Friday, March 5, 2010

Where does the time go??

My Facebook status update said it all:

*I* cannot believe that 7 years ago, I was in labor for the first (& only!) time. Cyndy made some yummy dinner, LI had a blizzard,& Brian slept through most of the contractions. The hospital sent me home once,& I refused to let them send me the 2nd time. 2 days overdue + 23.5 hours of labor+ 1 state of emergency+ 3 hours of pushing + one shift change mid delivery= The doctor that delivered me delivering my son.. all 10lbs 5oz, 22.5 inches of him.
For some reason this year, it seems totally unreal. Abbigaile just turned 4 and that didn't feel as crazy as this birthday does. I know that experienced parents say, "Enjoy it, the time seems to fly", but it almost feels like I lost 7 years.. I have memories of that time, but it genuinely feels like a month or two ago that I had Alex. Really.  It's insane, the weird space/time thing that moms step into the moment they hold their first born the very first time.

The moral of this post.. hug your children today. If you don't have kids, call your mom or dad and tell them that you still love them. Happy Friday!



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