Thursday, February 17, 2011

One of those days... Have you had them??

Have you ever had 'one of those days' where 3pm rolls around and you wish you stayed in bed? One of those days where it feels like if everything that COULD go wrong DOES go wrong?? Yeah, I'm having a week like that, and today was the worst day of them all.

I have had a lot of new visitors recently, and I would like to insert a disclaimer here by saying that 4BabyAndMom is usually not this unorganized and helter-skelter. In fact, this month has been one of the most difficult months we've ever had.

Marissa went back to school (and is graduating at the end of this semester), and my family is preparing for a move- one which was supposed to have happened twice over now, and frankly I'm tired of packing and unpacking, then packing again and trying to live out of boxes until the new place is ready. We're going to be moving to a gorgeous home, one that has a huge office for me, and a pool, so we're all really excited. I know that once we're there things will be better, but God, getting to that place has been quite the journey.

I appreciate all of your warm wishes- on Facebook, Twitter and here- and really want you to know that as soon as I'm established at our new house, with our new 4BabyAndMom office suite, that not only will be be back in full force, but we will be back delivering delicious recipes, awesome reviews, and spectacular giveaways.

Don't go away, because there will still be some great reviews and giveways in the interm, but just bare with me... and in the mean time, make sure you spread the word that the new and improved 4BabyAndMom will be here before we know it.



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