Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Clorox "I Don't Want to Miss" Video Contest

With the cold and flu season in full swing, Clorox is running a fun promotion and contest for the second year in a row, called "I Don't Want To Miss...". This video contest is accepting entries from late January through March 4th.

The Clorox Company is calling on school musical groups nationwide to develop a video performance of a song written by Berklee College of Music student Will Wells on what teens would not want to miss out on if they were home sick and why prevention is important. School groups are encouraged to be creative and put their own spin on the song.

For each entry submitted, The Clorox Company will donate $100 (up to $10,000) to the Sophia's Heart Foundation, a charity founded by Danny Gokey in honor of his late wife, Sophia and dedicated to helping children achieve academic success via musical training, and restoring musical dreams in children.

What your school wins:
- Grand Prize: Former American Idol finalist, Danny Gokey, will lead a music class at the winner's school
- First-Fourth Place Prizes: Framed, autographed photo of Danny Gokey

My son hates missing school, aside from seeing all of his friends, he loves his teacher and thankfully, I am fortunate enough to have a son who LOVES school. He hates having to do work at home, which is what he got bombarded with the week he was out with the flu this year.What would your children hate to miss while being stuck at home with the flu?

Learn more about the contest, rules and about flu prevention at the Clorox Facebook Fan Page.

"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Clorox and received a $20 thank-you gift certificate."



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