Friday, April 2, 2010

Have fun at KinderCare Summer Camp

I remember being a child and attending summer camp. Our local park and pool, (which was literally right around the corner from my house), ran a sports camp that I attended almost every summer growing up. I couldn't wait for it to begin.. from the arts and crafts as a young girl, to street hockey, football and sun tanning as I got older- to the bowling days and swim sessions. Great memories were made during that time, great friendships started and developed through the years, several of whom I still connect with occasionally.

With Spring Break in full swing, I realized that in just a blink summer vacation was going to be here. Now that Alex is older, I think that he'd really enjoy summer camp the way that I did as a child, so I've started looking into different options available in our area. He's never attended a camp before, but I always make a point to try to do a few weeks of educational activities throughout the hot, dog days of summer in Florida.

Thanks to Mom Central, I found out about the various activities in the KinderCare Summer Camp Program.
It's hard to keep kids entertained during the summer, not to mention hard to keep their brains from "draining" all of the information and facts they've learned through the year. With programs like "Dig Ancient Egypt", children can learn all about the history and mystery of ancient Egypt with age appropriate activities, crafts, and exploration. Preschool kids can even have fun with programs like "Surf's Up!", which encourages your child to use their imaginations and pretend that they are at the beach for the week. Children learn about the waves and ocean ecology, build sand castles, increase balance by pretending to surf, and so much more.

With fun field trips and activities, KinderCare Summer Camps work to excite children to continue to learn and discover beyond the classroom. The best part? KinderCare Summer Camp is created by kids and features a 12-week themed program where each week brings new activities and new friends!

Unfortunately, the nearest KinderCare Summer Camp is almost 25 miles away from us, so this program won't work for us. My quest continues, but to find more information on the KinderCare Summer Camp Program, head to KinderCare’s website: and find a location near you!

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of KinderCare and received a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate.”



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