Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Get me to BlogHer! Wrrl & SocialLuxe Lounge

Bloggers are the new Celebrities!

I may not have the glitz or glam, but I know there are great things in store for 4BabyAndMom! I've entered a contest sponsored by SocialLuxe Lounge and submitted my story to Wrrl, an i-phone app or special feature that you can use with any SMS phone!

View *MY STORY* HERE and click "I like it"! It's been having some issues loading all the pics and slides, but give it some time, and revisit again in a few if it's not working. If you are still having problems, let me know!

***ETA: Apparently, you need to X off of the big pop up thing and click on my pic to the right to see the slideshow. I found this link, which might bring you straight to My Story. Someone let me know which one actually works. Thanks! :o) LINK



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