Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Kellogg's Froot Loops and Apple Jacks Now With Fiber!

Did you know that 9 out of 10 children don't get enough fiber in their diets? Kellogg Company knows how tough of a time Moms have finding ways to increase their child's intake, and they came up with a great solution by adding a boost of fiber to some of their most popular kids' cereals. These cereals include ingredients such as whole-grain corn flour, whole-grain oat flour, oat fiber and soluble corn fiber, which means there are 3 grams of fiber in every serving. In addition, Kellogg Company plans to extend the added fiber benefits to their other cereal lines over the next year.

Why Fiber is important?
Fiber is only found in foods that come from plants. You won't find any fiber in other types of food such as meat, fish or dairy products. Eating foods high in fiber help you feel full longer, and plays an important role in keeping our body and minds healthy and with processing your food. Studies show that fiber helps with constipation, bowel problems, high cholesterol, weight loss and high blood sugar. You can read more about the importance of fiber at

The idea of having fiber in popular cereals such as Apple Jacks and Froot Loops at first scared me. My mother had suggested buying more fiber rich cereals for them prior to this opportunity to try the new Kellogg's line.. but frankly, I thought that if the kids went from normal cereals to fiber-rich cereals that they would have to go to the bathroom more, or may have stomach issues they normally didn't have. The real test was going to be whether it would help my grazing-children stay fuller longer, and if there would be any drastic changes in their bodies.

I decided it was worth a try.

We received our boxes of Froot Loops and Apple Jacks, and I decided the best bet was to try them as snacks first. My policy on 'sugary' cereals is that it is strictly as a snack on school days, but acceptable on weekends- for my kids. I, on the other hand, enjoy regular Apple Jacks quite frequently. The kids loved it.. I suspected they would, but was eager to see how it affected them through the day. I ate my bowl of cereal, and felt much more satisfied than I would eating "regular" Apple Jacks. That fact alone was worth the most to me.

We've compared both types of cereal with and without fiber, and I can honestly tell you that there were no weird after taste, and nobody in our family could tell the difference between them both. I even tried asking my husband which bowl he thought had the ones with fiber, and he had no clue!

Want it?
Visit your local supermarket and look for the fiber badge on Froot Loops and Apple Jacks. If your supermarket doesn't carry them yet, be sure to ask for them by name.

So the final verdict is that we'd definitely buy either of these cereals as snacks or special weekend breakfast for our family again, and the next time that I want to indulge in Apple Jacks, the fiber line will be the one that I add to my shopping cart.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Kellogg’s and received boxes of Froot Loops and Apple Jacks and a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate. These opinions are strictly those of Lauren @ 4BabyAndMom and your opinions may differ.


Steve November 25, 2009   1

Surprised that these products didn't have fiber previously.


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