Monday, September 12, 2011

Do you coupon? Opinions wanted--

With shows featuring crazy couponers, we can't help but wonder if you coupon. Yes, you- our readers. Lauren cuts coupons, and stalks her favorite local coupon lady's blog to see what super sales she can snag, she even calls herself a "practical couponer". She is pretty good with it- only buying stuff the family uses, but occasionally she will buy something to "try" because it's free or practically free, only if it's something practical.

She hasn't been disappointed yet, (if you're friends with us on Facebook, you may recall the 7 bottles of body wash), but we are excited to see how couponing works for you.

How do you coupon? Do you use a book? An envelope system? Do you keep the inserts all together and cut as needed? What stores do you shop at? Would you be interested in 4BabyAndMom posting coupon deals at grocery or pharmacy retail locations? Do you want to learn more about it, but don't know where to start?

We want to be writing what you want to read. And although we offer some great giveaways (and yes, there will be more soon), we want to be able to really share with you all that we have learned about couponing, shopping, and major deal finding. Are you interested?



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Original Template created by: Edited & Tweaked by Lauren from 4BabyAndMom