Thursday, December 4, 2008

Woo! Day 2 of cleaning and organizing the garage is COMPLETE!

Phew! You never know how much "stuff" can accumulate until you spend two frigid days going through it all. First, I must admit, the cold is starting to get to me! You would think that living on the west coast of central Florida, our days would be full of sunshine, and warm, beautiful sea breezes.. indeed, in December- IT'S NOT. Granted, I didn't have 10 inches of snow, like my cousin in VT, but for goodness sake, I live in Florida!!

Back to the garage..
So a few days ago, I thought cleaning out the garage and sorting through a plethora of old memories and "stuff" from 4 different houses sounded like a splendid idea. Yes, I wrote 4 different houses. See, when we moved from NY, in 2004, we moved stuff from my parents house that they didn't move down with them 6 months prior, stuff from my husband's room at his dad's house, stuff from my mother-in-law's house, (because she passed away a month before we came down here) and stuff from our first apartments. We shoved most of it in storage, and called it a day. To conserve money, when we moved from the apartment to our house, in 2006, we decided it would be best to put it all in the garage. How does stuff that filled a small little 4x5 storage unit suddenly blow up and fill a 1 car garage, I have *no* idea, but it did.

So I started small.. Box by box, I sorted, labeled, and made piles. I kept the piles simple: Keep, yard sale/craigslist, Freecycle, Recycle & dump. I fully believe in giving back to your community as often as you can, without going overboard or out of your way. Simple things like freecycle and recycling truly meet those goals for me. Before I knew it, both sides of my drive way were packed with things, and I made it half way through the great wall of "stuff". EEEEEEK.

Brian (my husband) came home and told me he was super proud of my accomplishments and motivation, and offered to help me today. I told him I would take him up on that.

Fast forward to today. My goal was to be able to fit my 06 Kia Sedona in the garage. That alone was a big feat, and I knew it. After much pain, lol, and a lot of bickering, we were able to get the van in tonight. Unfortunately, if we pulled it in all the way, there was NO way for us to get out of the van, so we had to pull it back out again. It was quite comical, in the three stooges type of humor today. My husband insisted that there was enough room to keep some boxes and "stuff" stacked against the side of the garage, and I told him there wouldn't be. Yet again, momma knows best. In the meantime, I found a ton of baby stuff that we haven't used, and for the third time in the past week, fought a wicked baby fever. All the cute teeny tiny things.. sockies, and carriers, and head rests, and sleep positioners... ahhh.. *ahem* Sorry. So I came in and posted on freecycle, that I wanted to help out a mom in need, and offered it all up. Gladfully, a woman came and got it all, which made me feel excited, because not only did I help someone in need, but I also got rid of a TON of stuff! Double WOO!!! :o)

Now, it's about 1:30am, and I am winding down, almost defrosted all the way.. and happy the heat kicked on. This weekend, I have a blog planned to tell you all a little about my background, what the name of my blog means, and my first review & give away! I am excited!! See you then!


Lisa December 04, 2008  

I have an attic full of stuff if you're interested! ;) I'm glad you were able to get the garage cleaned out.

Lauren December 05, 2008  

Thanks Lisa!! Fortunately, I have enough for a kick butt yard sale this weekend! WOO!

Scrappin' Jackie December 10, 2008  

hey, wanna come and do ours? lol.
it is a two car that has NEVER had a car in it. seriously in the five years we have lived here.
sadly i can get rid of very little as my lil man-joshy will not part with anything. talk about a pack rat. omg, is he ridiculous. it is all "too special". please, it is junk. johnnie throws stuff away when he isn't looking. but c'mon over and by all means, clean out my clutter.


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