Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Groovy Girls Macy the Mermaid Review!

Finding toys that are reasonably priced, durable, and fun for both of my very picky kids is very difficult. When purchasing a toy for the kids, I want something that will keep their imagination flowing, and encourage their pretend play. There is a toy website called ebeanstalk, dedicated to selecting good, safe baby toys. They need help from moms like me to help pick the toys that line their shelves, and asked us to review a new toy. The doll that they sent for us to review is called Groovy Girls- Macy Mermaid from Manhattan Toy, who makes great developmental toys.

Macy Mermaid is a new addition to the Groovy Girls collection of medium sized plush dolls that are perfect for little girls Abbigaile's age (3.5 years old) and up. As soon as Macy arrived in the mail, Abbie fell in love with her! At first she looks like a mermaid doll, but her detachable fin comes off, and both of her big long legs are ready to walk! Abbie loved her knees, (they're plush, so they're creased so they can curve into the fin, and move like ours), and kept giggling as she played every time she swung them back and forth!

She had a little difficulty putting the fin back on, but as the days have passed, I've watched her fine motor skills improve as she carefully and impeccably puts the fin back on, and attempts to velcro it back together.

I was very impressed with the quality of this doll. It's large enough, that she can tote her around, it's dressed more modest than other dolls on the market, and we loved her hair! Made of yarn, like many "old school toys", it brought back memories of when I was a little girl!

I had never heard of Groovy Girls before Macy the Mermaid showed up at our doorstep, but now, I would definitely recommend them to any one looking for a great gift, or a new doll that encourages imaginative play for their daughter.

Watching my daughter play with her, and tote her around everywhere, every single day since Macy joined our family, I have a feeling there will be more Groovy Girls at our home very soon! Groovy Girls would make great reward incentives for good behavior at school, being nominated for "Student of the Month", potty training success, and so much more.

Visit ebeanstalk now to see their great selection of both boys and girls toys.



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