Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday- Blog the Weight Away

I have not been to the gym once this week. I hopped on my scale just a few minutes ago, and I am down weight. I am really upset about this.. well, not that I'm down weight, per say, but that I am down DRASTICALLY compared to the scale at the gym. Like, do they rig it so you don't see the numbers going down so you keep going. Or get discouraged, and they suck your money away cause you're stuck in a contract?! Sigh.

Well, my scale at home says that I'm down 10 pounds. However, I tried on my bridesmaids dresses and they didn't zip the whole way, so I *feel* like I'm up about 5 pounds, (or swollen waiting for Dear Aunt Flo to arrive). Sorry for the TMI. So starting this week I'm back at ground zero. I'm going to use MY scale, and I'm going back to the gym- after my company leaves.  I need to get healthy again, I can feel my stamina decreasing. My gym partner and I decided to run 5 miles next time we go to the gym. I'm excited.

I hope you all had great weeks this week, and that the numbers were on your side. Make sure you show support to the other bloggers that participate in our Linky. If you are trying to get healthy, or lose weight, be sure to link up and spread the word.



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