Friday, August 21, 2009

Receive 50 Free Prints from Multiply!

Do you want to see something cute?
This was Alex on his first day of preschool.

It's so hard to believe that this picture was taken almost two years ago, but indeed, it's been two whole years! I'm a photography junkie, and really enjoy taking photographs of everyone and everything. In a world where photography is mainly digital, I must admit, although I've taken more pictures over the years, the amount that I've had printed is not as much. I did get make a couple of scrapbooks and have them printed out, but even that was much more scarce than my old school scrapbooking days.

I'm a little bummed right now. As I was searching for some pictures and files to use for this review, I happened to find out that ALL of my son's Kindergarten pictures were never uploaded to a sharing site that I use.. In fact, I am 99% positive that they were on our desktop before the PC crashed and got infected in January. (If they're still there, I have no idea.. a friend of ours had tried wiping the hard drive to strip the virus.) So I need you all to cross your fingers, say a little prayer, or do a dance to whatever you might believe in, that this weekend we set the old, piece of junk up and find an entire folder on our desktop. ...But I digress...

I recently found out about a website called Multiply. Multiply makes it easy to create, share and discuss your blog, photos, and videos with more of the people you know, and fewer of the people you don't. When you sign up, you can upload your photos and videos directly from your computer AND directly from many popular sites that you've tried before.. Whether you've used Shutterfly or Photobucket, just type in your user info, and select the pictures you'd like to port over, and voila!

This feature was super huge for me, as my website of preference was Shutterfly. If Shutterfly ever crashed, I'd need heavy sedation. Seriously- my whole life is in folders and albums from my wedding, to the very first digial pictures I took of our son almost 7 years ago... until now.

I've ported over my photos from Shutterfly, (and a handful from Photobucket), and uploaded some new pics from this summer. After Alex goes back to school next week, I am planning on creating and ordering one of the Mulitply Photobooks. Right now, all photo products are on sale for 25% off, which is a great opportunity for all of you early planners that would like to start getting things together for Grandma & Grandpa's holiday gift.

Ok, so I must be honest with you all. I am a creature of habit, and when I find something that works for me, I usually stick to it. Multiply offers a ton of fabulous features that no other website offers all together in one place. After the intial sign up, I was a little over-whelmed! Where to begin, what to do, yeah, there's a tutorial, but holy moly!

I'm very glad I gave it a chance, because like I said, the features Multiply offers to their customers is absolutely awesome. Seriously, you can Import from YouTube, Google Video, Metacafe, Photobucket, Facebook, or MySpace, import your pictures from Snapfish, Picasa, Flickr, Kodak Easy Share, and you can even import your blog!

Everything that you need is just at a click of a button, which really allows your friends and family to stay in the loop. I know when I started blogging, years ago, it was just journaling our move from NY to Florida, and our adaptation to the heat. I literally had a handful of people that followed me, and they were all my friends and family back up north. Multiply is a social media outlet mixed with subperb photo & video organizing, in English, it's the only site you'll need for keeping your media in order! Friends and family can leave you comments on your guestbook, you can share your albums, what more do you need??

How about free prints?
Our friends at Multiply have offered ALL of our readers 50 Free Prints!!! Just use the coupon code 50BABYMOM before the 31st of August!!

Sign up now, and try it out, and let me know what you think!!


Anonymous,  August 21, 2009  

OK, that was Alex (with the cheeseball smile). I, for one, would love to see the present first day of school picture........or hasn't school started yet? Please post one, OK?

Lauren August 21, 2009  

Marj, I absolutely will! His "official" first day of school is Monday, but we went to meet the teacher on Wednesday. I'll post that one too! :D


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