Monday, August 31, 2009

Tic♥Tac♥Dough Winner!

We're making this week WINNERS WEEK at 4BabyAndMom, celebrating all of the winners from the Back to School Bash!

Without further a-do..

Congratulations on winning the two tubs of Tic♥Tac♥Dough during our Back to School Bash!!

Please read the WINNERS POST for more information on how to claim your prize.

Congrats again, and best wishes for Back to School!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Barney Book Fair Review and Giveaway!

I have a confession to make. It's rather serious. In fact, it's something that I swore I would never do.. long before the plus sign.. I swore that I would never be a Barney Mom.

My confession is, that not only do my kids adore the big purple dinosaur, but so do I! I love the way the songs and dances captivate the children's attention, the morals and lessons in the stories are wholesome and appropriate, and that I never need to worry about hearing or seeing anything that might make me (or the kids) uncomfortable.

My niece is about 11 years old, and I remember when she was little, how she knew every word and every dance move to every Barney song ever. After Alex was born, the thought of Barney made me shudder, because I couldn't envision listening to him all day the way my sister had with my niece. Alex was about 11 months old and I had a moment where he was starting to chip away at my nerves. The only thing I could think of was Barney. I figured it was worth a shot, so I put it on, and instantaneously he stopped his whining, and complaining, and stared in awe at the purple dinosaur dancing on the screen.

It was absolutely amazing, and from that moment on, I became a Barney Mom. My son loved Barney, and watched every episode, the first full length movie he ever sat through was Barney's Great Adventure. Although it didn't contain the normal fun, educational content, it was a cute movie for a child who loved Barney as much as he did. I grew over the last 6 and a half years, and now sing and dance along to every song with the kids, and enjoy being a Barney Mom!

Now that he's older, he'd never admit it, but he still likes to watch Barney.. Abbie has followed her brothers footsteps and lights up with glee as soon as the first note starts to play.

Recently, we were able to review several Barney DVD new and upcoming releases including, Sharing is Caring, Barney's Jungle Friends, and Barney Book Fair, a new DVD + Book Collection.

From the press release:
Barney’s friends are holding a book drive in the park and you’re invited to attend in Barney’s Book Fair available on DVD since July 14, 2009 from Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment. This special DVD release packages a full-length DVD inside the custom-sized reprint of the 20-page hardcover Barney storybook, Count to 10, for a low SRP of $14.98. Little ones will love the combination of Barney fun, on screen and on the page, and moms will love the incredible value!

Trusted by moms and adored by children, Barney displays sharing, caring, imagining, dancing and learning on television, online and through live events, home entertainment and publishing. The Emmy award-winning series, Barney and Friends changed the face of children’s programming when it first launched and continues to be one of the top-rated preschool shows today, airing on PBS KIDS® and PBS KIDS SproutSM.


Every time the kids in the park open a book, a new tale begins in Barney’s Book Fair DVD. Reading helps their imaginations grow and inspires the kids to build a make-believe rocket, put on a circus and create their own books.

Using bright, bold colors and a simple story line for young eyes, Barney’s Count to 10 storybook will excite even the youngest readers to count to 10 again and again!

Want it?
Visit your local movie store or visit the HIT Entertainment Shop to purchase your copy of Barney's Book Fair DVD, and other great titles from characters you know and love. Plus, right now, save with Free Shipping on orders over $49!

Thanks to HIT entertainment, one lucky reader will have the chance to win a copy of Barney's Book Fair DVD + Book!

Here's How:

Visit the HIT website for some free games, printables and more and while you're there sign up for the newsletter. Tell me after you've confirmed your newsletter subscription!

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  • Follow 4BabyAndMom on Twitter and tweet about this review & giveaway. You may tweet something on your own or R/T: "I just entered to win BARNEY'S BOOK FAIR DVD+BOOK @4BabyAndMom! Contest ends 9/5 #Barney" Leave the link to EACH tweet in your comment, please. (Up to 3x/day, please!)
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This giveaway is open to residents of US & Canada and will end on September 5th, at 11:59pm EST. One winner will be chosen at random using Special thanks to Andrea Blain Public Relations Inc. and HIT Entertainment for sponsoring this review and giveaway.

The Power of Books

I have four young children, and so I am sometimes asked how I find the time to read and write when people find out that I actually do these things. Most of the time, though, the question comes with a judgmental attitude, as if to accuse me of perhaps being lazy, or neglecting my children, or being selfish. I believe the root cause of this attitude, though, is envy. Perhaps the person asking has a self-righteous belief that we mothers are to sacrifice to the point of neglecting our own minds, talents and passions. Or perhaps the person asking struggles with their own time management skills and so just cannot fathom how I can realistically do it all. Often, though, I discover or notice that this same mother, for example, who asked me how I find time to read, herself watches TV and talks on the phone much.

I have taken many personality tests, and always get the same results. Apparently only 1% of the population has my personality, so perhaps this comes more natural to be than to others, but for myself, I am both a doer and a dreamer. This is my personality. INJF's are visionary people who need time alone and usually enjoy reading, but at the same time they are doers because of their "J" preference for closure. I like my home to be clean and neat, but I am not willing to give up my mental nourishment time just so that it will be PERFECT and spotless. I have learned to let some things go for now, while my children are so young. Ten years from now, I will not feel sorry that my home was not perfect, but I would feel sorry if my mind had not grown in those years. Yet this does not mean that I am lazy; I am always on top with the dishes and laundry, and I am doing my best to clean for health and comfort.

When it comes to my children, I read to them A LOT. I educate them at home which is also time spent with them. And I do my best to always be there for them, to listen to their stories and answer their questions. Even if I am in the middle of something else, I try to remind myself to stop and give them my focused attention when they need it.

I am not perfect at all....I still have room to learn much about housekeeping and child training. But my life does not revolve around these things. I agree with what I read on the Mommy Revolution site: "Life is not all about you, but it’s not all about your kids, either", "Motherhood is just part of a whole and integrated life" and "Our children are one of the many gifts we give to the world."

Today I read a story to Sarah and Peter about King Alfred, which said that he spent 8 hours a day working, 8 hours studying, and 8 hours resting. This made me think of a quote by Charlotte Mason (a 19th century British educator), "Life should be all living, and not merely a tedious passing of time; not all doing or all feeling or all thinking- the strain would be too great- but all living." We need balance.

Especially in our modern times, people often seem to look down upon those who read to learn, unless they are in school. Are our brains supposed to stop growing just because we are "grown up"? Back in the late 19th century, Charlotte Mason wrote, "The press and hurry of our times and the clamor for useful knowledge are driving classical culture out of the field; and parents will have to make up their minds, not only that they must supplement the moral training of the school, but must supply the intellectual culture, without which knowledge may be power, but is not pleasure, nor the means of pleasure.."

The press and hurry of HER times? It is even worse today! Not only do our children need spiritual and intellectual stimulation, but we moms do! Charlotte Mason called this "Mother Culture": "Is there not some need for "mother culture"? So many mothers say, "I simply have no time for myself!" "I never read a book!" Or else, "I don't think it is right to think of myself!" They not only starve their minds, but they do it deliberately, and with a sense of self-sacrifice which seems to supply ample justification... Never be without a really good book on hand...Do not think this is a selfish thing to do because the advantage does not end with yourself. . . The more you study on your spare time, the more there is in you to bestow..."

The myth of not having time due to self-sacrifice is false. It may make us look so good, so virtuous, so Christ-like, but it is not based on truth. We need to continue to feed our minds, otherwise they will not grow. First, our minds need to continually feed on God's Word, for that is how they are transformed...that is how we grow the mind of Christ in us...that is how we think God's thoughts, which are truth. The Word of God is LIVING: it changes our minds and our lives. Charlotte Mason said that if we could only read the Bible, that itself would be a liberal education.

But that does not mean we should not read other books. Sometimes I get the feeling that some Christians believe the Bible is all we should read. But is not the Spirit alive in other believers, and still speaking through them? Honestly, the Spirit has spoken and continues to do so even to those who do not necessarily realize it. Charlotte Mason called the Holy Spirit the "Supreme Educator of Mankind", "in things that have been called secular, fully as much as in those that have been called sacred." God's truth is not *only* found in books that are explicitly "christian".

Charlotte Mason also wrote about the importance of reading "living" books. The Bible is the greatest living book (and the only perfect one, free from errors) but throughout history until today, people are writing living books. Miss Mason said that "People are naturally divided into those who read and think and those who do not read or think...". You see, reading the right books makes us think...we become "thinkers". Again, I quote Charlotte: "Mind appeals to mind and thought begets thought and that is how we become educated. For this reason we owe it every child to put him in communication with great minds that he may get at great thoughts; with the minds, that is, of those who have left us great works; and the only vital method of education appears to be that children should read worthy books, many worthy books."

But why is it so important for us to read and think? "Knowing that the brain is the physical seat of habit and that conduct and character, alike, are the outcome of the habits we allow; knowing, too, that an inspiring idea imitates a new habit of thought, and hence a new habit of life; we perceive that the great work of education is to inspire children with vitalizing ideas as to every relation of life, every department of knowledge, every subject of thought; and to give deliberate care to the formation of those habits of the good life which are the outcome of vitalizing ideas."

When we become thinkers, and are inspired by a truth or idea, we will want to develop a new habit based on that idea. And as that habit becomes a part of our life, our character is changed.

For example, say we open our Bible and read Philippians 2:14-15, "Do all things without complaining or arguing so that you may be blameless and innocent, God's children without any faults among a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine like stars in the world."

We read this scripture, and think about what it is saying. We are inspired by this new idea to change our habits. So we seek God's grace to not complain and not argue. As this way of living becomes a habit in our lives, our character is transformed. We are changed; and it all began with reading an inspiring idea.

The same can happen through reading anything, whether it be a work of fiction or non-fiction. Not too long ago, I was reading a great book for women, and in the descriptions of what "fallen Eve" may look like, I saw myself. I saw my weakness to become needy, mousy, and clingy. With this, my eyes were opened and then I noticed when I was literally acting out that negative habit. The book gave me a new "idea" that this behavior was sin on my part, and because I was inspired by that idea, I began seeking God to change these negative habits of mine. As He is helping me to replace them with healthy, faith full habits, my character is changing. Reading that book has resulted in my character being transformed.

Fiction books can likewise change our lives, especially those of children. They love fiction- and provided it is wholesome, living books that you are reading to them - it is the foundation of true education. True literature should give our children heroes to admire. As they think about their heroes' noble actions, the children unconsciously acquire high ideals and high standards of conduct. I love what Karen Andreola wrote, "This admiration ripens their intelligence until it becomes quick to recognize noble thought and eager to receive its inspiration."

"Great character comes out of great thoughts, and great thoughts must be initiated by great thinkers; then we shall have a definite aim in education."- Charlotte Mason

God is the greatest of thinkers, and we need to read His word to think like Him. But He has also spoken to other great minds that can change our lives forever, if we will but read what they have so liberally shared. Remember, "thought begets thought". We were made with the analytical and creative mind of our intelligent Creator.

So, read to your children, and read for yourself! Realize the power of the written word to change lives.

I'll leave you all with this poem:


Strickland Gillilan

I HAD A MOTHER who read to me
Sagas of pirates who scoured the sea,
Cutlasses clenched in their yellow teeth,
"Blackbirds" stowed in the hold beneath.

I had a Mother who read me lays
Of ancient and gallant and golden days;
Stories of Marmion and Ivanhoe,
Which every boy has a right to know.

I had a Mother who read me tales
Of Celert the hound of the hills of Wales,
True to his trust till his tragic death,
Faithfulness blent with his final breath.

I had a Mother who read me the things
That wholesome life to the boy heart brings-
Stories that stir with an upward touch,
Oh, that each mother of boys were such.
You may have tangible wealth untold;
Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.
Richer than I you can never be --
I had a Mother who read to me.

Verseo ePen Winner!

Congratulations on winning the Verseo ePen during our Back to School Bash!!

Please read the WINNERS POST for more information on how to claim your prize.

Congrats again, and best wishes for Back to School!!

Dan Zanes and Friends' New DVD "The Fine Friends Are Here!" Coming September 22




“True children’s music, but executed with such sweet (and un-gooey!) humor, casual multiculturalism and shambling groove that you can call it your own.”—The New York Times

Grammy Award winners Dan Zanes and Friends new live concert DVD The Fine Friends Are Here! will be released September 22nd by Festival Five Records/Razor & Tie Entertainment.

This collection of 13 Dan Zanes and Friends favorites includes three new music videos and comes with a bonus audio disc of four, new unreleased solo Zanes songs (including one with his daughter Anna!). The live concert audio will also be available via digital music retailers and A portion of the proceeds from the DVD will benefit the Mario Batali Foundation, which strives to ensure all children are well read, well fed and well cared for.

The Fine Friends Are Here! is Zanes and Friends’ first DVD in over four years. The DVD showcases what the band’s trademark rollicking concerts are all about and allows kids and fans alike to participate in the wildly popular and regularly sold out experience. This concert performance of the band’s favorite songs was shot on location at The Jalopy Theatre in Red Hook, Brooklyn this past winter and features well-known songs from across the Zanes and Friends catalog including “Let’s Shake,” “Wabash Cannonball,” “El Canario” and “Catch That Train!,” among others. Two special guests join the band at the show: spoken word artist Caridad de la Luz a.k.a. La Bruja raps on “The Welcome Table” and is featured in the video for “Pollito Chicken” while break dancer David Alan a.k.a. Cyclone appears on “Jump Up” and “Walking the Dog.” The DVD also contains three new music videos for the songs “Wonder Wheel,” “Pollito Chicken” and “Night Owl.”

Zanes says of The Fine Friends Are Here!, “It was a party! I suppose we could have filmed a concert but they are becoming more like parties anyway so it felt like time to capture the perfect Brooklyn distillation of all that makes it special each time we sing and dance with each other. This is by far the most exciting version of Dan Zanes and Friends that I’ve been a part of and I’d be kicking myself every day if we didn't film the band at the peak of it's musical powers. We called on the craziest and liveliest families in our New York orbit to come squeeze into the Jalopy Theatre with us for an afternoon of merrymaking. Stirring La Bruja and Cyclone into the mix along with the decorative and cinematic eye of the Venezuela/New York production company Dancing Diablo assured that the spirit of the wild party would be created and captured once and for all.”

Drawing thousands, Zanes and Friends’ live shows, which The New York Times says “are always cause for celebration,” have elicited widespread acclaim at home and at their recent appearances in London, Australia, Spain and Bahrain. Please see below for a schedule of upcoming performances. Tour dates available HERE.

Zanes began by distributing a homemade cassette at a neighborhood park in New York City’s West Village and has since released several Parents Choice Award-winning, bestselling albums including the acclaimed album The Welcome Table: Songs of Inspiration, Mystery & Good Times and Catch That Train!, which won the 2007 Grammy for “Best Musical Album for Children.” Music videos for Zanes’ songs have aired on The Noggin Network and “Sesame Street” and are currently in rotation on The Disney Channel’s “Playhouse Disney.” Zanes has also released two limited edition ukuleles—called the dz flea and the fiesta flea—and two picture books made in collaboration with his illustrator-musician brother-in-law, Donald Saaf (Little, Brown and Company Books).

Dan Zanes and Friends are: Dan Zanes, Colin Brooks, Sonia De Los Santos, John Foti, Saskia Sunshine Lane and Elena Moon Park.

Dan Zanes and Friends’ The Fine Friends Are Here Track List:
Let’s Shake
Fine Friends
Wabash Cannonball
Water For the Elephants
Jump Up (with David Alan a.k.a. Cyclone)
Cape Cod Girls
El Canario
The Welcome Table (with Caridad de la Luz a.k.a. La Bruja)
Thrift Shop
Monkey’s Wedding
Catch That Train
Walking the Dog (with David Alan a.k.a. Cyclone)
Music Videos:
Wonder Wheel
Pollito Chicken (with Caridad de la Luz a.k.a. La Bruja)
Night Owl

Bonus CD Track List:
I’ve Just Seen A Face
Hush, Little Baby
The Bells Of Ireland
Good Night, Good Night

Dan Zanes and Friends Performances
September 11 Urbana, IL Krannert Center
September 27 Des Moines, IA Every Family Rocks!
October 3 Asbury Park, NJ Paramount Theater
October 4 Westbury, NY Capital One Bank Theatre at Westbury
October 10 Newark, NJ NJ Performing Arts Center
October 11 Roanoke, VA Shaftman Performance Hall
October 23 Amherst, MA UMass Fine Arts Center
October 24-25 Boston, MA Halloweentown

Thursday, August 27, 2009

"What To Expect" and Clorox team up to bring you a healthier home!

Clorox and the makers of the What to Expect series have teamed up to create the What To Expect Guide to a Healthy Home Growth Chart. Download the free ebook guide, with tons of helpful tips HERE! It's jammed packed with tips to help keep your home healthy and clean all year round.

Along with the guide, you can also download a Healthy Home Growth Chart by clicking on the picture to the right, also loaded with great age appropriate tips and ideas!

As a mom of two young children, I feel as if I am forever cleaning around the house, bleaching down plastic toys and scrubbing tables after meal time. With my oldest in school, he comes home with tons of extra germs and unfortunately, we learned the first year just how quickly those little buggers spread!

Since then, as the first day of school approaches I make sure my stash of cleaning supplies is full and ready to roll. My absolute favorite products are the Clorox Anywhere spray, (in fact, I do not think I could live without it!) and Green Works Natural Cleaning Wipes. If you haven't tried the wipes yet, I highly recommend them. They have the power of Clorox, without leaving any chemical residue. Both products are great for wiping down the inside of lunch boxes, the counters in the bathroom, kitchen, or anything you could think of!

How long are you supposed to wash your hands for? That was one question that my son actually asked me when he was about two and a half. According to the Healthy Home Growth Chart, you should: "Make hand washing fun and effective: Have your kids wash their hands in warm, soapy water for as long as it takes to sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice."

Who knew?!

I love the information in both the e-guide, and the growth chart, and wish that they had this when my two were babies. I had no idea there were so many great uses for Clorox regular bleach, aside from making my white laundry whiter, and diluting to disinfect plastic toys. Did you know that you can use it to safely and effectively disinfect baby bottles, diaper pails, and the stoppers in sippy cups that get extra funky in the summer??

Whether you're expecting, a new mom, or a seasoned mom or grandmother, be sure to check out the Clorox website for awesome ideas on how to keep your home cleaner and germ free this back to school season, and all year through!

I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Clorox and the What to Expect Guide and received a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.

Honey Kix Winner

Congratulations on winning the Honey Kix Breakfast Pack during our Back to School Bash!!

Please read the WINNERS POST for more information on how to claim your prize.

Congrats again, and best wishes for Back to School!!

$25 Gift Card Contest Extended!

We got halfway there- but I need 25 more entries for you all to be entered to win the $25 gift card for Target, Wal-mart or Sears- and a guaranteed entry for a free pair of ugg boots!!!

If you haven't entered, click here to bring you to the giveaway post.

If you have a website or a blog, all you need to do is grab a button, and add it to your page. Facebook accounts do not count for this contest. Two giveaways in one, what's better than that?? Enter now, the 31st is MONDAY!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

On Juggling and Surfing

As a mom of 6, I know many think my situation can't be like theirs. After all, SIX kids has to be nearly impossible! I must be insane, running to and fro like a lunatic all day! I must have some mom secret no one else has! How can I juggle a home business, homeschooling and keeping a home, not to mention keeping hubby happy? I'm SUPER mom!

Ha. Nothing could be further from the truth. Or, perhaps, It is ALL true. I'm going to give you some big secrets. You won't find this in any supermarket self help book, e-newsletter or $10 e-book online. Oh, and I'm not a P.H.D. in child "anything", so you may not want to bet your life on this advice. Here is advice #1, and it's not even my advice, a friend got it from a mom of 300 in the park one day.

You're going to screw it up. Yes. Somewhere along the line, you're going to do it wrong. Now, get over it. Move on, you have too much to do to worry about whether your kids will need counseling because you didn't bring them to enough play dates or have a perfect home.
Next piece of advice. This will help you deal with advice #1.

Your kids will love you anyway. My mom always told me, if you give them equal parts love and discipline, they will be balanced. They are not keeping score, you'll just know. This brings me to the next advice.

You have to discipline your kids. They will not break. They actually appreciate knowing who is in control. This goes beyond "please don't touch that stove or run into the street." This means when you say "wait", they wait. When you say "ask me once, and don't whine", they do it because they know you mean what you say, you'll do it, on your time, when you can. This does teach them to respect other people's boundaries. This will be painful at first, but the best training I ever gave my kids was that they better not carry on once I say something. It takes longer with some than others, and consequences were quick and sometimes painful (no, not just spanking), but it works. This sounds harsh, but things run smoothly when, 1. they do as they are told immediately and 2. they all pitch in, even the 2 year old. This way, I can be freed up to give them what they actually need. Give them as much responsibility as they can be taught, you'd be surprised. Everything I do here, I ask myself, can THEY do this? Everything they ask for, I say, you can get it yourself, or you can wait.

Capable, responsible children are trained, they don't just appear. Next advice.

Pick your battles. You've heard this. I mean everywhere. Do I NEED or WANT this. What are my priorities, kids with impeccable matching outfits, clean rooms and the ability to NEVER bicker? Or kids who are polite, helpful and can work out their problems themselves without fisticuffs and screaming? Refer to the last advice on this. Teach them the boundaries of interpersonal behavior with you and each other, and stick to it! It may take until they're 18, but, well, it's our job. For ourselves, do we CARE if the house is immaculate, or will this wait? Sometimes I wish I had time for manicures and salons, but usually I'd rather just not go out. I have shoes to make and the kids have teen group, plus I MUST have dinner on the table every night. Learn how to say "no" everywhere in your life.

A confession: Sometimes I stay up until 2 am, JUST to get some alone time. Socializing online is addictive, I'm sure you all know. My biggest hurdle to reach before school starts is to know when to STOP, and go to sleep. I can keep making shoes, promoting, tweeting. All night. Must stop doing this.

One last thing. This is a huge issue for many women I talk to. It may be controversial for some since we've been weaned on feminism, but for 20 years it's worked for me with boundless returns. And I've seen the opposite NOT work. It's about our husbands. They're men, so it's simple. If the hubby/partner situation is a problem in juggling home/family/business/sanity, stop and think. Do you fill his love bank with what he REALLY needs? Because honestly, it's simple with most reasonable men. They need very little, really. Do they come home to the chaos we've dealt with all day? If we're working, they understand, most of the time, but if there's food on the table, a little love and attention ("I APPRECIATE your help SO much honey, you're my HERO!!"), goes a long way, and to not have to listen to the minutia of each small issue we're totally wired to deal with amongst our friends and female relatives. If you need something, just ask for it. They don't need the story, or hints, or resentments, it doesn't work anyway! Another great piece of advice, and this is a HUGE secret; if you want something done, start doing it yourself. Even if you can't. In the end, either you will be proud of the work you did, or he'll jump in and help. Men are doers, not listeners. Think of the teacher on the Peanuts cartoons. That is what we sound like to most men.

Disclaimer: This advice does not cover each situation and is not meant to. We all need to know how much we can handle, and handle what we take on. My daughter will not melt if she doesn't have dance lessons, and hubby will have to iron his own shirts. I have boundaries, you know.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Foot Locker Giveaway Winner(s?) Announced!

Congratulations!!! Please contact us within 48 hours to claim your prize. If you do not claim your prize, it will be forfeited, and a new winner will be drawn on Thursday, August 27th.

Please read the WINNERS POST for more information on how to claim your prize.

Congrats again, and best wishes for Back to School!!

Throughout the week...

There will be at least two guest posts from dear friends of mine that I wanted to share with you all. They've stepped up to the plate to write these articles for me, so that I could enjoy my first week of "Back to School", and I'd love it if you all could give them tremendous comment love! Winners for the giveaways will be announced all week long, and don't forget to enter all of the ones that are still LIVE! Thank you all!

The First Day of First Grade

This year, I am expecting so much from our elementary school experience, on the sole factor that last year's kindergarten experience was atrocious. After we switched schools, I must say, things did get better, but it was still a very long and very difficult journey.

The end of last week we were able to meet the teacher, (we'll call her Mrs. M.) I've heard a lot of great things about her, so I am hoping that she will be a good placement for Alex. If you have just started following us, Alex is gifted- obviously very bright, and sharp as a tack. If he is not engaged- he acts out, because the school he started in last year blatantly ignored him, and secluded him. Not the way you handle a gifted child, or any child for that matter. Anywho-

While we were waiting to meet her, Alex was super happy to find his name on the "Whoooooooo's in 1st Grade?" bulletin board & Growing Tree. Alex is still the tallest kid in his class, but as he measured his height, he realized some of the names on the tree looked very familiar. Sure enough, a good handful of kids that were in his class last year are there again!

We explored the classroom some more, as we waited to meet his teacher. Mrs. M. seems very nice, and handled the oodles of information that I presented to her within the first 60 seconds rather well, so I am hopeful. I also got to meet the substitute for the 2nd grade, (the real teacher is on maternity leave, and due back in December). She seemed very authoritative.. but I honestly only had a moment with her, so as time progresses, I am sure my opinions will come out much more.

So yesterday morning, after a huge bowl of Kix, a banana, some juice and a bunch of pictures, I loaded both of the kids into the Jeep, and on our way we went. When we got to his classroom, I took a few pictures of him there, and his desk, and told Abbie to give him a big hug and a kiss. She laid a big smooch on him, and I bent down to give him a kiss... and he turned his head! "You can kiss me on my cheek Mom."

Mom?! What the heck happened to Mommy? Your cheek?! I didn't know whether to wig out, or cry.. First grade is too old for Mommy to kiss her son? I had a moment, and smiled as I kissed his cheek, and told him to have an excellent first day of school. Abbigaile and I left, and headed home to where the "ladies" (aka the other Mommys I met at preschool!) came over and we had our own little boo-hoo breakfast of bagels, OJ and Coca-cola! After a toast to the new school year, we exchanged cameras to see all of our children's first days, and after they left Abbie asked me if we were going to start 'school' now.

We picked up our crayons, scissors and glue and learned all about the color red, drew some pretty hearts and practiced cutting.. paper, not hair.

Over all, the first day of school went very well. Alex even got an "Excellent Listening at PE" note home. He said he likes his teacher, a little bit better than last year's teacher, and that he thinks this year is going to be a lot better.

'A Picket Fence Life' Paper Bag Scrapbook WINNER!

Congratulations on winning the Paper Bag Scrapbook during our Back to School Bash!!

Please read the WINNERS POST for more information on how to claim your prize.

Congrats again, and best wishes for Back to School!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

LesserEvil Snacks WINNERS Announced!

Congratulations to our first TWO winners from our Back to School Bash!!

Please read the WINNERS POST for more information on how to claim your prize.

Congrats again, and best wishes for Back to School!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Congratulations to the 7 Hour School Supply Giveaway Winner!

Congratulations to our winner! Please read the WINNERS POST for more information on how to claim your prize. Please send your contact info our way, and your package should make it to the mail tomorrow! Congrats, and best wishes for Back to School!!

'Tots in Dots' Review and Giveaway!

As you can see from the pic to the right, Abbie's hair is starting to grow back in from earlier this summer, when she and Alex decided it would be fun to cut her hair. This summer she's been living in waffle styled head bands, because they hid the short hairs on the top of her head better than plastic head bands and pony holders did. She often looked like a little ragga muffin, because her hair was all uneven, but at least it looked cuter than leaving it wild and unruly.

I love hair accessories. Big, fluffy waffle headbands with embellishments are my current addiction. Earlier this month, Tots in Dots Boutique sent this adorable orange headband for us to sample, as well as a sweet crocheted cap, perfect for this autumn.

The quality of these products were very high, the ribbons on the headband were perfect! Shimmery and even, it did not look handmade! Whenever Abbigaile wears this headband, tons of people comment on how adorable she looks. We have this funky retro printed dress that has hues of orange in it, and I cannot wait to put her in it with this headband!

Tots in Dots Boutique offers a very large selection of handmade crocheted hats, ribbons, clippies, headbands, ponytail holders, beaded socks and more. Although their specialty seems to be girls accessories, they do offer some pretty adorable boys accessories as well, like the Navy Visor Cap pictured to the left, here.

Want it?
Click on the button on the right hand side bar to bring you to the Tots in Dots Boutique. Find your favorite items, and be sure to let them know that you heard about them on 4BabyAndMom!

As our last giveaway for the Back to School bash- Tots in Dots has offered one lucky reader their choice of either a waffle styled head band or a crocheted beanie for their preschooler or baby.

Here's How:
Head over to the Tots in Dots Boutique and browse their selection of hand made accessories. Find your favorite two items, and come back here and tell me what they are. Please also specify which one (waffle head band XYZ or Beanie cap ABC) you'd love to win!

Extra Entries:

  • Become a FAN of 4BabyAndMom on Facebook. Leave a message on my wall, and then tell me here.
  • Grab a Back to School Bash Button and add it to your sidebar (3 Extra Entries!)
  • Subscribe via e-mail. Your email must validate or it will not count, & your comment will be deleted. Please include email in your comment.
  • Follow 4BabyAndMom on Twitter and tweet about this review & giveaway. You may tweet something on your own or R/T: "Win A Waffle Headband or Crocheted Beanie Cap from Tots in Dots @4BabyAndMom #B2SBash Ends 8/31" Leave the link to EACH tweet in your comment, please. (Up to 3x/day, please!)
  • Post about this giveaway on your blog or website! Please include a link to both 4BabyAndMom and Tots in Dots. Please leave the link to your post in your comment.
  • Follow 4BabyAndMom on Blogger publicly
  • Subscribe to our RSS feed
  • Email at least 3 of your friends and CC 4BabyAndMom [at] gmail [dot] com
  • Fave this post on Technorati and leave comment with your ID/link. Add to Technorati Favorites
This giveaway is open to residents of US & Canada and will end on August 30th, at 11:59pm EST. One winner will be chosen at random using Special thanks to Tots in Dots for sponsoring this review and giveaway, for celebrating back to school with 4BabyAndMom and for your support as a sponsor!

Just a Reminder- 4 More Days Left---

To grab a badge, and enter to win a $25 GC to Target, Wal-Mart, or Sears- AND a pair of Ugg Boots. Click here for more details.

This contest is open worldwide, for anyone that can grab a button and place it on a public website or blog.

MomCards Review and Special Offer

While picking up and dropping off your child at school this year, you'll meet many other moms. Whether you wait at the gazebo, pickup line, car loop or bus stop, often times relationships develop as the weeks progress.

On top of that, there's the PTA/PTO, any other volunteer committees, and birthday parties up the wazoo throughout the next 9-10 months. Think of how many times you rummage through your purse to find a pen because you want to give someone your phone number, or email address, or web address for you blog... Wouldn't it be nice to just be able to reach into your wallet and pull out a MomCard?

MomCards are contact cards for moms, with your personal contact information and your child(ren)'s name on it as well, so the recipient isn't staring at a miscellaneous receipt with somebody's name on it thinking they have no idea who gave it to them, a week or more later. C'mon, you all know what I'm talking about..

Well, right now, is running a HUGE sale on 200 high-quality printed Mom Cards for only $9.99! To check out the variety of designs, or for more info on how to place an order, visit Be sure to tell them that 4BabyAndMom sent you!

7 Hour Back to School Giveaway!

Win a pencil box, stuffed with school supplies for your child. Think #2 pencils, and products from companies like Crayola, Elmer's, and more! Not to mention money saving coupons.. just because you've celebrated our Back to School Bash with 4BabyAndMom!

Here's How:
Make sure you follow us on Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, or by feed/email first. Then, enter at least one other contest, if you haven't because free stuff rocks.

Leave me a comment telling me how you feel about your child(ren) going back to school. Do you love it? Hate it? In between? Share with me your thoughts on back to school, even if your child is 2 or 42! Good Luck!

Back to School with Rubbermaid Easy Find Lids! Review and Giveaway

Preparing for back to school in my family means making leftovers for lunch for myself and Abbie, healthy snack choices, and slicing fruit so it's ready to go as I'm packing lunchboxes and running out the door.

We were recently able to review the new Rubbermaid Easy Find Lids Food Storage Containers.

My plastic container cabinet looks like "who did it and ran". There's got to be about 20 different containers, and only about 7 lids, but oddly enough, none of those 7 match any of the individual containers! I hate digging through that cupboard, and every time I do, I end up aggravated and discouraged.

The Easy Find Lids collection is the solution to my annoying problem. The lids snap onto the bottom of the containers, which puts and end to searching through the depths of the cupboard a thing of the past! The Rubbermaid Lock-Its have four locking tabs to ensure a secure seal. (In my opinion, perfect for shoving in a backpack, lunch box, or baby bag!!) The Premier Collection is odor and stain resistant to stay clear for life. The shatterproof thicker plastic is microwave, dishwasher and freezer safe.

My big test was for the green produce saver containers. We go through fruit very quickly in our house, because we can never keep it long enough. The Fresh Vent allows produce to breathe, and the lower Crisp Tray separates produce from the moisture on the bottom of the container. The lids and trays snap together and to the base for easy storage, which eliminates wasted time hunting for missing lids or pieces. It did increase the longevity of our produce, so over all I was very happy.

I get to put it to another test with apples on Monday.

Want it?
Check out the Rubbermaid Easy Find Lids containers online, and print our your coupon for $1 off now!

Our friends at Rubbermaid have offered one lucky winner their chance to win an All-in-One set of Rubbermaid® Easy Find Lids containers! Your box brand new Rubbermaid containers will contain a total of 20 pieces for you to sample for yourself. This All-in-One Set is perfect for college-bound students!

Here's How:
Head over to Rubbermaid and read more details about the Easy Find Lids containers. Come back here and tell me something you learned about them, and why you want to win.

Extra Entries:

  • Follow the Rubbermaid Adventures in Organizing Blog
  • Become a FAN of 4BabyAndMom and Rubbermaid on Facebook. Leave a message/comment on both walls, and then tell me here!
  • Grab a Back to School Bash Button and add it to your sidebar (3 Extra Entries!)
  • Subscribe via e-mail. Your email must validate or it will not count, & your comment will be deleted. Please include email in your comment.
  • Follow 4BabyAndMom and Rubbermaid on Twitter and tweet about this review & giveaway. You may tweet something on your own or R/T: "Win an All-in-One set of Rubbermaid® Easy Find Lids containers @4BabyAndMom #B2SBash @rubbermaid Ends 8/30" Leave the link to EACH tweet in your comment, please. (Up to 3x/day, please!)
  • Post about this giveaway on your blog, website, or Facebook page! Please include a link to both 4BabyAndMom and Rubbermaid. Please leave the link to your post in your comment.
  • Follow 4BabyAndMom on Blogger publicly
  • Subscribe to our RSS feed
  • Email at least 3 of your friends and CC 4BabyAndMom [at] gmail [dot] com
  • Fave this post on Technorati and leave comment with your ID/link. Add to Technorati Favorites
This giveaway is open to residents of US & Canada and will end on August 30th, at 11:59pm EST. One winner will be chosen at random using Special thanks to Rubbermaid for sponsoring this review & giveaway and for joining our Back to School Bash!

Make Lunch More Eco-Friendly with Reusable Sandwich and Snack Bags! Review And Giveaway!

I am not a frunchy mama. I aspire to live a greener, healthier life with my children, and keep everything in balance. We recycle when we can, and use reusable bags at the grocery store, and we have cut back on the cleaning supplies with harmful chemicals in them drastically in the last two years. Those little steps find me closer to my goals of making a better living environment inside and outside of my home for my children.

While preparing for back to school, (and cruising through Etsy!), I happened to find this great little shop called Fray Baby Bibs & More. They have such a great selection of handmade, reusable lunch baggies, purses, totes, pencil cases, feeding and burping accessories for baby, scarves, toys and more! All of the prints are fresh, modern, trendy, and fashionable. Whether you're looking for baby, children or mom herself, you'll find something that will delight every taste and budget.We had the opportunity to review three reusable bags this month, the snack sized bag, the velcro closure lunch bag, and the flip top lunch bag. These reusable bags are functional for carrying food, waterproof and anti-microbial. The patterns and styles available will appease to preschoolers and high schoolers alike. To clean the bags, just flip them inside out and wipe clean or throw them in the washing machine. All of the bags are machine washable and dryer safe.

I love the the velcro and the flip and fold sandwich bags! The velcro closure was much easier for Alex to figure out how to open, but after I showed him what to do for the flip top one, he quickly became a pro. For Flip and Fold instructions, feel free to view the tutorial here.

He's super excited about his "Real-Life-SUPER-HEROES" sandwich bag.. (see the pic to the left!), and can't wait to bring it to school to show his new friends.

The snack sized bag that we received was a flip top style. It was great, but with little hands, it made opening it a little more difficult. The first time Alex tried, he got grapes everywhere. However, the snack sized bags are also available with the velcro closure, so the little kids can have their snacks too. The flip top snack bag would be ideal for older elementary school kids and middle school aged children. If I worked outside of my home, I would definitely invest in these reusable bags as well.

..Maybe I'm becoming a more frunchier mama as we speak!

Want it?
You can find Fray Baby at, Etsy, and online at If you sign up for their newsletter on their direct website, you'll get great product information, coupon codes and more!

Fray Baby Bibs and More have offered one lucky reader their chance to score a 5 piece set of Back to School Lunch Bags. The set contains one of each type of reusable bag!

Here's How:
Visit Fray Baby Bibs and More at one of the links mentioned above. Find your favorite reusable product (and other product!) and then come back here and let me know about both products!

Extra Entries:

  • Become a FAN of 4BabyAndMom and Fray Baby Bibs on Facebook. Leave a message/comment on both walls, and then tell me here!
  • Add Fray Baby Bibs & More to your Etsy favorites!
  • Grab a Back to School Bash Button and add it to your sidebar (3 Extra Entries!)
  • Subscribe via e-mail. Your email must validate or it will not count, & your comment will be deleted. Please include email in your comment.
  • Subscribe to the Fray Baby Newsletter so you never miss a deal or exciting product announcement!
  • Follow the Fray Baby Blog, grab a button to show you follow them and post the link to your blog or website so we can confirm your entry.
  • Follow 4BabyAndMom and Fray Baby on Twitter and tweet about this review & giveaway. You may tweet something on your own or R/T: "Win a set of 5 reusable sandwich bags for Back to School! @4BabyAndMom #B2SBash @FrayBaby #green Ends 8/30" Leave the link to EACH tweet in your comment, please. (Up to 3x/day, please!)
  • Post about this giveaway on your blog or website! Please include a link to both 4BabyAndMom and Fray Baby. Please leave the link to your post in your comment.
  • Follow 4BabyAndMom on Blogger publicly
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  • Email at least 3 of your friends and CC 4BabyAndMom [at] gmail [dot] com
  • Fave this post on Technorati and leave comment with your ID/link. Add to Technorati Favorites
This giveaway is open to residents of US & Canada and will end on August 30th, at 11:59pm EST. One winner will be chosen at random using Special thanks to Fray Baby Bibs and More for sponsoring this review and giveaway, for joining the Back to School Bash, and for being environmentally concious!

Receive 50 Free Prints from Multiply!

Do you want to see something cute?
This was Alex on his first day of preschool.

It's so hard to believe that this picture was taken almost two years ago, but indeed, it's been two whole years! I'm a photography junkie, and really enjoy taking photographs of everyone and everything. In a world where photography is mainly digital, I must admit, although I've taken more pictures over the years, the amount that I've had printed is not as much. I did get make a couple of scrapbooks and have them printed out, but even that was much more scarce than my old school scrapbooking days.

I'm a little bummed right now. As I was searching for some pictures and files to use for this review, I happened to find out that ALL of my son's Kindergarten pictures were never uploaded to a sharing site that I use.. In fact, I am 99% positive that they were on our desktop before the PC crashed and got infected in January. (If they're still there, I have no idea.. a friend of ours had tried wiping the hard drive to strip the virus.) So I need you all to cross your fingers, say a little prayer, or do a dance to whatever you might believe in, that this weekend we set the old, piece of junk up and find an entire folder on our desktop. ...But I digress...

I recently found out about a website called Multiply. Multiply makes it easy to create, share and discuss your blog, photos, and videos with more of the people you know, and fewer of the people you don't. When you sign up, you can upload your photos and videos directly from your computer AND directly from many popular sites that you've tried before.. Whether you've used Shutterfly or Photobucket, just type in your user info, and select the pictures you'd like to port over, and voila!

This feature was super huge for me, as my website of preference was Shutterfly. If Shutterfly ever crashed, I'd need heavy sedation. Seriously- my whole life is in folders and albums from my wedding, to the very first digial pictures I took of our son almost 7 years ago... until now.

I've ported over my photos from Shutterfly, (and a handful from Photobucket), and uploaded some new pics from this summer. After Alex goes back to school next week, I am planning on creating and ordering one of the Mulitply Photobooks. Right now, all photo products are on sale for 25% off, which is a great opportunity for all of you early planners that would like to start getting things together for Grandma & Grandpa's holiday gift.

Ok, so I must be honest with you all. I am a creature of habit, and when I find something that works for me, I usually stick to it. Multiply offers a ton of fabulous features that no other website offers all together in one place. After the intial sign up, I was a little over-whelmed! Where to begin, what to do, yeah, there's a tutorial, but holy moly!

I'm very glad I gave it a chance, because like I said, the features Multiply offers to their customers is absolutely awesome. Seriously, you can Import from YouTube, Google Video, Metacafe, Photobucket, Facebook, or MySpace, import your pictures from Snapfish, Picasa, Flickr, Kodak Easy Share, and you can even import your blog!

Everything that you need is just at a click of a button, which really allows your friends and family to stay in the loop. I know when I started blogging, years ago, it was just journaling our move from NY to Florida, and our adaptation to the heat. I literally had a handful of people that followed me, and they were all my friends and family back up north. Multiply is a social media outlet mixed with subperb photo & video organizing, in English, it's the only site you'll need for keeping your media in order! Friends and family can leave you comments on your guestbook, you can share your albums, what more do you need??

How about free prints?
Our friends at Multiply have offered ALL of our readers 50 Free Prints!!! Just use the coupon code 50BABYMOM before the 31st of August!!

Sign up now, and try it out, and let me know what you think!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Funky Monkey Fruit Snacks Review and Giveaway!

"All natural, 100% real fruit, organic, no sugar added, 3 servings of fruit in every ounce of Funky Monkey Snacks" are all of the key phrases that caught my attention while searching for healthier snack options for my children.

I found it hard to believe that there really was a snack on the market that was made of *just* fruit that satisfied the urge to crunch. I was truly expecting more of a chewy fruit, like that in trail mix. When we received our samples of Funky Monkey Snacks, I was excited to tote them with us to VBS and to the beach. They never made it to either, because the kids raided the bags completely!

We ended up opening the Bananamon and Purple Funk bags first. The Bananamon is a curious combination of freeze dried bananas and cinnamon. The Purple Funk snacks are organic bananas with acai berries. Although both packages were primarily bananas, they were two totally different experiences!

The next day we opened the Carnaval Mix and the Jivealime bags. The Carnaval Mix contains organic bananas, pineapple, raisins, papaya and apple. It was very sweet and refreshing, and the kids loved the variety of flavors, shapes and colors. The Jivealime snacks are freeze dried organic pineapple slices and pieces, with lime juice. Definitley an interesting combination that I liked a little bit more than the kids did. The kids chose the Bananamon and Carnaval Mix as their favorites, while I preferred the Purple Funk and Jivealime flavors instead.

Funky Monkey
Fruit Snacks are packed full of health benefits and flavor, and will definitely be a part of our Back to School & after school snack menu!

Want it?
Head over to and find out more about their products and purchase them online from

Our friends at Funky Monkey have offered one lucky winner their chance to score a CASE of Funky Monkey Fruit Snacks. That's a variety of 12 of their super yummy, crunchy flavors!

Here's How:
Head over to Funky Monkey, and create your own Funky creation in the Looney Lab. Let me know what you've created, and which flavor mentioned above you look forward to trying the most!

Extra Entries:

  • Become a FAN of 4BabyAndMom and Funky Monkey on Facebook. Leave a message/comment on both walls, and then tell me here!
  • Find a store near you that sells Funky Monkey Fruit Snacks. Include the details from the Funky Monkey Site.
  • Grab a Back to School Bash Button and add it to your sidebar (3 Extra Entries!)
  • Subscribe via e-mail. Your email must validate or it will not count, & your comment will be deleted. Please include email in your comment.
  • Follow 4BabyAndMom and Funky Monkey on Twitter and tweet about this review & giveaway. You may tweet something on your own or R/T: "Win a Case of FUNKY MONKEY fruit snacks for Back to School! Organic, Fruit that Crunches! @4BabyAndMom #B2SBash Ends8/29" Leave the link to EACH tweet in your comment, please. (Up to 3x/day, please!)
  • Post about this giveaway on your blog, website, or Facebook page! Please include a link to both 4BabyAndMom and Funky Monkey. Please leave the link to your post in your comment.
  • Follow 4BabyAndMom on Blogger publicly
  • Subscribe to our RSS feed
  • Email at least 3 of your friends and CC 4BabyAndMom [at] gmail [dot] com
  • Fave this post on Technorati and leave comment with your ID/link. Add to Technorati Favorites
This giveaway is open to residents of US & Canada and will end on August 29th, at 11:59pm EST. One winner will be chosen at random using Special thanks to Funky Monkey for sponsoring this giveaway and for joining the Back to School Bash!

Back to School with Carolina Pad $50 Giveaway!

Shopping for notebooks and supplies this year, I realized that the designs came a LONG way from when I was in school. When I was a senior, I remember that trendy, funky patterns has just started to hit the market, but it was still just as cool to have your solid colored notebook you could doodle on. Among the most delightful of designs I discovered were those made by Carolina Pad.

Carolina Pad products are stylish and functional, affordable and practical.

From the company:

How It All Started: The Carolina Pad story begins in 1945 in Charlotte, North Carolina. That’s when Joseph K. Hall Jr. and several business associates managed to scrape up enough money and equipment to start up a school supply manufacturing company. Joe had been operating Hall & Morris, a school supply wholesale business in Belmont, North Carolina. The new company offered composition books, notebook paper, primary tablets, pencils, crayons, and other school supplies. A former teacher, principal, and coach, Joe was excited by the new company’s offerings. Carolina Pad continued to sell school supplies in the market formerly serviced by Hall & Morris. But since it was now in the manufacturing business, Carolina Pad had more products to sell. So to get an edge over larger, more established counterparts, Joe sold products directly to schools in the Carolinas and Virginia — often out of the back of his truck! Joe Retires the Truck By selling notebooks with more sheets at a lower price than his competitors, Carolina Pad was able to get a foothold in the market. Over the next few decades, Joe’s philosophy of quality and value placed Carolina Pad on the road to success. Though the company hit a few speed bumps along the way, the days of selling products out of the back of Joe’s truck were over. Thanks to brands like Fatboy, Carolina Pad grew beyond a regional company and began selling school supplies at a national level.
Carolina Pad's stylish office supplies and back to school products can now be found on the shelves of Target, Wal-Mart, Walgreens and Staples, and is also available to purchase online. The new Sasquatch Brand from Carolina Pad are eco-friendly products perfect for the environmentalist fashionista.

Want it?
Order online, or visit one of the many retailers near you that carry the sweet designs from Carolina Pad. Not sure if there's a store near you that carries Carolina Pad? Click here to find a store near you now.

Our friends at Carolina Pad have put together a $50 Prize Pack from their Kendall Kollection for one lucky reader just in time for the start of the new school year!!

Here's How:
Go visit Carolina Pad and their amazing selection of fashionable, savvy office supplies and while you're there sign up for their newsletter, so you never miss an announcement, sale or special promotion.

Extra Entries:
  • Become a FAN of 4BabyAndMom and Carolina Pad on Facebook. Leave a message/comment on both walls, and then tell me here!
  • Grab a Back to School Bash Button and add it to your sidebar (3 Extra Entries!)
  • Subscribe via e-mail. Your email must validate or it will not count, & your comment will be deleted. Please include email in your comment.
  • Follow 4BabyAndMom and Carolina Pad on Twitter and tweet about this review & giveaway. You may tweet something on your own or R/T: "Win $50 of Carolina Pad Office Supplies for Work or Back to School! @4BabyAndMom #B2SBash @carolinapad" Leave the link to EACH tweet in your comment, please. (Up to 3x/day, please!)
  • Post about this giveaway on your blog, website, or Facebook page! Please include a link to both 4BabyAndMom and Carolina Pad. Please leave the link to your post in your comment.
  • Follow 4BabyAndMom on Blogger publicly
  • Subscribe to our RSS feed
  • Email at least 3 of your friends and CC 4BabyAndMom [at] gmail [dot] com
  • Fave this post on Technorati and leave comment with your ID/link. Add to Technorati Favorites
This giveaway is open to residents of US & Canada and will end on August 28th, at 11:59pm EST. One winner will be chosen at random using Special thanks to Carolina Pad for sponsoring this giveaway and for joining the Back to School Bash!


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