Monday, November 30, 2009

The Fun Flashing Sippy Cup Review and Giveaway!

You may have noticed these sippys on a banner on our right hand side bar for a couple of weeks now.. if not, I'd like to tell you more about them.

These brand new Fun Flashing Sippee Cups are 100% BPA free and are CPSIA certified. The multi-colored LED lights automatically light up and flash when the cup is tipped up.The lid, leak guard and cup are all 100% dishwasher safe, and the bottom base is removable before washing. Batteries are included and replaceable with a small screwdriver, although we've had our Fairies Cup flashing almost non-stop since we've received it and have had no problems with the batteries included. All three designs are available at Toys R Us.

When we received the info on this new style of sippy cups, it read, "The Fun Flashing Sippy Cup is soon to become your child’s favorite cup." After reading it I giggled, knowing how many times I've 'heard that before'.. There was only one sippy cup that I could use with my son- and we used it until they changed the style.In total, it was about 3 years we used that brand, because he was about 4 when we stopped using it. With Abbigaile, we had one brand that we used, but their prices have been hiking a lot lately, so I've been on the quest to find a new sippee, one that doesn't leak, and one that is sturdy enough to withstand the beating my little lady will deal it. I hate sippee cups that leak- it's a peeve of mine.. I mean, really- what's the point? I might as well mop up spilled milk from a cup than from a sippee.

Anyway, back to the review-

I received the Fun Flashing Sippy Cup in the adorable pink Fairies design. I read the directions, and was excited that the cup was dishwasher safe. The battery compartment is easy for adults to remove, but difficult for children. The only way that you can get into the batteries themselves is with a screwdriver. It looks very well made, with the safety of children in mind.

Abbigaile saw it flashing from the hallway, and wanted to try it out that night. From that moment on, it did become her favorite cup of all! She doesn't leave this cup anywhere too long, without realizing that she doesn't have it.. if it falls in the car, the motion of the car makes the lights go on, so you can find it quickly, and when it's getting too dark, or you're in a place where the lights might be distracting, you can simply shut the lights option off.

Aside from the super cool flashing lights, Abbigaile and I both love the fact that even though she's thrown it, dropped it, stepped on it, fallen with it, and it's been washed a gazillion times, all of the seals are still just as strong as day one. It doesn't leak from the spout or around the top, and it hasn't cracked or chipped from any of the aforementioned incidences. I love this sippy cup, and so does she.

Visit Toys R Us online now and purchase your Fun Flashing Sippee Cup in your favorite design, or head to your local Toys R Us Store. They run about $5.99 for one flashing sippee cup, and make a great stocking stuffer for your toddler!


Please read the WINNERS POST for more information on how to officially claim your prize!

This giveaway is open to residents of the US and will end on December 8th, at 11:59pm EST. One winner will be chosen at random using Special thanks to our new friends at Buztronics for sponsoring this giveaway. This review is soley the opinion of, and your personal opinion may differ.


Unknown December 01, 2009   1

I can't stand it when it leaks. Alot of them say they don't but they still do then I have a huge mess to clean up. I know my daughter would be so excited to have a sippy cup hat lights up. so fun.

Unknown December 01, 2009   2

follow on twitter and tweeted.

Kim December 02, 2009   3

I'd gift this to a friend actually...

Kim December 02, 2009   4


Kim December 02, 2009   5


Anonymous,  December 02, 2009   6

I need this because the sippy cups my sons are using seem to leak everywhere and I am sick of the sippy cups out growing the boys way too fast! Need something that can be dropped and moved around and still work!

Happy Blogoversary!

thanks for the chance,

theprophecygirl,  December 02, 2009   7

I need to start introducing sippy cups and I think my boys would be entertained by these. We have tried one cup so far and they just turn their heads. Thanks for the chance. theprophecygirl at hotmail dot com

Anonymous,  December 02, 2009   8

Tweet Tweet and yes I already follow you


theprophecygirl,  December 02, 2009   9

I am an e-mail subscriber. theprophecygirl at hotmail dot com

Anonymous,  December 02, 2009   10

I am a fan and commented on your wall! (Brandy Tanner)


Kelly Braund December 02, 2009   11

I would love this for my littlest niece! My youngest is 4 so we're over sippys but I couldn't stand when one would leak!

Kelly Braund December 02, 2009   12

early bird entry 1

Kelly Braund December 02, 2009   13
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kelly Braund December 02, 2009   14

early bird entry 2

Kelly Braund December 02, 2009   15

early bird 3

Kelly Braund December 02, 2009   16

early bird 4

Kelly Braund December 02, 2009   17

early bird 5

Laura December 02, 2009   18

Well, to be quite honest i'm ALWAYS needing new sippy cups because my little one LOVE to bite..and chew...and pieces!

It also irks me that they're so unsafe...especially if they have a CHEWING problem! lol

Laura December 02, 2009   19

I am an email subscriber!

Laura December 02, 2009   20

I am a public follower via google friend connect!

Stefany December 02, 2009   21

Honestly, I hate how they disappear. My kids lose their cups all over the house. This cup is amazing! ha! I think the flashing would make this perfect in this household.

Stefany December 02, 2009   22


Stefany December 02, 2009   23

stumbled as tobethode

The Halton Mom December 03, 2009   24

I hate that I loose the inserts all the time or they fall out when my toddler drops it on the floor. BOO! lol I want one of these neato flashy ones. Pick me.

lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com

The Halton Mom December 03, 2009   25
lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com

The Halton Mom December 03, 2009   26

I subscribe via email!
lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com

The Halton Mom December 03, 2009   27

I'm a public follower!
lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous,  December 03, 2009   28

This sippy cup looks like a dream come true lol.I hate when sippy cups sat they dont leak but then you get a diaper bag ful of milk or a car seat full of juice ugh!I also love the fact that it seems pretty strong.My 2 yr old likes to throw his sippy and after a couple throws Im throwing it away cuz its cracked.Of course we cant forogt about the lights,that would be the cherry on the top for my son.

Anonymous,  December 03, 2009   29

I follow now on twitter and tweeted

Emily December 03, 2009   30

I need this cup because we are constantly losing sippies. If the cup is flashing all the time, it'll be harder to lose, right?

Emily December 03, 2009   31

I'm an e-mail subscriber.

Stefany December 04, 2009   32


Candace December 04, 2009   33

My baby boy is almost 14 months and I want him off the bottle so bad but no luck so far with the sippies we've tried! he loves flashing lights so maybe this will get him to switch over?

Candace December 04, 2009   34

google follower

Candace December 04, 2009   35

Twitter follower, @candyclc

Anonymous,  December 04, 2009   36

I HATE have a cup that after a wash or throw, it leaks!

Anonymous,  December 04, 2009   37

follow you on twitter and tweeted

Anonymous,  December 04, 2009   38

fan on FB

Anonymous,  December 04, 2009   39

i subscribe

Anonymous,  December 04, 2009   40

i follow you

Randolph County Antique Club December 04, 2009   41

i have yet to find a truly leak proof cup! or a cup that screws tight without a struggle. grrrr!!!

i think my son would love these light up cups. he's fascinated with the christmas lights - so i'm sure a sippy cup that lights up would have him mesmerized!

Anonymous,  December 04, 2009   42

Most of our sippies leak or the spouts pop out really easily. I hate it. Not only does this one seem really good but, my daughter would love the lights!

Anonymous,  December 04, 2009   43

Blog follower!

Michelle Frame December 04, 2009   44

I have it when the cup leaks even though the box says that it won't. I also hate when my daughter won't drink out of the cup because it isn't the one she wants. My daughter would love the lights so getting her to take it would not be a problem.

Anonymous,  December 04, 2009   45

I would love to have this sippy cup for my granddaughter because she would be so in awe of it that she wouldn't throw it down like she does her regular sippy cup.

mogrill December 04, 2009   46

IF these are truly leak proof, that would be awesome. Thanks for the chance!

Michelle AKA blabla3269 December 05, 2009   47

my kids would love this

Brn2lisn December 05, 2009   48

I need this because most importantly its BPA free with an extra bonus of being leak proof. One of the problems we encounter the most is that the liquid will shoot out of the hole, the seals on the lid will leak ..


tawndam December 06, 2009   49

this is just too adorable! I'm a bit out-of-the-loop on today's sippy cups but I know a little girl who would just love this!

Katrina December 06, 2009   50

This would be great for my son. We aren't quite into sippy cups yet, so I don't have any brands I do/don't like, but this looks so fun!

Jennifer December 06, 2009   51

My daughter is always saying, "want new sippy cup" She gets so bored with the ones we have now! I don't think she would get tired of this one so quick! I think she would love it!

Jennifer December 06, 2009   52

I follow your blog!

Jennifer December 06, 2009   53

I subscribe via email!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous,  December 07, 2009   54

Ours all leak, which have now ruined the seats in our car..ugh!

AnneTracker December 07, 2009   55

I hate that they leak at the most inopportune times!!!

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife December 07, 2009   56

I can't stand when they leak, either. Teeth marks like right away are a close second. I like the flashing lights on these - I think that would be fun for her!

Mommy 2 Monkeys December 08, 2009   57

My daughter is finicky about her cups and I think she'd love a flashing one.

Kim December 08, 2009   58

I need this sippy cup because my 15 month old has discovered that if she throws her current ones on the floor hard enough, she can get the lids to pop off. Yes, she is that determined and that strong. SHe has it down to only 2 throws before it goes. I don't know if she has learned a secret trick, or if she has permanently messed up the cups enough to pop that soon.

mail4rosey December 08, 2009   59

I like that it's safe, and inexpensive, and still looks great. I hate sippy cups that say that don't leak, but then they do, aaaaargh.

Leslie S. December 08, 2009   60

I hate using the current ones on the market.The unsafe plastic and the hard to clean valves have been bothering me.I want a cup that also will not start leaking after a few days.I love the fact that this is BPA free and the lights would be a great added bonus for my son.Thanks!

Miranda Ward December 08, 2009   61

I need some new cups and I think My kids would love these

Kate,  December 08, 2009   62

I"m trying to win this, not necessarily for me, but for the shelter where they are always looking for baby items. This would be a perfect christmas present!

Dawn Reid December 08, 2009   63

I need this because my daughters just leak everywhere and ave been looking for some with out this problem.

cman December 09, 2009   64

My kids know how to make them leak no matter what!


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