Saturday, December 11, 2010

Digital Keepsake: Affordable Digital Restoration of Pictures + VHS-DVD Service

I have a ton of photos and videos randomly in my house. Some are at the top of my linen closet, many are stuck in a box in the garage. For some reason, I'm the person that everyone gives their photos to. My mom and dad moved, they gave me all of the family photos. My mother in law passed away, we got a ton of photos. My grandmother passed on, and I got all of the family photos.. well,  you get the idea. I'm running out of room for photos, but don't want to turn away priceless family memories, and risk them ending up in the trash because nobody wants them, or lost because someone took them, and then moved to bumble.

I must admit, I've scanned a bunch of pictures to send to family across the states, but there are many pictures that have age-spots on them, or are creased, or just super old, that I haven't been able to fix. While looking on the internet for some sort of an idea to help, I came across Digital Keepsake. Digital Keepsake basically takes the old photos and converts them into a high-quality digital photos that you can reprint, send to family and keep forever. The old spots and creases disappear, and you're left with a treasured memory- a pure Digital Keepsake.

Do you have a bunch of old family movies that you would like digitized? Digital Keepsake also converts VHS to DVD, assuring that your family memories don't get lost in the new wave of technical growth. This is something that could help a lot of people- (my mom)- get rid of the big bulk of videos in her closet, and if you make copies of them, every member of the family could have a copy of the event. How awesome is that? Trip down memory lane whenever you'd like. Show your children what Christmas was like when you were their age, while your sister who lives 1500 miles away does the same with her kids. Build new memories and share your Digital Keepsake making new memories as you go.

If you have some old photos that you wish could be brought back to life, visit Digital Keepsake for all of your photo restoration needs, and video conversions.



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