009   24

I •Follow GreatCleaners and 4BabyAndMom on Twitter and tweeted

XmasDolly November 20, 2009   25

Hyped holiday button #3

VickieC November 20, 2009   26

I am a FAN of 4BabyAndMom AND GreatCleaners on Facebook an posted on both walls as asked

XmasDolly November 20, 2009   27

I xmasdolly at comcast dot net is already subscribed to the mailing list of All Things 4 Baby And Mom!

VickieC November 20, 2009   28

I follow via google friends

VickieC November 20, 2009   29

I fave on technorati

Anonymous,  November 20, 2009   30

i really want to try the baby oxyclean. Ive never heard of it before but love oxyclean products

Anonymous,  November 20, 2009   31

follow you and great cleaners on twitter and tweeted

Anonymous,  November 20, 2009   32

FB fan of yours and greatcleaners

Anonymous,  November 20, 2009   33

email subscriber

Anonymous,  November 20, 2009   34

follow in google friends

XmasDolly November 20, 2009   35

Posted about this giveaway on my blog with a link to 4BabyAndMom & GreatCleaners.

entry #1

XmasDolly November 20, 2009   36

Posted about this giveaway on my blog with a link to 4BabyAndMom & GreatCleaners.

entry #2

bettycd November 21, 2009   37


bettycd November 21, 2009   38

tweet #2

bettycd November 21, 2009   39


Patty Herbert,  November 21, 2009   40

I subscribed to email alerts at greatclearner

Patty herbert,  November 21, 2009   41

I follow great cleaners and 4BabyAndMom on twitter @lambchop1965

Patty Herbert,  November 21, 2009   42

I tweeted 4BabyAndMom

Anonymous,  November 21, 2009   43


Anonymous,  November 22, 2009   44


Anonymous,  November 23, 2009   45


Anonymous,  November 24, 2009   46


Jennifer T. November 25, 2009   47

I signed up for Great Cleaners e-mail newsletter. I would want The OxiClean Baby Care Kit because I have a toddler that loves blueberries and ketchup. (Not together, of course).

Jennifer T. November 25, 2009   48

I subscribed to beansoup's e-mail newletter. My favorite set is the Sand Bloom set. I hope I win because I'd be keeping it for myself and my daughter who looks to be "cook-en".

Deborah November 25, 2009   49

I signed up for their newsletter.

I'd like to win the The Arm & Hammer Stain Fighting Kit, because I've got to find a way to win against hubby's hobby stains.

Tiffany Schmidt November 25, 2009   50

I am a google follower!!

And I'd LOOOOVE the baby oxiclean set. My daughter is now really into solids and her spit ups and diaper explosions could use some oxi help!!

furygirl3132 November 25, 2009   51

I signed up for the Great Cleaners newsletter and I would love the Dorm Room Cleaning Kit. It gets pretty hectic around my home and it would be great to have these cleaners around to help me out a little bit! Thanks so much for such a wonderful giveaway!


furygirl3132 November 25, 2009   52

Following you both and I tweeted:


furygirl3132 November 25, 2009   53

Fan of you both on Facebook and commented on each wall. (Eloise Carlson)


furygirl3132 November 25, 2009   54

Following you on Google Friend Connect (furygirl3132)


JulieMoe November 25, 2009   55

I signed up. I'd like the baby care kit because I'm having a bew baby in January

JulieMoe November 25, 2009   56


JulieMoe November 25, 2009   57

Tweet 2

JulieMoe November 25, 2009   58

Subscribe via rss

JulieMoe November 25, 2009   59

Subscribe via e-mail

Liz Mays November 25, 2009   60

I signed up for the newsletter and I would like the dorm room cleaning kit if I won because it contains products that I would most use and that I actually would like to send along with my son to college.

Liz Mays November 25, 2009   61

I'm a facebook fan: of both of you and commented in both places.

Liz Mays November 25, 2009   62

I follow on google friend connect!

Liz Mays November 25, 2009   63

I'm an email subscriber.

Anonymous,  November 25, 2009   64


Kelly Braund November 26, 2009   65

I'd love the dorm kit!

Kelly Braund November 26, 2009   66

Extra entry1 - on my blog at

Kelly Braund November 26, 2009   67

Extra entry 2.

Kelly Braund November 26, 2009   68

Extra entry 3-

heaventrees November 26, 2009   69

I signed up for the Greatcleaners newsletter. I would like the Stain Fighting Kit the most but they are all very useful.

Carol EL November 26, 2009   70

Signed up for the Greatcleaners newsletter and want to try the Dorm Room Kit because it contains the cleaners that would be most useful to me.

Carol EL November 26, 2009   71

E-mail subscriber.

Carol EL November 26, 2009   72

Google friends follower.

Carol EL November 26, 2009   73

Technorati fav. jelly15301 --

Deb Anderson November 26, 2009   74

I signed up for their email
tnshadylady at

I NEED to win the Dorm Room kit because, well, this place is FILTHY!! I guess I'm the only one around here who ever cleans, and I could use some help!! :)

Deb Anderson November 26, 2009   75

tweeted jere

Deb Anderson November 26, 2009   76

another tweet here

Deb Anderson November 26, 2009   77

3rd tweet

Jill Myrick (jsc123) November 26, 2009   78

I have subscribed to the Great Cleaners Newsletter as jweezie43[at]aol[dot]com.

I would love to have the Great Cleaners Dorm Room Kit which would be perfect for my daughter in college.

THank you so much for the chance to win.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) November 26, 2009   79

I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]aol[dot]com

Jill Myrick (jsc123) November 26, 2009   80

I am following via Google Friends Connect.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) November 26, 2009   81

I have favored your blog on Technorati as jsc123.


Anonymous,  November 26, 2009   82


TheOutspokenYam November 26, 2009   83

I signed up for the emails and I'd love the Dorm Room Cleaning Kit- it has so many useful items I'd love to try.

TheOutspokenYam November 26, 2009   84

following and tweeted

TheOutspokenYam November 26, 2009   85

tweet 2

TheOutspokenYam November 26, 2009   86

tweet 3

TheOutspokenYam November 26, 2009   87

I'm a fan on facebook and commented on both pages.- Jenna O.

TheOutspokenYam November 26, 2009   88

following with google fc.

Anonymous,  November 27, 2009   89

Signed up for their newsletter
i'd choose the "Kaboom Scrub Free! Bathroom Cleaning System"

Anonymous,  November 27, 2009   90

now Following greatcleaners on Twitter!::

Anonymous,  November 27, 2009   91

Fan of 4BabyAndMom on Facebook!::

Anonymous,  November 27, 2009   92

Fan of on Facebook!::

intime November 27, 2009   93

signed up for the great cleaners newslterr and would like the Kaboom Scrub Free! Bathroom Cleaning System

Diana D November 27, 2009   94

Signed up for the newsletter. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous,  November 27, 2009   95


Candie L November 27, 2009   96

I subscribed to their newsletter. Thank you


ShesAnAngel November 27, 2009   97

I visited Great Cleaners online and I signed up for their newsletter!

ShesAnAngel November 27, 2009   98

I'm following GreatCleaners and 4BabyandMom on twitter and I tweeted

ShesAnAngel November 27, 2009   99

I became a fan of 4BabyandMom & Greatcleaners on facebook and I told them that I've entered to win their contest!

justine pierson

ShesAnAngel November 27, 2009   100

I subscribed via email

ShesAnAngel November 27, 2009   101

I'm following 4BabyandMom via google


Suzanne November 27, 2009   102

I signed up for the newsletter. Would love to win the Dorm Room Cleaning Kit. Thanks for the great contest!

Betty C November 27, 2009   103

I signed up for their newsletter. I'd like the Dorm Room Cleaning kit.

ZESTYWONDERLAND November 27, 2009   104

I subscribed to their newsletter!

I would love the Dorm Room Cleaning Kits because I have been eager to try Oxy Clean Products!

ZESTYWONDERLAND November 27, 2009   105

Follow Both on Twitter & Tweeted!


ZESTYWONDERLAND November 27, 2009   106

I follow you on google friends connect!

ZESTYWONDERLAND November 27, 2009   107

I subscribe to rss fedd in google reader!

ZESTYWONDERLAND November 27, 2009   108

Email subscriber of yours!

cman November 28, 2009   109

I subscribed..
The Arm & Hammer Stain Fighting Kit because it seems like it could handle all of my family's stains :)


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